At this moment, almost all the creatures in the heavens and realms looked at Li Qiye with envy, and their faces were full of envy.

"Lying groove, this is a real stone hammer, this is not a hanging ratio, what is a hanging ratio!"

"It turns out that... We have always underestimated Li Qiye, it is true that he is immortal, but his appearance is not only immortal. "

"With such a terrifying understanding, just by looking at the body book, you can awaken one of the twelve immortal bodies, one of the most powerful physiques in the world, what an unparalleled talent."

"In addition, there is also the speed of people's cultivation, which is as easy and convenient as drinking water, and there is no hindrance to cultivation."

"Even those powerful and terrifying divine channel methods, people are still easy to master, such as arm, not at all, brothers, this is the real hanging comparison, this is who is not envious!"

"Li Qiye, it's not just that he has lived for a long time, he has lived such a long time, and those years are not a waste for him."

"Those endless years are the nourishment of his growth, so he can accumulate and shock everyone now." 、

"Cultivation is like eating and drinking, those powerful Dao powers, just look at it, these are traces to follow."

"Brothers, who doesn't envy Li Qiye?"

"People this is the real hanging ratio!"

"Brother Qiye, I admit, I spoke too loudly just now, don't forget your heart."

"Such monsters are rare in the world, not to mention their plane, even if they are the heavens and realms, they can't find a few such anti-heavenly monsters."

"Even those who are compared to each other are not comparable to this guy's demon!"

"Compared to Li Qiye, I am more interested in that body book."

"Brothers, that is a book that can awaken the physique, who doesn't want it, who doesn't blush?"

"Awakening physique means incomparably strong talent and qualifications that are difficult to reach in the world!"

"That body book can change the physique the day after tomorrow, and change the physique that should have appeared congenitally, how unbelievable is this."

"If we can obtain the body book, you and I can also change our physique, and from then on we will embark on the road against the sky!"

Some people covet body books that can awaken their physique.

This is a treasure against the sky!

Who doesn't want that?

In the eyes of the creatures of the heavens and realms, this object was even more precious than Han Li's palm heaven bottle!

After all, the palm heaven bottle is a foreign object, and its main function is only to ripen the elixir.

But this book is different.

Body books can awaken the constitution.

Once the physique awakens, it is really your own, and it is your strongest dependence.

All 037 great power belongs to himself.

In the final analysis, one's own strength is the real strength.

Although there are also many people who want to get the palm sky bottle, if you compare the palm sky bottle with the body book, then there is no doubt that there are more people who want the body book.

"If you can get the body book, you will definitely be able to change your life against the sky!"

"It's not just a change of fate against the heavens, brother, in my world, if you can get one of these nine divine books, you can dominate the entire world!"

"This is an opportunity! If I can grab the opportunity to ask questions, I must ask the taker how to obtain the body book. "

This is a tempting opportunity for all living beings in the heavens and realms, who can stop it?

At the same time, while the creatures of the heavens and realms were discussing, Li Qiye in the heavenly curtain was also improving rapidly in cultivation and strength because of his physical awakening, and he was almost changing with each passing day.

When the heavenly beings saw this scene, they were already shocked beyond belief.

When Li Qiye saw this scene, he was indifferent and very calm.

"It's just righteous, and it's not common to have such a speed of improvement."


"No, he can pretend!"

"How did you put it up!"

"No, how is this daylight, and the good end is suddenly pretended."

"No, don't you know, didn't Li Qiye always pretend like this?"

"His degree of pretense is comparable to Xu Que's."

"These two are both generation kings, and they are all good pretenders."

"That's right, it makes sense, after all, this Li Qiye, but the role that can be called a Taoist friend by Xu Que, must be quite accomplished in the way of pretending."

"Hey-I didn't expect that this guy Li Qiye's attainment in the way of pretending to be forced was so profound."

"It is worthy of being an old monster who has lived for endless years and cultivated countless emperor powerhouses."

"Xu Que who was counted last time is a forced king, and Li Qiye who was counted this time is a forced king, which is really interesting, two forced kings."

"I'm a little curious about what will happen if these two forced kings meet."

"That must be Mars hitting the earth, quite explosive."

"A little expectation, brothers, it's really looking forward to it."

"But speaking of which, Li Qiye and Xu Que are still a little different."

"Xu Que has to pretend, and he has to rely on pretending to improve his strength."

"As for Li Qiye, he is purely in love with this line, obviously he is a terrible old monster, but he likes to pretend to be tender and play pig and eat tiger."

"Don't say it, don't say it, these two are really a couple made in heaven, and it is recommended to get married in place."

"I just fainted on the spot, what kind of netherworld CP is this (bhfj)?"

"Hahaha, CP can be unpopular, but not evil door, can be grounded, but cannot be grounded."

