At this moment, within the ancient sect of Yan Washing, Nan Huairen also looked at the picture on the sky screen in a daze, opened his mouth wide, looked confused, and looked unbelievable.

He couldn't believe that the figure that appeared in the picture was Li Qiye, the senior brother Li he was familiar with.

The person in the picture, with his mortal body, easily killed a genius cultivator of the Palace Realm in seconds with a sword technique.

"It's really... Is that Senior Brother Li you know? "

At this moment, the Nanhuairen people were completely stupid.

"Doesn't it mean that Senior Brother Li is just a mortal body and mortal wheel, so why can it still be so powerful?"

"Directly, cut off a cultivator of the Palace Opening Realm!"

"Break the palace realm! That's the palace realm! "

What made him feel most strange was... Senior Brother Li is still just a mortal!

It's also incredible!

"Is that really Senior Brother Li?!"

At this moment, Nan Huairen was already stupid.

He never expected that an ordinary person, a mortal who had not practiced, would actually be able to kill a cultivator with hard steel.

For him, it was a fantasy, but it really happened in front of his eyes.

This is really a bit outrageous!

That's a palace powerhouse.

"In the face of ordinary people, it is not a snap of your fingers to kill, and you can be wiped out with a wave of your hand?"

"But even if everyone thinks that it is a situation that must be lost, Senior Brother Li actually broke it!"

"With just the knife in his hand, he killed a strong man in the palace realm."

"Isn't this really a joke?"

No matter how strong the martial arts are, they are also on a par with the Dao.

Martial arts are only to develop the power of mortals themselves, but Dao can use the power of heaven and earth.

After all, manpower is sometimes poor, not to mention mortals, not monks.

But the power of heaven and earth is an endless supreme power.

Martial arts are compared with Dao, instinct.

Compared to the Dao, martial arts are just side branches.

Even if it is a powerful martial art, Intel cannot shake the Dao at all.

This was originally his deep-rooted idea, and even this was the consensus of almost the entire plane, all living beings.

The Dao method is powerful, far from the martial arts ratio.

However, Li Qiye opened the eyes of all of them, and with his martial arts, he defeated the cultivators of the Palace Opening Realm.

This really surprised Nan Huairen.

At this moment, Nan Huairen was completely excited, and his face was excited. 、

"I know!"

"I know Senior Brother Li, it's definitely not simple."

"I know that Senior Brother Li is not an ordinary person!"

"Sure enough, it has to be Senior Brother Li, Senior Brother Li, you are really too strong!"

At this moment, Nan Huairen also believed the absurd facts in the inventory.

His senior brother is really the reincarnation of the divine crow!

Only the reincarnation of the divine crow can be so powerful, and only the reincarnation of the divine crow can be enchanted to such a point!

Senior brother, it is really the reincarnation of the divine crow!

Senior Brother Li, he is not a waste!

At this moment, Nan Huairen was more excited than anyone.

The best Senior Brother Li for him is not waste, but a peerless Tianjiao, the reincarnation of a divine crow, and a big man who has cultivated countless great powers!

His Senior Brother Li is really not ordinary!

At the same time, Li Qiye, who was sitting on the lone peak, looked indifferent, not shocked or happy at all.

Such a result had long been expected by him.

The knife technique he used was called the Qi Men Dao.

This Qi Men knife is not simple, although the people of the ancient school of Qianyan think that this is just an ordinary knife technique, but this is not an ordinary knife method, but a knife method that has been polished by Emperor Mingren Immortal.

This sword technique is extremely powerful, although it is only a martial art, it is not comparable to ordinary Dao methods.

What's even more terrifying is that Li Qiye realized the ultimate meaning of this sword technique!

For thousands of years, except for the Emperor Mingren Immortal, only Li Qiye knew the ultimate meaning of this sword technique!

You know, if this sword technique is cultivated to the point of pure fire, you can slash the prince!

This is not an ordinary sword technique, this is a martial art polished by the Immortal Emperor, and it is not a problem to cut the prince, not to mention a small palace realm.

As for why he knew the power of this Qi Men Dao and the ultimate meaning of the Qi Men Dao.

This is naturally because Emperor Mingren Immortal was single-handedly cultivated by him.

In his endless years as a crow, he cultivated one powerful existence after another, and naturally knew a lot about their respective hole cards.

Of course, this Qi Men Dao is not the hole card of the Emperor Mingren Immortal, but the crow watched him grow up little by little, and the Emperor Mingren Immortal Emperor had something to hide from him.

This knife technique is Li Qiye's completely unexpected hole card, and the hole card taken out is really good.

Looking at the picture in Tianmu, Li Qiye had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and then spoke softly: "Is this my future?"

In the future, he turned out to be like this.

It's interesting.

For their own future affairs, many comparisons do not want to be exposed.

