The creatures of the heavens and realms complained one after another, their faces were speechless, mainly because they were not used to Li Changshou's behavior of being endowed with extraordinary gifts tomorrow and being extremely devilish, but he was outrageous and used all methods to kill his life.

"Obviously he is the son of luck, but also bears the external hanging, strong strength, superior talent, if this is changed to another hanging ratio, it would have gone a long time ago, and when it came to Li Changshou, all the painting styles have changed, and he doesn't want to go against the sky, but calls the master of the heavenly way."

"This Nima is simply the opposite!"

"Think about those hanging comparisons before him, which one is not Zhang Luo against the sky every day, even the most meticulous Han Tianzun, there are blood moments."

"It's really meticulous, it's outrageous, it's so scrupulous that he doesn't look at it at all, this guy is really too much."

"I've never seen such a meticulous guy in my life, even more outrageous than Han Tianzun."

Of course, although the creatures of the heavens and realms were complaining about Li Changshou's Gou, they also had to admit that this guy's talent was really a demon.

"It's not just a demon, it's simply a monster, a monster to the point of outrageous!"

"Li Changshou is really outrageous."

"How long has he been practicing here, and this is a disaster?"

"What kind of demon is this Nima!"

"This simply subverts the perception of the old way, is it really such a demon?"

In just a few years, he has already reached the point of crossing the immortal and becoming an immortal.

This is a realm that many beings in the Nether Realm cannot achieve in a lifetime of cultivation.

But Li Changshou took just over a hundred years to do it, what a demon!

It is worthy of hanging up the real demon, really outrageous, so outrageous that I dare not think about it, I dare not think at all.

It was hard to imagine that if Li Changshou was allowed to practice like this, with his terrifying talent, external hanging, and qi luck, he would be able to cultivate to what step in the future.

Even if he becomes the master of the flood waste, it does not seem to be a surprise.

All this, as if expected, is very reasonable, after all, Li Changshou is really a demon, really perverted!

His talent, many living beings have never seen in their lives.

Gou is really Gou, and the talent is really outrageous.

At the same time that the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were shocked, the picture in the Heavenly Eye continued to change.

A few more thunders fell, and the thunder fell on Li Changshou, but he was completely painless, as if he was fine.

This is Chengxian Tribulation Thunder, with unparalleled terrifying power, but it fell on Li Changshou's body, as if he was tickling him, he didn't care at all.

Because Li Changshou is so devilish, the reason why he will cross the calamity and break through is that he has repeatedly suppressed his cultivation, compressed and compressed, until finally he can no longer suppress it, he has no choice but to break through.

But if he could suppress his cultivation again, he would definitely not break through.

It was precisely because of this that his foundation was tempered extremely strong, and these thunder tribulations naturally could not hurt him.

But being chopped by the thunder robbery, Li Changshou also sensed that something was wrong.

"Something is wrong, this has already carried seven or eight thunder calamities, and the head has just transformed!"

"If this transforms into the whole body, how many thunder tribulations will it have to resist?"

Fortunately, he had already made all the arrangements and preparations before, raised his state to the peak, and his strength was compressed and compressed as much as possible, and his roots were extremely deep.

Although this thunder calamity is outrageous, it should still be able to survive successfully.

Li Changshou breathed a sigh of relief and was full of confidence.

The chance of success in this crossing is nine out of nine!

Soon, the thunder tribulation ended, and those terrifying thunder tribulations fell on Li Changshou's body, and they couldn't hurt him at all.

The thunder tribulation ended and the vision disappeared.

But Li Changshou was completely stupid, he was messy in the wind.

"Something is wrong, something is really wrong."

"How so?"

Li Changshou looked down at himself, confused, puzzled.

"Shouldn't it?"

"How can this be so outrageous?"

"The Thunder Tribulation is over, but only half of himself has transformed?"

"Half immortal?"

"What is it called?"


Li Changshou was completely stupid, staring at his body, crying and laughing, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

And seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms all laughed.

"Hahaha, no, laugh at me, is this hanging ratio, can only say that it is really interesting hahaha!"

"The old man has been cultivating for so many years, I really haven't seen such an example, and only half of them have become immortals, Li Changshou, you really opened the eyes of the old man."

"I'm curious, why is that?"

"Now, I kind of know how the half-immortals in this world came from, it turns out that this is how they all came."

"Hahaha, what's the matter, half of the immortals are okay?"

"Could it be that because his foundation is too strong, and the Thunder Tribulation can't move, he has become a half-immortal?"

"It's not too outrageous, it's really ridiculous."

"Li Changshou is really the most outrageous person I have ever met."

"Laughing numb family, who understands, when you wake up and see a half-immortal, it's really outrageously spicy!"

"Why didn't he fully become an immortal, is it because he is too meticulous?"

"Is it that he is too meticulous, even the Heavenly Dao can't stand it, that's why it will be like this."

