In an instant, countless creatures in the heavens and realms, and endless cultivators were full of awe and admiration for Li Xiaoyao.

You know, this strange ancestor asked, but about strange things, the strange source is so powerful that it is difficult to fathom, and the power of one person pollutes a plane, leaving hundreds of millions of years and vast years.

Such a great existence, even if you look at the heavens and realms, is also the top rare powerhouse, and it is a figure at the top of ten thousand worlds.

Such an existence, even if it is not comparable to the inventor, should not be far away, the power is infinite, it is difficult to fathom.

But even when it comes to such a great existence, involving weirdness, the inventor still knows everything.

Moreover, the inventor also bluntly said that in the strange great sacrifice, there will be three supreme beings who will personally come to interfere with the great sacrifice.

Even if they are supreme, their actions can be known by the inventor, and everything is in his control.

It shows the greatness of the inventor, and the existence hidden behind the inventory is the truly unimaginable existence of the heavens and realms.

The inventor really deserves to know everything.

Even if such things are known, then what else does he not know in these heavens and realms?

For a time, all the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were shocked.

"Powerful inventors, they really know everything and know everything, even such things."

"When it comes to the existence of the strange source, there are also three supreme existences, even so, it is difficult to stop the detection of the inventor."

"What else can be said, it can only be said that the inventor is the true majestic cow batch existence of these heavens and realms."

"It is worthy of being an inventor, the heavens and realms are in front of him, there are no secrets!"

"With such great power as the inventor, if you want to know something, nothing will be able to stop his probe."

"Even those hanging ratios in the inventory are much inferior to the inventoryers, and they are not at all a level."

"Inventor, cattle batch!"

"A bit of a Harbin person, we don't have secrets in the eyes of the inventors, it's similar to Guo Ben."

"Harm, do you think the inventor cares about your little secret?"

"That's what I said."

While the creatures of the heavens and realms were discussing, they were also full of curiosity about the three supreme beings mentioned by the inventor.

"The three supreme beings will interfere with the Great Sacrifice, who will it be?"

"If there is no complaint in the past and no hatred in the near future, who will interfere with other people's major affairs in a good manner."

"Have you forgotten, what used to have no grudges and no hatred today, isn't it very likely that two people are likely to do this now?"

A living creature suddenly realized, and two figures appeared in his mind.

"It is also said that these two Heavenly Emperors hate the dark turmoil deeply, and presumably if they have the opportunity, they will definitely make a move."

"Who, who, what are you talking about, who are you talking about, are those three supreme beings? Do you know who it is? "

"This Taoist friend is not yet sober, don't you know such an obvious answer?"

At the same time, the Holy Ruins plane.

At the highest place of the strange plateau, a faint look of surprise appeared on the face of the strange ancestor.

"Sure enough!"

Although he had already speculated that the weird festival would be disturbed, he did not believe that he had to confirm it with the inventory takers to be at ease.

Now hearing the answer, it is the same as what he deduced, and it can be regarded as much more secure in his heart.

It is worthy of being an inventor, and sure enough, everything in these heavens and realms cannot escape his control.

The weird great sacrifice will be disturbed, and it will be the three supreme beings who will interfere with the great sacrifice.

The strange ancestor was convinced of this.

Instead, he wanted to ask who those three supreme beings were, and if he could, he would definitely strike first, obliterate those three supreme beings at all costs, and also ensure the smooth progress of the strange great sacrifice.

In fact, even if he doesn't ask, in his heart, he already has the answer.

Ye Tiandi Ye Fan, who covered the heavens, and the Barren Heavenly Emperor No. 10 who was in the perfect plane, the two of them must be two of these three supreme beings.

These two people are powerful, unmatched, unimaginable, and deeply hate the dark and weird, if they want to use the power of this life to suppress the darkness and suppress the weird, they will definitely strike.

In other words, among the three supreme beings, the identities of the two have been determined.

He wanted to ask who the third person was, but unfortunately he could only ask one question at a time.