Because it will add many twists and turns to his future path.

But Li Qiye didn't care.

What happens in the future, even if it is exposed, he doesn't care.

Having lived for so long and witnessed the rise of so many Immortal Emperor powerhouses, his hole cards are so many that no one can imagine.

Even if it is exposed, it does not matter.

He can also have other hole cards.

Immediately afterwards, the picture continued to play, and in the changing picture, Li Qiye continued to show his might.

At the Nine Saint Demon Gate, Li Qiye ushered in many challenges.

This time, he came for the assessment, and he is still a non-rejuvenator, which will naturally attract the dissatisfaction of many people.

Moreover, he also killed a disciple of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, and naturally many people held their breath and wanted to teach him a lesson.

Faced with such a scene, Li Qiye did not panic at all, holding a snake beating stick, killing all directions, and entering and exiting ten in and out of the Nine Saint Demon Gate.

With his own strength, with the body of a mortal, with a snake beating stick, he defeated all enemies.

With his mortal body, he blasted and killed a group of cultivators.

Ten in and ten out, these young people in the Nine Saint Demon Gate had no one to be his opponent at all, no one could stop him, no one could be taken seriously!

No one can match it!

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned, all of them were numb, their faces were shocked, they were shocked, and their faces were full of shock.


"This... This is Li Qiye?! Is this the real Li Qiye, who can be so devilish!? "

"Isn't this Li Qiye a little outrageous, has he forgotten his identity, he is really just a mortal!"

"Why, deterrence, a spoof mortal can be so devilish, killing a monk is like slaughtering a dog."

"Lying groove, I'm really confused brothers."

"Li Qiye, isn't he just an ordinary person, why can he be so devilish, terrifying, it's simply against the sky!"

"No, who do you say can withstand this!"

"Brothers, I'm wet, I'm really wet."

"Li Qiye, it's worthy of him, he's really too strong."

"No, how did he do it? With that mortal body, an ordinary sword, and a book of knife techniques, can this step be achieved? "

"It's a little too devilish, too perverted."

"Against the sky! It can only be said that it is against the sky! It's just too against the sky. "

"Brothers, I'm sorry, this is a real demon."

"I really looked away, I really damn it, I actually looked down on the big guy, I was guilty, I was really guilty."

Of course, in the heavens and realms, there are naturally people who are curious about what that stick is.

"That stick can actually defeat the monk, this stick must not be ordinary, what is this stick?"

"That is, a mortal actually took this stick to fight a group of cultivators, and it is outrageous that he actually defeated a group of cultivators with this stick, and this stick is definitely not ordinary."

"This stick will also die a little outrageous, what is this stick?"

The creature with the overlord plane of the emperor quickly explained: "This stick is called the snake beating stick, and his characteristic is that he specializes in finding weak points to attack. "

"This snake stick can find weak points with great precision and attack, which is the evil of snake stick."

"Groove?! Is it so amazing? "

"This is the snake stick? I really shocked the brothers. "

"Able to specialize in weaknesses, bull batch!"

"No, isn't this weapon so amazing, it can automatically find weaknesses, which is really useful."

"If you have such a weapon, you can save a lot of things from now on when you fight people."

"Makes sense!"

"Fellow Daoists, you must remember that no matter how much this weapon is a gift, it is only a foreign object after all."

"In the final analysis, Li Qiye himself is still powerful, otherwise, even if it is an outrageous foreign object, it is useless, and it is difficult to be so terrifying."

"In the end, the real most powerful is Li Qiye himself."

"That's right, Li Qiye himself is the most terrifying."

"I thought that Dr. Mo was outrageous enough, scheming, calculating, and able to kill Truth Cultivators in a mortal body."

"But I didn't expect that this guy Li Qiye was even more outrageous and perverted, sweeping a generation within the Nine Saint Demon Gate as a mortal, and there was no opponent at all."

"It is worthy of being an old monster who has lived for so many years, facing so many cultivators, he does not panic at all, so calm, it is really extraordinary."

"It's really numb."

For a time, the creatures of the heavens and realms looked at the picture on the heavenly dome and were deeply amazed.

"I'm Nima, it's outrageous."

"He is still just a mortal and already hangs like this, being able to sweep a generation of sects, if he becomes a cultivator, wouldn't it be against the sky?"

"This is not a hanging comparison?!"

"Lying groove, really shocked the brothers, this hanging ratio is really a bit outrageous, a good hanging ratio, a good Li Qiye."

"If Li Qiye became a cultivator, wouldn't it be even more unimaginable?"

"I admit, my voice just now was a little loud, Li Qiye still has to be you, you are the real hangbi, the real is too difficult to teach."

In the sky, the picture kept flashing.

Li Qiye has lived for too long and has experienced countless experiences, so in the face of anyone and anything, he can deal with it indifferently without panic.

