As soon as Li Xiaoyao's voice fell, the creatures of the heavens and realms were deeply shocked, and one by one they opened their mouths wide, staring at the sky in disbelief, looking extremely shocked.

What did they just hear, and what did the inventor just say?

"Immortal and immortal? Immortal and immortal! "

"I heard right, it's actually immortal?"

"What do you mean, this son of luck is directly immortal, and can't die at all, right?"

"This means that you will not die no matter what, no matter what kind of attack you receive, you will not fall?"

"From now on, birth, old age, illness and death have nothing to do with this comparison?"

"If the king of Yan does not accept it, the sky will be difficult to overturn, and the earth will be difficult to bury, right?"

"Is this okay? What level of hanging ratio is this? "

"Foggy grass, don't dare to think about it, really dare not think about it!"

What does immortality mean, never age, never die, even the great power of the years, in the face of this existence, it looks pale and powerless, this is the true essence of immortality and immortality.

"How unimaginable it is that even the years are hard to wear."

"And not only that, this immortal and immortal, not only is the years difficult to wear, even those equally supreme, powerful and mighty existences, even if they exert all their strength, it is difficult to hurt this hanging ratio."

"Immortality and immortality are true eternal life. In any case, it will not die. "

"It's a bit too devilish."

"Although the hanging ratios that were counted before are outrageous and can come back from the dead, they are much more normal compared to this person."

"Because although they can be resurrected, at least they will die."

"But this person, he will not die at all, he will not fall at all, he will not die or die, there is no possibility of falling!"

"It is impossible to even die, the real immortality is immortal."

"All great power is pale before him."

"He has survived one era after another, walking in this world, coldly watching the vicissitudes of time, the vicissitudes of the sea, and the changing stars."

"If it is really immortal, how terrifying will this Li Qiye's strength be?!"

"With such a plug-in, even if you practice like our Han Tianzun, you can be invincible in the world!"

The mighty river of time poured through everything, but he stood on the river of time, 15 trekking.

Time is hard to shake its proportions.

This is Li Qiye.

"The years cannot be shaken, and even the supreme power cannot kill this hangbi, it is unimaginable."

"Daoist friends look carefully, this is not a question of killing or killing."

"You look at the description of the inventor, this hangbi himself is the most powerful existence in this heaven and earth, invincible in the world, no one is his opponent at all, how can anyone kill him."

"This is a real invincible existence."

"I'm confused, is this really a hanging, why is it so outrageous?"

"Immortal and immortal, not old age, not dying of illness, and not being killed by people, it is equivalent to saying that death has been completely insulated from this."

"Outrageous, outrageous."

"Li Qiye, this name seems to be somewhat familiar."

Someone frowned slightly, as if he had thought of something, searching for the name Li Qiye in his memory.

"This hanging is really outrageous, no matter who this Li Qiye is, you can be sure that this must be another son against the sky."

Seeing such a demon hanging ratio, the mentality of the creatures of the heavens and realms was a little broken, and people were numb.

This is outrageous than the hanging that was previously inventoried.

At least those who were hanging before were more worried about being killed and risked falling.

But this hanging ratio, directly one does not die and does not die, it is simply the eighth iron king, it can't die, it can't die at all.

"I don't know what kind of story there will be if there is such a hanging ratio against the sky."

"He can't die anyway, isn't this the beginning invincible?"

"Isn't this more than invincible? This is simply against the sky! You said that if Xu Que got such a hanging, wouldn't it be even more waves? "

"It's not just a wave, it's a direct wave to the sky!"

While shocked, there were also many creatures in the heavens and realms who were secretly rejoicing, a name they had never heard before.

That is to say, this hanging ratio is not in their world.

Obviously, this is great news for them.

Such a hanging ratio, no matter which world it appears, makes people fearful.

If they accidentally provoke such a comparison, they will surely die.

Immortal and immortal, people can launch suicide attacks to die with themselves, they can only be passively beaten, but there is no way.

Who do you say can carry this thing?

"Fortunately, I haven't heard of this name, for the sake of not being in this direction where this seat is located, this seat can sleep well."

"Honza has done a lot of evil, and I am really afraid that this is the world of this throne, and I will come to Honza to seek revenge because I will not die."

"Since it is not from the same world as me, then I am relieved."

"Immortal and immortal, I always feel that this is a good tool for assassination."

"The hero sees the same thing, directly is reckless, that is, rigid, hard steel to the end, anyway, you can't die, what else to assassinate, directly frontal rigid!"

"This kind of hanging ratio is really enviable."

At the same time, the big world.

Hearing the name Li Qiye, Xiao Yan was suddenly stunned in place, looking at the picture of the sky curtain, and rubbed his eyebrows.

"Li Qiye?"

"Why does it feel like a little impressive?"

I seem to have heard this name somewhere, but I can't remember it.

The memory is somewhat unfamiliar, almost faded.

Could it be... Memories of past lives?

