"If I can grab the opportunity to ask questions, I must ask Li Qiye what reward he has received, and I am really curious to die."

As everyone knows, as soon as these words came out, they immediately caused the shock and ridicule of countless creatures in the heavens and realms.

"It's not buddy, you have no problem with your brain, what you say makes me feel a ridiculous beauty."

"Why do you want to do this, this is something that a normal person's brain can come up with? IMHO, normal people would never be able to do such an outrageous thing! "

"Hahaha, buddy, you're really going to laugh at me to death, defeating hundreds of millions of beings among countless creatures and winning the opportunity to ask questions, you just ask this? You are talent! "

"That is, if you really grab the opportunity to ask a question but only ask this question, then I suggest that you can reopen."

"This brain is estimated to be not good, so there is no need to waste that money, just reopen it directly."

"Dude, IMHO, save some money to see the brain, don't look at the inventory."

"Really, looking at the brain is more important than looking at the inventory."

"Hahaha plus one, buddy you really, let's go see the brain first."

"This is a supreme opportunity to change your life against the sky, you used to ask Li Qiye what reward he received, you are also a ruthless brother."

"Ordinary people can't do this."

"Daoist, your idea is really a bit outrageous."

"As far as your brain, this endless creature in the heavens and realms, if you can seize the opportunity to ask questions, I will eat this purple-gold sky curtain, do you believe it?"

"All sentient beings are equal, the opportunity to become a hanging comparison, if you waste it like this, you will definitely become the laughing stock of the heavens and worlds, and laugh for ten thousand years."

The lifelong people of the Ten Thousand Worlds were looking forward to it, looking nervously at the sky screen, and their faces were full of excitement.

"I don't know who will get the opportunity to ask questions this time."

"It is definitely lucky to be able to win the opportunity to ask questions in the hands of countless creatures in the heavens and realms, and they have great luck in their bodies."

"Ordinary people don't have the opportunity to ask questions."

"This is an opportunity you can only get once in a lifetime, are you going to waste this opportunity?"

"It's just that we have to cherish this opportunity to ask questions."

"Daoists of the heavens and realms, don't forget our agreement."

"But we have already made an appointment, no matter who can seize the opportunity to ask questions, they must ask something that is beneficial to all living beings in the heavens and realms17, okay?"

"Fellow Taoists, we must not backstab."

"Just like the monkey before, and the question asked by the guy holding the jar, it is obviously a waste."

"Let's learn more from Zhang Zhenren and ask about things that can benefit the heavens and all worlds."

"Yes, as it should be."

"Finally, it's time to start taking stock again, inventor, give me a chance, let me get the opportunity to ask questions, I am willing to be a cow and a horse."

"That's right, you can be a cow and a horse, a slave and a servant, as long as you give me the opportunity to ask questions, I am willing to serve you all my life!"

"Inventor, show mercy, every time I take stock and ask a question, I expect that I will be selected, but after so many inventories, I have never been selected once."

"I also hope that this time you can show mercy and must choose me."

"If you can choose me, I will burn incense and kowtow to you."

"Daoist, listen to my advice, you don't have to do this."

"Isn't it just an opportunity to ask questions, so as not to ask questions for a district, lose your dignity, and don't want your face."

"As a cultivator of my generation, you must have pride and arrogance."

"In this way, you listen to me, you don't do this, let me come, I am young, I have the strength to work."

Who doesn't want a chance to ask questions?

After all, you can ask all the questions of the world, ask all things.

The inventor is omniscient and omnipotent, and looking at the heavens and realms, there is nothing he does not know.

Whatever is asked, he can answer it.

But the person who asked the question, there can only be one at a time.

With the inventory of the past, countless powerful people have also attached importance to the matter of asking questions.

At first, I thought it was just answering a few simple questions.

But since the inventor has answered questions such as ascending to other planes, even those great powers have paid great attention and importance to the inventory.

This inventor is definitely the supreme existence of the heavens and realms, knowing everything and knowing everything.

Such a existence, the great power is magnificent, unimaginable.

Looking at the heavens and realms, there is nothing that can be difficult to take stock.

Heavens and realms, is there really something that can make the inventor feel tricky and difficult for him?

Many creatures are skeptical.

With the supreme power of the inventor, omniscient and omniscient, there must be no secret in his eyes.

Even the power of the ten thousand worlds has its own confusion and wants to ask questions.

Even the Heavenly Dao Saint in the Supreme Plane Flood Desolation wanted to get questions.

In the flood, the saints lowered their grand and majestic gazes, their breath spread, and the heavens scattered wantonly.

They looked at the sky with deep eyes.

If you can grab the opportunity to ask questions, be sure to ask.

"This inventor ... What is sacred? "

The saints had confusion and jealousy in their hearts, even in their realm, their supreme power could not deduce all the things in the heavens and realms.

