The creatures of the heavens and realms are speechless, they have never seen Gou, they have never seen such a meticulous, this guy is simply Gou Daosheng.

That's pretty meticulous.

The creatures of the heavens and realms were staring at the figure on the sky screen in disbelief at this moment, looking at what Li Changshou was doing, with a strange look.

"This guy is really going to die."

The creatures of the heavens and realms were speechless.

Looking at the sky curtain, what Li Changshou did was simply beyond everyone's expectations.

"There is a new fragrant and soft little junior sister, as a senior brother, what should be done, isn't it a great opportunity to show your charm and strength in front of the junior sister?"

"Why is this Li Changshou so unusual, doing the opposite and teaching his junior sister how to survive?"

"He is so afraid of cause and effect, I have never seen someone so afraid of cause and effect, so timid."

"Let me tell the truth, even Han Tianzun is much stronger than this kid."

"I lost Lei Loumu, these things have to be written down quickly, this is the essence of life necessary for walking in rivers and lakes, maybe it can really save lives."

"Isn't it, buddy, you also remember the secret code?"

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li looked at the picture on the sky screen, and he was stupid at the moment.

"Why is there another Gobby?"

"This guy is more meticulous than himself!"

"No, how could anyone get to this point?!"

Han Li looked at the various behaviors of Li Changshou in the sky curtain, and at this moment, as the originator of Gou Realm, he couldn't help but burst into rudeness.

He has not achieved such an outrageous point, and this Li Changshou in the picture in front of him is more outrageous than him.

It's really Nima excessive!

Previously, the creatures of the heavens and realms called him the originator of Gou Dao, but now with this Li Changshou, the title of the ancestor of Gou Dao is really time to change.

Compared with Li Changshou, he is undoubtedly much better.

Can't compare, really can't compare.

Look at how much effort Li Changshou has put into his life, and even studied deeply for this and studied a practice.


"It's really high!"

Han Tianzun gave a serious thumbs up, it should be said that in this way, he really found someone who surpassed himself.

In front of Li Changshou, he bowed down.

Although he is also very meticulous, and has always thought that his own Gou in the 130,000 Realms of the Heavens should be regarded as the best, but compared with Li Changshou, he is really not meticulous, and even he can be regarded as brave.

"Li Changshou is the true king of Gou King, the master of the Gou Dao!"

"Even he... I am also ashamed of myself. "

The title of the originator of Gou Dao was given to Li Changshou, and he was willing and did not have any dissatisfaction.

Han Li squinted at the sky screen.

In order to survive, Li Changshou also specially studied a practice, maybe he could learn it.

Han Li originally thought that he was meticulous enough, but now that he saw what Li Changshou had done to survive, he suddenly realized that he was still too immature and did not do his best in many aspects.

You should learn again, improve yourself, and make yourself more meticulous.

At the same time, the world is desolate.

The saints each carved out a small world in the Chaotic Void as a dojo and lived in it.

Taiqing Tian is the dojo of the Taiqing Saint.

The Taiqing sky is vast, the fairy mist and auspicious clouds are pervasive, scattered in the Zhou Tian, and the Dao rhyme is diffused, sweeping the entire small world.

A figure was surrounded by endless chaotic qi, and countless Dao rhymes flew around this figure wantonly.

But around him, he exuded a peaceful and calm aura, as if he was in harmony with the avenue, and thousands of rhymes were all bowed down.

The figure looked at the sky.

"Duxian Gate?"

"Li Changshou?"

"Under the door of Doe?"

"Hanging ratio?"

His brows furrowed slightly, and he immediately began to pinch his fingers and calculate.

It really counted this person.

Unexpectedly, this orientation really had such a hanging existence as Li Changshou.

It seems that what the inventors said is not groundless.

This son is indeed a disciple of the Duxian Sect, a branch of the Human Sect.

Speaking of which, the founding ancestor of the Duxian Gate, Duer Zhenren, does have a relationship with him.

Although there is only one personal disciple under the Taiqing disciple, there are only one Xuandu, but in addition to Xuandu, he also has some named disciples.

The founding ancestor of the Duxian Gate, the West Kunlun Duer Zhenren, was one of his named disciples.

Since Li Changshou is a disciple of Duxian Sect, he is the disciple of Duer Zhenren, and he is also a disciple of others and a disciple of his Taiqing Saint.

"Li Changshou, it's a little interesting."

There is a causal relationship between this son and himself.

From the vast and void of the Taiqing sky, the Taiqing saint lowered his gaze, looked at the flood world, and saw Li Changshou at a glance.

At this moment, Li Changshou was on a mountain peak and seemed to be sensing something.

That's it.

Seeing Li Changshou, the Taiqing sage did not hesitate, and with a direct wave of his hand, a picture scroll flew out behind him.

The yin and yang rhyme suddenly diffused from that scroll, turning into a yin and yang fish in the vast void, wandering comfortably in the void.

Immediately afterwards, the yin and yang fish fused together, turned into a mysterious rhyme, flew out of the Taiqing Heaven, and went straight to Li Changshou in the Immortal Gate of the Great Thousand Worlds of the Flood Barren World.