"Brother, you are engaged in a very new trick, I am not sure, but I can only say that it is good to live."

"No, how can Li Qiye's cultivation speed be so fast, is this the benefit of the old monster, his cultivation speed is simply fast to the point of violating the law."

"It's just that a thousand miles a day is not enough to describe it."

"Others have worked hard to cultivate, meditate and upgrade, and have gone through thousands of obstacles to improve their cultivation a little."

"But this guy is good, no matter what it is, even if it is a legendary exercise, just take a look at it, do nothing, just sit and wait for the upgrade."

"Who has this changed, who is not envious?"

"Is this the accumulation of tens of millions of years?"

"You have worked hard to cultivate, how can it be compared to my tens of millions of years of accumulation, this sentence is really appropriate."

"Xu Que's kid is too, he doesn't have to cultivate hard at all, as long as he pretends to be forced, his cultivation will soar like a rocket."

"Li Qiye is also a forced king, no better than him, and he also does nothing, and his cultivation can rub and rise."

"Brothers, envy, I really envy."

"Who has this changed, who doesn't envy it?"

"These two forced kings, they really deserve to die!"

"Forcing the king and hanging the ratio, if nothing else, it's really damned!"

"I'm going to crush my brothers in my back teeth."

"Every time I look at these hanging ratios, it always makes my scalp feel numb. How could such a thing exist in the heavens and realms! "

The creatures of the heavens and realms were naturally extremely envious of Li Qiye's situation.

Who can not envy this?

Do nothing, just sit there, cultivate yourself and you will improve, so envious that tears flow from the corners of your mouth.

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms complained one after another, the picture on the heavenly dome was rapidly changing at the same time.

The picture on the sky dome kept flashing, and what appeared in it was naturally Li Qiye's situation.

In addition to the body book, Li Qiye also has other treasures.

The body book is a fetish that can make people awaken their physique, and the ability to awaken their physique alone has made the creatures of the heavens and realms envious.

Even some of the great powers have given birth to the idea of wanting to cross the border and obtain the body book.

A body book has already shined, making people salivate and ready to move.

In addition to the body book, Li Qiye also has several other books.

Each one is not weaker than the existence of the body book.

Each of these books is extremely powerful and has unparalleled power.

Not to mention that in the world of emperor domination, even if you look at the heavens and realms, there will be countless living beings who are coveted and envious.

These are all fetish creatures with supreme magic methods!

In addition to the body book, Li Qiye also has the Book of Death, the Book of Emptiness, the Book of Reading, the Book of Dao, the Book of Shou, the Book of Time, the Book of Treasure, and the Book of Life!

The entire nine divine books were all in Li Qiye's hands.

If this is to let the creatures in this world know, it is estimated that they will definitely be crazy demons, and they will definitely come and rob it at all costs!

Even if he was the former Yin Crow, the Divine Crow who had taught countless bigwigs and emperors, he could not stop those creatures who wanted to obtain these divine books.

The point is that these divine books, each of which is extremely powerful, is too perverted.

Each book has an incomparably powerful magic method, and the power of the gods is unimaginable!

Each of these books is similar to the law of the avenue, a book, is a law of the avenue, spanning the nine heavens.

No matter how great the power, it cannot be shaken, cannot be changed.

These books are the supreme ancient laws.

Even the Immortal Emperor had to crawl under these Dao Laws.

For example, the book of death, the record of death, the accumulation of three deaths and one fate, the six deaths into one thing, the nine deaths for a lifetime, and the eighteen heavens.

Another example is the Book of Time, which is the supreme treasure on the way of time, and with this book, controlling time, can flow unimpeded in the long river of time.

Whether it is going back to ancient times or looking down on the future, it is not a problem. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Across the years, across the river of time, relaxed and free.

Every book is powerful.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were completely crazy.

"I'm holding Nima's, what a thing!"

"What kind of joke, any book here, it is all an existence against the sky, and it is an unparalleled treasure!"

"So many books, taken out casually, are all treasures that are enough to make countless creatures in the heavens and realms fight for them."

"This guy has so many divine books alone, what a damn it!"

"Li Qiye, Li Qiye, I didn't expect it, we still underestimated you, I didn't expect that you are gifted with demons, and there are actually so many treasures?"

"You still don't let others mess around?"

"With your own strength, you have raised the threshold of hanging ratio, and it has to be you, Li Qiye!"

"A person has so many powerful plugins, each of these is a powerful plugin, give one at will, can create a world-shaking hangbi, and it has to be you, Li Qiye!"

"If you give me a book of time, I am confident that I will reach the top!"

"Nonsense! Such a powerful plug-in, who can't change it? Me can too! "

"I'm numb, is this the hanging ratio, is this the treatment of the hanging ratio, so many powerful plug-ins, gathered together, all his."