He quickly found the body book.

And the moment he found the body book, the aberration was abrupt.

The momentum on Li Qiye's body began to surge majestically, his blood was boiling, and a powerful and incomparable power circulating in his body swept out!

At the moment he obtained the body book, he awakened an incomparably powerful physique.

In this heaven and earth, there are twelve kinds of immortal bodies.

What he awakened was one of them, the Prison Divine Body.

The Zhen Hell Divine Body, one of the twelve immortal bodies. This weight is like Wanyue, once trained, the weight of the body alone can crush everything!

After Dacheng, you can hit the Great Emperor!

This physique is powerful and matchless, and its combat power is strong and coercive.

Definitely wants to fight the incomparable physique.

As for the powerful Divine Passage Law Kunpeng Six Changes, he directly and thoroughly mastered it.

You don't need to practice at all, you can master it directly, and the mastery level is extremely high.

For him, cultivation is as simple as drinking water, there is no need to waste any mental energy at all, and everything can be comprehended in an instant.

The only thing he needs is time.

On the road of cultivation, he did not have any troubles at all, and he only needed enough time to be able to understand everything, practice in the Great Avenue, and become a peerless powerhouse.

For Li Qiye, the years he had lived in had now become his best nourishment.

During those years, everything he had accumulated and comprehended had now become a help for him on his path of cultivation, pushing him step by step and going farther and farther.

Most of his current demon is thanks to those years, and those years as a crow have accumulated an incomparably profound foundation for him now.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were crazy.

"Lying groove, what kind of monster is this?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Is this still human?"

"Seriously, is this still human?"

"No, no, he wasn't a human being."

"This guy used to be a crow, and then he has lived for several eras, infinite years, he is now an old monster, and he can't be called a human at all!"

"I'll go to your uncle, it's really not a sound, it's a blockbuster."

"What kind of demon talent is this, just look at it, this is no longer a matter of talent."

"What talent can be demon to such a point, sure enough, people cannot be generalized."

"Body book? Is this thing so against the sky? "

"Can you awaken your physique at a glance? Those twelve immortal bodies, each of which is extremely heaven-defying. "

"It's not buddy, you said you were so perverted, I won't slander you just now!"

"Has the big guy seen what kind of monster this Li Qiye is? Can it be so outrageous to change from a crow back to a human? "

"It's really outrageous, not only Li Qiye, this body book is also against the sky!"

At this moment, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned.

In this world, there is still such a existence?

"I envy my brothers, I really envy!"

"Is this the hanging ratio? I admired it, it is worthy of hanging comparison, it is such a demon. "

"It's over, just don't pretend, just open it."

"What kind of cultivation, I can't understand at all, isn't it that as long as I live, eat and drink, and cultivate can grow?"

"This is the way of life of Hang Bi, I really envy it."

"Is this the benefit of immortality?"

"Mu admired, I really envied."

"Li Qiye is really cool and crooked, and cultivation does not require his own efforts, who doesn't envy this?"

(Qian Good) This whole plane of exercises, all Li Qiye used the leftovers. "

"He has cultivated so many Great Emperor Supreme powerhouses, and he must have been extremely familiar with these exercises, just like an arm."

"He naturally doesn't need to study or cultivate, he can learn it just by looking at it."

"As for those who have to look at it, it must be because he forgot, look at what is written on it, and then remember."

"My enthusiastic horse, envy, this time is really envious of flying."

"Who is not envious of this?"

"I'm numb, this is the treatment of hanging comparison, can't be compared, really can't be compared."

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan looked at the picture in Tianmu, and he was also envious.

Is this physique so strong?

If you can also open a physique, then it would be good, wouldn't it be more against the sky?

Having a physique, even if it is just an ordinary physique, is stronger than ordinary people.

Looking at the burning technique in his hand, at this moment, Xiao Yan suddenly felt that the burning was not fragrant.

This Li Qiye is really terrifying.

It's not that he can't cultivate, it's that he doesn't want to cultivate at all.

When he was still mortal, he had already killed monks like slaughtering dogs.

Now that you start cultivating, it's as simple as drinking water.

Envy, this is the real hanging ratio.

I'm afraid it's not a fake hanging comparison.

At the same time, the sky is shading.

Ye Fan also looked incredulous.

Body book?

There is still such an existence in the heavens and realms?

That's a bit beyond imagination.

This thing, can actually awaken the physique?

Hell, good guy, isn't this thing innate?

Can it actually be artificially awakened?


Pervert the!

This thing is a little too perverted.

These things won't be created by Li Qiye, right?

Suddenly thinking of this possibility, in an instant, Ye Fan's scalp was numb, and he gasped and lifted it.

Cultivate many emperors, the great black hand of all ages!

This Li Qiye is not simple!

It's really against the sky.

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