All the heavens and realms, the endless creatures were all shocked, and they all looked at the vast sky curtain in shock, looking at the figure that appeared on the heavenly curtain, which made all living beings feel awe.

"Is this the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Barren World? This coercion is really powerful, unimaginably powerful, powerful to... I feel outrageous. "

"It is worthy of the Flood Barren World, and the Flood Barren World is the supreme plane, and even in the supreme plane, it is a rare leader, extremely powerful."

"Fellow Daoists can see clearly, it's just a shadow!"

As the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Barren World, it seemed normal to have such power, although such a powerful power was far beyond their imagination.

But the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Barren World seems to be only worthy of its identity if it is so forced and so powerful.

"It is worthy of the flood world, it is really terrifying, just a phantom, it is already terrifying to such a point."

Even though they were separated by infinitely distant time and space, between space and the long river of time, and across the sky curtain, they still felt afraid and were intimidated by the powerful power.

This is a situation that has never happened in so many inventories before, and even the strongest Hanging Heavenly Emperor has not been able to make ~ them like this.

A phantom shadow intimidates the creatures of the heavens and realms, making people feel fearful and feel that they are omnipotent.

If it is the Heavenly Dao True Body of the Flood Desolation World, I really don't know how terrifying it is.

Suddenly, someone seemed to think of something and suddenly spoke.

"The Heavenly Dao of the Flood Desolation World is already so terrifying, I don't know how powerful the inventors will be."

"The inventor has supreme cultivation, but he can take stock of the heavens, he knows everything, he knows everything, if he really comes, won't it be more terrifying than the heavenly path of this flooded world?"

"That's nature, and the inventor is the real transcendent being."

"Think about it, the magnificent power that the inventor has shown recently, it is definitely not comparable to a realm of heavenly dao."

"That's right, the inventor is the most powerful existence in my heart, controlling the heavens and realms, transcending the existence of all worlds. Even if the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Desolation World is very strong. But I still have to say, the inventor is the most bullish! "

"This Taoist friend's words really speak to my heart, just based on this, after the end of this inventory, I will show mercy and let you!"

Although the coercion brought by the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Desolation World was indeed terrifying, the creatures of the Heavens and Realms still did not think that he could compare with the inventor.

This is naturally because in the past many inventories and questions, the creatures of the heavens and realms have long seen the horror of the great power of the inventor.

Therefore, in their minds, the inventor is the most hanging, detached from the world, overlooking thousands of people.

Even a powerful existence like Hongjun is not an opponent of the inventor.

"The great power of the inventor is unimaginable, how magnificent and vast, looking at the heavens and realms, no one can match it."

"Yes, the Barren Heavenly Emperor is so powerful, Megatron Heavens, and he is monopolous for eternity, but his achievement of the creation of the Immortal Emperor in one step is still given by the inventor."

"So many hanging ratios all ascended to the sky in one step, all because of the shot of the inventor."

"Such an existence, there is no existence in the heavens and realms that can compare with it, I said!"

At the same time, the creatures of the heavens and realms were really completely stunned when they saw that Li Changshou had attracted the Heavenly Dao.

"Hahahaha, who would have thought that he would actually attract such a supreme existence as the Heavenly Dao."

All the creatures of the world burst into laughter.

"Sure enough, to the extreme is courage."

The creatures of the heavens and realms all laughed, thinking about how meticulous Li Changshou really was, and how many measures he had taken to break people's eyes in order to save his life.

But as a result, these means were all useless, and he actually directly attracted the Heavenly Dao.

"This is completely contrary to his original intention of wanting to die!"

"Now, it's really not low-key."

Thinking about Li Changshou in order to be able to sign up low-key, it can be said that he did everything he could, but the result was all for nothing, not only failed to keep a low profile, but even lost himself, attracting such a great existence as the Heavenly Dao, and it was really a creation of people.

"Hahaha, Li Changshou, he deserves it!"

"Crossing an Immortal Tribulation will lead to the Heavenly Dao, who can do this?"

"That is, and it actually makes the thunder calamity slow down?"

"Hahaha, laugh at me, and slow, is this not enough chopped, let the thunder calamity and slow, be chopped once."

In the discussion and laughter of the creatures of the ten thousand worlds, Li Changshou was completely numb at this moment, and everyone was almost stupid.

At the same time, he was also doing his best to use his brain, thinking of countermeasures, and wanted to solve this matter smoothly, for fear of angering Tiandao.

After all, it was the Lord of the Heavenly Dao, the true ruler of the Flood Barren World, the master of the saints, who was above the heavens.

Such an existence can crush itself with a wave of his hand.

You have to be careful, cautious, and cautious.

People can always bring out their maximum potential in desperate situations, and almost instantly, Li Changshou thought of countermeasures.

Just when Tiandao's gaze fell, Li Changshou had already made a move.

He untied his Dao robe, took off the many spirit treasures he had prepared to cross the calamity, and untied the jade on his left shoulder.

This broken jade is not simple, it can shield the calculation and prevent others from probing themselves.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg, it's not enough.

