The creatures of the heavens and realms were really dumbfounded this time, and no one expected that this Li Qiye would actually take such an unusual path.

"There is one thing to say, Li Qiye's hobby is really special, as a dignified hangbi, a plane supreme person, he doesn't care about anything else."

"But I only want to find my own sheep, and I don't want to say it, but I am really a maverick."

"He really doesn't forget his original intention, he is already invincible to this heaven and earth, only Cang Tian is worthy of being his opponent, but he is still only his own sheep."

"Shangqiongbi fell to the Yellow Spring and traveled every inch of the land of the Nine Realms, just to find his own sheep."

"See no, this is the professional ethics of people as a shepherd, do you understand it!"

"People have the identity of hanging comparison, but they don't have the heart to become hanging bi, they don't forget their original intention, they just want to find sheep!"

"I have to say, he has this proclivity... It's really a bit unique. "

This persistence and original intention is not something that everyone can have.

They are all invincible, and they are still looking for sheep.

Sure enough, the world of hanging comparisons cannot be understood by ordinary people.

The creatures of the heavens and realms were completely surprised and surprised on their faces.

I don't understand, but I respect.

This Li Qiye's behavior is really shocking.

"As a supreme powerhouse in the First Realm, a fierce person who dares to be an enemy of the sky, it turns out that he only wants to find his own sheep."

"Such people are too rare."

"What do you say to me? You say he pretends to compare, people can easily do it, you say he doesn't pretend, people climb to the top, only thinking about their own sheep. "

At this moment, all the creatures of the heavens and realms remembered... This man named Li Qiye.

Li Qiye, once a yin crow, immortal and immortal, has taught countless emperors and great powers in endless years.

Later, he recaptured his body, and he himself embarked on an invincible road, pushing the modern era, suppressing the emperors, and being invincible in heaven and earth, and only the heavens were qualified to be his enemies.

Just "five six zero" is such a powerful existence against the sky, with countless external plug-ins, playing the two words open and hanging to the extreme, a great shore supreme.

He had only one thing on his mind, and that was to get his sheep back.

This contrast is too stark and falls through people's eyes.

"Against the sky, it is simply against the sky, Li Qiye is really outrageous."

"Compared to those hanging ratios that appeared in the previous inventory, this Li Qiye is quite outrageous."

"Who says it's not, such an outrageous hanging ratio as Li Qiye, looking at the heavens and realms, is really rare."

"Li Qiye is not only a hang-up, in many cases, he himself is a hang-up, and he has cultivated so many Immortal Emperor Supremes, which is outrageous."

"I have to admit that Li Qiye's hanging comparison is too rare and too perverted."

"The whole thing I want to do is to go to the Emperor Overlord World at all costs and worship Li Qiye as a teacher."

"If I can worship Li Qiye, under his teaching, I will definitely be able to become the Supreme Emperor, which is also a way to change my life against the sky."

"Taoist friends have opened up a different way and have a unique vision, which is really impressive."

"However, it is not easy to cross the plane."

"Those supreme powers can't do it, let's still be honest, don't expect this."

"The existence of immortality and immortality, it turns out that the accumulation of years can be deep to this point, I realized."

"Alas, I also want to be immortal, and immortality means too many possibilities."

The things of the heavens and realms were all sighed.

At the same time, the picture in the sky screen slowly dissipated, and Li Xiaoyao's magnificent heavenly voice also resounded in the heavens and realms, echoing in the ears of every living being.

[The eighth place is over, and the reward is distributed.] 】

"Huh? No, are there any rewards? "

"I'm going, Li Qiye is already so against the sky, do you still need a reward?"

"That's it, in the inventory, this Li Qiye almost directly did the Heavenly Dao, the entire Emperor Hegemony World, he is already a supreme invincible existence, so powerful, and rewarded?"

"Is the reward still useful to him? I doubt it. "

"Outrageous, really outrageous!"

"Is this the situation of hanging bi, not only open and hang to the extreme, even if you become the supreme powerhouse in heaven and earth, there will be a reward down."

"We can't compare with hanging comparisons in this life, we can only envy ah."

"Li Qiye's hanging ratio, I really envy it!"

"Inventor, look at me, see if I also have a hanging comparison, you can take stock of me next time."

"Li Qiye, Li Daoyou, Brother Li, you see that you are already so perverted, so powerful, and so devilish, you must not need this reward."

"I also have the posture of an immortal emperor, if I can get a reward, I will definitely be able to soar into the sky and become a supreme powerhouse among the heavens and the earth."

"How about you give me this reward?"

"That is, you are already so bullish, it is better to give us some sweetness and give us the reward this time."

"Li Qiye begs you, we really need it."

Among the creatures of the heavens and realms, some people could not resist the expectations and longing in their hearts, and humbly spoke.

But this reward was originally given to Li Qiye, and only Li Qiye could get it.

How could others obtain it, even if Li Qiye had the intention to give it to others, he couldn't do it.

