When the endless creatures of the heavens and realms heard Li Xiaoyao's words, they were all shocked and stared at the distant sky in disbelief.

"Da Luo is walking everywhere, there are many golden immortals like dogs, what kind of plane does it have to be?"

"Daoist asked this question very well, don't ask it again next time!" You ask me, who am I asking specifically? "

"If this is the case, the horror of this plane is an existence that I can never imagine!"

Although many living beings did not know what realm Da Luo and Golden Immortal were, they understood the content of the words Supreme Plane!

What's more, that Flood Desolation World is still an almost supreme existence in the supreme plane, and the rank is even more sublime, and the status is supreme!

That kind of plane must be extremely heaven-defying and extremely powerful!

Don't dare to think, really don't dare to think!

It is not that they have not seen how terrifying and powerful the Supreme Plane is.

For example, the perfect plane where the Barren Heavenly Emperor is located is the supreme plane, and the existence in it is extremely powerful and supreme, even those exotic immortal kings who were killed by the Barren Heavenly Emperor, the strength is terrifying and awe-inspiring.

And this flood world is also a supreme plane, and it must be extremely powerful, maybe not weaker than the perfect plane.

As for some creatures who knew the Flood Desolate Plane, they were already shocked beyond belief, and their faces were full of shock.

"There are as many golden immortals as dogs?!"

"That's a golden immortal!"

"Then as a comparison in this world, this young man named Li Changshou, that is not a transcendent existence?!"

"Wouldn't you? Isn't the existence of true detachment only the inventor?! "

"You say, this Li Changshou should not be the inventor, right?!"

"Daoist, don't talk presumptuously, be careful of causing trouble!"

In many planes, the strongest is just an immortal, or the most ordinary ascended immortal.

In front of the Golden Immortal, it is just an ant-like existence.

And in the flood barren plane, there are many golden immortals like dogs!

It is worthy of the flood desolation plane, it is worthy of the supreme plane that only circulates "610" in the legend, and this realistic frame is really full.

And Li Changshou, as the hanging comparison of this flooded world, how against the sky must be!

In an instant, countless voices of swallowing saliva sounded, and countless creatures in the heavens and realms were not calm in their hearts at this moment.

How outrageous it must be to hang in the flood world!

Such a sublime rank, such a supreme plane, in this world, hiss-

Don't dare to think, really don't dare to think!

Hang Bi can often laugh to the end and become a supreme existence of the plane, doesn't that mean...

This Li Changshou's future achievements are infinite?!

"I Zhuo, I suddenly thought that Li Changshou is likely to be a big guy in the future, the top and top kind of big guy!"

"Hang Bi will definitely be a big guy in the future, but I don't know how he compares with the Barren Heavenly Emperor."

"Now that there are so many hanging ratios, the highest personality, the strongest strength, and the one who is the most full is the Barren Heavenly Emperor."

"The Barren Heavenly Emperor is the supreme existence of the supreme plane, and in the future, this Li Changshou can also become the supreme master of the Flood Wilderness, and I don't know who is more powerful than the Barren Heavenly Emperor and Li Changshou in the future."

"Some expectations."

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan looked at the sky screen, and the person was already stupid.

"Supreme plane, Flood Desolation World?"

"Da Luo Golden Immortal, Golden Immortal?"

"Groove, is it really so terrifying?"

"Only exists with the legendary Flood Barren plane, and finally appeared."

For this flood plane, Xiao Yan was also full of curiosity.

And as soon as the Hong Huang plane appeared, he was directly full, how could Xiao Yan not be shocked.

"There are many golden immortals like dogs, and Da Luo walks everywhere... Such a plane, looking at the heavens and realms, is definitely a top-notch existence. "

"Such a heaven-defying plane is not known how many ranks higher than the original Douqi Continent."

Li Changshou is the hanging ratio of the Flood Barren plane, and he may become the supreme master of the entire Flood Barren plane in the future.

For a moment, Xiao Yan seemed to realize something.

"No, doesn't this mean that Li Changshou is not an ordinary person at all, but shocked?!"

"I lean, I underestimate him!"

Until this moment, Xiao Yan finally understood how ridiculous it was to find a cushion for his idea!

People are the hanging ratio of the supreme plane, although it seems that only the rebirth hanging is opened on the body, how simple is how simple.

But after all, people are the hanging ratio of the flood world, and the hanging ratio of the supreme plane can be lower than the future achievements?

He treated others as waste, but he didn't expect that from beginning to end, it turned out that the waste was only himself!

"No, I'm broken."

"The clown is actually myself?"

Xiao Yan suddenly came back to his senses, with a complicated expression.

In the end, I am still too naïve.

I really thought that people were garbage hanging ratios, but I didn't expect that I was the biggest garbage.

"These hanging ratios, Genima is outrageous one by one, I really can't stand it."

