The picture on the sky screen continued to emerge one by one, showing the trajectory of Li Qiye's growth, and the creatures of the heavens and realms witnessed it with their own eyes.

More things about Li Qiye were also exposed to heaven and earth, exposed to the noses of all sentient beings in the ten thousand worlds.

Under the gaze of all sentient beings in the ten thousand worlds, he obtained the Nine Heavenly Books, and in addition to the Nine Heavenly Books, he also obtained the Nine Heavenly Treasures.

These nine heavenly treasures are also extremely powerful, unparalleled in power, incomparable, all of them are heaven-defying treasures!

These nine heavenly treasures are casual, placed between heaven and earth, can make a group of creatures beat the dog's brain, not to mention the nine treasures gathered.

This Nima can't even think about it!

But right now, this is something that I dare not think about, it actually happened in front of everyone's eyes, and in front of everyone, all of these nine heavenly treasures were looted by Li Qiye alone.

The nine heavenly treasures fell into the hands of one person, this is something that I dare not think of!

Such heaven-defying treasures were all mastered by Li ~ Seven Nights alone.

The creatures of the heavens and realms are naturally so envious that their teeth will fall out.

"No, no, how can his luck be so against the sky, really against the sky to this point, right?"

"Who can endure this, who dares to believe this?"

"Lying in a big trough, nine treasures against the sky, all of them belong to him alone, didn't I say buddy, you have three heads and six arms?"

"So many babies, do you use them? It's really not okay, I'll share a little for you? "

"This is the benefit of living for a long time, knowing everything, knowing everything, where the baby is hiding, how to get the treasure, it is simply difficult for him."

"After so many years of deep accumulation, it is really not useless."

"Serve Liao, I really admire this."

"I really envy Li Qiye, this hanging ratio of immortal and immortal plug-in, I laughed at it at first, but now it seems that the clown is actually myself."

"I was really punched in the face."

"It is really useful to live for a long time, not to die and not to die, really cattle!"

"After living for so long, this world has almost no secrets for him, what he wants and what he wants to get is just a thought."

"Those lonely years as a crow used to be painful for him, but now all those pains have turned into nourishment, allowing him to achieve extraordinary and great things every day."

"I can only say, real cow batch!"

"Hmph, what is this, I can change me, as long as I get it long enough, what do you want to get, it's not easy?"

"Dude, don't be sour, yes, you can change you, but people are hanging comparisons."

"People don't die or die, that is, they can live for so long, endless years, people can survive safely, there is no problem of life at all."

"Living for so long, looking at the heavens and realms, how many can there be, how many people can do it?"

"Perhaps, only those supreme planes are powerful."

"You don't have a plug-in, you just can't live like Li Qiye, live for endless years, accumulate deeply, then don't call it."

"It's just, it's not comparable at all."

"Alas, look at it like this, it is good to live for a long time, but unfortunately, I and other mortals are not those supreme powers."

"My life is like a mayfly, dying day and night, a human life, a short life span of a few decades, how many graces can I see?"

"Envy Li Qiye, can't envy at all."

"If you can be immortal and immortal like him, have seen everything, seen the passage of time, the rise and fall of the times, the rise and fall of the great emperor, what kind of state of mind and experience would it be."

Those ordinary people in the ordinary plane, looking at the sky screen, fell into imagination.

This is an experience that they are destined to have in their lives.

It can only be done in the imagination.

At the same time, just as they were talking, the picture changed again.

This time, what emerged in the sky was no longer Li Qiye's experience of becoming stronger, but what he had done.

It is the past that Li Qiye once did in these vast years.

He has done a lot of things along the way before the incomparably long years.

Some things were so far away that he couldn't even remember them clearly.

But now, the sky screen has resurfaced, and those past events of Li Qiye appeared.

His memories of the long years gradually became clear again.

He has indeed done a lot along the way, in the endless years.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, Li Qiye laid a green bamboo.

Eight million years ago, he raised a carp.

Five million years ago, he adopted a little girl.

Today, Cuizhu cultivates into a deity; The carp jumped over the dragon gate and became a golden dragon; As for that little girl, she is now the female emperor of the Nine Realms of Megatron.

Seeing this scene, the heavens and realms were completely crazy!

"Look! What do I say, Li Qiye is a cow batch! "

"As long as it is the creature he taught, no matter what, it will definitely be able to reach the top and become a supreme being!"

"Those Great Emperor Immortals are examples, this Green Bamboo God, the Golden Dragon, and the Nine Realms Female Emperor are also ironclad evidence!"

"I'm right, as long as you can worship Li Qiye, you will definitely be able to reach the pinnacle and become a supreme existence!"

"Outrageous, it's really outrageous, a good Li Qiye, a big black hand in all ages!"

"It is worthy of being a man who hides behind the years and controls the rise and fall of the times, in the end, it has to be you!"

