"It's coming, it's coming! The feature film has finally begun! "

"The crow has finally become Li Qiye, and he has finally become a human form!"

"Let me just say, one day is a crow, you can't be a crow all your life, he will definitely be an adult in the end."

"No wonder Li Qiye is a crow and a shepherd boy, so it is, he really became a human later!"

"After Li Qiye becomes a person, it is estimated that the plot will speed up."

"I just said, Li Qiye is also a strong external hanging ratio with such a strong immortal and immortal hanging ratio, how can he not do something."

"Although cultivating giants is indeed a difference, how can cultivate giants be happy to become giants themselves."

"Li Qiye has finally realized this, he is about to become a giant himself, a supreme being!"

"The most burning place is finally here! Brothers, exploded! It's exploded! "

"The current Li Qiye is the Li Qiye we see in the inventory."

"Yin Crow is his past, his past achievements, and now Li Qiye's identity is the real him now."

"Li Qiye was robbed of his true body and refined into an immortal crow, and his greatest wish is to recapture his true body."

"Now, he has finally recovered his body and regained his true body, with so many years of insight, he has cultivated the knowledge of many Immortal Emperor giants, as well as the immortal powerful plug-in, it can be imagined that Li Qiye's road against the sky is about to begin."

"Li Qiye will eventually become the supreme and powerful existence in this heaven and earth, even those giant immortal emperors will have to retreat from it!"

"Perhaps, what he said about fighting three thousand emperors alone with one hand is not a big word, but true!"

"Indeed, he can do this step, fighting three thousand emperors alone with one hand, and countless strong people will bow down and sink."

"I can't wait, finally start the topic, Li Qiye, this anti-heavenly comparison, please start your performance!"

"Hang Bi appeared, all the heavens and realms, all trembled!" "817" "Let you see how outrageous it is." "

The creatures of the heavens and realms were very excited, as early as before, watching the Yin Crow cultivate one giant after another, one immortal emperor after another, they hoped that the Yin Crow himself could achieve supreme ancient and powerful.

But unfortunately, Yin Crow has only cultivated others in these endless years, but he has not improved himself.

Although it is quite cool to see him cultivate a Venerable Emperor, how can he compare with himself to become a Supreme Emperor.

Therefore, when he saw that Li Qiye finally regained his true body and was about to embark on the road against the sky, the creatures of the heavens and realms were all very excited.

The real plot is finally about to begin!

The boundless universe.

Xiao Yan was also shocked, staring at the sky in disbelief, recalling everything he had just seen.

"Groove! Unexpectedly, this Li Qiye was so outrageous, and he actually had such skills! "

Li Qiye cultivated one giant after another in the endless years of being a crow.

Those ancient existences that he cultivated were all ancient existences that shocked the heavens and the earth with microneedles in an era.

He is actually the same as Yao Lao, he is an old grandfather, and he has cultivated one strong person after another.

"What about the good hanging ratio? How did it become someone else's plug-in?! "

"And, the most outrageous thing is, is this plug-in still a special top-of-the-line plug-in?"

"Any disciple who cultivates can become a supreme existence?!"

This was somewhat unexpected for Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan actually wanted to see how outrageous Li Qiye's immortal and immortal exterior was, but he didn't expect that he was really shocked to see Li Qiye incarnating as an old grandfather, pointing and teaching an ancient and powerful mighty existence.

The hanging ratio itself is actually a plug-in, or the grandfather he owns!

Those accidental injury giants of the Megatron Infinite Years are all from him?!

How can this not be horrifying.

Li Qiye survived for endless years and cultivated countless emperors.

He promoted one era after another, the rise and end of one era after another, behind Li Qiye.

And the rise and fall of an emperor, he has also experienced it all.

He has walked through endless years, experienced everything, seen everything, which is unimaginable to all living beings.

Those emperors he cultivated, they went from young to powerful, became supreme beings on one side, and then finally fell.

He saw it all in his eyes, these endless years, only he lived an infinite life, immortal and immortal.

He walked between heaven and earth, not wading into the long river of years, which bypassed him and rushed away.

The existence of the ancient mighty shore, immortal and immortal, this is the crow, this is Li Qiye.

Where Li Qiye passed, it was difficult to cover up his traces over the years.

After so many years, those immortal emperors he cultivated have fallen, but Li Qiye is still walking between heaven and earth, and he is still immortal.

"It turns out that Li Qiye's ability to immortalize is obtained in this way."

After reading the inventory, Xiao Yan naturally also knew the source of Li Qiye's immortal power, and he strayed into the Immortal Demon Cave and was refined into an immortal crow.

It is precisely because of this that he has no human body, is controlled by others, receives curses, and becomes a crow all the time, so that he does not die and does not die, walking between heaven and earth, in the years.

For so many years, his biggest dream was to regain his true body.

