At the same time that the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, in the picture, the heavenly tribulation rose again, the mighty calamity clouds were thick, stacked together, and the endless clouds carried a fierce and terrifying aura, among which there were thunder swimming away, snorting.

In the ink-black clouds, there are pale blue thunder, spitting out electric arcs, wantonly swimming among the dark clouds, descending from the heavenly power.

Heavenly Tribulation, it's really about to fall!

This thunder tribulation was actually moved by Li Changshou's guy, and he wanted to lower the thunder tribulation again to help Li Changshou take the last step and become an immortal.

This is Nima outrageous!

What the creatures of the heavens and realms did not dare to think about, Li Changshou actually did it

At the same time, Li Changshou frowned, looked around, and then slowly shook his head.

"No, this place is not suitable for crossing the robbery."

The first time he crossed the tribulation here, he only succeeded half and became a half-immortal, and this place is definitely not suitable for the tribulation.

So, Li Changshou quickly got up and flew away, changing the robbery land.

"No, no, the yin qi here is too heavy, and it will react with the thunder calamity, and the power of the thunder punishment will be greater, and it can't be done."

"No, not here."

Finally, after changing several robbery sites in a row, he finally found a satisfactory crossing land.

Then he looked at the sky again, full of confidence: "I'm ready, I can start." "

At the same time, on the heavenly dome, thunder calamities gathered, clouds gathered, thunder dragons roared, and the wind between heaven and earth roared wantonly.

And behind the good one that was a succession of clouds, there was a palace looming, majestic, vast and majestic.

In the palace, there are several figures.

Each of these figures exudes an incomparable aura, and the momentum seems to be able to calm the heavens, crush the earth, and carry an unparalleled powerful power, which is terrifying and terrifying in the heart.

Obviously, each of these figures is an extremely powerful existence, although it is not as good as the Dao Ancestor, but it is also undoubtedly powerful.

Looking at the "eight six three" of the heavens and realms, there are very few that can be compared with these existences.

Finally, under the attention of everyone, the thunder calamity that was ready to attack and was expected by everyone fell down blatantly!

The electric light snorted, the thundercloud thundered, and the pale blue thunder instantly tore the heaven and earth, tore open the pitch-black sky curtain, and fell down fiercely.

Boundless thunder debris swept up, spread wantonly between heaven and earth, and drifted with the wind.

This thunder tribulation power is really terrifying!

The terrifying thunder descended from the heavenly dome, this is the great power of the heavenly way and the power of heaven and earth.

The power of mortals, hard to shake the heaven and earth, it is simply impossible!

Endless thunder fell on Li Changshou's body, and it was terrifying.

Dozens of robbery thunders fell in a row, and without exception, all of them slashed at Li Changshou.

Even though he was slashed by so many robbery thunderbolts, Li Changshou still carried it.

Becoming an immortal is really an obsession in Li Changshou's heart.

If he becomes an immortal, he will be able to live forever and completely retire from his mundane body.

This is why Li Changshou has to do his best to become an immortal even if he is slashed by thunder robbery again.

Finally, it has survived the catastrophe!

Li Changshou's body rose, a fairy aura that had never appeared before.

There is no doubt that looking at this look, Li Changshou has successfully become a Shengxian Dao

After experiencing two thunder calamities, Li Changshou finally faded his mortal body and became an immortal.

"I'll go, this guy is really outrageous."

"Hahaha, that's right, in order to cross the robbery into an immortal, I changed several places in a row."

"But fortunately, he eventually became an immortal, otherwise, I don't know how he will toss."

"But to be honest, this guy is really outrageous, and tossing that one so is just to not cause trouble."

"Li Changshou, Li Changshou, you are really the originator of the heavens and realms, you are really Gou, and you are outrageous."

"I'm sorry Han Tianzun, we blamed you for being wrong before, you are not the most meticulous in the heavens and realms."

"This title should be attributed to Li Changshou."

"Li Changshou, SKR ruthless!"