At this time, he couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

Shouldn't this inventory start in order from low to high?

The more garbage hanging ratio, the more in front?

So he is the first, and he is actually the one at the bottom?

Thinking of this possibility, Xiao Yan quickly shook his head: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!" "

"Although I don't know who is the most powerful, I can be sure that I am definitely not the most garbage, and the most garbage hanging ratio should be Tang San!"

"That's right, Tang San is the most garbage hanging ratio."

"I want to take a good look at how awesome and outrageous this Li Changshou is in the Flood Barren World!"

Xiao Yan looked at the sky screen with a look of disbelief.

At the same time, special planes.

Biwang Xu Que opened his eyes, also looked at the sky screen, looked at the picture in the sky screen, thoughtful.

"This world is actually the Flood World?"

As a traverser, he naturally knew a lot about the Flood World.

The Flood Desolation World, that is definitely the leader of the heavens and realms, is likely to be the most powerful of the heavens and realms.

The big guys in the flood world, that is really too many to count.

Even the monkey in the Westward Journey plane, in the flood world, is not even a grandchild.

The hanging ratio of this world must be extraordinary!

Xu Que rubbed his chin, and a look of anxiety suddenly appeared on his face.

"If this hanging comparison is very bullish, then won't my title of King of the Heavens and Worlds be robbed by someone?"

The appearance of that Li Qiye before has already affected his name of Biwang, and if this hanging comparison is also very good at pretending, then his status will be dangerous.

As a hanging ratio of the flood world, it must be extraordinary.

However, this guy seems to be very stable, and he doesn't seem to like to pretend.

Maybe you can keep your position?

On second thought, this inventory is quite outrageous.

Counting the many hanging ratios of the heavens and realms, even the flood world he can take inventory, is indeed outrageous.

It seems that he is still underestimating the inventor.

Even the existence of the flood and desolation plane can be inventoried, how terrifying it is.

Is it better than those floods and desolute?!

Hissing - don't dare to think, really dare not think!

At this moment, the picture continues to change.

The old road took the little girl all the way up the mountain, and finally came to a hut and stopped.

"Look, stop, stop."

"Whether the hanging ratio is going to come out, a little looking forward to it."

"Definitely, there must be a hanging ratio in this room."

In the expectation of the creatures of ten thousand worlds, Lao Dao spoke: "Longevity, come out to meet your junior sister." "

"Sure enough, this room is Li Changshou."

"The hanging ratio is finally about to appear, I am looking forward to it, I don't know how this hanging ratio is."

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms were looking forward to looking at the sky curtain, wanting to see Li Changshou appear.

However, the old words fell, and after a long time, there was no movement, and there was no response at all.

No one opened the door of the hut.


Lao Dao frowned, with a look of confusion on his face.

"In this hut, there is obviously the breath of longevity, why don't others come out when they are in the house?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Without much thought, Lao Dao reached out and opened the door and entered the door.

However, as soon as he stepped into the hut, he smelled a very peculiar fragrance, which was so mellow and impressive that he could not forget it.

Old Dao's face changed, this scent was too familiar to him.

He had already been hit many times before!

This is the soft immortal scatter configured by Li Changshou!

As the name suggests, even immortals can put down!

"Oops, careless, tricked."

Old Dao's body tilted and fainted.

When the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they were immediately shocked.

"I'll go, what's going on?"

"Hahaha, what a big filial piety, Li Changshou is a talent."

"This old way is his master, Li Changshou this guy actually turned his master's medicine over, and directly put it down, this Zhennima is a talent."

"This son is really a big disobedience, even his own master secretly calculated, the master is filial piety!"

"This Li Changshou is a real cow batch, directly gave his master medicine, if his master wakes up, he must not be invited to eat his favorite big ear melon seeds."

"That's for sure!"

"However, from this, it can also be seen that this Li Changshou is a real Gou, he is a real Gou, not a fake."

"This hut is obviously his own room, and those who can go up this mountain are obviously his own people."

"But just this he is not at ease, he has arranged a drug in his house, if it is an outsider, he will definitely be overturned."

"He's too careful, he's really a veteran."

"Hahaha, but this old way is also really miserable, and it was actually overturned by his own apprentice."

"It was also seen by all the heavens and all the worlds, and now it is really dead."

"Han Tianzun, have you learned?"

"I feel that this guy is more meticulous than you, you should study hard."

Just as the creatures of the heavens and realms were happily complaining about this matter, the picture of the heavenly screen changed again.

That old way has already woken up, and Li Changshou was beaten by old way.

"You smelly boy, you actually dare to calculate as a teacher!"

"It's still soft and fairy, you kid is capable!"

After fiercely educating Li Changshou with love, Lao Dao snorted twice and left with his back in satisfaction.

"Ling'e, this is your master brother Li Changshou."