The Taiqing saint engraved the mark of a saint on Li Changshou.

In this way, even if Li Changshou is marked, this is his own person, so that other saints cannot detect it.

Now that everyone knows it, there is no doubt that almost all the saints will probe and deduce.

Yuan Shi and Tongtian are not very worried, the really disgusting people are the two shameless guys of the Western Buddha Gate.

Whether this son is taught by others, or hanged, naturally it cannot cheapen others.

Therefore, the Taiqing saint will be like this, and it can be regarded as a means of protection for Li Changshou.

At the same moment, countless Flood Desolation powers, including saints such as Yuan Shi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Lord, began to pinch their fingers and calculate Li Changshou.

After all, this Li Changshou is a hanging ratio, or a hanging ratio that came from rebirth.

They have seen so many inventories, and naturally know what the hanging ratio represents.

"The entire flood world will become unusual because of the emergence of this comparison."

"If you can master this ratio, it is equivalent to mastering the future of the flood."

Therefore, naturally, many Danone couldn't hold back and personally took action, wanting to calculate Li Changshou.

I have to say that Li Changshou has really attracted the attention of many bigwigs.

It's a pity that someone took a step ahead of them and had already made corresponding arrangements for Li Changshou.

As soon as they calculated, they sensed the power of Taijitu.

This is equivalent to warning them that this is the person who is too clear, and you should use less brains.

The threat from Taiqing, the strongest saint, naturally did not dare to ignore many great powers.

Moreover, if there is a failure of Taijitu, they just want to deduce, but they are also powerless and can't deduce at all.

Because, the Taijitu is one of the few innate treasures in the Hong Wilderness, and it can't break the power of the Taijitu at all!

Because he was engraved with the mark of a saint and had the protection of the Taiqing saint, many great powers could not calculate Li Changshou, so he had to retreat angrily.

At the same time, the picture continues to change.

Li Changshou is still explaining the way of Gou for his new junior sister.

I have to say that although Li Changshou is meticulous, this talent is really against the sky, and on the path of cultivation, there seems to be no obstacle at all that can make it difficult for him.

Over the years, his cultivation has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and in just ten years, his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, soaring like a rocket.

However, ten years later, his realm had already reached the realm of returning to the void.

At this time, the creatures of the heavens and realms finally knew the cultivation system of the Flood Barren World.

Before becoming an immortal, there were four realms, namely refining qi, transforming gods, returning to the void, and returning to the Dao.

Each realm has nine orders.

This is all the realms before the tribulation becomes an immortal.

At this stage, it is still mortal.

After crossing the calamity, he became an immortal.

After successfully surviving the Immortal Tribulation, he is the Yuan Immortal, True Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Golden Immortal, Da Luo, Quasi-Saint, and Saint!

The rank of saint is already the supreme existence of the heavens, overlooking thousands of living beings and vast years.

The mighty power of a saint is almost omnipotent.

Even if it is the Great Sui Flood Famine, reuniting the fire, water, and wind to reunite the flood famine, it is not a problem.

The saints are the supreme beings of the Flood Desolation plane!

And looking at the entire flood waste, countless living beings, excluding the Hongjun Dao Ancestor, are only six saints. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Many amazing talents, amazing talents, and ancient existences have finally faltered and failed to become holy.

This shows how difficult it is to become holy.

Even if Li Changshou is terrifyingly gifted and has more external qi luck, he may not be able to become a saint.

After all, that's people.

The supreme saint is a luxury for more than ninety percent of living beings.

Heavenly Dao Holy Position, there are only so many.

It is not that anyone who wants to become a saint can become a saint, and under the restrictions of the Heavenly Dao, even a talented existence cannot do anything.

Seeing this scene, those creatures in the Flood Barren Plane were already shocked, shocked beyond belief, staring at the picture on the sky in disbelief, stunned.

"Who dares to believe this?"

"Who can believe this?"

They were Flood Wilderness cultivators, and they naturally knew the division of the Flood Wilderness realm and the cultivation speed of ordinary people very well.

If an ordinary person wants to cultivate to the Void Realm, the time it takes must at least start a thousand years.

Even those demons would have to spend hundreds of years at least to get to this point.

But what about Li Changshou, he only used a hundred years.

For more than a hundred years, he set foot in the realm of returning to the void.

"Shhh-this talent, it's impossible to say, it's against the sky!"

"As far as I know, the most demonic creatures can't compare with this Li Longevity."

"Li Changshou's talent is really terrifying."

"Those demons were immediately eclipsed compared to him."

"In our area, there is a fox clan, the young master of the fox clan is known as a rare genius, a peerless demon, and it took more than six hundred years to successfully step into the Void Realm."

"This Li Changshou has only been used for more than a hundred years, which is enough to see how terrifying he is."

"Those Tianjiao demons, compared with him, suddenly eclipsed, they are simply chickens and dogs, and they are not worth mentioning at all."

"It's not comparable, it's really incomparable."

The creatures of the heavens and realms looked surprised, especially the Flood Desolation creatures, who knew best what this speed of cultivation represented.

