When the vast and brilliant purple-gold heavenly curtain poured down from above the heavenly dome, the creatures of the heavens and realms were full of excitement and fanatical excitement.

"This inventory has finally been opened again, finally here!"

"I waited for three whole days and three nights, I couldn't sleep at all for these three days, I didn't think about tea and food, I just wanted to take stock every day."

"Three days, it's really too long, one day is like three autumns, what I'm waiting for is not just three days, that's three years, thirty years, three thousand years!"

"Don't talk about all the Taoists, three days, three days, do you know how I spent these three days? Did you know! "

"Alas! The inventory has finally opened, I don't know this time... Which one will it be? "

Three days is indeed nothing, for the existence of the Flood Barren Plane, it may be a blink of an eye.

For even those cultivation worlds with an average lifespan of 100 years, three days is at most just a nap.

Even ordinary beings in ordinary planes would not take three days seriously at all.

But since the start of the inventory, the three-day interval of waiting for the inventory has become the most difficult for them.

Not looking at the inventory for a day is like an ant crawling all over the body.

Inventory, the attraction to the creatures of the heavens and realms is really too great.

One day is gone, like three autumns.

Not to mention that this is still three full days, nine years.

When the purple-gold sky curtain fell in the flood world.

At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, the ancestral witches' originally depressed, and even some desperate eyes, suddenly brightened.

They looked at the majestic purple-gold sky curtain that was extremely majestic and descended from the supreme heavenly dome with excitement and anticipation, and their hearts were excited.

"Great! Here we go! "

"Big brother, look quickly, this inventory is on!"

Di Jiang also nodded excitedly.

The inventory has finally opened, and their Wu Clan may still have a glimmer of life!

This is their last hope.

It turned out that during this time, because the demon race was strong, and the witch race was weak, and there was a lack of an ancestral witch.

Under the command of Di Jun, the offensive of the demon race was even more frantic, attacking the Wu clan without interruption, and the Wu clan was not an opponent of the demon clan at all, and could only retreat in the first season.

Seeing that the Lich War had come to an end, the Wu Clan was beaten by the Demon Clan and had no power to fight back.

The ancestral witches wanted to arrange the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array to reverse the situation, but unfortunately, the ancestral witches of the Houtu had already faded the body of the ancestral witches and turned into reincarnation.

The twelve ancestors and witches are indispensable to establish the Twelve Heavenly God Burning Array.

After the Tuzu witch is not there, the biggest killer tool of the Wu clan is useless.

Although the ancestral witches are powerful, the demon clan also has extremely strong people.

Under the collision of the two Lich races, the Wu Clan can only retreat in 190 defeats and retreat all the way to Mount Buzhou.

But at the moment, the demon clan has gathered heavy troops and besieged Buzhou Mountain.

It seems that even the ancestral land of the Wu clan of Buzhou Mountain will not last long.

The end of the defeat is that the witch race is about to be completely destroyed by the demon race.

The twelve ancestral witches naturally did not want the Wu clan to be exterminated, even if they died, as long as the Wu clan was fine.

But at the moment, the Wu Clan has no hope of turning over, only this inventory remains.

Their only hope is an inventory from outside forces.

If they can grab the opportunity to ask questions after the inventory, they will definitely be able to turn over!

The twelve ancestors put all their hopes on the inventory.

If you can grab the opportunity to take stock, the demon race is not afraid!

Be sure to grab the opportunity to take stock at all costs!

At the same time, seek the plane of demons.

The figure wearing a black robe and not very outstanding in his face, but surrounded by a temperament that is difficult to ignore, is also looking up at the sky, and his eyes fall on the sky dome.

He is also praying that he will be able to grab the opportunity to ask questions.

This figure is none other than Su Ming!

He never thought he could be counted, and he knew he didn't have such a chance.

He just wanted to be able to get the opportunity to ask questions.

He has too many doubts in his heart, and if he can seize the opportunity to ask questions, then the all-knowing and all-powerful inventor will definitely be able to solve his confusion.

In Su Ming's heart, he was looking forward to the beginning of the question.

Like them, countless creatures in the heavens and realms were also looking forward to it, nervously waiting for the start of the inventory.

In fact, what they are most looking forward to is not the inventory, but the questions after the inventory.

After all, it is only possible to be inventoried if the hanging ratio is reached, but the hanging ratio of these heavens and realms is too small.

Among the endless creatures, a total of only a few hanging ratios can be found for inventory.

The vast majority of living beings are just ordinary people after all, like a grain of sand.

But asking questions is different, there is no threshold for asking questions, as long as it is a creature of the heavens and realms, you can ask questions.

And, you can ask anything.

The omniscient and all-powerful inventor will surely be able to answer.

Although the competition is equally fierce, it has to compete with countless creatures in the heavens and realms.

But this is also a common opportunity for all the creatures of the heavens, and it is extremely fair, and the probability of everyone getting the opportunity to ask questions is the same.

