[End of question.] 】

[Next inventory, three days later.] 】

As Li Xiaoyao's magnificent heavenly voice fell, all of a sudden, the creatures of the heavens and realms were like being struck by lightning.

"Isn't it, so soon, this is the end? I haven't felt it yet. "

"Huh? Gone? Is that the end of it? I can't stand it a little, how can this end. "

"After this inventory is over, it will take another three days."

"Let the old man wait for three days, the old man will really not be able to sleep, it is simply half the life of the old man."

"I can't accept the days without inventory, inventory is my favorite, without inventory, I can't live a day."

"Three whole days, inventor, do you know how I got over the days without inventory?"

"Stocktaker, the ball is over, don't leave it! How can I live without you! "

Creatures in ten thousand worlds naturally do not want the inventory to end.

Although three days is indeed not a long time, for those who have been in retreat for a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years, it is just a flash of light.

If it had been before, they wouldn't have felt that three days was anything.

But since they started watching the inventory, they simply can't bear a little life without inventory.

Without inventory, their lives seem to have lost their color.

The inventory is so interesting, you can see the hanging comparisons from the heavens and all worlds, see their strength, and wonderful life.

In addition, after taking stock, there were also questions that were a great opportunity for all the creatures in the heavens and realms.

If you can grab the opportunity to ask questions, even the supreme existence of coercing a plane can be helped.

The inventor who hides behind the inventory is really an unimaginable existence, and the heavens and realms know everything and know everything.

"Inventor, don't end it! Go ahead and take stock! "

"Inventor, I still want to see ah, please go ahead!"

"Let's wait for three days, it's so difficult, it's just killing me." "

"That is, if we can't seize the opportunity to ask questions, can't we take an inventory of a few more hanging ratios to let us have an eye addiction."

"Agree, I really need to see a few more hanging ratios, it's really interesting."

"It doesn't matter if you ask a question or not, I mainly like to watch the hanging comparisons of the heavens and realms, even if they can't become the hanging comparisons, let me look at myself and imagine it!"

Even if you are not selected to become a questioner, it is very interesting to be able to see the wonderful life of those who are linked to each other in the heavens and realms.

At the same time, the flood plane is desolate.

Thirty-three heavens, above the magnificent heavenly dome of the highest mighty shore, the heavenly court stands majestically.

The endless palace stretches out to the end, sitting on the supreme dome of the sky, magnificent!

And in this piece of heavenly palace, the most magnificent and noble palace is the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, the supreme power center of the heavenly court.

And in the magnificent Lingxiao Treasure Hall, two powerful and magnificent figures stood in the hall, their eyes dropped, and a powerful aura lingered around them.

These two people are all golden colors, and they are the lords of this magnificent demon court, the demon emperor Dijun and the demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi.

At this moment, these two Flood Desolation Peak powerhouses had a look of regret.

"It's a pity that I didn't get the opportunity to ask questions and couldn't be sanctified."

"The inventor is omniscient and omnipotent, and if he is given the opportunity to ask questions, he will surely be sanctified."

"But unfortunately, this opportunity to ask questions was snatched away by that black emperor."

"I didn't grab it this time, I can only wait for next time."

"If you can seize the opportunity to ask questions and become a saint, then it is the supreme existence of this flood and desolation."


Di Jun and Donghuangtai's eyes flashed with brilliant light, that was the supreme saint.

This opportunity for asking questions is not at all a matter of sanctification, and even if it is a saint, it is difficult to compare with the opportunity to ask this question.

As long as you can get the opportunity to ask questions, then the witch clan will definitely lose!

Their demon race will surely become the only supreme lord of this desolate world!

Demon clan, be the Lord of the Flood Wilderness!

At the same time, the ancestral witches also had regretful looks on their faces.

And compared to the loss of the demon race, the regret of the ancestors is more desperate.

After the reincarnation of the Houtuzu witch body, the twelve heavenly gods of the Wu clan could no longer be arranged.

The Wu Clan has completely fallen into the downside, and now it has not seized this opportunity to ask questions.

The Wu Clan is almost certain to lose.

"Could it be that the heavens really want to destroy my witch clan?"

"Even the grace of the Father cannot protect me?"

The twelve ancestors looked solemn, looking at the heavenly dome, almost desperate.

At the same time, the Holy Ruins plane.

Chu Feng's eyes widened even more, his mouth widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

"I'm going?"

"No, how is this luck so good?"

"Lying in a trough, a dog, can actually grab the opportunity to ask questions?"

"Alas, I didn't get the opportunity to ask questions, it seems that my luck ran out."

"However, a dog actually has such luck?"

"Isn't that a bit outrageous."

It seems that no creature in these heavens and realms can be underestimated, even if it is just a dog.

As for the confusion in his heart, he may only be able to wait until the next inventory to get an answer.