This is not certain, in the previous life, Xiao Yan was an ordinary person on the blue star, maybe he really heard of this name.

After thinking hard for a long time, but still unable to remember the name accurately, Xiao Yan shook his head and temporarily gave up thinking about Li Qiye.

"Immortal and immortal, this plug-in is really outrageous enough, and it will not die no matter what."

"With such a plug-in, you have more confidence in everything, anyway, even the worst result will not die."

"It seems that this is another anti-heavenly player."

"I didn't expect that since me, except for Tang San's guy, these hanging ratios, one is more outrageous than the other, and one is more against the sky."

"Are all these people in the back so perverted?"

At this moment, Xiao Yan felt that his hanging ratio seemed to be different from theirs.

These hanging ratios that are inventoried later are really outrageous hanging ratios, and they can only be regarded as small openings at most.

Small opening is not open, these hanging ratios are really open against the sky.

Compared with them, I really don't fit in.

It seems that he is purely lucky, and he squeezed on the inventory with luck.

He has no possibility of comparing with these comparisons.

"These hanging ratios are really perverted, one is more perverted than the other."

At the same time, special planes.

Looking up at the sky screen, a look of surprise also appeared on Xu Que's face.

"Li Qiye? It's him? "

Xu Que is also a traverser from Blue Star, and as a traverser, he naturally knows the details of Li Qiye.

Xu Que naturally knew that Li Qiye was also a forced king, and he was very accomplished in pretending.

At the same time, this Li Qiye was also a heaven-defying figure and extremely powerful.

It stands to reason that Li Qiye should also be an extremely outrageous hanging ratio.

Before Xu Que had been wondering why Li Qiye had not been inventoried.

Unexpectedly, this is not coming.

It turned out to be in the back.

Li Qiye, is not an ordinary person, the inventor is right, he is really immortal, no matter how he waves, he can't die.

And the discussions of the creatures of the heavens and realms are actually correct.

This master, Yan Wang did not dare to accept it.

"I don't know who is better at pretending than me Xu Que compared to me Xu Que."

Looking up at Tianmu, Xu Que muttered to himself.

"In terms of pretending, I think I am not inferior to anyone, but Li Qiye is also a well-known hangbi, me and him, who is the real forcing king?"

Xu Que ignited his fighting spirit, this time to inventory Li Qiye, it was the peak duel between him and Li Qiye, the battle of qi, the two of them were going to compete for the title of who was the biggest match in the heavens and realms.

Although Xu Que had high fighting spirit, he couldn't help but feel some pressure in his heart when he thought that his opponent was Li Qiye's hanging competition, and he also had expectations.

The same pretending criminal, it's time to compare!

At the same time, the hegemony of the emperor.

Cleansing ancient school.

The Cleansing Ancient School was founded by the Emperor Mingren Immortal who suppressed the world in ancient times, and has been passed down for a long time and is extremely powerful.

In the hall of the Ancient Sect of Cleansing Yan, many elders stood with their hands in their hands, looking at the picture on the sky screen, their brows slightly wrinkled.

"Li Qiye?"

An elder spoke softly and chanted the name.

"This Li Qiye, is it that guy?"

"Could it be a coincidence, just the same name and surname."

The comparison of this inventory is Li Qiye, but coincidentally, in this life, in their Cleansing Ancient School, there happened to be a disciple under the new worship disciple, also named Li Qiye.

Same name and surname.

"This should be just a coincidence, the Li Qiye under my Yan Ancient Sect should not be this hanging ratio in the inventory."

Some elders did not believe that these two Li Qiye were the same person, and asserted: "Don't forget, Li Qiye in this inventory is a hanging ratio, and he has the ability to go against the sky such as immortality and immortality. "

"And that Li Qiye who came under my ancient sect of washing Yan is just an ordinary creature, that kid has a mortal body and a mortal wheel, so ordinary, how can it be a hanging comparison, he will never be hanging compared to Li Qiye."

The hanging ratios are all unusual, with external hangings, luck comes from luck.

And the Li Qiye who worshipped under the Qiyan Ancient Sect, no matter how you look at it, is just an ordinary ordinary man, and it is impossible to be a hanging comparison.

Therefore, naturally there were elders who did not believe that these two Li Qiye were the same person.

"Having said that, for some reason, Li Qiye always gives me a mysterious feeling, I can't see through it, I can't see through."

"Otherwise, with his qualifications, how could I possibly let him join my Cleansing Ancient Sect."

"I have a feeling that Li Qiye seems to be hiding some secrets that are difficult to explore."

"Perhaps, the hanging comparison of this inventory is really possible that it is him, at least the same name and surname, which is much more likely."

"If it's really him, maybe my Cleansing Ancient Sect may have the possibility of re-rising!"

The Cleansing Ancient Sect was founded by the powerful Emperor Mingren Immortal Emperor who suppressed the world, and it was once famous all over the world, but it is a pity that the years have changed and the sea has changed.