In the heavenly curtain, Li Changshou moved continuously, and the creatures of the heavens and realms saw clearly that it turned out that Li Changshou's body was almost all a magic weapon to prevent deduction!

In order to avoid being deduced by Heavenly Dao and discovering the identity of his reborn, Li Changshou fought and directly moved out of the guy at the bottom of the box.

These magic weapons to prevent deduction were all used by him on himself.

As long as you can, you won't be discovered by the Heavenly Dao.

Li Changshou was a little apprehensive in his heart, and he didn't know if it was useful for him to do this.

Finally, the terrifying coercion slowly dissipated, diffused in the air, and disappeared.

At the same time, in the dark clouds, the shadow that seemed to stand up to the heavens and the earth, coercing all sentient beings, and diffusing the mysterious rhyme also disappeared.

Heavenly Dao is finally gone.

Li Changshou was finally relieved, the rest of his life after the disaster!

At the same time, the creatures of the heavens and realms all laughed when they saw him move like this.

"Hahahaha, a good Li Changshou, good guy, really opened our eyes."

"No, how many things does this kid carry to prevent deduction, is he really so afraid of death?"

"Is this guy so afraid of death, I can only say cow batches!"

"I've never seen so many treasures deduced by the organization, and Li Changshou actually has so many, it's really good to live."

"After getting so many anti-deduction things, finally the Heavenly Dao has been fooled!"

"I almost lost my game, Li Changshou, you are really a talent."

"Hahaha, why did he do so much, but the result is still the opposite, which is also too outrageous haha."

"Quick, quickly change a pair of pants for Li Changshou Daoyou, this peak race, the operation is full."

"This hanging ratio is indeed interesting, I estimate that Heavenly Dao is because he can't calculate his origin, so he plans to personally strike and destroy him."

The creatures of the heavens and realms nodded in agreement: "What Daoyou said is reasonable. "

"But Li Changshou is really miserable, and he wanted to live safely, but he didn't expect that he didn't succeed safely, and he didn't succeed, and he almost lost money to himself, and the loss exploded."

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan looked at the picture in the sky and did not smile.

"Hahaha, this Li Changshou is really a talent, why can he cross a calamity, he can also attract the Dao of Heaven, such an unimaginable existence."

"Not buddy, I'm really laughing."

"Li Changshou, it's really interesting."

"I've never seen such an interesting person, and it's much more fun to hang it."

"Talent, really talent, crossing the calamity can attract the Heavenly Dao, and even the Heavenly Dao can't deduce the origin of this guy, and he was almost killed by the Heavenly Dao."

"Li Daoyou, what a blessing."

When the Dao of Heaven came, even though he was separated by an infinite distance of time and space, Xiao Yan still felt fear, as if it was a supreme, unimaginable existence, staring at him from the distance of the void of ten thousand worlds.

Facing such a terrifying existence, Xiao Yan almost trembled and felt afraid.

Imagine, how afraid Li Changshou had to be in the face of such a heavenly Dao existence?

This time, Li Changshou really walked before the ghost gate closed, without exaggerating at all.

This is really contrary to his original intention.

"The reason why Li Changshou is so meticulous is not to save his life."

"But this time I went too far, and actually recruited all the Heavenly Dao, and the Heavenly Dao is also really fierce, and it really came to obliterate Li Changshou."

"I can only say that it is really a good life."

"Who would have thought that the most meticulous guy would actually have such intimate contact with Heavenly Dao, and he would almost completely finish the calf."

"However, he is so desperate and so cautious, he has arranged so many backhands for himself, as well as the talent that can be called a demon."

In fact, such people are the most terrifying.

Their strength is unmatched, their talent has a promising future, and even their hearts are stable and mature, and they will not let themselves take risks easily.

If you are an enemy of such a creature, you are afraid that you will not know how you died.

"This guy is also an old silver coin."

Looking at the picture in Tianmu, Xiao Yan's face also became solemn.

He must not provoke a hanging comparison like Li Changshou, otherwise he is really afraid of Li Changshou and will give his ashes to him.

At the same time, the mortal plane, Han Li was also laughing.

Han Li was also really completely smiling.

"No, buddy, I'm really laughing, I never thought it could be like this!"

"Li Changshou, Li Daoyou, you are really a talent!"

To be honest, Han Li thinks that he is also meticulous enough, and he is also an old silver coin, and he really hasn't served anyone in the way of gou.

But this time, he really obeyed, from the heart.

Li Changshou, he is really convinced. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Good one Li Changshou, really bull batch."

More than him, he has done more than he has done to survive.

But even so, he almost died and completely dispersed between heaven and earth.

This is somewhat intriguing and ironic.

Speaking of which, this is because he has gone too far.

A good Li Changshou directly taught him the truth that he could not pass by hand.

"It's okay to go over the top and almost put yourself in it?"

"Good work deserves to be rewarded!"

Han Li really didn't expect that someone would actually recruit the Heavenly Dao when he crossed the calamity because he was too meticulous.

He also knew that since the Heavenly Dao personally came, he must have detected something unusual, so he would definitely probe carefully.

With the mighty power of the Heavenly Dao, if you carefully investigate, you will definitely be able to find clues.

