Hearing the mighty and majestic heavenly sound coming from the heavenly dome, the creatures of the heavens and all the worlds were numb at this moment, and their faces were shocked, looking at the heavenly dome in disbelief, looking at the picture of the heavenly dome, shocked beyond words.

"I'll take a look, how many eras have been lived, and the era mentioned in the mouth of the disc dotter is already uncountable."

"Unexpectedly, he really lived through so many eras, really immortal, right, let the years pass by, but he is still the same as before, nothing has changed, through one period after another, leaving his own legends in countless eras."

"This is really immortal, no matter what, people will not die, envy."

"Imagine, when the person was born, he was still alive, and when that person died in the second life, he was still alive, and who this Nima changed who will not collapse his heart."

"This immortal and immortal plug-in, really can live, there is no concept of longevity, anyway, you can't die, how old is it is meaningless."

"In the face of such a hanging comparison, even the years have been eclipsed, and the grand and supreme power has become pale."

"It's kind of interesting, these hanging ratios are becoming more and more interesting now, and this hanging ratio with immortal hangings does not seem to be simple."

"Very well, this hangbi, you managed to get my attention."

"Immortal, ignoring the years, ignoring all great power, is there still the possibility of death?"

"It seems that you can't die at all, this is a real cow."

"If you don't die, it's outrageous."

"And, have you heard, the inventor said that this hanger is going to fight to the end of the world, he is so crazy, I like it so much."

"Shhhh So crazy? So strong? This hanging ratio turned out to be so against the sky, I really obeyed. "

"But also, you think, anyway, you don't die or die, even if all the strong people in the heavens and realms join forces to deal with you, and use the most terrifying means to attack and kill you alone, you will not die, since this is the case, what is there to worry about, to worry about."

"The war is it, why not fight to the end of the world, if I change me, I will fight to the end of the heavens and realms."

"Good fellow, Taoist, you have to be crazy, this is not a plug-in, it will fight to the end of the world, if there is really a plug-in, the heavens and realms will not be able to tolerate you."

"Ancient black hands, taboos exist... This description, at first glance, is not a simple look ah brothers. "

"Even the Immortal Emperor has to back down by three points?"

"Groove, are you serious? Immortal Emperor?! That's the Immortal Emperor! "

"Which Immortal Emperor, which Immortal Emperor?"

"It can't be those immortal emperors of the perfect plane."

"No... Can't it, each of those immortal emperors in the perfect plane is extremely powerful, even if it is only a quasi-immortal emperor, he can backhand the galaxy and wipe out the ancient sky, such a powerful and mighty existence, will give in to him? "

"Isn't it... Probably not, right? "

"Could it be that this Li Qiye is really so against the sky? This description sounds unparalleled! "

"It's getting more and more outrageous, these hangings are more than one against the sky, let's take a look first."

The creatures of the heavens and realms were also uncertain, and their faces were full of shock at this moment.

Although I don't know what kind of existence this Immortal Emperor is, it is certain that no matter which plane, the Immortal Emperor is an extremely terrifying supreme existence.

Immortal is originally a transcendent, high, otherworldly great shore existence.

The emperor is a kind of existence that is supreme.

The Immortal Emperor, overlooking the heavens and realms, is a supreme existence above the immortals, incomparably terrifying and supremely great.

Such an existence, so unimaginable, would actually retreat from Li Qiye?

"Lying groove, brothers, I really can't believe it."

"Is this Li Qiye really so hanging?"

"Without further ado, I'm already looking forward to it."

"I want to see what is going on with this big guy who can make the Immortal Emperor retreat."

"Hahaha, I'm honest, if I can also immortalize, the Immortal Emperor will not bird him at all."

"If you can kill me, he will be counted as powerful!"

"Well, brothers, how do I feel a sense of pretense?"

"What the Taoist friend said is exactly what I felt, and I also felt that an extremely rich pretense was spreading."

"Pretending to be angry?!"

After taking stock of Xu Que, the creatures of the heavens and realms are now extremely sensitive to this pretense qi.

"Shhh-it's this pretentious breath again, can it be said that this hanging comparison of this inventory is also a comparison king?"

"Forcing the king again? No way? "

Xu Que has completely lowered the impression of the creatures of the heavens and realms on the forced king, and now seeing this new hanging ratio, it is very likely that he is also the forced king, and the faces of the creatures of the heavens and realms suddenly changed.

"Not necessarily, not necessarily, brothers, don't worry."

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan looked up at the sky, and finally whispered: "Emperor...?" "

"Immortal Emperor?"

"Could it be said that the Immortal Emperor of this plane is the same existence as the Barren Heaven Emperor?"

Xiao Yanmo rubbed his chin and fell into thought.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor is the Immortal Emperor, but what he is in is the perfect plane, one of the supreme planes of the heavens and realms, even in the supreme plane, it is a rare high-level existence.

The strength of the Immortal Emperor in such a supreme plane must be terrifying and powerful, and it is unimaginable.