"What a powerful ability to be able to cultivate all disciples into children of luck and let those creatures he teaches reach the pinnacle."

"Worship Li Qiye, there is no loss in shares!"

"Under Li Qiye's door, it is simply the Immortal Emperor Supreme Study Class, as long as he can worship Li Qiye and become a great emperor, it is a certainty, and he has not run."

"Brothers listen to me, our opportunity to change our destiny against the sky is just around the corner, we must do whatever it takes, think of a way to go to the emperor's hegemony and worship Li Qiye."

"As long as it can be achieved, then congratulations, on the bright road, your achievements will be infinite!"

"No, this Li Qiye really has magical power, he is not only a demon himself, but also can teach a bunch of demons, I'm really curious, how did he do it?"

"How can you hang like this?"

"Is this something that ordinary people can do?"

"It seems that the hanging ratio is different from us, don't think about it, the hanging ratio is fierce, and there is never need to be explained."

"What is a hanging ratio? It is something that ordinary people can't do, he can easily do it, this is the hanging ratio! "

"What this Taoist friend said is very reasonable, listening to Jun Yi's words is like listening to Jun Yi's words! Isn't that nonsense, Your Excellency? "

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were shocked and talked about it.

The picture changed again, and Li Qiye's deeds appeared again.

When he was in the Nine Realms, his strength had already far exceeded the limit of the Nine Realms, the Ninth Rank Immortal Emperor Realm.

And when he was in the thirteenth continent, his strength was far beyond the twelve Heavenly Mandate Great Emperor Immortal Kings.

When he was in the Three Immortal Realm, his strength was far beyond the Immortal Ancestor Realm.

In the Eight Desolate Era, his strength was comparable to that of the heavens.

Now, there is only one opponent left, and that is this sky!

Looking at the heavens and the earth, the vast sentient beings, and only the sky can be regarded as an opponent by him.

Thief God, is his only opponent!

All in all, no matter when and where, Li Qiye is the strongest.

The three words of Li Qiye are the symbol of invincibility1

No matter how strong the enemy is, he will only be stronger than the enemy, even so strong that it is unimaginable to break through the limits of the world!

Li Qiye is a complete hanging.

What he interpreted, is truly invincible.

Sweeping the heavens and the earth, from the Nether Realm to the Upper Realm, there is no opponent.

No one was his opponent, and in the end, Li Qiye could only regard this heaven as an opponent.

This is Li Qiye, this is the immortal hanging ratio, this is powerful, this is invincible!

Li Qiye, Zhennai God and Man.

The creatures of the heavens and realms were now completely dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"I... Yes? "

"Is it so demon?"

"No, how can this Li Qiye be so against the sky?"

"Come on, come on, you stand up, who laughed at Li Qiye at the beginning, saying that he is an ordinary person, or even inferior to ordinary people?"

"Today I will let you take a good look at what is the top hanging ratio."

"This Li Qiye, I said it's not so simple, let's see, is it really so?"

"Li Qiye is the most hanging."

"Whoever fought all the way, no matter what world, there was no opponent from him."

"In the end, even only Cang Tian is qualified to be an enemy of him, this Nima, is it really a joke?"

"It's not a movie, is it? Shuangwen male protagonist? "

"The male protagonist of Shuangwen can't be hung like this, this strong is too brainless, will be scolded by readers, right?"

"Lying in a big trough, Li Qiye's hanging ratio is really rare in all ages, he is not only a big black hand of all ages, but also a big hanging ratio of all ages."

"No, the most important thing is that Li Qiye is not only perverted."

"Those disciples of his are also very devilish, all of them are perverts, all of them are peerless great demons cultivated by him!"

"The disciples he cultivated are all peerless Tianjiao, all of them are sons of luck, and they are existences second only to Hang Bi."

"He himself is one of the largest and most powerful hanging ratios in the heavens and realms."

"His plug-in is directly driven to the point of going against the sky, full of perverts, all of them are demons, it is worthy of Li Qiye, and it has to be Li Qiye!"

"When you are still a mortal, you can kill a cultivator with a long knife with a sword technique."

"Later, he became a cultivator, his cultivation was as simple as eating and drinking, his cultivation grew rapidly, as if he had taken a rocket, and finally he was invincible, becoming an invincible existence in this plane, supreme, and only the heavens were enemies of him."

"Such a demon, looking at the heavens and realms, is extremely rare!"

"No, is there really such a demon in the heavens and realms?"

"No matter what world Li Qiye is in, he is the strongest, stronger than the strongest, and even broke through the limits of the world."

"In the end, it is even more hostile to the sky, and the sky is the enemy!"

"Don't say that other people, even Ye Tian Emperor and Barren Heaven Emperor, don't dare to do this!"

"Li Qiye, this is really a scorpion, the only one!"

"Don't talk about hanging comparisons, it's looking at the creatures of the heavens and realms, and that's also the first time that the big girl got on the sedan car!"