Three days, that's a long time.

Chu Feng sighed helplessly, no way, who let himself be lucky enough.

Three days is certainly nothing in normal times, but when waiting for the inventory to open, it will seem extremely long.

Of course, it was not only Chu Feng who lamented like this, but almost all the creatures in the heavens and realms were lamenting at this moment.

"Three days is really too long, I can't stand it at all, I can't stand it a little."

"Three days, enough time for me to see how many hanging ratios and inventory."

"Inventor, you have no heart!"

For the lamentations of the creatures of the heavens and realms, Li Xiaoyao did not pay attention to them.

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds are looking forward to taking stock, looking forward to asking questions, and he is also looking forward to it.

What he was looking forward to was, naturally, a reward.

After each count, the system will give him a reward.

That is what Li Xiaoyao is most looking forward to.

I don't know what kind of reward I will get this time.

The sky curtain slowly dissipated between heaven and earth, and as the picture in it gradually disappeared with the wind, there was no trace.

No matter how unwilling the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were, seeing this scene, they could only wait for the next inventory in three days.

"Alas, I only hope that after three days, the inventor can open the inventory early."

"Three days, I can't sleep well again!"

"Brothers, let me go and pretend first! Cheer you up! "

Li Xiaoyao opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed with expectation.

"System, what is the reward this time?"

[Congratulations to the host, get the strongest pretense system.] 】


Unexpectedly, the system's reward this time was so direct and rude, and he directly rewarded him with the pretense system.

"The system is atmospheric!"

"It's the same system, but your own system can directly treat the pretense system as a reward."

It seems that his own system seems to be quite mixed in the system circle.

Successfully received the strongest pretense system, as long as pretending to be stronger, you can become stronger.

By completing a series of pretend missions, you can get a variety of rewards and improve your strength.

In addition, after the improvement of the system, the points obtained by pretending can be exchanged, and the variety and quality of items that can be exchanged far exceed the original pretense system.

This in Li Xiaoyao's hand is equivalent to an upgraded version of Xu Que's strongest pretense system.

Unexpectedly, this can also be directly used as a reward by the system.

System six six six ah!

Li Xiaoyao was a little shocked, the same system, did not expect that his system was actually so hanging.

Now that he has obtained this strongest pretense system, it seems that he will have to embark on the strongest pretense road like Xu Que.

A new generation of saints will rise between heaven and earth.

"This reward, deep in my heart."

Li Xiaoyao nodded in satisfaction.

As long as you pretend to be strong, you can become stronger, and pretending to be forced can not only show saints in front of people, but also improve your strength and get various rewards.

No matter how you look at it, this pretense system is a rare good system.

Who doesn't want such a treasure?

With this system, from now on, you don't even need to work hard to cultivate.

However, he was also a little surprised in his heart.

I already have a system, and now I actually have another system?

Bind two systems at the same time? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Is this okay?

Sure enough, it seems that he is the strongest hanging ratio in these heavens and realms.

Even those hanging comparisons that he counted were not comparable to himself.


Li Xiaoyao nodded in satisfaction.

Now I have a quasi-emperor realm, many treasures, a strong physique and exercises, and even two systems.

Cultivation and means are almost invincible in the world.

It seems that it is time to go back and take a look, and it is estimated that the Great Elder should also miss me.

Thinking of the Great Elder, a cold light flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes.

He will not forget how his most dangerous and miserable time came about.

If it weren't for the Great Elder framing himself, he wouldn't have cultivated to be abolished, reduced to a waste, and almost completely collapsed.

Everything he had endured at the beginning would naturally be doubled back to the Great Elder.

Great Elder, wait for your ruling.

Li Xiaoyao's gaze was extremely cold, and it swept away, almost freezing the heavens and the earth.

Three days flew by, and taking advantage of these three days, Li Xiaoyao also returned to the Holy Land of Shaking Light.

When he first left, it was he who was driven out of the Shaking Light Holy Land like a dog who lost his family.

Now that he has full wings, his return to the Holy Land will surely shock the whole world.

Because of the existence of the pretending system, Li Xiaoyao originally wanted to pretend directly and get the system reward.

But exactly three days have arrived, and I can only start taking stock.

Helplessly, Li Xiaoyao had to suppress his mind of pretending, and it was not too late to start pretending after the inventory was over.

Anyway, the monk who could run could not run the temple, and the great elder could not disappear mysteriously.

So, let's start taking stock first.

Li Xiaoyao's heart moved, and under the gaze of countless creatures in the heavens and realms, a purple-gold heavenly curtain fell from above the sky, spanning the heavens and realms, almost encompassing the entire universe.

Seeing this purple-gold heavenly curtain falling, all of a sudden, the creatures of the heavens and realms were excited.

"What is it?!"

"This is the canopy!"