And since the Immortal Emperor of this plane can be called an emperor, it must be extraordinary, although it may not be as powerful as the Barren Heavenly Emperor, but the existence of being able to call an emperor is obviously not simple.

In this way, it seems that his own Dou Emperor is the most crotch-pulling.

Those Immortal Emperors destroyed the heavens and the earth at every turn, shattering the starry sky, and he, the Dou Emperor...

Forget it, don't mention it.

Although everyone is an emperor, the strength is not at the same level at all, and it is not the same at all!

However, although his strength was not as good as that of others, Xiao Yan was not depressed and lost his fighting spirit.

He raised his head and looked at the sky with a determined gaze.

"The reason why I became a Dou Di is not because of my talent, but because the Dou Di is already the limit of the Dou Emperor."

"No matter how evil I am, the highest achievement is only Doudi."

"But if I'm in the supreme plane, that Dou Di is definitely not my Xiao Yan's limit!"

"In this life, I will definitely be able to step on the supreme plane and become the supreme existence of the supreme plane!"

Young Xiao Yan has not lost his heart, he still has a breath in his heart, it is this breath that can support him step by step, step by step to the top.

Even if it is the supreme of the heavens and realms, he will step on it step by step.

Of course, besides that, he was a little curious.

"Li Qiye, how terrifying is it?"

"Can it be compared to the Barren Heavenly Emperor?"

The Barren Heavenly Emperor is the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Emperor of the perfect plane of the supreme plane.

And Li Qiye in the plane where he was, it was the existence that even the Immortal Emperor retreated.

Even though there may be some gaps in the plane rank, but Li Qiye is more terrifying than the Immortal Emperor, maybe this can make up for the gap in the plane level?

I was really curious, and I wanted to see who was stronger between Li Qiye and the legendary Barren Heavenly Emperor.

Unfortunately, the heavens and realms could not easily go to other planes.

I can't see the two of them fighting.

At the same time, Perfect Plane, Ara also looked at the sky screen in surprise, and when he heard Li Xiaoyao's grand heavenly voice, his gaze fell.

"Fight to the end of the world?"

To be honest, it is indeed a big breath, such a big ambition.

In the heavens and realms, it is really rare to have such a confident existence.

This Li Qiye was obviously full of confidence in himself, moving forward and fearless.

Hearing this, Ara was also aroused to fight.

No matter what the road ahead, the First World War is!

What Etur Plateau, what strange people, even if they can't tell the truth, what?

The war is over!

In this battle, no matter what, he will do his best, do his best to obliterate all enemies, completely suppress the source of darkness, and wear out all the strange and ominous.

Even if the creatures of the heavens and realms are afraid of this source of darkness, he is not afraid!

"This Li Qiye is really domineering, but his fighting intent really inspires me."

"His plug-in, immortal and immortal?"

"I'm looking forward to it."

Ara whispered softly.

"You guys say, how strong is this Li Qiye, in the plane where he is, even the Immortal Emperor must retreat from it, even if it is an Immortal Emperor, it is difficult to compare with such an existence." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It's also terrifying."

"Is the Immortal Emperor of his plane benchmarking against the Immortal Emperor of the perfect plane."

"If that's the case, then this Li Qiye is really strong and a little terrifying."

"Against the Immortal Emperor of the Perfect World, that Desolate Heavenly Emperor is also the Immortal Emperor."

"An existence as strong as the Barren Heavenly Emperor can only retreat from him and give three points of courtesy?"

"Don't dare to think, don't dare to think!"

"After all, the perfect plane involves the high-level plane in the supreme plane, and the immortal emperor of this plane of theirs should not be able to compare with the perfect immortal emperor..."

"Fellow Daoists, don't speculate blindly, let's take a look first, this hangbi to the end... How against the sky! "

All the sentient beings in the world were unsure, and they were full of discussion, and they were full of curiosity.

Just as the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were discussing, a figure slowly condensed from above the sky screen.

The mighty purple qi poured down from above the heavenly dome, endlessly, gathered together, and boundless.

The figure condensed was none other than Li Qiye!

He was dressed in a black robe, his face was handsome and cold, and his body exuded an incomparably ancient, incomparably powerful aura!

This existence is the real black hand hidden behind the ancient taboo.

At the same time, when Li Qiye's figure appeared, his domineering voice also came out at the same time, spreading leisurely throughout the nine heavens.

[Heaven or hell, I can come if I want, I can go if I want, who can stop me! ] 】

[Fight the three thousand emperors alone with one hand, and push the thirteen states with both palms! ] 】


All the sentient beings of the ten thousand worlds gasped in unison, looking at the picture on the heavenly dome in disbelief, and they were completely shocked at this moment.

"I'll fuck you, I'll blanch! A little strong, a little crazy. "

"This son, so domineering, so arrogant!"

"Crazy, crazy! It's crazy! "

"This sentence directly stunned us, this buddy, is it really so crazy?"

"This is a real battle that you will not die or die, and you will not be killed."

"Immortal, you're tough, aren't you?"