Now, he has finally regained his true body and become a human again.

It can be imagined that the accumulation of these endless years, coupled with the immortal ability to seek Onda, will be how powerful and perverted Li Qiye, who will become an adult again and set foot on the road of cultivation.

This aspect will no longer be able to resist Li Qiye's existence.

Li Qiye will become the supreme of this face, overlooking everything!

Even those Immortal Emperor giants he cultivated were extremely powerful, and they could only look at his back until they could no longer be seen!

Li Qiye is unimaginably powerful.

At the same time, the hegemony of the emperor.

Within the ancient sect, at this moment, everyone was stupid.

Those elders of the Cleansing Ancient Sect opened their mouths wide at this moment, and their expressions were like wooden chickens, as if they had been struck by lightning, and they looked at the sky in amazement.

My eyes were full of horror and disbelief!

They saw with their own eyes that Lord Divine Crow turn into a teenager and become Li Qiye!

It turned out that Li Qiye did not use the name of Lord Divine Crow!

Li Qiye is the Divine Crow Lord who has cultivated countless giant emperors!

They are wrong!

Outrageously wrong!

Fortunately, they haven't made a move against Li Qiye yet, otherwise, it would be really difficult to remedy it!

Li Qiye is Lord Divine Crow!

This news was tantamount to a blow to the elders of the Cleansing Ancient Sect.

"Who dares to believe this, who can believe this?"

"Li Qiye... It turned out to be the Divine Crow Lord who had cultivated countless emperors! "

"How is that possible?"

What kind of person is Li Qiye, a new disciple of their Cleansing Ancient Sect, mortal body and mortal life!

So ordinary and ordinary, exactly the same as countless ordinary mortals, there is nothing outstanding at all.

How could such a person be that unspeakable being?

How could it be him!

How could he be, Lord Crow!

But although the elders of the Cleansing Ancient Sect didn't want to believe it, it was indeed timely and true!

The figure on the heavenly dome was Li Qiye, who had newly entered their Ancient Sect, the Li Qiye they knew!

They even saw with their own eyes the whole process of that Divine Crow Lord turning into Li Qiye.

How can this be fake?

"Li Qiye and Lord Divine Crow are the same person!"

At this moment, everyone was completely stupid, looking at the sky in disbelief, as if struck by lightning. ,

At this moment, in the hearts of these elders of the Cleansing Ancient Sect, only rejoicing remained.

Fortunately, fortunately, he hadn't made a move against Li Qiye, otherwise, it would be bad!

It will definitely anger Lord Crow.

After Lord Divine Crow becomes a human, he will actually worship under their Cleansing Ancient Sect!

Isn't this an opportunity for them to cleanse the ancient sect, to be able to regain their fame, suppress the heavens, and regain the glory and strength of the past!

At the same time, within the world of Emperor Hegemony.

A figure, sitting cross-legged on a mountain peak, looking at the picture in the sky, seemed a little sentimental.

There was a faint sadness in his heart.

He will not forget how he won his true body.

It's a little sunspot.

If it weren't for the little sunspot risking his life, he would have recaptured his true body in that dangerous and ferocious domain.

Now he is still just that yin crow, wandering between heaven and earth, and it is difficult to recover his true body.

It was the little sunspot who fulfilled his long-cherished wish.

But the little sunspot paid with his life for it.

Thinking of this, Li Qiye's fist slowly clenched, and his gaze was unprecedentedly firm.

"Little sunspot, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you!"

"I will finally destroy that fierce domain!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He wants to avenge the little sunspot.


The picture continues to emerge, and Li Qiye, who has regained his body, learned the era he is in now, and gradually understands the world today.

So, he followed the three ghost masters to Zhentianhai City and returned to the Cleansing Ancient School with him.

The Cleansing Ancient Sect happened to be the closest force to him.

Moreover, he also had an impression of this ancient sect of cleansing, which was a great religion founded by Akihito.

Back here, he thought of Akihito.

But that was a million years ago.

Back to the Ancient Sect of Cleansing, his talent was not good, so he was not treated well.

In the Cleansing Ancient School, he was just an ordinary person.

But in the face of all this, Li Qiye accepted it calmly, and he was very indifferent to everything.

Thanks to his experience, he has endured thousands of years and been trapped in the body of the crow for millions of years, infinite years.

He has suffered so much, experienced the deepest loneliness and pain, and what he is experiencing now is naturally nothing to him.

It's just a general treatment, what is this.

Li Qiye had a strong mentality and dealt with this indifferently.

In the past vast years, he had been with the Immortal Emperor, walked with the Medicine God, and also fell into darkness, enduring endless loneliness and pain.

Whether it is the glow of glory, or the deepest loneliness and pain, he can bear it.

And Li Qiye was recommended by the Three Ghost Masters and became the chief disciple of the Cleansing Ancient Sect.