"Great! It's finally here! "

"The inventory is finally about to begin!"

"After waiting for so long, I finally waited for the arrival of the sky curtain, and a new inventory was about to begin!"

"Inventory, open it again, we can see the inventory again!"

"One day is gone, like every three autumns..."

"To be honest, there are days of inventory, every day is extremely difficult, and there is no meaning."

"That's right, that's it, now this inventory has finally begun, it's so cool!"

"Brothers, get ready to start taking stock."

"The inventory has begun!"

"I don't know what kind of person will be to take stock this time."

"The hanging Bi Xu Que who was counted last time is simply not a person, what a damn!"

"I've never seen Ruichang's brazen person, that Xu Que's whole person seems to be a collection of the three words of riot and cheapness, this person is really too cheap."

"Really, Xu Que is really damned, after reading the last inventory, I was so angry that I didn't sleep for three days and three nights in the past three days, purely because of Xu Que's damn guy."

"Doesn't it mean that there are many Daoists in the Heavens and Realms who want to make a move against Xu Que, and I don't know if Xu Que, this damn guy, has been killed."

"That, it's best to be killed, I really expect him to be killed."

However, at this moment, the familiar voice to the bone suddenly came to mind.

"Hello, fellow Taoists, have you missed me?"

Hearing this voice, the pupils of countless creatures in the heavens and realms suddenly tightened, and their expressions suddenly changed, as if they had eaten.

"Xu Que!"

"This is Xu Que's voice!"

"Xu Que, this damn guy is actually alive!"

"This Dogecoin is actually fine, I can only say that it is worthy of hanging comparison, is it the son of luck?"

"This was actually not killed, it seems that it is too light to go to the Daoists of that plane."

"It's really a pity to let this guy survive."

"Forget it, Daoists, don't deal with him, don't spoil your mood for this Xu Que."

"What is Xu Que, we still have to look at the inventory, and the inventory is the most important."

"That's right, we have waited for such a long time, just to take stock, it is not worth destroying the mood for a Xu Que."

"This time, no matter who it is, no matter what the hanging ratio is, there is only one request, don't come to a Xu Que No. 2."

"Xu Que, this guy is really too cheap, one is enough, if there is another one, then I really can't bear it."

"That's right, I want to go crazy with one Xu Que, let alone two."

"Compared with Xu Que, it seems that no matter how outrageous the hanging ratio is, it can be accepted."

"Sure enough, the hanging ratio still has to rely on peers."

"I don't know which one will be in the inventory this time, the hanging ratios are all lucky, not only have external plug-ins, but also get the opportunity to be asked, envious."

"Like us, it is estimated that there is no opportunity to ask questions in this life, let alone be inventoried."

"This time the hanging ratio, it's me, no kidding, you guys just look at it, the hanging ratio of this inventory must be me."

"Hahahaha, buddy, you really don't make a draft when you talk big."

"I don't believe it!"

"Just you, or hanging?"

"Daoist friends, look at it, this is another dream."

"The hanging ratio is so simple, even the most ordinary hanging ratio, just like Xiao Yan, that 5.7 is also a thousand miles, the entire plane is unique, only one exists."

"How can it be casual and become a hanging comparison."

"Huh, by the way, speaking of which, when I took stock of Yang Qi before, didn't a buddy say that he was going to be slashed by lightning, so how is the buddy now?"

"He was really struck by lightning, is he okay?"

However, no one from the heavens and realms responded.

Seeing such a scene, the person asking the question will naturally understand.

"Looks like the buddy has already gone."

"It's a pity, it's a pity, he really used his body to undertake thunder and lightning, is this buddy stupid or stupid?"

"Not everyone is Yang Qi's."

"The hanging ratio is the hanging ratio, and the unique hanging ratio is not everyone can become the hanging ratio."

"Just because people won't be chopped to death doesn't mean you won't be chopped to death."

At the same time, the big world.

Looking at the revived canopy, a smile appeared on Xiao Yan's face.

Inventory started again?

It's really exciting.

This time the inventory has begun, I don't know who is the lucky one, who can be selected and become the hanging ratio of this inventory.

After seeing so many plug-ins, Xiao Yan's eyes were also a little picky.

These plug-ins are really more than one against the sky, especially Xu Que's pretense system, there is no other words to describe it except against the sky.

Originally, after flying to this dark world of ballooning belonging to the upper realm, Xiao Yan still wanted to explore, but now that the inventory was open, he was naturally curious, so he temporarily shelved his plan.

It's never too late to go after reading the inventory.

At this moment, the mighty heavenly sound fell.

[Inventory of the eighth hanging protagonist: Li Qiye]

[Hanging: Immortal and unextinguished! ] 】

[The advantages of this hanging: make the son of luck immortal, can survive one era after another, and can continue to grow, no one can compete with it, invincible in the world! ] 】。

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