But the inventor can do it, and the depth of the background strength of the inventor can be seen.

"What even I and other beings can't do, the inventor can do so easily."

"If I grab a question, I must ask the details of the inventor."

"That's right, after seeing so many inventory ratios, it makes me more curious about the identity of the inventor."

"With a single thought, you can give those who hang up this opportunity, and it can be said that it can easily change a world."

What is the existence of this inventor?

Just when the creatures of the heavens and all the worlds prayed one after another, hoping to choose themselves.

On the sky screen, a figure suddenly appeared.

Suddenly, the beings of the ten thousand worlds felt something, and they all looked at the sky screen.

"I'm Nima's! The opportunity for labor and management to ask questions is gone! "

"Who?! Who is it again this time, stealing the opportunity to ask questions! "

"Who is it, you stand up for me, let me take a good look at who is so daring, and actually dares to rob me of my questions!"

"Oh my God! How was it snatched away again! Brothers, give me a chance! "

Suddenly, the creatures of the ten thousand worlds suddenly became irritable.

This is the opportunity to ask questions they dream of, and it actually makes people cut off?

Can't endure, can't endure!

However, when they saw the powerful figure in the sky curtain that exuded a powerful momentum and seemed to be able to suppress the ten thousand worlds, they were still provoked.

"Groove, what is this?!"

"Broken, bothered! I just said too much. "

What emerged in the sky was the strange ancestor of the plane of the Holy Ruin.

His body was shrouded in a strange and ominous black mist, exuding a powerful momentum, as if he could suppress the heavens.

A thick black mist spread out from all around him, sweeping out mightily, filling the heavens and the earth.

The strange aura instantly seemed to pass through the heavenly curtain, permeating the heavens and realms.

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms were immediately stunned at this moment, looking at the sky in disbelief, with a look of panic and shock on their faces.

"It's terrible!"

"Who is this, why is it so powerful, how can this breath be so terrifying?"

"Such an existence, such a powerful coercion, even across the screen, you can feel the coercion that seems to be substance."

"My blood seems to be frozen at this moment, I take Nima's, this is a big guy!"

"This is the real big guy, I was shocked."

In addition to being shocked, the creatures of the ten thousand worlds also sighed one after another.

"Alas, I didn't get the opportunity to ask questions."

"Damn it."

"The opportunity to ask questions is gone again, I'm going to transform into a demon!"

"I'm lying flat, I'm going to be a salted fish, there is no chance to ask questions, I really can't help it."

"Crying brothers, once again watching with my own eyes the opportunity of the inventory missed, want to cry who understands, beautiful people."

"Does such a strong man actually need to ask questions to solve his confusion?"

"In this way, this question is still quite popular, and I am not a waste that needs to rely on questions, satisfied."

The creatures of the heavens and realms had different reactions after seeing that the strange ancestor was also asking questions.

At the same time, the Holy Ruins plane.

When Chu Feng saw the figure in the sky curtain and got the opportunity to ask who the opportunity was, his eyes immediately widened, and his mouth instantly opened, and his face was full of incredulity and disbelief.

He was already numb, completely numb.

No, how could it be him?

Weird ancestor?

How could it be that the weird ancestor snatched the opportunity to ask questions?! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

How did he grab the opportunity to ask questions?

This opportunity made him grab it, still play or not?

After taking stock, Chu Feng naturally knew that this strange ancestor was one of the masterminds behind the dark turmoil and their biggest enemy.

The weird ancestor was already extremely powerful, you were one of the most powerful beings in their Holy Ruins, and now that you had the opportunity to ask questions, it would only become stronger and more difficult to deal with.


For a while, Chu Feng's scalp was a little numb.

In the future, it is not good to face such a powerful enemy as the strange ancestor.

At the same time, perfect plane, above the sky.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor also looked at the figure that appeared on the sky screen, his face solemn.


Although it is not clear who this person is, the aura that permeates his body is so strange, the same as the source of the strangeness.

It seems that this person is also a strange member.

The source of the weird is inseparable from this person.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor's face was extremely solemn, and his body spread out a powerful momentum. This is the enemy that I will face in the future.

Fighting such an enemy is indeed not to be taken lightly.

It seems that when he came here, the enemy he had to face was him?


The momentum exuding from this person is indeed completely powerful.

Even though he was already an Immortal Emperor now, he still felt pressure in the face of such an existence.

However, since he is his own enemy, he is inseparable from the dark turmoil, no matter how powerful this person is, he must fight the enemy at all costs.

In this battle, he will definitely kill all enemies at all costs!

For the nine heavens and ten lands, in order to calm the darkness and weirdness, a bloody battle, then fight!