To be honest, this is indeed because the Cleansing Ancient School has weakened, and it has long lost the glory and strength of the ancient years........

Otherwise, how could Li Qiye become the chief disciple of the Ancient Sect of Cleansing Yan.

He is a mortal body and a mortal life, whether it is physique, lifespan, or talent, he is very ordinary, and there is no doubt about mortals.

And seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were completely stunned, staring at the sky in disbelief, their faces full of confusion and disbelief.

"What are you kidding?!"


"How is it possible! How is this possible! How could it be mortal? "

"Huh? I'm all ready to ignite, you tell me Li Qiye is just a mortal?!" "

"My warm horse! Refund! "

The creatures of the heavens and realms were puzzled by this and talked about it a lot.

"Something is wrong, Li Qiye is not a hanging comparison, but people are immortal, eternal life, how can they be mortals?"

"Who has such a long life span, what are you kidding, I really think buddies don't know what mortals are like, right?"

"To be honest, I'm not afraid to tell you, starting from buddy, check three generations on the Internet, all are mortals, buddies are authentic mortals, you see this Li Qiye, how can it be a mortal!"

"I tell you, it absolutely can't be! You must have misjudged! "

"That is, Li Qiye has cultivated so many emperors, how can he be a mortal? What are you kidding? "

"Emperor Venerable is only a master, who has cultivated so many powerful existences against the sky, just a mortal, and he is not afraid to laugh out of his big teeth when he says it?"

"No, Daoists, I have a guess, maybe it's really possible, you might as well listen to it?"

"Perhaps, today's Li Qiye is an ordinary mortal?"

"What do you mean? Could it be that the curse was lifted and Li Qiye became a mortal? "

Someone looked confused.

Think about it, being able to cultivate so many anti-heavenly demons, such an existence, will it be a mortal?

Obviously, it can't be good.

"What if the price of regaining your true body is to become a mortal?"

"Is it possible!"

Suddenly, someone suddenly realized.

"Fog grass, what Daoist friends said makes sense, it's not impossible!"

"To break the curse, the price to pay must be not small, maybe it is to become a mortal again?"

"I believe it! I really believe it! "

"No, I thought how outrageous, how bullish, and I was an ordinary mortal?"

"Just an ordinary person, huh?"

"No wonder you can cultivate so many powerful existences, you give your hangings to others, and you have become a mortal, right?"

"Then I want to see how to rise as a child of luck and an immortal appearance, but as a mortal?"

"Is it really a supreme powerhouse by relying on piling up lives and living for a long time?"

"Can't you, shouldn't you be so humiliated?"

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan also looked at the sky screen with a surprised expression, and spoke softly: "Mortal? "

"Li Qiye became a mortal?"

His brow furrowed, he looked at it over and over again, but finally shook his head.

"Impossible, not like ah!"

No matter how you look at it, this Li Qiye doesn't look like a mortal.

His intuition told him that it could never be that simple.

The reason why Xiao Yan has been so wavey for so many years, but he is still 5.2 straight, relies on his intuition.

This time, Xiao Yan still chose to trust his instincts.

Since her intuition told her that it was not simple, then he naturally would not be blindly mixed with this muddy water.

Li Qiye, it's not simple!

After he came to the Cleansing Ancient School, he was unmoved in the face of people and things, and his face was indifferent, which was a sign of confidence.

If he was really just an ordinary mortal, it is estimated that he had long lost his ordinary mind, how could he be so indifferent.

Therefore, he had reason to believe that Li Qiye was by no means simple and was not an ordinary mortal!

Did he pretend, or did he really hide himself?

Xiao Yan was a little curious.

A person who has lived for an unknown number of years can never be as simple as it seems.

He has some seven generations and does not know, what will happen next.

At the same time, the picture on the sky screen changed again.

Li Qiye successfully became the chief disciple of the Cleansing Ancient Sect, and the news soon spread.

The Nine Saint Demon Sect wanted to marry, so they deliberately asked the Cleansing Ancient Sect to send Li Qiye to participate in the assessment.

And before going to the assessment and leaving the Cleansing Ancient School, Li Qiye asked for two things.

A knife, a martial art.

With these two things, he set off.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned.

What is the situation?

"A martial art, a knife? What the? "

"No, what are you kidding?"

"There are monks participating in this assessment, you bring a knife and a basket to use!"

"Martial arts, what's the use?"

"This guy doesn't want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, right? Otherwise, you are sending to death! "

"You know, in which world, no matter how powerful the martial arts are against the sky, it is difficult to have a role in the face of the great power of the cultivator."

"Besides, Li Qiye is still just a mortal, how can he shake a cultivator."

"I suddenly became very interested in this assessment."

The creatures of the heavens and realms are looking forward to the next development.

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