If you are really lucky and get the opportunity to ask questions, then you can change your fate and successfully change your life against the sky.

Of course, such an operation is more difficult.

But it is also the reason why many creatures insist on watching the inventory, insist on participating in the questioning, and are still trying even if the competition is so fierce.

Because, asking questions can really change your life!

"Inventor, if I want to say let's just stop taking stock, just start asking questions."

Such a proposal immediately aroused the echo of many living beings.

"That is, if you don't take stock at all, change the inventory to a question, so that you can ask twice, how nice it is."

"Daoist friends are reasonable, I second!"

"Plus one!"

For them, taking stock of opportunities is nothing, anyway, without their opportunity, the creatures of the heavens and realms are most concerned about asking questions.

Asking questions may be able to get opportunities, and inventory, they are at most eating melons, envious of those good luck hanging ratios.

Alas, when will he become a hanging bi.

However, some creatures did not speak.

Because they want to see the inventory.

Indeed, for the vast majority of living beings, inventory is just looking at hanging than eating melons.

But eating melons, who can bear this?

There are so many hanging ratios in the heavens and realms, and there are so many melons, who doesn't want to eat melons?

They wanted to see the various hanging comparisons of the heavens and realms, and then eat melons well, so they naturally did not want to let the inventory end.

"I still want to see the inventory, how interesting the inventory is, all the hanging ratios of the heavens and realms have been sent to you, you can see the experience of those hanging comparisons, how fun."

"It's like that Li Qiye in the last inventory, if it wasn't for the inventory, how would you know that Li Qiye still had such an experience."

"If it weren't for the inventory, who would know that Li Qiye, a god man, already has the strength to defy the sky, but his biggest wish is still to find sheep."

"The world is so big, it's all wonderful, how fun it is to see more."

"Those hanging comparisons are all children of luck, and they are all extremely lucky, so you can't take a closer look?"

"Look at the brain circuitry of the hanging ratio."

"We can't understand the idea of hanging ratio, so we try to get closer to the hanging ratio and experience the hanging ratio."

"However, there is one thing to say, our inventor is a real cow batch, those hanging ratios are hidden in all corners of the heavens and realms, he can actually find these hanging ratios, which is also too powerful."

"Even the questions that countless beings in the heavens and realms asked him could not bother him at all."

"The inventor, it is really a cow batch, it is powerful!"

"Who will be this time? Don't come to another biwang, otherwise the title of the strongest biking is not easy to belong. "

"That is, there is Xu Que in the front, Li Qiye in the back, the two are more than kings, I hope that the third will not appear this time."

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, Li Xiaoyao's mighty and magnificent heavenly sound echoed between the heavens and the earth.

[Ninth place inventory hanging ratio: Li Changshou! ] 】

[Carrying pendant: Rebirth pendant! ] 】

[Advantages of this hanging: Provide the son of luck with a chance to be reborn and reincarnated, and the opening talent is full, become a cultivation genius who is one in a million, and embark on the road of sweeping! ] 】

As soon as these words came out, all of a sudden, many creatures in the heavens and realms looked at the sky curtain with a surprised expression.

"Reborn hang?!"

"No, wait, how is this description so similar to someone?"

"Daoist, wait, is the person you are talking about the surname Tang Mingsan, the one who is ice clear and jade?"

"That's right, I remember that he was also reborn and crossed, congenital double martial soul, innate full of soul power, full of talent."

"Li Changshou is also full of talent, and he is also reborn."

"You say, they won't be the same."

"Can't it, what is Tang San?"

"People Li Changshou is not as disgusting as Tang San." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Moreover, you see that the inventory is talking about sweeping, which means that Li Changshou will sweep everything."

"If you think about that Tang San, which time it was not a faceless sneak attack, and all kinds of thick skins to make hundreds of enemies." (bdec)

"Tang San is also worthy of being compared with Li Changshou?"

"Besides, Tang San is a hook ba, what kind of thing."

"Sweep?! This won't be Li Qiye No. 2. "

"I remember that Li Qiye just swept wherever he went, and there was no opponent for him anywhere."

"Even Cangtian can only barely become his opponent."

"Could it be said that the template for Li Changshou's life is Li Qiye?!"

"Groove, it's really possible! Have you noticed that Li Qiye and Li Changshou are both surnamed Li, and they have died of life, it won't be true, right?! "

"What a joke."

"But I'm really curious."

"Could it be that Yan Wang Ye is very afraid of these hanging comparisons, Li Qiye is immortal and immortal, and he will never be old, as for this guy to be reborn directly."

"Good fellow, it's just immortal anyway."

"In this case, it is difficult not to make people suspect that it is because even Yan Wang Ye does not dare to accept these hanging comparisons."

"So Li Changshou can cross?"

"Wait, crossing?! Such a plot is probably too familiar. "

"Tang San, Ye Fan, Xu Que, and Xiao Yan, aren't they all considered crossings."

"Lying groove, is it true, Yandi Xiao Yan, forcing Wang Xu Que, and Ye Tiandi, and a certain three are all traversers, is the industry of traversers so popular?"