Even if asked, the inventor will not give an answer, even if the inventor knows it, but he will not speak.

Because the rule of asking questions is to only pick one person at a time, and only ask one question.

This is a rule and cannot be changed.

He had already used the opportunity to ask questions, so he had to stop.

"The third person, who is it?"

Just when the weird ancestor muttered to himself, thinking about whether he would pay some price to deduce the identity of the third person.

From above the lofty and magnificent dome of the sky, came the grand voice of the inventor.

[The first person, the Barren Heavenly Emperor. 】

As soon as these words fell, all of a sudden, the creatures of the heavens and realms seemed to have been awakened by a thunderbolt, and they looked at the heavenly dome in surprise, their faces full of stunned.

"Huh? What is the situation? "

"The person who co-inventoried just now didn't finish speaking, didn't he directly say the identities of those three supreme beings now?"

"Ah, I didn't expect that the service of this question was so in place, and it was directly in place in one step, shaking out the identities of those three mysterious existences."

"Sure enough, there must be a place for the Barren Heaven Emperor among these three, I really didn't guess wrong."

"The Barren Heavenly Emperor hates the darkness and weirdness so deeply, even if he does not hesitate to make a decision for eternity, and enter the heavens alone, he must also suppress the darkness."

"With him alone, it's naturally normal."

"Since there is a Barren Heavenly Emperor, then I already know who this second one is."

"Of course, we all know that if there is a Barren Heavenly Emperor, then there must be Ye Tiandi."

"The second one must be Ye Fanye Heavenly Emperor!"

"Isn't it, the inventor directly told the strange ancestor the identities of those three supreme beings like this, so he is not afraid that he will take action to erase these existences and directly strangle the source of interference with the strange great sacrifice?"

"The Barren Heavenly Emperor and Ye Tiandi are okay, after all, their strength has gone against the sky, they are a group of existences that stand at the peak of these heavens and realms, even if they are strange ancestors, it is not easy to move them."

"But that third one, we still don't know who it is, and we don't know what his strength is, if he hasn't grown up and is exposed again, then isn't this the end?"

"I feel that the situation is not very good, this weird ancestor is a proper big boss, if the third person's strength is not good, won't he be easily killed?!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, and their words were full of worries about the third supreme being.

Now I only hope that the third supreme existence has grown up, and even the strange ancestor can't do anything to him.

Third, who will it be?

At the same time, Li Xiaoyao's grand voice fell again.

[The second place, Ye Fanye Heavenly Emperor! ] 】

When the words fell, the creatures of the heavens and realms spoke.

"Look, I'll just say, sure enough, it must be Ye Fan."

"As long as there is a Barren Heavenly Emperor, then there must be a figure of Ye Tiandi."

"The Barren Heavenly Emperor hates the strange darkness, and the Ye Tiandi does not hesitate to let go, if there is a chance to destroy the great sacrifice, they will definitely not hesitate."

"The two of them will go together to interfere with the Dark Festival, it seems that Emperor Ye Tian and Emperor Desolate will fight together in the future and become comrades fighting side by side."

"It must be so, Emperor Ye Tiandi also hates the strange darkness very much, and how many amazing people in the history of the Heaven-Shading Plane Terran Race have all fallen into the dark turmoil."

"Even those powerful Great Enlightenment Sacred Bodies, or even the Great Emperor Supreme who suppressed an era, many of them fell in the dark turmoil."

"Those Dark Supremes, the lords of the forbidden area of life who were affected by the darkness, were even more evil, and their hands were stained with blood."

"Emperor Ye Tian has personally experienced such a dark era, and he will definitely not let go of the weirdness easily."

"Don't forget, the first thing Ye Tiandi did after becoming a red dust immortal was to personally strike and suppress one dark forbidden area after another."

"Such an existence, it seems that there is no need to think about it, if he can suppress the source of darkness, he will definitely strike at all costs."

"Ye Fan is already a Red Dust Immortal now, and there may still be a little gap from the Immortal Emperor realm of the Barren Heaven Emperor."

