At the same time, the hegemony of the emperor.

On an unknown mountain, Li Qiye sat quietly on it, his eyes drooping, and his face full of helplessness.

"Why don't you believe him?"

This is indeed what he said correctly, but he didn't pretend to be forced, he was just stating the facts, how could he pretend?

Those Immortal Emperors are really not enough for him to punch.

These Immortal Emperors are not dishes at all.

"Is it difficult to fight three thousand emperors alone and push thirteen states?"

"This is indeed something that you can do casually, what is going on with these people?"

In his opinion, it is not difficult at all, it is very simple.

How is this just pretending?

He was just describing an ordinary thing, how could this be called pretending.

He really didn't exaggerate, with Li Qiye's antiquity and strength, those great shore existences, in his opinion, were actually all juniors, not worth mentioning at all, even if it was the Immortal Emperor, in front of him, it was nothing at all.

He did not exaggerate, whether it was fighting to the end of the world, or fighting the three thousand emperors alone, it was all true.

But unfortunately, such a powerful force is destined to be incomprehensible and difficult for the creatures of the heavens and realms to accept.

"I'm really not pretending, it's just that you don't understand my greatness."

Li Qiye sighed, and seemed a little depressed.

He was indeed too powerful, and few people were strong enough to understand his mighty power.

For his words, they all thought that he was pretending, but in fact, he really did not pretend, just describing an ordinary thing.

No exaggeration at all!

However, Li Qiye could also understand the reaction of the creatures of the heavens and realms.

After all, none of them know who they really are.

In their eyes, those high immortal emperors were already supreme beings.

They had never thought about it, nor had they seen it, above the Immortal Emperor, a more powerful and mighty existence.

The creatures of the heavens and realms did not know that above the Immortal Emperor, there was an even more unimaginable existence of Wuxiang.

Li Qiye is such an existence, and his greatness and strength are incomprehensible to the creatures of ten thousand worlds.

Therefore, even if it seemed to him to be the most ordinary and trivial matter, it seemed to be a pretense in the eyes of the creatures of the heavens and realms.

But he really didn't.

It's a pity that they don't know that the little girl they raised has become the female emperor of the Megatron world.

That Emperor Mingren, who moved the world, was once his little brother.

The bamboo he raised became the demon king, and the koi became the golden dragon.

All of this is enough to show that he is unusual.

It's a pity that the creatures of the ten thousand worlds don't know ah.

"I don't want to pretend to be forced, but my strength doesn't allow it."

An existence like Li Qiye, even if he is not deliberately pretending, but his former Gaga 193, just by being there, already makes people feel that he is pretending.

This is really not what he deliberately pretended, just because it was too strong.

That's it.

Li Qiye smiled indifferently, but to be honest, compared to Xu Que, his comparison was much more free.

"Maybe it's because... Isn't it because you actively pretend? "

Li Qiye nodded, it seemed that there was only such a thing.

At the same time, the picture that emerged in the sky screen, a black shadow flashed.

With a shrill cry, a pitch-black crow appeared above the sky curtain, slowly flying over the sky dome.

For some reason, this crow gave people an unimaginable coercion, as well as a cold and harsh feeling.

As if this crow was actually some supreme existence, it made people feel awe, and their hearts were full of fear of this crow.

And just as the crow flew over the sky dome, a line of font slowly emerged.

The first crow of eternity - Li Qiye!

"Li Qiye... Is it a crow?! "

Seeing this, the creatures of the heavens and realms were all surprised.


"Li Qiye?"

"Immortal hanging ratio?"

"No, what kind of thing, why did Li Qiye become a crow again?"

"Didn't the inventor say at the beginning of the inventory, Li Qiye is a shepherd boy."

"How can he be a shepherd boy and a crow, how can this be?"

"Could it be that Li Qiye's body is actually a monster?"

"Could it be that the stocktaker made a mistake?"

"How is it possible, the inventor is omniscient, supreme, has unparalleled power, no matter what it is, such an existence can be mistaken? Are you kidding! "

"In case, after all, the inventors are only people, not gods."

"Moreover, after taking stock of so many ratios and answering so many questions, it is inevitable that you will not notice a mistake for a while, maybe the inventor really accidentally made a mistake."

"I don't believe it, in my heart, the inventor is a god, the supreme and omnipotent god, the inventor will definitely not be wrong, and whoever is wrong to take stock will not be wrong."

"This species is a bit special, crow..."

"Crow? Crows? Can crows also be hanging ratios? "

"Yin Crow, how can a crow from the prefecture become Li Qiye and become this immortal hangbi?"

"This identity span is really a bit big!"

"No, what's wrong with our inventory recently, how can there be so many animals at once."

