The creatures of the heavens and realms knew that Li Qiye was going to participate in the assessment, but they were all pessimistic about Li Qiye's ending.

Because although Li Qiye is the chief disciple of the Cleansing Ancient Sect, he is just a mortal, a mortal with a mortal body, a mortal with a mortal body, a mortal with a mortal body.

"A mortal, only martial arts, how can he be the opponent of the cultivator, no matter how powerful the mortal, in the face of the cultivator, there is only a certain death."

"Mortals simply cannot be opponents of cultivators, without exception."

"A mortal will never be able to defeat a cultivator, even if he has cultivated countless Immortal Emperor Supreme Yin Crows, it is absolutely impossible."

"The gap between cultivators and mortals is like a chasm, a world apart, and there is no comparison at all."

Li Qiye's desire to shake the cultivator with the power of mortals was simply a fool's dream.

"What kind of joke, if mortals can defeat the monks, then won't ants be able to overturn elephants, it's really stupid and unaware."

"Even if he used to be a Yin Crow and cultivated so many great emperors, if he wanted to defeat the cultivator, he was still a bit foolish, and he couldn't measure his strength."

"How can mere mortals be compared with cultivators? It's impossible! "

At the same time, those mortals in the comprehensive martial arts world were also shocked at this moment, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Similarly, there is a thick disdain on their faces.

Obviously, they also did not expect that Li Qiye was immortal and immortal, and he lived in this heaven and earth for endless years, and he was actually just a mortal.

Moreover, it is still an ordinary mortal, just an ordinary person, similar to them, or even inferior to them?

After all, these creatures of the comprehensive martial arts plane are good and have good martial arts bodies, but Li Qiye didn't see how much kung fu there was.

"After living for tens of millions of years, he is actually an ordinary person?"

"Just like this, it can also be called hanging ratio?"

"Hahaha, I thought how powerful it would be to live for tens of millions of years and infinite years, but now it seems that this is it."

"Hehe, but so, I really thought what a great comparison this is."

"That is, after living for tens of millions of years, even we martial artists can't compare, and we really have the face to say that we are hanging comparisons."

"Gee, it seems that this immortal and immortal plug-in is not very powerful, at most, it is the eighty-thousand-year turtle of the thousand-year king, and it can live a little."

"Other than that, I don't see anything powerful about him."

"That's it, also worthy of being called a hanging ratio?"

"If the old man can not die or die, like him to live for tens of millions of years, now he is already the leader of the world, maybe it is possible to rise in the day."

"This Li Qiye has lived for tens of millions of years and is still an ordinary person, and he really lives to the dog."

They have seen so many inventories and seen so many hanging ratios, and naturally know how powerful those fantasy worlds are.

The gap between the worlds is huge, and those high-level worlds are too powerful and terrifying, and they are simply not comparable to them.

Even those ordinary Qi Refining Stage cultivators in the True Cultivation World were not something they could defeat.

No matter how high their martial arts skills were, they were by no means the opponents of those cultivators of the True Cultivation World.

Except for those in the Douluo plane, they simply could not defeat any cultivator.

This Li Qiye, at best, is just a mortal, and even they can't compare, how is it possible to defeat those cultivators with this sword breaking method?

It's simply cannibalism.

"This Li Qiye really hasn't woken up, how powerful do you really think he is?"

"This time, he will definitely be woken up violently."

"Yes, only by recognizing the gap may he understand that his strength is still very weak and not worth mentioning."

"I really didn't expect that the old monster who has lived for tens of millions of years turned into an ordinary person!"

"The old man wants to see what is against the sky as a hanging son!"

At the same time, the Yang dynasty.

Two figures were looking up at the sky at this moment.

Among them, the young man was wearing expensive clothes, brocade clothes, and his body exuded nobility, and at the same time, there was a wandering temperament lingering around him.

The young man's handsome appearance, coupled with the precious brocade robe, is really like forgetting the heavens.

As for the other old man, he was scruffy and slender, dressed in a shabby sheepskin fur, and grinning at his toes.

The most striking thing is his empty left sleeve, this old man, only one arm.

This old man and young man are Xu Fengnian, the son of the King of Northern Liang, and Li Chungang, the sword god of the blue shirt back then.

At this moment, the two of them looked at the sky curtain, and they were also a little shocked.

"Unexpectedly, this Li Qiye has lived for endless years, cultivated countless emperor supremes, and in the end, he is just an ordinary person? It's really weird. "

Xu Fengnian shook his head, Rao is how wise he is close to the demon, seeing this scene of falling through his eyes, he can't understand what is going on.

It stands to reason that being able to cultivate so many supreme beings, even if it is the accumulation of experience, is considered to be incomparable, how can it be just an ordinary person?

The plane he is in is a plane of fantasy cultivation.

Li Chungang also slowly shook his head, and a rare solemn look appeared on his face.

"To be honest, I don't understand it, but since it's a hanging ratio, it definitely won't be too simple."

