The pitch-black crow in the sky curtain flew arrogantly through the sky dome, flew through the vast sky, and flew through endless space and years.

The endless vast years have no meaning to him, he is an immortal existence, even if it is the power of the years, it is difficult to make it change in the slightest.

But after all, he is just a crow, even if he has an endless lifespan, but he does not know how to use it, does not know what to do.

After experiencing confusion, the crow decided to start resisting, he was unwilling to be manipulated into a puppet again, he wanted to change his life ~ luck.

At this moment, the picture began to change continuously, and on the picture of the Supreme Heavenly Dome, a powerful existence flashed.

Those powerful beings are incomparably ancient, and they are also incomparably majestic, all of which exist in legends and circulate on this continent.

The Blood Seal Immortal Emperor, the Mingren Immortal Emperor, the Sun Swallowing Immortal Emperor, and the Black Dragon King and so on.

These ancient beings that appeared on the picture of the heavenly dome were all giants, and each of them was a giant who suppressed an era.

These ancient beings, in the years of their existence, have overwhelmed the heavens and the earth, suppressed generations of peers, shocked the nine heavens of the universe, and shocked countless living beings.

In their time, these ancient beings were invincible supreme powerhouses, mighty and boundless, overlooking the vast array of countless creatures in the sky and earth.

And the reason why these beings can achieve such a great supremacy is because of the existence of that crow.

Although the crow was in control of himself and did not have a free body, he did not give up.

He cultivated ancient and powerful beings, and made those beings become great emperors who suppressed an era.

Although he could not achieve supremacy, the crow cultivated many ancient beings in order to rebel against fate.

However, even those powerful beings could not resist the great power of time, and as time passed, all the great beings who had suppressed heaven and earth gradually grew old and gradually passed away.

The ancient existence cultivated by the crow fell, but the crow still did not die.

He does not die, does not grow old or hurt, and just flies silently over the sky dome like that, flying through the history immersed in the years.

He is a witness, a witness, and a creator of history.

Those ancient beings once dominated an era and overwhelmed the heavens and the earth, and the reason why they had such unimaginable achievements was because of the cultivation of the crow.

Although the crow himself is not free, he can cultivate other beings to achieve supreme dominance.

Even, even if those supreme ancient beings fell, he still stayed in the years, unaffected in the slightest.

"I took Nima's, you dare it, this is really... Just a crow? "

"A crow, can it be outrageous to this point?"

"A Yin Crow, it turned out to be so against the sky, so many giant emperors, all cultivated by him?"

"My warm horse, this crow is completely different from ordinary crows!"

"This crow himself is a walking plug-in!"

"No, is this crow so outrageous?"

"Let's not talk about why he can live for so long, a crow really has such a ability to defy the sky? Can cultivate so many anti-heavenly existences?! "

"This is a hanging ratio, this is clearly a hanging ratio!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms are unbelievable, the yin crow is not a special and strange creature, and for the creatures of the heavens and all worlds, the yin crow is not powerful and not rare.

However, they had never seen such an outrageous crow.

In their opinion, the very inconspicuous Yin Crow was able to cultivate such an ancient majestic existence, and the creatures of the heavens and realms could not imagine staring at the picture of the heavenly dome.

"It's really shocking that the crow has such skills?"

"No wonder my cultivation has not improved over the years, it turns out that I have one less crow like this."

"I'm numb, no, I'm going to find a crow like this when I wait."

"I'll go find a crow too."

"The crow is in hand, I have it in the world."

"I lean on, this Yin Crow is Li Qiye!"

"I already thought that Li Qiye might be outrageous, but I didn't expect that he could be so outrageous!"

"To be outrageous to this, can only be said to be terrifying!"

"Now it seems that Li Qiye is not the son of luck, but the teacher of the son of luck!"

"What he has cultivated are all children of luck against the sky, and he has cultivated a supreme ancient, powerful existence."

"I served, I really served, cow batch!"

Someone gave a thumbs up sincerely and expressed admiration for Li Qiye's behavior.

"For us, those emperors are unimaginable existences of ancient majesty, but for those emperors, Li Qiye is their hanging."

"It's like Xiao Yan's grandfather, their relationship with Li Qiye is like Xiao Yan and that grandfather."

"Think about how respectful Xiao Yan is to that old grandfather."

"Such an ancient existence must also be respectful to Li Qiye, it seems that we really don't know Mount Tai."

"That's right, you see, Li Qiye is really immortal, even if countless emperors have fallen, he is still there, and he is still cultivating the next emperor."

"As long as he cultivates it, after all, he will be able to become an emperor in the future, become a mighty nine-heavenly universe, and suppress the contemporary great shore existence."

"Such a crow, please bring me a dozen?"