Today's Cleansing Ancient School has long lost its former prosperity and strength.

If this Li Qiye is really a hanging comparison in the inventory, then perhaps this son is really likely to lead them to re-rise with the Cleansing Ancient Sect and regain the glory of the ancient years!

If it is really the same person, it is a great creation of the ancient school of cleansing!

At the same time, in the world of emperor domination, a teenager looked at the sky curtain, listening to the voice coming from his ears, his face was excited, and he was so excited that he couldn't be more excited,

He excitedly shouted, "Senior brother! It's Senior Brother! It's the name of Senior Brother! "

"Li Qiye, it's my senior brother! Did you hear that? "

The young man Nan Huairen looked at the surrounding people excitedly.

Hearing this familiar name, Nan Huairen was of course very excited.

However, after the initial excitement, soon his mood fell again.

Because he also knew that the senior brother who was very good to him and had been taking care of him and this hangbi who was inventoried were definitely not the same person.

Senior Brother treated him very well, often taking care of him, giving him good things, and not letting him practice the exercises that would cause accidents.

To be honest, Senior Brother was really good to him, just like his own father.

Of course, he hoped that Senior Brother Li Qiye was the one in the inventory, but he also knew that Senior Brother Li was just a mortal body and a mortal wheel, and it was 108,000 li worse than the immortal hanging ratio in the inventory.

Same name but different fate.


Nan Huairen couldn't help but sigh, Senior Brother Li is such a good person, how can he not hang up the comparison.

If only Senior Brother Li were hanging. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Senior Brother Li is a pity, such a good person, how can it not be a hanging comparison."

Nan Huairen was full of regret.

If only Senior Brother Li were really hanging.

He didn't want Senior Brother Li to cover himself.

He just felt that people like Senior Brother Li should receive the best treatment and should become a hangbi.

However, although Senior Brother Li is not the one who is counted, it is extremely rare to have the same name and surname as the hangbi.

I was lucky too.

After all, there are only 103 hanging ratios in these heavens and ten thousand worlds, and it is already lucky to be able to have the same name and surname as hanging ratios.

As for becoming a hangbi, it has always been something he didn't even dare to think about.

Hanging is all the son of luck, luck is deep, blessing is long, but it is simply incomparable.

The hanging ratios of the heavens and realms are so rare, it is enough to see the freedom and demon power of the hanging ratios.

"If only my name could appear on this canopy one day."

"Even if it's not me, it's just that the hang is worth it by having the same name and surname as me."

Nan Huairen looked up at the sky, his eyes full of expectation and yearning.

He didn't dare to think of becoming a hangbi, he only hoped that his name could be stained, and follow the hangbi to reflect the heavens and be known by all the creatures of the world.

Then he is satisfied.

Nan Huairen looked expectant, and seemed to have thought of the scene where his name was hanging above the sky.

The other side.

On a mountain peak, a figure stands tall.

He stood alone with his hands in his hands, looking up at the sky.

This young man was alone, wearing a black robe, obviously he was alone, but he exuded a supreme terrifying aura that was galloping and roaring like thousands of troops, but it was as if a god had descended and landed in this world.

The young man's figure was long, and there was a faint cold color between his eyebrows, as if the endless years of the heavens and all the worlds were estranged from him.

This person is naturally Li Qiye.

He looked at the sky dome, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


"I didn't expect that after watching the hanging comparison drama for so long, I was also a hanging comparison."

However, this also seems reasonable.

If he is not a hanging comparison, then how many people in the heavens and realms can be worthy of this hanging comparison?

Choosing him can only be said that the inventor has vision.

Since you have chosen yourself, then accept the inventory, just to let the creatures of the heavens and realms open their eyes and see what the real powerful supreme hanging ratio looks like.

Let them also see how the real king should be.

It's not just Xu Que who is as complaining and cheap.

However, being inventoried will be exposed, and all his experiences will be exposed to the eyes of all living beings in the heavens and realms.

But Li Qiye didn't care.

It's just a little experience, so let's expose it.

Just right, it also opened the eyes of these countless creatures in the heavens and realms to see what a truly invincible person is, a supreme existence!

Let the heavens see, what is the great black hand of eternity, in the mortal dust, there is no opponent!

Li Qiye is very confident in himself, and along the way, he is invincible!

And from beginning to end, there is only one who can make him an opponent and really put it in his eyes.

That's it, thief God!

Only Tian is worthy of being his opponent Li Qiye.

Li Qiye's gaze was indifferent and distant, but it diffused with a strong fighting intent.

[Li Qiye, originally a sheep herding and shepherd boy, came from the barbaric era, grew up since the pioneer era, rose from the ancient dark age, and reached the top since the era of emperors. Ancient black hands, taboos exist! The Immortal Emperor also had to retreat for three points, and everyone in the ancient world had mixed opinions about him, he only laughed it off, and there was only one goal-to fight to the end of the world! 】

With that magnificent heavenly sound falling.

All the worlds!.

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