"This Li Qiye is definitely not as simple as he seems, he is too calm, the clouds are light and breezy, and he does not panic at all."

"Such a person must have many hole cards and enough confidence to be like this."

"This hanging ratio is a little special."

A look of curiosity also appeared on Li Chungang's face.

He was indeed a little curious about how Li Qiye, an ordinary person, could defeat a cultivator like a giant with a knife and a book of knife techniques.

Although it was difficult to shake the cultivator with the power of mortals, in Li Chungang's opinion, it was not impossible.

"Perhaps, what can this Li Qiye really do?"

"This Li Qiye, since he is a hanging ratio, it will definitely not be as simple as it seems!"

Li Chungang really had some confidence in Li Qiye, because such an outrageous thing was indeed nothing to Li Chungang.

He once opened the gate of heaven with a sword, and cut open the gate of the immortals ascending to heaven with a sword, and did not enter the gate of heaven.

Such a great deed can be done, naturally he will not feel how outrageous it is for mortals to shake cultivators.

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking and curious.

The picture on the sky screen changed again, and Li Qiye had already arrived at the Nine Saint Demon Gate.

The Nine Saint Demon Sect did not have a good impression of the chief disciple of the Cleansing Ancient Sect, after all, he was here to marry.

Moreover, the chief disciple of the Ancient Sect was actually just an ordinary person, which made these disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect very unhappy.

"Ordinary people?"

"Dare to marry them with the Nine Saint Demon Gate?"

"The Cleansing Ancient Sect actually sent an ordinary person, this is looking down on our Nine Saint Demon Gate?"

Under such circumstances, it naturally attracted the dissatisfaction of many disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect.

No, when Li Qiye came to the Nine Saint Demon Gate, he was provoked by a demon disciple of the Nine Saint Demon Gate and met to fight in the duel arena.

The strength of the disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Gate is indeed very good, and at a young age, he has already reached the realm of opening the palace, and among the Nine Saint Demon Gate, he can also be regarded as Tianjiao.

No matter how he looked at it, it seemed that Li Qiye had no chance of winning.

Soon, the duel between the two began.

When the heavens and all the worlds saw this, they all sighed deeply.

"This Li Qiye is really crazy."

"What the hell is he doing trying to challenge the monk as a mortal?"

"He doesn't know what it means to do this, it's looking for death."

"No, why can Li Qiye be so indifferent, doesn't he know that he is facing a cultivator?"

"A mortal, facing a cultivator, is it a little too abnormal, right?"

"Is he sure of himself, or is he pretending?"

"If you want me to see, this is likely to be pretended, after living for so long, the acting skills must be first-class."

"How could he be sure?"

"He is just a mortal, a mere mortal, how can he shake a cultivator, he definitely has no confidence, all this is pretended by him."

"If I want to say it, too."

"How can it be possible to live for so many years, still just an ordinary person, this Li Qiye is simply an ordinary person, or even a waste, no matter how you look at it, it is not a hanging comparison."

"This time, he wants to forcibly pretend, and if he wants to shake the suspension ceremony with his mortal body, it is to send him to death."

"Needless to say, this one, he's dead."

"It seems that this hanging bi is going to quack, the first time I saw hang biga, I was a little excited ahahahah."

"Although I haven't seen Li Qiye's extraordinary demon, but Li Qiye is also a hanging ratio, since it is a hanging ratio, it will definitely not die easily."

"That is, at most, it is a disgrace, and as a hangbi, it is generally not easy to die."

"But this time, although he won't die, Li Qiye will definitely lose, and he will definitely lose face."

"Well, this is true, Li Qiye will definitely lose."

"People are palace realm cultivators, what is Li Qiye, an ordinary mortal, not a level person at all, not an opponent at all."

In the heavenly curtain, the cultivator of the Palace Realm fought with Li Qiye, and he was full of disdain for Li Qiye.

His body was full of momentum, and the surging momentum rushed at will, rushing between heaven and earth, lingering around him.

The momentum of the cultivator of the Palace Realm is mighty and powerful, coercing Li Qiye, compared with such a cultivator, Li Qiye is definitely not an opponent!

Li Qiye, on the other hand, looked indifferent, and did not face the monk's fear and fear at all.

"Yo, don't panic in the face of the monk, good fellow, this is starting to pretend, right?"

"This is the beginning? It is worthy of forcing the king, and it is really a deep way to pretend. "

"Harm, no matter how you say it, he will just pretend to be forced, it's just a bluff, and his little strength is simply not enough to see."

"Just him, he still wants to wrestle with the monk, what kind of joke?"

"With his little strength, it's simply not enough to look at."

"I hope there won't be a scene of pretending to be punched in the face later!"

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms were talking about it.

Li Qiye's gaze fell on the cultivator of the Palace Realm, and he spoke indifferently: "Don't waste time, hurry up." "

As soon as the words fell, he saw that disciple suddenly struck, and his figure swept out like lightning.