"It's not a Taoist, you are full of mouth, are you planning to enter graduate school?"

"I only now understand that when I first took stock of Li Qiye, his words were actually not pretending, let alone exaggerating, what he said was all true!"

"Li Qiye can really do it, fighting the three thousand emperors alone with one hand, and pushing the nineteen continents with both palms!"

"Although it seems strange to you and me, in Li Qiye's eyes, it is very common, he can really do this."

"Even, for him, fighting three thousand emperors alone may not be a difficult task, just turn your hand and suppress it!"

"Sure enough, we are different from the Sveshi who is hanging the comparison, and we can't talk about the same day at all."

"Imagine Li Qiye's extremely powerful cultivation, with Cangtian as an enemy, looking at the entire Emperor Overlord World, who is his opponent?"

"Who can be his enemy?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Non-existent, non-existent."

"Moreover, Li Qiye not only has strength, but also has a background."

"But don't forget, so many Immortal Emperor Supreme bigwigs were cultivated by others, and these bigwigs are all his most loyal fans."

"So many big guys, all of them are his background."

"Understanding Li Qiye is equivalent to declaring war with these bigwigs, who dares? Impatient to live? "

"Having said that... Li Qiye is also a supreme mighty existence, his strength is magnificent and powerful, who dares to trouble him? "

"You really want to speed up life, don't you?"

"Pinch the horse, it's outrageous!"

"Uncle Li, come to our world to play, even if you are not interested, come and take me as an apprentice!"

"If you think about something, you must also come to my world."

"Two Daoist friends, wash and sleep, they are all starting to be mentally abnormal!"

And the sky dome picture continues to change.

Li Qiye in the picture is already extremely powerful, but he is still looking for something.

He was attentive and looked for something with a serious look.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were all confused and puzzled.

"What is he looking for?"

"Li Qiye, what is this doing?"

Suddenly, someone seemed to have thought of something and quickly spoke.

"It seems that from the beginning of the inventory, what has Li Qiye been looking for, right?"

"I don't know what he's looking for, but looking at his serious appearance, there is no doubt that what he is looking for must be very important to him."

"He is already so against the sky, what else can he find? What else could he not find? "

"Can Li Qiye not find it, so focused on looking for, is it something against the sky?"

"I rely on it, it seems that this is the only possibility."

"The plug-in that Li Qiye carefully looked for, how powerful it must be!"

"Family, I'm interested, I want to know what kind of plug-in it is."

Just when all the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were curiously guessing, Li Qiye finally raised his head and no longer searched, but looked at the Heavenly Dao.

"Thief God, where is my sheep?"

Li Qiye hardened the steel heavenly way, but the words he said were shocked.

The creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned.

No, are you making trouble, big brother?

Hold this for a long time, it turns out to be looking for sheep?

What a sheep is that stepping horse.

Pleasant sheep beautiful sheep?

Or a boiling sheep who pushes the ass with joy?

"No, this contrast is really a bit big!"

"Sheep? Fight three thousand emperors alone with one hand? "

"What kind of sheep is this stepping horse, it is actually worthy of Li Qiye looking for it like this."

"A supreme powerhouse, a mighty existence who suppresses everything at will, is actually looking for a sheep so seriously?"

"It's not buddy, you're sick!"

"You are so strong on horses, why do you care about a sheep?"

"Li Qiye won't have lived too long, and there is a problem with his brain, right?"

"Dute Niang's ability to harden the steel heavenly way, and find sheep?"

"What kind of sheep are you looking for, I have to take a good look, what kind of sheep is that sheep, what is the matter?"

"I'm stupid, it's hard to guess."

"Hahaha, we really don't understand the world of hanging comparisons."

"For a sheep to harden the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao is all wronged, are you okay with me?"

"It's worthy of Li Qiye, it's really unusual, it's not an unusual path."

"Shangqiongbi fell to the Yellow Spring, just to find the sheep, it has to be you Li Qiye."

"Sure enough, because of the hanging ratio, and living too long, so the brain circuit may not be the same as us, for a sheep to do so much."

"It's an eye-opener."

In the big world, Xiao Yan was stunned.

"No, looking for sheep?"

"Is there something special about that sheep, and why are you looking for it with such fanfare?"

Xiao Yan touched his head, he was also confused, is there something not simple about this sheep, can a supreme existence like Li Qiye waste time to carefully search, and even hard steel heavenly path?

Suddenly, Xiao Yan seemed to have thought of something and suddenly realized!

He suddenly thought that at the beginning of the previous inventory, he had introduced that Li Qiye was a sheep herding boy.

"The sheep he is looking for won't be the one he put it, right?"

"But he's at the top... Still looking for sheep? "

Is this a special hobby?

Sure enough, who hasn't had a special hobby.

"This Li Qiye is indeed against the sky."

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