Moreover, Li Qiye is not a big grudge, why should his reward be given to others?

At this moment, the emperor dominates the world.

Li Qiye stood with his hands in his hands, standing on the lonely peak, and when he saw the discussion of the endless creatures of the heavens and realms, he also looked helpless, just as if he didn't see it.

At the same time, he raised his eyes to look at the sky screen, and Gujing Wubo's heart also rippled faintly.

I don't know what kind of reward I'm going to get.

To be honest, some stay.

He hadn't been expecting anything like this in years.

Endless years have long made his heart like a flat lake.

He looked up at the sky dome, thinking in his heart.

The several hanging ratios counted earlier, the rewards obtained are extremely against the sky, one step to ascend to the immortal, one step to become the emperor, it is not a word.

It can be seen that the great power of the inventor is really perverted.

But for him, he doesn't really need to improve the realm.

Because he does not need to pull out seedlings to help him, he is a demon himself, and the improvement of his own strength is extremely terrifying.

He didn't need to improve the realm.

If he could, he would rather want some rewards from other planes.

In the entire Emperor Overlord World, he knew almost all the treasures and exercises.

For him, there was not much attraction.

If you can, the rewards of other planes are naturally the best.

For example, that god elephant prison power, I don't know if I can get the god elephant prison power this time.

The divine elephant Zhen Prison Energy, is the most suitable exercise with his Zhen Hell Divine Body, the invincible body of the flesh, if the cultivation is to the extreme, relying only on the power of the flesh, it can suppress an era and deter countless emperors.

This is the reward he is most looking forward to.

At this moment, above the heavenly dome, a magnificent light poured down, the holy light poured down, and the reward followed.

That mighty and brilliant light instantly enveloped Li Qiye.

Li Qiye's aura changed drastically at this moment.

Mortal immortal body, mortal wheel immortal wheel, mortal life immortal life!

The mortal body mortal wheel that was determined by the elders of the Cleansing Ancient Sect to do nothing had all undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.

At the same time, Li Qiye's cultivation was also skyrocketing.

At the same time that the talent qualification was promoted, Li Qiye's cultivation also directly stepped forward from the mortal to the peak of the pseudo-immortal,

In addition, he also awakened the Hellish Divine Body.

And his Prison Divine Body not only awakened, but also directly came to the Dacheng stage.

Compared to the change in talent qualifications and the improvement of cultivation, the awakening and Dacheng of the Zhen Hell Divine Body were the most happy and exciting of all these rewards.

Sensing the powerful power that emerged from his body for no reason, Li Qiye sighed a little.

"The means of the inventors are really magical."

That mysterious and magnificent light poured down, and the moment he was enveloped, his realm cultivation, everything changed drastically.

This is not a simple seedling, but his change from the inside out, he can feel that his whole person seems to be reborn.

It is worthy of being an inventor, and the existence hidden behind the inventory of the heavens and realms is infinitely powerful and unimaginable.

Even this can be done, the most important thing is that such an existence as him can actually be affected by the inventor.

The means of the inventors are really magical.

Li Qiye's eyes were deep, looking at the sky dome, as if he was looking at something.

Although he was a little shocked in his heart, Li Qiye's gaze was still indifferent.

I have lived for so long, I have not seen anything, I have not seen many outrageous things.

Although the great power of the inventor is indeed beyond imagination, it is not yet to the point where Li Qiye cannot accept it.

"Pseudo-Immortal Peak?"

Sensing the power churning in his body, Li Qiye hooked his lips and smiled.

It's not very high, but it's enough to do a lot of things.

However, at this moment, a huge amount of information suddenly flooded into his mind, and it was a practice! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And this exercise is called Divine Elephant Zhen Hell!

It was exactly the technique that Li Qiye dreamed of!

Li Qiye's ancient state of mind was broken in an instant, and he suddenly became excited.

This god is like a hellish strength, and it is the reward he wants most.

It was also the practice that he was most looking forward to and most curious about among these heavens and realms.

I thought that I would not obtain this exercise, but I did not expect that this exercise would eventually come to my hands.

From the previous inventory, he had also known the anti-heavenly power of the Divine Elephant Suppression Force.

If it is combined with his own Hell God Body, it is simply a perfect match.

The Divine Body of Hells is also invincible in the flesh, and the Divine Elephant Hells is a technique that tempers the flesh and stimulates the maximum potential of the human body.

This technique and the physical constitution are simply a perfect match.

Exercises with physique, this wave, invincible!

Unexpectedly, he actually obtained the Divine Elephant Prison Power as a reward.

This anti-heaven technique fell into his hands, and then combined with his Hell Divine Body.

He will be stronger than in the inventory!

In the inventory, he is just an enemy of the sky.

But after obtaining this divine elephant and hell strength, his strength will be greatly improved, even more terrifying than his peak in the inventory.

This time, the thief will not be his opponent!