"Animals become fine, right, dogs grab questions, crows become hangers, hahaha, it's really, one is more outrageous than the other."

"It's not just outrageous, it's just outrageous, do you dare to believe these things?"

"Dogs will ask good buddy, what else can't be done."

"Still monopolizing three thousand emperors, I thought this Li Qiye was a lot of, so that's it?"

"A crow, just a crow, what can a crow do?"

"Even if it's a crow, what?"

"In the end, it's just a crow, I really don't understand, a crow, what's so crazy."

"What is he pretending? What the hell is he pretending? "

"Brothers, I'm numb, and this time the hanging ratio is not even a person! Crows can be a hanging ratio! "

The creatures of the heavens and realms had already questioned Li Qiye's words of the three thousand emperors at the beginning, but now they had even opened the group mocking skill, madly mocking Li Qiye.

A crow really almost bluffed them.

Even if it's not a simple crow, it's a crow, but what's the difference?

Aren't they all smelly fish and rotten shrimp?

Smelly fish and rotten shrimp, there is nothing to fear.

At the same time, the sky is shading.

The Black Emperor was on his way to the Immortal Road to find his master, the Beginningless Emperor.

Looking at everything that appeared in the picture of the sky screen, he also looked helpless.

"No, are you sick?"

"Say he can, why do I?"

"Did I provoke you?"

"Just Nima is outrageous."

The Black Emperor is also unlucky, and he is simply a disaster without presumption.

They can't get used to Li Qiye scolding Li Qiye, why should they scold themselves together?

Who messed with whom?

"This group of people is really inexplicable."

"But to be honest, this Li Qiye, I thought he was a big costume like Xu Que, I thought he had some extraordinary background, but I didn't expect that he was actually a crow."

"Yin Crow, can it also be so strong?"

"A little curious."

The Black Emperor looked up at the sky, and although he was inexplicably scolded, he was still curious about what would happen next.

What can such a crow that drags the cool sky to blow up the sky do?

In the years to come, what will happen to Li Qiye is really full of expectations.

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan was also confused, and looked at the picture on the sky screen in disbelief.


"What's going on?"

"How is that possible?"

"How can it be just a crow?"

"This hanging ratio is so outrageous, fighting three thousand emperors alone, how can it be just a crow?"

When the crow can also be so powerful, it is somewhat unbelievable.

Is the crow also hanging ratio?

Xiao Yan's brows frowned slightly, and his face was full of confusion.

Could it be said that Li Qiye's real body is a crow? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But that's not right, the inventor said at the beginning that Li Qiye's true identity is actually a sheep herding and shepherd boy.

Crows will be stocked, crows and shepherd boys, this is obviously different.

He also wanted to complain.

At the beginning, when he heard the domineering voice in the inventory, he thought that Li Qiye was a ruthless person, no one was afraid, he was simply the god of war, God blocked and killed God, and Buddha should kill Buddha.

But looking at it now, this is obviously not the case.

This Li Qiye is just a crow, no matter how outrageous the crow is, it is difficult to have such a great cause as fighting the Three Thousand Emperors alone.

Unexpectedly, Li Qiye's lover is not!

Although he always felt outrageous, he felt that the crow would not be so powerful, but there was a feeling that it came from his own instincts.

Intuition told him that this matter would not be so simple, this crow is a little weird, don't act rashly, see what the situation is.

Xiao Yan nodded slightly, he has been walking the world for so many years, why is it okay until now that he has been in the world for so many years?

Just because there is a plug-in, there is a grandfather?

Too superficial.

His intuition is also a life-saving weapon.

For so many years, because of intuition, Xiao Yan has avoided an unknown number of dangers.

Intuition told him that Li Qiye was not simple, so he naturally waited and watched, and was not in a hurry to say something or do something.

At the same time, the Emperor of the World.

Many creatures were all shocked, countless people were all staring at the sky in disbelief, at this moment, their minds roared, as if they exploded at once, and the shock in their hearts was already incomparable!


"It's a crow!"

As creatures in this realm, they naturally would not be ignorant and taunt Li Qiye together with other creatures of the plane.

As a creature in this world, he naturally knows what a crow is.

"The crow is a strange existence in this world, the supreme strange existence, and it is also the deepest secret."

"It is said that behind countless powers, there are crows."

"And all those who can call the strongest have a crow behind them!"

Moreover, the crow is immortal and immortal, and it has existed for eternity, from ancient times to recent history.

In this way, that crow is an immortal existence.

"Immortal and immortal..."

"Li Qiye!"

"It turns out that it is Yin Crow who turned out to be Li Qiye!"

No wonder, that yin crow was able to live for such a long time, it turned out to be because he was Li Qiye!

At this moment, many creatures in the Emperor's overlord plane thought of Li Qiye's external hang-immortal and immortal!