"But there is no doubt that with Ye Fan's talent, as well as the personality of the son of Heavenly Destiny, he will definitely be able to stand side by side with the Barren Heavenly Emperor in a short period of time, and also become the power of the Immortal Emperor."

At the same time, covering the sky plane, Ye Fan was also extremely excited when he saw everything on the sky screen.

"Sure enough, I can fight with the Barren Heavenly Emperor!"

The Barren Heavenly Emperor ruled over all eternity and suppressed the heavens, and that powerful figure had long been deeply imprinted in the minds of the creatures of the heavens and realms.

Even though he was the same as the son of Heavenly Destiny, Ye Fan was still full of respect and yearning for the Barren Heavenly Emperor.

It was an honor for him to be able to fight side by side with the Barren Heavenly Emperor.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor was like his idol.

Originally, in the timeline of the inventory, he had the opportunity to fight side by side with the Barren Heavenly Emperor.

But it's a pity that because of the inventory, they all became supreme powerhouses early, so they couldn't fight side by side.

But, sure enough, he still had a chance.

After that, they will walk side by side to calm the dark turmoil and destroy the source of darkness.

Ye Fan couldn't help but look forward to it at this moment.

At the same time, he looked at the sky and a question appeared in his mind.

The third person, who will it be?

The first two are themselves and the Barren Heavenly Emperor, not blowing or black, with the strength of themselves and the Barren Heavenly Emperor, if they want to join their team, they must not be ordinary people.

Just when Ye Fan also guessed the identity of the third person, above the heavenly dome, the vast heavenly sound fell again.

[The third person, the Beginningless Emperor! ] 】

"Groove?! The Beginningless Emperor?! "

"It's actually him?!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"No, although this Beginningless Emperor is not conspicuous, and he has not been inventoried, he will not also be a hanging comparison, but also a son of destiny!"

"It's actually the Beginningless Emperor, brothers, I'm really shocked!"

"However, if it is the Beginningless Emperor, it seems to be a little reasonable."

"As early as in the previous inventory, the Beginningless Emperor has appeared more than once, and this is also an invincible of the same generation, suppressing an era and pushing the existence of invincible hands in the sky and on the ground."

"Moreover, in the previous inventory, the Barren Heavenly Emperor was in trouble, and the Beginningless Emperor once crossed the river of time with Ye Fu to help the Barren Heavenly Emperor kill all the enemies."

"Later, his pet Black Emperor asked questions, and the Beginningless Emperor appeared again in the inventory."

"This Beginningless Emperor is also pushing all the way, since his debut, there has been no defeat, and his strength is extremely strong, I didn't expect it to be them, it was these three people!"

"Well, that's interesting."

"To be honest, I am somewhat looking forward to such a scene, this scene must be against the sky!"

"The three supreme beings rushed into the weird plateau, rushed to the venue of the great sacrifice, and directly lifted the table and smashed the field, so that the weird great sacrifice was destroyed in one fell swoop."

"Those terrifying existences of the strange race will fight with these three supreme beings, and it will definitely be dark and the sky will be shattered."

"Gee, just thinking about it is already amazing."

"Three supreme existences against the sky, fighting a strange family, that scene must be very exciting."

"I just don't know if they can successfully break the weird festival."

"The weird family has secretly accumulated strength for so many years, it must not be simple, and it is not simple to be an enemy of them."

At the same time, the sky is shading.

The Black Emperor was also excited.

The third person turned out to be the Beginningless Emperor!

"It's worthy of being the Beginningless Emperor!"

He also didn't expect at all that among the three supreme beings mentioned by the inventor, there would be his Beginningless Emperor!

Sure enough, the Beginningless Emperor is the most heaven-defying existence in his heart!

At the same time, the Holy Ruins plane.

The gaze of the ten strange ancestors fell on the sky screen, and a cold color appeared in their eyes.

Sure enough, it's them!