"As far as I know, this Heavenly Tribulation is based on the strength of the Heavenly Tribulation, and the stronger the Heavenly Tribulation, the stronger the strength of the Heavenly Tribulation."

"Everyone can see that this Li Longevity Foundation is so strong, which is why he will usher in such an outrageous and terrifying Heavenly Tribulation."

"But he has a strong foundation, and he has successfully survived such a powerful Heavenly Tribulation, why would he only become a half-immortal? Isn't that reasonable? "

"That's right, this shouldn't be, why didn't Li Changshou completely transform into an immortal?"

Thousands of living beings were puzzled, and their faces were full of confusion.

"Don't you say, this hanging ratio, it's really different, it has chopped so many times, endured so much strength, so many thunder calamities, and it has actually transformed by half, it's really outrageous."

"It's not that I'm really looking numb, what is going on with this Li Changshou, why is the Heavenly Tribulation over, but it is still only half transformed?"

"There's something obviously wrong."

"That's it, and this guy is really a little outrageous, others have crossed the calamity, people are nine dead in their lives, and it is not easy to go through hardships and twists and turns, and finally become an immortal."

"But you guys look at this kid, crossing the calamity is like playing, easily surviving the heavenly calamity, this is the treatment of the hangbi?"

"What's more, you see that after being chopped, he looks like he is enjoying it, as if he has not been chopped enough, and his intention is still unfinished."

"This is what a normal person can do?"

"Alas, it really can't be compared, people are hanging comparisons, and the treatment of hanging comparisons is of course different."

"We bitter people, all we can do is envy."

"Huh, it's really envious, envious of the hangbi."

At this time, countless cultivators in the Flood Desolation World were dumbfounded.

"Li Changshou... Actually became a half-immortal? "

"No, there is actually such an operation?"

"Du Tribulation, there is actually such a thing as a half-immortal?"

I've never heard of this kind of thing before.

Success is success, and failure is failure.

"Either you succeed in becoming an immortal, fade your mundane body, and have a great freedom in this life, or fail and die."

"For so many years, I really haven't heard of someone who has achieved half success and become a half-immortal."

"This Li Changshou is really the first, you say that he failed, but he carried all the thunder and successfully survived the heavenly calamity."

"But if you say that he succeeded, he really hasn't become an immortal, only half of him has become an immortal, at best, he is a half-immortal."

"This is really unprecedented, since Pangu opened the heavens and descended from eternity, I have never seen such a demon."

"This Li Changshou is really a strange ah, after preparing for so long, he has become a veritable half-immortal!"

"Brothers, is the half-fairy okay? Li Banxian! "

The flood creatures are completely eye-opening, can they still play like this?

Hanging ratio, really different.

"If you don't say that people can become our flood and desolation comparison, it is really different."

"That is, you see that people crossing an immortal heavenly tribulation is so unusual, can become a half-immortal that we have never heard of, is this not enough to show that people are unusual?"

"It's just that how unusual it is, how unusual it is."

"It's worthy of hanging comparison, it's really a whole flower job for us, so that we can open our eyes well."

"However, why do I always feel that his thunder tribulation is so unusual, his thunder tribulation does not seem to be very powerful."

"Could it be that something went wrong?"

"Something is wrong, something is really wrong."

"Could it be that his thunder tribulation really cheated for personal gain because he listened to good obedience?"

"Could it be that even the Heavenly Dao favored him, which is why he lowered such an easy thunder tribulation and let him easily survive the thunder tribulation?"

"It's worthy of hanging comparison, and it's really the darling of Heaven's Dao, I'm envious."

"Harm, isn't hanging like this, it's good to get used to it, brothers."

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, Li Changshou in the picture of the sky screen seemed to be dumbfounded, looked at the sky dome in confusion, and shouted: "And slow!" "

You can't just transform half, what is this called?

And as Li Changshou drank loudly, the endless coercion of heaven and earth suddenly surged like a tide, permeating between heaven and earth, coercion was endless, and spread wantonly.

The endless Heavenly Dao coercion instantly locked Li Changshou, and the endless coercion was wrapped in a power that could almost destroy the heavens and the earth, and fell from the heavenly dome.

A more powerful and terrifying thunder calamity slowly spawns in the void space of heaven and earth, electric snakes swim away, thunder dragons thunder, wandering between heaven and earth, under the void!

At the same time, an old man in a Daoist robe appeared in the dark clouds, and the coercion around him was endless.

The old man's eyebrows were distant, and there was an obscure rhyme between his eyebrows and an infinite power that made people tremble.

Dressed in a Taoist robe, he was tall and had white hair, standing in the dark clouds, as if standing up to the heavens and the earth, supporting this heaven and earth.

Even the firmament of the universe will bow down and tremble in front of him.

In an instant, there was a mighty and endless coercion that permeated the heavens and the earth, scattered between the nine heavens and ten earths, and a trembling aura instantly enveloped the entire flood waste.

"Heavenly Dao!"

Li Changshou's eyes widened suddenly, his face was full of horror, almost shocked, and he almost bit off his tongue.