"I will really be envious to cry to death, sure enough, the comparison is not a person, it is something we can't compare."

"Taoist friends, listen to the old man's advice, never envy the hanging ratio, because you can't envy it at all."

"Aaaaah! I don't care! I can't help it! "

"I'm going to the Emperor World! I'm going to grab it! I'm going to snatch all these plugins back for him!" "

"Rob? Dude, are you Shi Lezhi? Do you eat oil cakes? Are you crazy? "

"Are you sure you want to grab something in your hand?"

"You dare to grab something in the hands of hanging bi?"

"No, aren't you looking for death, buddy, do you want to explain your last words first, I'm afraid that you went to the Emperor Overlord World and have no chance to say it."

"No, what's wrong if you can't beat it?"

"Can't you join if you can't beat it?"

"I can completely worship Li Qiye, worship him as a teacher, and make a cow and a horse under his crotch, can't I?"

"If he is happy and really willing to guide me, then won't I become an emperor?"

"Those people guided by Li Qiye have all become Immortal Emperor Supreme, if I can be guided by him, this is completely another bright and brilliant road to the Great Emperor!"

"Be Li Qiye's apprentice, I am willing!"

"I was born as a disciple of Li Qiye, and died as a dead disciple of Li Qiye, anyway, I only live three words in this life, that is Li Qiye!"

"I want to become Li Qiye's disciple and become the Immortal Emperor Supreme!"

"That's right, too!"

"Dear Taoists, I really like this."

"No, I mean, I really want to worship the master and become his disciple."

"Okay, okay buddy, I have already seen your perversion, please hurry up and put away the hara at the corner of your mouth."

"If you can worship Li Qiye, who wouldn't want to?"

"Brothers, I didn't expect it to be you, playing rotten terriers, you are really professional."

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan saw the picture on the sky screen, and he was also confused at the moment, staring at the picture on the sky screen in disbelief.

"I hang!"

"No, why is this hair so much plugged in."

"Moreover, it seems that every plug-in is more powerful than mine."

"So many anti-heavenly means can actually be recorded in the book, outrageous, this is really outrageous!"

Xiao Yan's gaze towards Li Qiye suddenly became extremely deep.

"What kind of monster is this Li Qiye."

This book carries the law of the avenue, which is the supreme law.

Every book is a supreme and mighty fetish.

And these books are all from his own hands, this Li Qiye is really outrageous.

Time and space are the most profound and dangerous.

The methods involving time and space are all anti-heavenly methods.

But Li Qiye mastered it all.

It can only be said that it is no wonder that it is the ancient black hand, and it is indeed terrifying.

A good Li Qiye, a good crow, is worthy of being a black hand who secretly manipulates the world and promotes the rise and end of the era.

He was already looking at Li Qiye as high as possible, but he didn't expect that he would underestimate him after all.

Xiao Yan looked at the scene that happened in the sky curtain, and his heart began to feel a little hot.

After all, looking at the heavens and realms, how many worlds can record all kinds of anti-heavenly means in books?

Even if you just get one of them, it is absolutely against the sky!

At the same time, the comprehensive martial arts plane, Daqin, Xianyang Palace!

Ying Zheng's face was full of expectation, his eyes were red, and he looked at the sky screen with excitement, he was really red!

This plane is actually so against the sky, this method is so extraordinary?!

He longed for the extreme, dreamed of immortality, and he could actually do it casually!

And even, not only.

In a book, there are actually so many laws against the sky, and at that time, the book can control time, travel through the future and the past, and dominate the years.

At this moment, Ying Zheng was moved fiercely, and he couldn't help but feel fascinated.

"If you can get this book, won't it be immortal?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng's voice was so excited that it trembled.

At the same time, the countless creatures in the heavens and realms were also talking about it, and they were all shocked.

"I didn't expect that the Emperor's Hegemony World would have such an existence against the sky."

"We all underestimated Li Qiye, and there is really a reason why he was able to cultivate so many Great Emperor Supremes."

"Li Qiye's son is really too enchanting and terrifying."

Having seen Li Qiye's toughness, at this moment, many creatures were fascinated, with a look of envy, and their minds came alive.

They all wanted to go to the Emperor's Overlord World to learn from Li Qiye.

After all, Li Qiye is really too against the sky.

Even if he pretends to be forced, but people really have that strength, unlike Xu Que, who has no strength and pretends hard.

It seems that living so long is not, it is useless.

Immortal and immortal, living for countless years, this accumulation is really terrifying and profound.

They really didn't see it wrong, this immortal hanging, really against the sky.

Worshiping him as a teacher, being able to become the Immortal Emperor Supreme, this is a great opportunity, there is no shame at all!

At this moment, countless creatures were fiercely moved! .

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