This Desolate Heavenly Emperor and Ye Tiandi had guessed that there were their figures among the three people who obstructed the Dark Festival.

As for the last Beginningless Emperor, although it was not a hanging comparison and was not inventoried, it was able to rank alongside Huang and Ye Tiandi, which was enough to see its strength.

And in the inventory, the inventor also revealed the information of the Beginningless Emperor.

The same generation is invincible, suppressing a generation, fighting to the end, the strength is extremely strong, and it is still killed all the way, and it is a well-deserved supreme power.

Such a existence, although they do not understand it, but it must be extremely powerful.

"Damn it! Damn it! "

"Good, why do you want to destroy the weird great sacrifice of my clan!"

"Waste! Ye Fan! Beginningless! You damn it! "

A look of anger appeared on the faces of the strange ancestors.

Fortunately, they knew all this in advance, and it was a blessing in misfortune to be able to prevent it in advance.

Thinking of this, several strange ancestors looked at the strange ancestor who grabbed the opportunity to ask questions, with encouragement and appreciation in their eyes.

Among the three people who interfered with the strange festival, the wilderness had already ascended to the heavens.

Ye Fan is not enough, he is now just a little red dust fairy, and even the immortal emperor has not yet become an immortal emperor.

As for beginningless, it is the most mysterious, it has not been inventoried, it is an unknown.

None of that matters, though.

Since they already knew everything in advance, they had to arrange measures in advance to prevent the three of them from really interfering with the weird festival.

[This question is over, three days later, the next inventory will be opened.] 】

"Huh? It's over? It's so fast, you inventory, some of the unfinished meaning. "

"That is, (No, Zhao) is over before I have seen enough."

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds complained one after another, but they also knew that the rules of the inventor would definitely not change, and they could only complain.

And Li Xiaoyao decisively closed the sky curtain and began to count the rewards he had obtained this inventory.

[Congratulations to the host, get the reward, 100,000 years of cultivation, Chaos Green Lotus. ] 】


Good stuff!

Li Xiaoyao's eyes lit up.

100,000 years of cultivation, strong!

The 100,000 years of cultivation he once obtained directly promoted his cultivation to the rank of quasi-emperor, and now that he has obtained such a huge cultivation, perhaps he can become an emperor in one fell swoop!

As for the Chaos Green Lotus, there is no need to say more, one of the four Chaos Supreme Treasures.

The most powerful thing is that it is the supreme treasure that gave birth to Pangu, even if the Chaos Green Lotus could not withstand the cause and effect of opening the heavens and shattered later.

But its lotus seeds, lotus leaves and even lotus stems have become the most precious treasures in the flood barren world.

Chaos Green Lotus, terrifying!

It is an integrated attack and defense, and it is terrifying to an unparalleled treasure at both ends of the offensive and defensive ends.

Resolutely received the reward, and the 100,000-year cultivation directly pushed Li Xiaoyao's realm to the peak of the Great Emperor.

After digesting the huge cultivation, he slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a turbid breath.

In this world, he is already invincible!

"Next, it's time to liquidate some people."

Li Xiaoyao got out of the customs and rushed to the Holy Land of Shaking Light.

This time, he went on a killing spree, with revenge and revenge.

Three days passed, and a message soon spread throughout the continent.

There is a supreme existence at the peak of the Great Emperor to strike and destroy the Shaking Light Holy Land!

The reason, unknown!

Li Xiaoyao destroyed the Holy Land of Shaking Light, but there was a cause and effect, and his state of mind was even more detached.

In addition, this time to destroy the Shaking Light Holy Land, because of the existence of the pretending system, Li Xiaoyao also gained a lot of points, and he can redeem rewards in a time.

The terrified expression of the Great Elder before he died flashed in his mind, and Li Xiaoyao was in a good mood.

Old forced to board, retribution is not happy ah.

"The trouble has been solved, and now it's time to start taking stock."

As soon as the words fell, the heavens and realms, the sky was everywhere!

Ten thousand worlds boil!.

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