At this moment, the Barren Heavenly Emperor's face was firm, his face was solemn, and his body exuded a fierce aura.

This weirdness grabbed the opportunity to ask questions?

It wasn't really good news for him.

But even so?

Even if he faced such an enemy and got the opportunity to ask questions, he still had to fight!

At the same moment, cover the sky.

Ye Fan stopped his movements and raised his eyes to look at the sky, his eyes solemn, and his eyes were full of horror.

He looked at the figure on the sky in disbelief, with deep shock hidden in his eyes.

The dark aura on this person turned out to be so powerful?

More powerful than all the Dark Supremes he killed!

Even, the dark aura of the entire forbidden area of life added up to be even more powerful.

Such a terrifying dark aura, he had never felt it.

Obviously, this must be an unimaginably terrifying existence.

Is this the source of darkness?

The source of darkness is rumored to be an unimaginable existence, could it be him?

The source of dark turmoil, behind the catastrophe of the heavens.

Is he?

The source of dark turmoil is that as long as it is wiped out, it can suppress the dark turmoil and calm the endless calamity?

Unexpectedly, such a existence seized the opportunity to ask questions.

The strength of the source of darkness is already strong, and now the opportunity to ask questions is even more unimaginable.

It is difficult for Ara to face these beings alone.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan's gaze gradually became firmer.

It seems that he has to speed up his movements, calm all the dark forbidden areas as soon as possible, and rush to the heavens to help the wasteland.

Although he didn't know what this darkness was going to ask, he was obviously the opposite of himself and the Barren Heavenly Emperor.

To completely quench the darkness, this guy must be destroyed.

This matter is troublesome, and it is difficult to support it alone, so I have to hurry up to help him and wish him a hand.

At the same time, the strange ancestor was also surprised at the moment, he just tried it casually, but he didn't expect to really grab the opportunity to ask questions.

Therefore, they are now the strongest of the Holy Ruins plane, and even the Desolate Heavenly Emperor who has achieved the Immortal Emperor may not be their opponent 440.

But what they will also worry about in their hearts also needs to be solved by the inventor.

Since he has seized the opportunity to ask questions that countless living beings have dreamed of, it naturally cannot be wasted.

Thinking of this, the ten strange ancestors glanced at each other and had already made a decision.

It just so happened that the festival was about to begin, and they also calculated that this festival would be disturbed.

It was an opportunity to ask why the Inventor Festival was disturbed and what was going on.

"A good inventor, the power is infinite, unimaginable, I don't know if the strange source of recovery, can be compared with it."

In their view, the inventor has the ability to make people ascend to heaven one step at a time, and they are also omniscient and omnipotent, which is unimaginable.

Such an existence is undoubtedly extremely great, and they must not be able to compare, but I don't know if the strange source can be compared.

What kind of existence the person behind this inventory is amazing.

[Weird ancestor, what do you think? ] 】

Li Xiaoyao's grand heavenly voice fell, and his voice was majestic.

As soon as the words fell, the strange ancestor immediately spoke.

"Inventor, I want to ask the weird festival."

"What interference and obstruction will be the weird festival?"

The Great Festival?

The creatures of the heavens and realms looked confused.

What is this?

"It always feels a little familiar, as if you've heard it somewhere?"

Suddenly someone spoke, "Remember, the Barren Heavenly Emperor once asked about the strange source, and the term great sacrifice appeared there. "

"Could it be that the weird great sacrifice has something to do with the weird source?!"

In an instant, all the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were shocked.

"Could it be that this great sacrifice is such an unimaginable mighty existence?"


"If that's the case, it's terrifying."

The countless powers of the heavens and realms looked sideways for a while, curiously looking at the sky screen.

"Do the inventors know the answer to such a question?"

"This question should involve the terrifying source of darkness, and I don't know who is more terrifying than the source of darkness and the inventor."

"Do you need to say that? It must be an inventor. Although the source of darkness is also powerful and pollutes countless epochs in a world, the inventor is all-knowing, all-powerful, omniscient and omniscient. "

"It must be that the stocktaker is more powerful."

At the same time, Chu Feng's face instantly collapsed and wailed.

"No, how is he."

"He's the big boss!"

But Li Xiaoyao was indifferent,

This inventory was originally for all living beings in the heavens and realms, and although the strange ancestor was a villain, he seized the opportunity to ask questions, and he should treat them equally.

Even villains have a chance to get answers.

[The weird clan holding a great sacrifice will be disturbed by the three supreme beings and kill to the weird plateau. 】

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and the creatures of the heavens and realms were all stupid.

Good fellow, it has to be you, the inventor, such a secret knows.

"There is really nothing in this world that can be hidden from the inventors."

"It's scary to lie in the groove, and there is a feeling of being seen."

"The inventor must be a detached existence!".

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