"Thief God, this time, you lost!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were full of surprise, confused.............

"Why is this Li Qiye so excited, and what happened?"

"Didn't he live for hundreds of millions of years, it stands to reason that Gujing Wubo, whose state of mind has long been polished, will not be able to make him so excited and gaffe."

"What the hell happened to make him like this."

Although confused, the creatures of the heavens and realms all felt the change in Li Qiye's breath.

Obviously, Li Qiye has become stronger.

They had never seen Li Qiye so excited.

Those hundreds of millions of years of loneliness and silence had long given Li Qiye an extremely powerful and unimaginable state of mind.

But this time, he was so excited.

Even in the inventory, he finally reached the pinnacle, overlooking the eternal years, and the vast starry river was not very excited.

But this time I was excited to receive the reward.

Needless to say, you don't even need your brain to guess that the reward he received this time is definitely not simple.

"Why is Li Qiye so excited and gaffe, it's not like him."

"It also needs to be said that he must have obtained something against the sky, and even he can't control himself."

"The treasure that can make Li Qiye so gaffe, that's not simple."

The creatures of the heavens and realms speculated one after another, what would be the one that made Li Qiye excited and gaffe?

What exactly did Li Qiye get?

Li Qiye has never seen anything good, and all the treasures of this emperor's overlord plane, as long as he wants, he can get anything.

But he was still so excited by a reward, and it was obvious that the reward was definitely not simple!

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan also looked at the picture in the sky with a curious look.

"What did Li Qiye get, he would be so gaffe, and he couldn't even maintain the most superficial indifference."

He rubbed his chin, a look of confusion on his face.

What could make Li Qiye so excited was obviously not an ordinary thing.

When he obtained the Nine Great Heavenly Book and the Nine Great Heavenly Treasure before, Li Qiye was not so excited.

It can only be said that the reward is more important and rare than the Nine Heavenly Books and the Nine Heavenly Treasures to Li Qiye.

That's certainly not an ordinary thing.

He had also seen the inventory, and also knew that Li Qiye's life had gone through endless long years, and he had seen countless treasures.

He had long been numb, and no matter what treasures and treasures it was, it was difficult to impress him.

But this reward made Li Qiye so excited, obviously, this reward must be extraordinary!

The reason for Li Qiye's gaffe is on the reward!

For a while, Xiao Yan was a little sour.

To be honest, he was envious and jealous of Li Qiye's encounter.

Compared with others, their own hanging comparison is like a counterfeit, and there is no possibility of comparison at all.

It's the same as the ratio, but this gap is a bit big.

Meanwhile, the mortal world.

Han Li looked at the scenes on the sky screen, and he was also sighing.

"After living countless years, cultivating many immortal emperors, and practicing by yourself is as easy as eating and drinking, suppressing the heavens and pushing the emperors."

"Such a demon against the sky, the reward obtained must also be unimaginable."

To be honest, he was actually a little surprised, he didn't expect that there was actually a reward in this world that could impress Li Qiye.

It stands to reason that Li Qiye has seen everything, and he will not be moved by ordinary treasures.

But this time, he was still so excited 1.5.

Obviously, this reward is definitely not ordinary.

He was also curious about what Li Qiye had gained.

"Forget it, I actually don't have to envy."

Coming back to his senses, Han Li shook his head.

He has already become an immortal, plus the palm heaven bottle, this is enough, and he can become the supreme existence of this dimension.

As for being a person, you still can't be too greedy.

The palm bottle is not very good, this is enough, anyway, it is enough for your own use.

The most urgent thing is to continue to hold on and continue to cultivate, and in the future, I will definitely be able to climb to the top of the plane and become the strongest in the plane.

When the creatures of the heavens and realms saw Li Qiye's gaffe, they were naturally confused and curious, and they talked about it.

"What reward did Li Qiye get to make such a gaffe?"

"Unexpectedly, there is actually a reward in this world that can make Li Qiye excited, and it is really eye-opening."

"It can only be said that the inventor is cattle."

Although curious, the reward was only the inventor and Li Qiye's guidance.

Li Qiye didn't say it, they had no way of knowing, but they could be sure that the reward was not a meal!

In the sky curtain, Li Qiye's face was full of excitement and he thanked him.

"Thank you inventor."

Immediately afterwards, the picture gradually dissipated, and Li Xiaoyao's magnificent heavenly voice also fell at this moment.

[The reward has been distributed, let's start asking questions.] 】

Suddenly, the ten thousand worlds boiled, and everyone's attention was completely attracted over.

The question began, who cares what reward Li Qiye received.

Anyway, asking questions is the most important.

Knowing Li Qiye's reward will only crush the back teeth, and it will only make it worse.

Asking questions is their chance and what they should pay the most attention to.

I only hope to be able to seize the opportunity to ask questions and change my life against the sky!

Especially those creatures who have never grabbed the opportunity to ask questions have begun to pray sincerely at this moment.

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