A sword breaks through the air, the sword is like thunder, the sword momentum is like thunder, the sword momentum is as mighty as a shock, fierce and domineering, incomparable.

As long as people with long eyes can see how terrifying the power of this sword is.

This sword was like a rushing thunder, as if a mighty thunder fell from above the nine heavens, pouring out supreme coercion, like a river of thunder falling!

In the face of this fierce and domineering and powerful sword, Li Qiye was still indifferent, his face was full of calm, and he did not panic at all, and unleashed his ordinary sword technique.

The light of the sword was like electricity, and it was impossible to see clearly, and the fierce sword radiance had already dissipated between heaven and earth.

And as the sword light dispersed, what slowly fell was the corpse of the disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect that was broken into five pieces.

In an instant, everyone's eyes widened.

No one could see what was happening, not even the light of the sword, but they saw that the disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect shattered into five pieces and were wiped out by Li Qiye with one blow.

This scene completely shocked everyone.

Everyone was shocked!

The creatures of the heavens and realms were naturally shocked at this moment, staring at the picture on the sky screen in disbelief, stunned for a long time, unable to accept everything they saw.

"This Nima... What the heck? "

"Groove! What the hell is going on here? "

"How so, how so? That's outrageous. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this moment, the world.

Xiao Yan was also stupid, looking at the picture above the sky screen in confusion, and it was difficult to return to his senses for a long time.

"Not buddy, are you really?"

"That's it?"

Xiao Yan looked at the picture on the sky screen in confusion, what is the situation?

Is he really confused, and this is directly opened?

With a sword, it will directly seconds the monk?

Isn't, buddy, what about mortals who say good?

What about the insurmountable gap between good mortals and monks?

Co-authorship is all a joke, isn't it?

"I threw Lei Loumu, what kind of joke are you kidding."

Although he had long known that as a hangbi, Li Qiye was definitely not simple, and it was certainly not what it seemed.

But he didn't expect that Li Qiye could be so difficult.

It's outrageous!

It's outrageous!

He actually relied on his mortal body, with the power of a mortal, and made a cultivator in one move.

That's a monk! 593

Isn't it true that cultivators are all second-killing to mortals, how can this Li Qiye be an exception.

It's really open, right?

It's outrageous.

Not to mention how Li Qiye defeated the cultivator as a mortal, just the time he had obtained this sword technique.

It's only been a few days since I learned this?

And can it exert such great power?

Genima is outrageous!

"It's worthy of being a pervert, this is the real hanging ratio."

Xiao Yan once again felt inferior.

At the same time, in the mortal plane, Han Li was also numb, and his face was full of shock.

Mortals, kill monks?

As a cultivator who started from the dust and rose step by step to this point, Han Li knew better than anyone how big the gap between cultivators and mortals was.

However, Li Qiye was able to kill a genius cultivator in seconds with a knife and a book of sword techniques.

What a heavenly thing this must be!


Han Li gasped, and his gaze towards the heavenly dome was full of jealousy.

Son against heaven!

He will never forget how much Dr. Mo arranged in order to kill the surviving cultivator.

In the end, it was only by insidious calculation that the cultivator who was seriously injured and died not long ago was killed.

But Li Qiye directly hardened the steel, and with his own strength, he directly killed this cultivator in seconds.

This has even broken through his cognitive range.

How can this be?

Hanging ratio, definitely ratio!

Fortunately, he had long guessed that the crow that had cultivated so many strong people could not be so simple, so he kept a heart and did not sneer.

It's really an old silver coin!

He squinted his eyes and looked at the sky screen, "Li Qiye, it is worthy of hanging comparison, but the artist is bold." "

If it were him, he would never do it.

It's just too dangerous.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and such a dangerous situation must not be easily set foot in.

"It is worthy of being an old monster who has lived for endless years, and this state of mind is really unmatched."

In the face of such danger, they are so light and breezy, this is thanks to Li Qiye being an old monster.

At the same time, the hegemony of the emperor.

Cleansing within the ancient school.

Everyone was shocked, stunned, staring at the picture in the sky in disbelief, their faces full of disbelief.

No, what did they just see?

Li Qiye stabbed that person for a second?!

One cut, direct seconds?!

I'm Nima, kidding, huh?

Is this really the Li Qiye they know?

It turned out to be so powerful!

Is he really that Lord Crow?

No way......

That sword technique, they only knew was extremely ordinary, just the most ordinary sword technique, even if it was practiced to the extreme, it could not be matched in the face of cultivators.

But with this short cultivation of strength, Li Qiye killed a cultivator in seconds.

Fake, right?

Are you kidding!

Originally, they were very unhappy to let Li Qiye, a mortal and ordinary man, serve as the chief disciple of the Cleansing Ancient Sect.

But now this scene has completely subverted everyone's cognition.

Everyone present in the Cleansing Ancient School was dumbfounded.

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