"I'll go, friends, what is this?"

"This is that familiar pretense breath!"

"Feel it, this is another forced king!"

"Bad, another king than a king..."

The creatures of the heavens and realms have gone through Xu Que's inventory, and now for the existence of Biwang, it can be said that they are retreating, so don't come to the side.

Therefore, when it was discovered that Li Qiye was also a king of comparisons, the complexions of all sentient beings in the ten thousand worlds became a little complicated and very good-looking.

"Bad brothers, I remembered, do you remember that when Xu Que was counted, there was a Li Daoyou, could it be him?"

"Li Qiye! Immortal and not extinguished, that's right, it's him! "

"That Biwang Li Daoyou is the hanging Bi Li Qiye who has an immortal and immortal external hanging in the inventory now!"

"If you don't die or die, I'll go away, it's really full of confidence, if I have such a plug-in, I will also be so arrogant."

"I have to say that the pressing frame of this appearance is really full, who can compare?"

"This pressure, this sense of expectation, is directly full, and the hanging ratio to appear next is definitely the supreme existence!"

"I'm looking forward to Li Qiye now, I want to see how awesome he is, this expectation has been full."

"If you don't die or die, it's the township chief, it's useless to be angry, people just hang like this."

"Fight three thousand emperors alone with one hand? Isn't it, isn't it? There are really people who can do it, it won't be bragging. "

"Sure enough, these are all cheeky in the same vein, don't be faceless haha."

"That is, when the emperor is also pulled like this, you said that the immortal emperor gave in three points, I can barely believe it, but you said that fighting three thousand emperors alone with one hand is a bit bragging, and this bull is also too big."

"That's the emperor, the supreme existence of the heavens and realms, how can it be such a dish?"

"Could it be that this emperor is the Dou Emperor?"

"Groove, no, what do you mean? You might as well be clear. "

"What's wrong with Doudi? Did Doudi eat your rice? "

"What's wrong with Emperor Dou?"

"Dou Di is a supreme existence of Dou Shao, you look down on Dou Di?"

"Doudi is also a great existence standing at the top of a plane, but because the plane ranks are different, so Doudi's strength is not comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor."

"However, this is not a talent restriction, but the reason for the plane level, if you put the Doudi in the supreme plane, you can also become the strongest."

The creatures of the heavens and realms began to scare each other.

At the same time, they are all curious.

This hanging is so bullish in the opening scene, it is simply that there is no opponent in the heavens and realms, what is his real combat power?

Is there really such an anti-heavenly thing?

They want to see if this hanging ratio has such strength.

"That's right, you have to take a good look at what is going on in this hanging ratio and what is the strength."

"I feel that this hangbi has the same breath as Xu Biwang on his body?"

"Big brother, if you don't die, you can't die, people don't die or die. Can't you be crazy? "

The creatures of the heavens and realms called it one after another.

"Don't (Wang Zhao) just hit him in the face, I don't believe this guy can be so powerful, and he still fights three thousand emperors alone with one hand, just bragging."

At the same time, the mortal plane, an unknown island, is the new lair of Han Lao Devil.

He stayed here and practiced with peace of mind, and when he heard such words, he was also shocked.

"Okay guys, another hanging?"

He never thought that a person could be arrogant to this point and be arrogant like this.

Han Li has always been low-key and low-key, and he can't wait to hide himself and make a fortune so that no one can notice him.

The only high-profile thing he has ever done is to do bad things in the rivers and lakes under the pseudonym Li Feiyu.

After all, doing bad things is really pulling hatred, and he doesn't want to put himself in danger, so he can only use the name of his good brother to wander the rivers and lakes, and do some "good things" in the rivers and lakes that no one can do.

The rivers and lakes are too dangerous, and he really doesn't want to die, which is why he is so stable.

Even though he has become an immortal now, Han Li still chooses to be steady and continue to persevere.

After all, in this True Cultivation Realm, the water is too deep.

After experiencing the Dr. Murray incident, he has long learned to keep a low profile and not be ostentatious.

In any case, you must keep a low profile, be stable if you can, and be as meticulous as you are.

In his opinion, Li Qiye's behavior is really unbelievable, even if he is immortal, he will not be arrogant, right?

It seems that this Li Qiye is really powerful.

He was a little curious about how powerful this Li Qiye really was.

At the same time, the sky is shading.

Shi Huang was being beaten by Ye Fan at the moment.

Ye Fan was looking for Shi Huang, naturally in order to get angry, and shame before the snow.

Now that he is a red dust fairy, Shi Huang is not his opponent at all, and can only be hanged.

And hearing Li Qiye's words, Shi Huang's mood was agitated, and he spoke boldly: "In this world, there is someone more arrogant than this emperor?" "

"Then Xu Que has a system, what does Li Qiye have?"

"Immortal and immortal? Joke hunger! "

He snorted coldly, and then spoke to Ye Fan with a proud face.

"Although this emperor is old and injured, I don't believe that someone in this world can kill me!"

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