That yin crow can not die or die, because of Li Qiye's immortal and immortal plug-in.

This mystery that has plagued them for generations has finally been solved!

Thinking of this, those creatures suddenly realized something, and their faces were full of horror.

"If so, doesn't that mean that behind those powers, it is all him?"

"Behind those extremely powerful existences, the yin crow hidden is Li Qiye!"

All of them are Li Qiye, and Li Qiye is the biggest black hand in Wangu!

He hides in the shadows, pushing everything.

If it weren't for the inventory that exposed Li Qiye's true identity, they wouldn't know that Li Qiye was so outrageous, it was a black hand of all ages!

What a Li Qiye!

In an instant, a chill arose on the soles of countless creatures' feet, and they rushed straight towards the heavenly spirit cover.


At this moment, countless creatures' scalps were numb, and they were terrified beyond belief.

"It's Li Qiye!"

"Li Qiye is a crow!"

The supreme adult who hides in the shadows and manipulates everything is him!

At this moment, the emperor's hegemonic plane suddenly realized, and the mystery that had been passed down for endless years was finally revealed!

At the same time, cleansing the ancient school.



One after another, the seats broke, and the muffled snorts of falling to the ground continued to resound within the ancient school of cleansing.

Obviously, those elders of the Cleansing Ancient Sect were stunned, and even the chair under their butts was shattered, and they were really shocked this time.

Who would have thought?!

Who wants to get!

That divine crow turned out to be Li Qiye!

Li Qiye's name and appearance appeared on the sky curtain, and he definitely couldn't run, and the hanging in the inventory was Li Qiye, the disciple of the mortal body mortal wheel who had just entered their door!

Not only are these two Li Qiye the same person!

Even the supreme existence that they believed in by the Ancient Sect of Cleansing Yan, the Divine Crow who had been passed down as a god by their Ancient Cleansing Sect for countless generations, was also Li Qiye!

It is said that the ancient emperor who created their Cleansing Ancient School, the supreme existence, and the ancestor of their Cleansing Ancient School, Emperor Mingren Immortal, was taught by the divine crow, which became the Immortal Emperor and further created the Cleansing Ancient School.

The Divine Crow is the supreme, ancient and powerful existence, how can it be Li Qiye!

Li Qiye is just a junior of mortal body and mortal life, how can he be that one?

How could the crow be the same person as him?

They felt unbelievable.

However, even if these elders of the Cleansing Ancient Sect did not believe it, the inventory would not be fake.

All this is true!

"Nope! No way! "

"How can that kind of existence be Li Qiye?"

Their faces were full of disbelief.

"The Divine Crow is definitely not the Li Qiye they know!"

"It must be Li Qiye's audacity, and Mao used the real name of the divine crow!"

"This son is really a dog guts, dare to be so rude, it is simply looking for death!"

At this moment, the elders of the Cleansing Ancient Sect were furious, furious!

At the same time, the Emperor of the World.

Li Qiye stood with his hands in his hands, looking at the vast sky curtain, and a look of nostalgia appeared in his eyes.

Back then, he strayed into the Immortal Demon Cave and was refined by that person into an immortal crow.

At that time, his greatest wish was to regain his true body and get rid of the fate of enslavement, and now he has finally done it!

To be honest, having regained his freedom, he really misses that guy a little now.

I saw that in the sky curtain, the picture is constantly changing, the years change, the vicissitudes of the sea, the endless years pass, and the picture also changes.

The creatures of the heavens and realms saw that yin crow flying over the heavens, soaring into the sky, flying among the nine realms, day after day, year after year.

In this way, he continued to soar and soar on the sky dome, I don't know how many eras he flew and how many history he witnessed.

And with the changes of the years, countless Tianjiao figures rose and fell, countless creatures perished, and Tianjiao died.

There are also powerful beings who preach against the heavens and achieve immortality, but the final end is back to the loess.

Let the tide rise and fall, the years turn, Li Qiye has always been there.

Immortal and immortal, it is so arrogant!

All existence has turned into ashes, turning into a lump of loess, but he still lives in this heaven and earth.

The creatures of the heavens and realms are completely numb at this moment, I hold you fuck, it's actually not dead!

Can you live like this?

"Lying groove, this is really immortal."

"What's the situation, how long has this crow lived, and it's not dead yet, it's Zhennima who can live!"

"People's hanging is immortal, of course they can live, brother."

"I'm a little curious, what can this crow do, even if it is immortal and immortal, what is the use? Just hard to live? "

The creatures of the heavens and realms all looked at the sky curtain curiously, confused, what did this yin crow want to do?

What purpose does he have?

Is that all?

In the discussion of all sentient beings, the picture changed again.

The crow was not willing to do so and began to act.

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