"Why haven't I ever seen such an outrageous crow? It seems that from now on, I will pay more attention to the crow. "

"Not only crows, as long as it is a small animal that appears around, I have to pay more attention, maybe which one is hanging."

"I rely on, this Li Qiye is a grandfather hanging, but he is not an ordinary grandfather hanging, he is an old grandfather who can't die at all."

"This is even more outrageous than Xiao Yan's grandfather."

"Brothers, I really envy, who doesn't want to be those people cultivated by Li Qiye."

Of course, while sighing, the creatures of the heavens and realms were also a little curious.

"Could it be that this Li Qiye likes to be someone else's plug-in so much, cultivating other beings to become the Supreme Emperor, but he has no idea at all?"

"Is his hobby to be a teacher for others, a plug-in, and cultivate a supreme and great existence?"

"Who is accurate about this, you have to ask Li Qiye yourself to get the answer, you ask me, I don't know."

"However, it seems that this is indeed the case, he really likes to cultivate the emperor and cultivate a powerful and powerful existence."

"Is this his personal hobby?"

"If I had such ability, I would definitely cultivate myself into a supreme existence first, but Li Qiye doesn't seem to have any interest in improving himself, just change to improve others."

"I see! I understand! This may be his hobby! We really don't understand the world of hanging comparisons. "

At the same time, after Han Li saw the picture on the sky screen, everyone was already stupid at this moment.

After hearing the introduction of the inventor before, I knew that this Li Qiye was also a hanging ratio with a strong external plug.

He also understood that this Li Qiye must be an extremely powerful anti-heavenly existence, the same as these hangers, relying on his own hanging, step by step to the top, becoming a supreme existence of the plane.

It is truly unimaginable to suppress the Three Thousand Emperors with one hand.

In his opinion, this Li Qiye is after obtaining the plug-in, relying on the external plug-in opportunity, step by step to get more opportunities, step by step to face the enemies of the heavens, and embark on the road against the sky, which has become the supreme great shore existence.

But now it seems that his guess is a little wrong, this Li Qiye does not seem to rise because of the plug-in.

He looks like a plug-in itself!

"Unexpectedly, this Li Qiye actually exists as a plug-in!"

"He has cultivated a powerful emperor who respects the ancient mighty shore, and for those powerful and unimaginably powerful existences, Li Qiye is the outsider."

"Li Qiye is not a hang-by-side, he is a hang-up?!"

Realizing this, Han Li was a little stunned, is this really the same as them?

He still underestimated this Li Qiye.

Unexpectedly, Li Qiye himself is a hanging bi, and he casually teaches one, that is, the supreme emperor.

Each of the statues he cultivated is a giant emperor who suppresses an era, covers the heavens and the earth, and covers the sky, which is extremely ancient, extremely powerful, and also incomparably majestic.

Moreover, he has lived countless years, walking through endless years, walking through a period of time, a period of ancient history, immortal, immortal and immortal.

Li Qiye is really immortal and has lived through endless years.

"It's really so outrageous, immortal and immortal, it turns out not to be an empty sentence, Yan Wang really dare not accept it!"

Thinking of this, Han Li was also very curious, what kind of means did this Li Qiye have to cultivate so many supreme giants?

If nothing else, Li Qiye has cultivated so many great shore existences, if those giant emperors join forces, Yan Wang will also have to be hammered.

Emperor's Overlord Plane.

At this moment, countless creatures were all shocked, staring at the picture of the heavenly dome in disbelief, and their faces were full of shock.

At this moment, they had already been shocked and couldn't believe it.

"How is that possible?!"

"How is this possible?"

Those Godless Guardians, which crow?

It was that Yin Crow who taught an ancient and powerful Wuxian existence, an emperor Venerable, a giant.

"And that ancient yin crow is actually Li Qiye?!"

"Li Qiye, is the divine crow, is an unimaginable supreme existence!"

"This... Is that true? "

Countless creatures are not very clear about such ancient history, but they only half-believe and doubt.

Is that true?

Although I can't believe it, seeing the picture in the sky, it is indeed the case.

It was that Yin Crow, that is, Li Qiye, who cultivated a powerful and powerful statue to exist.

Then Li Qiye turned out to be so against the sky, casually cultivating one is an emperor?

Black Dragon King, Emperor Akihito, Female Emperor...

These are all suppressing an era, making people fearful, and respecting the existence of gods, and the result is that Li Qiye was cultivated by himself?!

Do you dare to believe this?! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When did Di Zun become so casual, this is not a big cabbage!

But it feels that under Li Qiye's door, Emperor Zun is as common as a cabbage.

I'm holding Nima's, it's really scary, I can't believe it.

When was it so casual and simple to achieve Emperor Venerable?

"Lord Yin Crow, look at me, look at me, you see, I also have the capital of the emperor!"