This represents the top and most terrifying demon in a generation!

It's just that I didn't expect that the existence of a demon with such talent was so timid and meticulous, and he could be called the originator of Gou Dao.

Kind of interesting.

The picture changed again, and Li Changshou ushered in the Immortal Tribulation.

In the South China Sea, Li Changshou's Immortal Tribulation descended.

The mighty thunder poured down, and the purple thunder was like a waterfall, pouring down for nine days.

The terrifying coercion of destruction immediately spread out and swept between heaven and earth.

And Li Changshou's immortal calamity is unavoidable.

Therefore, in order to cross the calamity, he had to change his appearance and cover his breath, until he confirmed that he could not see that it was his Li Changshou, and he was relieved to go to the robbery.

After surviving this calamity, he will be able to become an immortal.

After all, it is the calamity of becoming an immortal, with great power, strong coercion, and deterrence of eternity, so Li Changshou naturally does not dare to take it lightly.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, practiced and struck the last realm.

At the same time, he is constantly recovering his state, adjusting his spirit, and restoring his state to his peak state.

In order to meet the Heavenly Tribulation, Li Changshou made all the preparations he could.

And when everything was ready and his state returned to the peak, Li Changshou stood up, and then under the countless confused gazes of the heavens and realms, he actually bowed deeply to the heavenly dome and bowed to the end!

He actually saluted the heavenly dome?!

The creatures of the heavens and realms are blinded at this moment, you look at me, I look at you, all of them are dumbfounded.

"No, what does that mean?"

"Is Li Changshou so polite? Before crossing the Tribulation, give a gift to the Heavenly Tribulation? "

"How many meanings are these, is it a salute, I want to make the Heavenly Tribulation a little lighter?"

"Don't say it, with Li Changshou's urine nature, there is really this possibility!"

"Six six six, it's worthy of you, Li Longevity, every time I can make a new job, which opens my eyes."

The creatures of the heavens and realms all looked confused and curious, guessing what he meant by what he did.

At the same time, they are also curious about whether Li Changshou can successfully survive the thunder calamity.

Although he was amazing, 280, but the time of cultivation was too short after all.

Moreover, this is the Chengxian Heavenly Tribulation, he crossed the Tribulation by himself, and no one gave him a protector, is it really okay?

The heavenly thunder roared, turned into an electric dragon in the firmament, split the heaven and earth, and slashed down fiercely, the arc snorted, the electric light jumped, and the amazing terrifying coercion was diffused.

Under such a terrifying momentum, the thunder falling on the body must be uncomfortable.

However, after Li Changshou was chopped, he raised his head and shouted at the sky dome.

"Thank you Master Heavenly Dao, I took time out of my busy schedule to split."

As soon as the words fell, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stupid, and looked at Li Changshou with a foolish look.

"No, this buddy is sick, right?"

"If there is any serious illness in Baoqi, it is really outrageous Nima."

"I'm not, I don't understand, what is he doing?"


"No, it was chopped by the heavenly robbery, why should I be thankful, good guy, what is this whole thing?"

"I always felt like he was doing something really new, but I didn't understand."

"What does he mean, and what kind of flower work is this Li Changshou doing? I really don't understand. "

"However, does the trick of saying good things to the Heavenly Tribulation really work?"

"Could it be that saying more good things is really good for crossing the calamity?"

A creature fox looked at the Flood Desolation World suspiciously, with a curious expression.

"Why is he so afraid of death, isn't it for our cultivators to become immortals, and after becoming an immortal, you can get a great freedom and escape between heaven and earth?"

"Practicing this road is originally going against the sky, and the cultivators are all against the sky, especially the first few hangbi, which is not against the sky."

"Look at it like that, it's as if they can't live if the Heavenly Dao is alive, which of those guys is not a player against the sky."

"All this, how come Li Changshou directly changed ah, and directly called the master of the Heavenly Dao, for fear that others would not know, you are the dog leg of the Heavenly Dao, right?"

"Good, good, Li Longevity, it's really a cow batch, is this really a hanging comparison?"

"You are a hangbi, with luck, can the Heavenly Tribulation still chop you to death?"

"Can you be a little ambitious, a little pressing, a little card!"

"Gobi, it's so meticulous!"

"I declare that Li Changshou is the true originator of Goudao! Compared with him, Han Tianzun is nothing. "

"Well said!"

At the same time, in the world, Xiao Yan was also confused.

"Groove? What is this operation and why is he so doglegged? "

"Isn't he hanging a comparison? How can you be so meticulous and afraid of death? "

"Even Han Tianzun is much inferior compared to him."

"It's all a comparison, actually still so meticulous, and the master of the Heavenly Dao?"

"Brother, please pay attention to your identity, you are a hangbi, how can you do it without going against the sky?"

Mortal plane, Han Li is also stupid.

"I realized!"

"Li Changshou, longevity Taoist, you are the true originator of Gou Dao, and you have the essence of Gou Dao."

He was still confident in his way before, but now he is really a heaven and an underground, and he sighs that he is not as good as ah!

"This is Goujie's role model!"

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