But Heavenly Dao did not have a long life.

Then it can only mean that I am afraid that Tiandao did not expect that someone would be so meticulous!

"Genima is outrageous!"

"Fortunately, Li Changshou was in a hurry, and quickly took countermeasures to prevent the exploration of the Heavenly Dao, which saved his own life."

"Otherwise, heck, his efforts for more than a hundred years will be in vain."

"It's still Li Changshou's wit that saved his life."

"It's useless to survive, you have to rely on your brains."

At the same time, the Flood Barren World, the depths of chaos, inside the Zixiao Palace.

A mysterious palace wrapped in infinite rhyme floated in the chaos, as if the palace was floating, but as if this palace had never moved, it was the vast chaotic void of the heavens and realms slowly floating around it.

And in the Zixiao Palace, there were mighty Dao rhymes flying out, and endless chaotic qi permeated.

The Zixiao Palace is not big, but stepping into it, there is a sense of majesty, which makes people involuntarily feel awe.

In the Zixiao Palace, a tall old man in a Taoist robe sat cross-legged on the cloud bed, his hair was white, and his body was surrounded by a rich Dao rhyme, as well as a mysterious aura that seemed to be nothing.

He has, he is nothing, he is the Tao!

Hongjun sat on the cloud bed, his eyes were indifferent, and the Dao rhyme scattered around him wandered wantonly.

This is the supreme existence of the Flood Desolation World, and countless living beings are bowing to the master.

The Heavenly Dao of the Flood Barren World, Dao Ancestor Hongjun!

His figure seems to merge with the chaotic airflow, which is both majestic and majestic, but also vast and majestic.

He looked at the sky indifferently, without the slightest nervousness.

"Hanging ratio?"

After watching so many inventories, Hongjun knows what the hanging ratio is.

He also thought that his flood desert world would not have a hanging ratio, but he didn't expect that the flood desert also had a hanging ratio?

However, even if it is a hanging ratio, there are also fate, and the lives of the flood and desolate creatures are all in his palm, and it is difficult to escape.

Hongjun has strong enough confidence in himself.

Even if it is a comparison in the flood world, it is impossible to go against the sky.

Now, he is the Dao of Heaven, ruling all living beings in the four seas and eight wastes!

He is not worried at all about the hanging ratio, what will change.

It's not worth mentioning.

Moreover, as a Heavenly Dao, he is not a last resort, he can't take the initiative to enter the game, and he doesn't want to bear the cause and effect.

"Li Changshou, it's interesting."

Hongjun's gaze fell on the sky screen, looking at Li Changshou's divine eagle, thoughtful.

In the sky curtain, the painting panel was changed, although Tai Na was gone, but the thunder tribulation was still there!

Li Changshou really stopped the thunder calamity.

Under the thunder of the clouds of calamity, Li Changshou was ready and began to pray.

This time, no matter what, he had to become an immortal completely,

What's going on with half-immortals?

I have worked hard to cultivate for so many years, and I was even chopped by the thunder tribulation once, it was really strong, and I was not beaten at all.

Just become a half-immortal, who do you look down on?

Are you kidding?

This time, if you are robbed and slashed by lightning again, no matter what, you must become an immortal!

Successfully surviving the immortal calamity and becoming an immortal is the lowest KPI requirement for Li Changshou for himself.

Looking up at the mighty clouds in the sky, and the arc thunder that roamed wantonly in the layers of incomparably thick clouds, Li Changshou looked solemn, took a deep breath, and then spoke.

"The thunder tribulation is above, and the variables of the tribulation are not calculated by the disciples."

"Please also ask the Heavenly Tribulation Master not to be angry, the disciple just wants to avoid human disasters and man-made disasters, and I beg the Cangtian Nian disciples to practice hard, and drop the thunder tribulation again!"

Leave him alone, fight!

As long as you can truly become an immortal, even if you are chopped again, it is worth it!

Although it is outrageous to take the initiative to pray for the arrival of the Heavenly Tribulation, Li Changshou really has no way.

How could he know why he had only transformed half of it?

Becoming an immortal tribulation is only this time, if you can't completely become an immortal, you will really only be a half-immortal in the future.

Who can bear this.

"I beg the heavenly calamity to come and chop it in your busy schedule."

Hearing this, the creatures of the heavens and realms were numb, and they couldn't stop laughing.

"Hahaha, Li Changshou is really a talent."

"Did he start to engage in moths, I really haven't seen such an operation."

"Nima? Another heavenly calamity, still coming? "

"I just got chopped so many heavenly calamities, I think I was chopped just now, do it again, right?"

"I threw Lei Loumu, playing with Zhennima pervert."

"No, to be honest, I can't understand a little, this guy finally survived, why did he start dying again."

"To be honest, I have seen everything I ask for, but I really saw the second heavenly tribulation for the first time."

"Li Changshou Zhente Niang is a talent!"

"No way, who makes the family a half-immortal, and no one is willing to change it."

"Yes, I finally managed to cross the calamity, prepared so many means to prevent deduction, and the result was a half-immortal, who can endure eight?"

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