"Longevity, your junior sister will be handed over to you in the future!"

Instructed Li Changshou to teach the little girl well, and Lao Dao went to retreat by himself....

Soon, Li Changshou relieved Ling'e of the poison on his body.

After this, Li Changshou also checked Ling'e's soul, measured the bone age, and various tosses, just to confirm that Ling'e, the newly promoted junior sister, was not taken away or degraded.

It can be said that Li Changshou has been cautious to the extreme.

This kind of means, in fact, have only one purpose, to ensure that they will not be contaminated with cause and effect, and can save their own little life.

In fact, this can't blame Li Changshou for being too cautious, there is really no way.

It is a person who knows how terrifying the cause and effect of the flood famine is, and it can really kill people!

For example, that Red Cloud Daoist is obviously also innate power, top-level innate divine, and powerful, but it is because he is contaminated with the cause and effect of the sanctification of the two Western saints, and finally there is no place to die.

In the flood famine, cause and effect are really terrible, and it is really scary, even the supreme being, even a saint, will be affected by cause and effect, and even fall under cause and effect.

Li Changshou had already died once, and naturally did not want to die a second time.

So this time, as cautious as he can be, how cautious he is.

Anyway, all in all, in short, he does everything with only one purpose, that is, to make himself live well!

If you can not be involved in cause and effect, you will not be involved.

You have to live well!

And when the creatures of the heavens and realms saw Li Changshou react like this, they were speechless.

"No, not really."

"This buddy is really afraid of death, why is he so cautious."

"He is so afraid of contamination with cause and effect."

"So cautious, so worried and afraid, is this really a hanging comparison, how do I feel that what he did is more excessive than Han Tianzun?"

"That is, even Han Tianzun is not so cautious and meticulous."

"Sure enough, hanging ratios are a little sick, and we can't understand hanging ratios hahaha."

At the same time, the picture in the sky screen changed, and Li Changshou decided to teach his junior sister well.

Lest the junior sister not understand things and provoke cause and effect for themselves.

As a traverser, Li Changshou knows too well that many times the villain does not discipline well, and the people around him provoke the protagonist, and finally cause the disaster of killing himself for himself.

"Ling'e, since you are my junior sister, then naturally I can't hide my secrets, so I will teach you the way of Gou."

Ling'e blinked her big eyes and looked confused: "Senior brother, what is the way of Gou?" "

"The way to be good is to be steady."

"If you can not show up, you will not come out, if you can not show the limelight, you must not do things that you are not sure of, everything is based on stability."

"For example, flying in the air, you can't fly too high, you can't fly too low."

"If you fly too high, it is easy to be seen by the high-ranking people, and if you fly higher than the high-ranking people, I am afraid that it will leave a bad impression and cause trouble."

"Of course, you can't fly too low, flying too low is easy to be secretly calculated."

"So, you have to fly not high or low, just right."

"After these hundred years of exploration and countless test flights, Senior Brother has summed up the most suitable angle, and I will teach it to you."

Ling'e nodded heavily, with little stars in her eyes: "Senior brother is still strange." "

Li Changshou carried his hands behind his back, spoke at length, and talked exaggeratedly, teaching Ling'e the experience he had summed up over the years.

And the most meticulous 4.8 is that in order to avoid being noticed, he improved a Dao technique on his own, which can hide his own breath.

In this way, he was able to hide himself, including cultivation, without revealing the slightest breath.

Of course, in addition, he also taught Ling'e the three elements he summarized to ensure survival.

This element is Li Changshou's real work, all golden and jade words, if Ling'e is not his junior sister, he will not teach this experience.

"One, avoid cause and effect, and practice at home. Second, hide your strength and make sure you have hole cards. Three, run! "

Li Changshou said with a serious face.

And the creatures of the heavens and realms were completely stupid when they saw him like this.

"Good guy, good guy, really good guy, Li Changshou this guy is really crazy to save his life."

"Evading cause and effect, hiding strength, and running away, is this really not Han Li?"

"I always feel that this guy has Han Li's shadow on him."

"Bridge bean sack, this guy is more meticulous than Han Li!"

"Lying groove, it's more real to go home."

"I thought that Han Li was meticulous enough, but I didn't expect that there was actually a more meticulous one." 、

"Good one Li Changshou, whose general is this, how can he be so meticulous?"

"The two of them, it's really half a pound and eight taels, chess meets the opponent."

"Haven't you noticed, this guy's name is Li Changshou."

"People's names already reveal the greatest desire, that is, to live for a long time, what's wrong with me?"

"Lying groove, what you said is so reasonable, I can't refute it!"

"Good life!"

"However, I think what Li Changshou said really makes some sense, he is in the flood barren world, the flood desolation world is so terrible, the strong are like clouds, if you don't get a small life, it should be normal."

"Not buddy, this is a little?! That's 100 million points! "

"It is!".

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