"Perhaps, we should try it too?"

"It's the same as forcing Wang Xu Que, it's all crossed, then it's interesting, let me see first, what is against the sky of your traverser."

At this moment, someone spoke: "The Rebirth Hanging is actually not a powerful plug-in. "

"Those hanging ratios that were inventoried before are actually reborn hangings."

"The Barren Heavenly Emperor was hacked to death and reborn, Ye Fan can still be reborn after blowing himself up, and rebirth does not seem to be a difficult thing for Hang Bi."

"Not only is there a hanging ratio that interprets the art of rebirth for us in person, but also an outrageous pervert like Li Qiye."

"Li Qiye, this guy, is directly an immortal existence, he will not die at all, where can he be reborn?"

"In the end, now these hanging ratios are becoming more and more involuted, one is more outrageous than the other, and one is more unimaginable."

"To be honest, this Li Changshou is a rebirth, I feel chilled when I see it, to be honest, Han Yu is really crotch-pulling."

"Also, since Tang San, I haven't seen such a crotch-pulling hanging ratio for a long time."

"I don't know what achievements Li Changshou will achieve this time."

The creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about each other, and they were also speculating with each other.

Rebirth is rare, but it is not impossible.

The Heavenly Dao has been running for such a long time, and it is inevitable that there will be small problems, which will cause the appearance of the reborn.

Among the heavens and realms, there are actually quite a few reborns.

When they saw the sky curtain, they found that Li Changshou was the same kind of people as them, and suddenly these reborn people were not happy.

They are also born-again, so why wasn't they chosen?

Could it be that they are not doing well enough?

The same reborn, why did they choose Li Changshou instead of them.

They should take a good look at it then, they are also reborn, what is unusual about this Li Changshou, and they can actually let the inventory takers choose him.

What is unique about this Li Changshou, so that he can stand out among countless people, be selected by the inventor, and become the hanging ratio of the inventory.

How far he is against the sky, and he is separated from himself as the reborn.

This is the most curious place for those who have been born again in the heavens and realms.

At the same time, the hegemony of the emperor.

Li Qiye was also interested, looking at the sky curtain with interest, looking at the sky dome, smiling slightly, and his face was indifferent.

"Interesting, the same sweep as me?"

"This little guy is a little interesting, is there still someone like me in these heavens and realms?"

"Able to be invincible all the way and sweep all opponents along the way?"

Li Qiye was full of interest, smiled slightly, and his eyes fell on the inventory, naturally full of expectation.

In his opinion, he is still low-key, but he is just fighting the three thousand emperors with one hand, and pushing the nineteen continents with both palms.

It's nothing, it's nothing.

After all, this is your true strength, right?

However, what kind of divine is this Li Changshou, and how can He De actually sweep the world like him.

Is it also a strong hanging ratio like him?

Li Qiye was also a little curious.

At the same time, Xiao Yan, who saw the picture of the sky screen, finally nodded with satisfaction.

It's finally normal!

This hanging ratio is a rebirth hanging, which is also too simple.

Compared with those perverted hanging ratios, either hanging outrageously, or hanging more outrageously, this Li Changshou is really fresh and vulgar.

Those hanging comparisons were enchanting and cheap, and suddenly such a simple hanging ratio appeared, Xiao Yan felt like he was dreaming.

This hanging is more simple than simple!

"Finally one with me!"

Xiao Yan was excited.

Since the beginning of the inventory, those hanging ratios behind him have been outrageous and perverted one by one.

Xiao Yan really couldn't stand these hanging ratios, and compared with them, he felt like a fake hanging ratio.

Now, there is finally a simple hanging ratio with only a reborn hanging to accompany him!

"Eh, no, I seem to have a rebirth hanging."

This time, he may not finally be the penultimate hanger.

Finally a buddy with a companion.

However, he was still stunned when he saw the introduction of the inventor.


"What's going on?"

"Groove? Is it buddy or bottom? "

"Buddy mentality collapsed."

Xiao Yan's face changed, not good-looking.

How strong is this Li Changshou?

What rank is the world he is in, and why is it so outrageous.

At the same time, a flood world composed of a thousand worlds.

Duxian Gate.

Li Changshou faced confusion, "This won't be me, right?" "

The same name and surname, or reborn crossing, but it's not him!

"No, no, no!"

Li Changshou quickly shook his head and tried to convince himself.

"The heavens and realms are so huge, countless reborns, and countless people call Li Changshou, nine out of eight are not poor paths!"

Li Changshou looked up at the sky, praying in his heart, but don't be him.

He didn't want to be exposed.

The three thousand avenues of the heavens and realms must be safe.

He prayed that this hangbi was not himself, even if he didn't get a reward.

He just needs the dog to go down and stabilize his development like Han Li.

Can't wave!

However, the purple qi condensed a figure on the sky screen, which made Li Changshou break his defense on the spot.

It's really him!


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