Some people were so thoughtful that one day they fell to their knees and began to shout loudly, hoping that the crow would notice him and begin to cultivate him.

Yin Crow cultivation can achieve an emperor, which already dares those existing talent qualifications or something, it doesn't matter much.

The only explanation is that the Yin Crow is too against the sky, and after his cultivation, no matter who can become an emperor and become a strong person.

Now that the crow was born as a human being, how could he miss such an opportunity.

This is an opportunity to achieve the emperor, and only a fool will not cherish it.

If this can be valued by Lord Yin Crow, it is a good opportunity to change the name against the sky!

Lord Crow, it's the plug-in itself!

My warm horse.

Such an opportunity must not be missed.

"Wait, in this way, this Li Qiye is the ancestor of everyone!"

Someone suddenly realized and looked shocked.

Almost all the sects and sects that can be named in this heaven and earth now are basically created by those ancient beings in ancient times.

And those great shore existences were all taught by Li Qiye.

In other words, these sect forces were all established because of Li Qiye.

Let's put it this way.


Someone gasped for air, instantly felt his scalp numb, and opened his mouth in shock:

"Lord Divine Crow, it's really against the sky!"

How can it not be shocking that almost all the sect forces in heaven and earth are from the hands of that divine crow.

It turns out that those legends that have been passed down since ancient times are true.

Behind the existence of those ancient mighty shores is the same crow!

At this moment, in the entire Emperor Overlord World, almost everyone moved their minds, all of them were frantically looking for Li Qiye, and they all wanted to find Li Qiye.

After all, Li Qiye's cultivation of Emperor Venerable is like drinking water, who doesn't blush?

Who doesn't want to become an emperor zun, that's not a cabbage, but an emperor zun!

Supreme, overlooking thousands of living beings, high above, incomparably powerful, incomparably majestic emperor!

As long as you can find Li Qiye, worship under him, and beg him to cultivate himself, then there is a high probability that he will become an emperor and become a supreme ancient existence!

Just thinking about it, I can't help but be crazy.

However, it is not easy to find Li Qiye.

This is the Nine Realms, vast, boundless, and it is simply difficult to find a creature in this huge Nine Realms.

Therefore, these creatures are low and depressed.

Moreover, in these nine realms, there are countless yin crows, endless yin crows fly across the sky dome, who knows which yin crow is Li Qiye.

It's not that simple to find Li Qiye.

The creatures of those planes before wanted to find the hanging ratio because they wanted to seize the external hook, obtain the luck of the hanging ratio, and prevent the hanging ratio from growing.

But in the world of emperor domination, it is the opposite.

The reason why they wanted to find Li Qiye was to use Li Qiye's heaven-defying ability to beg him to cultivate himself into a powerful existence.

The same is crazy to find a hanging ratio, but the purpose and treatment are completely different, it can only be said that this is the forcing of Wang Li Qiye.

Li Qiye, invincible!

"It seems that we can only wait for this inventory to give us more information, so that we can better find Lord Crow."

"That's right, this time Lord Divine Crow is here, it must be to find and cultivate new disciples, no matter what, this time, I must do whatever it takes to worship Lord Divine Crow!"

"I want to become an emperor!"

At the same time, within the ancient school of cleansing.

The elders up and down were all stunned at this moment, their faces were shocked, and even their fingers couldn't help but tremble. 、

"This... It turned out to be true! "

"Is this true?!"

"Emperor Mingren, he is really a disciple of that Divine Crow Master!"

"Even, not only Ancestor Akihito, but also other major forces, so many legendary giant emperors, are all disciples of Lord Divine Crow, all of them are cultivated by Lord Divine Crow!"

"From this point of view, the mighty power of Lord Divine Crow is really unimaginable!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can that guy with mortal body and mortal life be Lord Crow!"

"He must have heard of Lord Crow's real name somewhere, so he used it fraudulently!"

"That guy with a mortal body and a mortal wheel dares to use the name of Lord Divine Crow, he is simply looking for death, really damn it!"

"In any case, I can't keep him in the Cleansing Ancient Sect, otherwise, if Lord Divine Crow commits a crime, I can't afford to wash the Ancient Sect!"

"Pass on the old man's order, at all costs, find Li Qiye!"

An old man gave a decisive order.

It is absolutely impossible to make Lord Divine Crow unhappy, burying their tens of thousands of years of inheritance of the Cleansing Ancient Sect.

At the same time, the picture on the sky screen changes.

I don't know how many years passed, and the blurry picture gradually became clear again.

A teenager, drifting down the river.

On the shore, an old man saw the boy and quickly salvaged it.

And when the boy woke up, he found that he had a body, unbelievable and ecstatic.

"Boy, what's your name?"

"Li Qiyejiu!".

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