"Heavenly Dao! It turned out that the Heavenly Dao Master personally appeared! "


"Heavenly Dao?"

Li Changshou was stunned, he couldn't understand why he had become an immortal tribulation and why did he attract the Heavenly Dao?

This is the supreme heavenly way!

At the same time, countless creatures in the flood world were also shocked and unbelievable.

Countless of them were numb scalps, frightened faces, and eyes full of horror.

"How is that possible?!"

"It's actually Dao Ancestor!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The true supreme existence of the Flood Barren World, the master of saints, and the ancestor of ten thousand paths!

"Dao Ancestor, his old man is here?!"

"Groove, what's the situation? What kind of wind alarmed this person? "

That's Dao Zu!

The Dao Ancestor is in line with the Dao of Heaven, and the Ancestor of the Dao is the Dao of Heaven!

The appearance of the Dao Ancestor means the birth of the Flood Barren Heavenly Dao.

It is clear that the Dao Ancestor has not escaped the world since the third lecture of the Zixiao Palace.

Why did the Dao Ancestor suddenly appear?

"I have a hunch that the appearance of Dao Ancestor is definitely not simple!"


"No, what is the situation of this hanging, Du Yi actually led the Dao Ancestor and his old man out?"

"It is worthy of the hanging comparison, this battle is different from ordinary people."

"This Nima is also outrageous, it's really different."

"I rather want to know what kind of ability this hanging ratio has, and why can the Dao ancestors and his old people who can't escape the world and can't solve the robbery show up."

At the same time, even if they were separated by the vast time and space, even if they were just looking at the inventory, the creatures of the heavens and realms still felt the supreme horror.

They sensed a powerful coercion that was enough to annihilate the heavens and the earth and destroy the heavens and realms, and they were terrified.

Countless creatures felt numb in their scalps, and looked at Hongjun's figure in the sky with great fear.

"Who is that?!"

"Why is it so terrifying?"

"As soon as this person came out, there was an air that could almost directly wipe me out, and the horror was boundless!"

"I am in the plane where I am, I can also be regarded as a powerful party, a well-deserved giant, coercing all over the world, and the name is shocking the world, but when I see this person, I feel as if I have been targeted by some terrifying existence, and my whole body is trembling."

"How powerful and terrifying is such an existence!"

"This is definitely an incomprehensible supreme village, overlooking thousands of living beings, coercing the four seas, sweeping the universe!"

Through the sky curtain, I don't know how far apart, but it still seems to be locked and targeted by the supreme power being.

For a time, thousands of living beings trembled, speculating in their hearts.

"Who the hell is this?"

"What a great existence is this person? Why is it so powerful? "

"Even the honza has been suppressed, how terrifying it is."

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms stared directly at the phantom shadow on the heavenly dome, with thousands of thoughts, but without exception, they were all in awe of this figure.

Such a terrifying phantom, otherwise supreme!

It's just a shadow, it's so terrifying.

If it's a real body, hiss—

I can't imagine it!

"Just by becoming an immortal calamity, it has attracted such a terrifying existence, is this the hanging comparison of the flood world?" It should be said that it is worthy of being a comparison of the flood world. "

"It seems that only such a pressing qualification is worthy of the supreme plane of the flood waste."

"The hanging comparison of the flood world is the horror of Zhennima!"

"Fortunately, I'm not a flood."

"I'll make a groove, what is this thing, how can an immortal calamity attract such a terrifying existence."

"Such a terrifying existence, even if it is called by name, it will be sensed."

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms were extremely shocked by the strength of Hongjun Dao Ancestor, and their hearts were full of shock.

Such an existence is really terrifying.

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan stood between heaven and earth, standing with his hands in his hands, looking at the vast sky curtain, looking at the picture in the sky curtain.

For a while, not only did his scalp feel numb, but even his soul began to throb.

Without a doubt, this is definitely a truly supreme being!

Such an existence, how great, is simply unimaginable!

Just a shadow path made him so afraid, even his soul trembled.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the supreme existence of the flood and desolate plane, the legendary great shore god.

He always had a feeling that although the phantom only appeared on the sky screen, he was still looking at Li Changshou.

But he always felt that the phantom was looking at himself, giving him a feeling of fear and awe.

"Such an existence is too grand and vast to imagine."

"Is this the Flood Desolation World, it's really terrifying!"

At the same moment, the mortal plane.

Han Li was also terrified, looking at the picture in the sky, shocked beyond belief.

"The Flood Barren World is so terrible, and the hanging of the Flood Barren World is so terrible!"

"Just crossing a calamity has attracted such a mighty and unparalleled existence?"

"Such an existence even makes people dare not look at the purchase directly!"

"Is it really necessary, it's just a disaster."

"It's just an immortal calamity!"

"No need, right?"

Forced to endure the throbbing in his heart, peeked at the great shore figure, only felt that he was omnipotent, there was a great terror, making people want to worship! .

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