"That's right, Li Changshou, you are the real originator of Goudao!"

"No, why can someone be so meticulous?! What's more, this son is still a comparison of the Flood Barren World, is it really necessary? "

"Han Tianzun, Han Tianzun, you still have a long way to go on this road!"

"Come, come, the monks who want to go the way, this is your model, the example you learn!"

Of course, in addition to ridiculing Li Changshou, the creatures of the heavens and realms also set their eyes on this thunder calamity.

This thunder calamity is absolutely terrifying, even if they are separated by such a long time and space distance, they can feel the terrifying power of this thunder calamity.

This thunder calamity, absolutely without a little water mixing, is definitely the real, most terrifying, and most amazing thunder calamity.

Such a terrifying thunder calamity, if it can be successfully passed and cannot become an immortal, it will be really outrageous.

Right now, Li Changshou has finally survived the thunder calamity and become an immortal.

It's really not easy.

In order to become an immortal, he survived two thunder disasters in a row.

Looking at the heavens and all the worlds, there are only a few people who have experienced this kind of experience.

"Li Changshou is a talent, but also a ruthless person!"

"Come, celebrate the longevity of the originator of Gou Dao, Li, and celebrate that he has finally become an immortal!"

"Hahaha, it's really not easy, first I succeeded in half of the tribulation and became a half-immortal, and then I attracted the Heavenly Dao, and I was almost killed by the Heavenly Dao."

"In the end, I directly crossed another thunder calamity, tossed for so long, and worked hard, but I can be regarded as an immortal."

"It's not easy, it's really not easy."

"To be honest, Li Longevity Becomes an Immortal, I really don't envy it."

"It always feels like this Gobi, and it's all going too well. Is this the luck of being a hangbi? "

At the same time, the big world.

When Xiao Yan saw this scene, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Hahaha, finally become an immortal."

"Li Changshou, this guy, can be regarded as an immortal."

"In the past hundred years, I have come abruptly, and in order to cross the calamity and become an immortal, I have changed several places in a row."

"But I finally reaped joy and succeeded in becoming an immortal."

"This guy is really outrageous, really afraid of death."

"In order to cross the calamity, he has changed so many places, doesn't he know that he is the son of luck and will definitely not die?"

"In this way, if compared with Han Tianzun, Han Tianzun will be eclipsed in an instant."

"People Han Tianzun are not as meticulous as him, outrageous, simply outrageous."

"Are these new hanging ratios so outrageous, either outrageous or outrageous, this Li Changshou can also be regarded as a typical representative figure."

"That is, he is hanging up, otherwise he would have been killed by the rules of the Heavenly Dao long ago."

"Also, is this the thunder calamity of the flood world, is it really a little terrifying."

Xiao Yan looked at the sky curtain, where there was the residual breath of thunder calamity, sensing the terrifying aura of destruction, Xiao Yan had some palpitations.

Such an aura is too terrifying to imagine.

Only the Flood World can be so amazing.

This Li Changshou was already the originator of Gou Dao when he was not yet an immortal, and now he has become an immortal, it should be even more outrageous.

After he became an immortal, he didn't dare to say anything else, but Xiao Yan dared to guarantee that he would definitely be more meticulous than now.

Because the stronger the strength, the more afraid of death, now Li Changshou this guy is finally becoming an immortal, and he will definitely go to the extreme.

Li Changshou, to the point of madness!

Now that this is already the case, I don't know how outrageous it will be after he becomes an immortal and becomes even more intense.

Covering the sky plane, Ye Fan looked at the sky screen, and he was also speechless.

Serve Liao, buddy is really serve Liao.

He really hasn't seen such a meticulous person, this is even more meticulous than Han Tianzun!

I thought that Han Tianzun was meticulous enough, but Li Changshou once again refreshed his lower limit, allowing him to see that there was something more meticulous.

I have to say that he also has to admit that compared to Gou Lai, Han Tianzun is really not Li Changshou's opponent.

Li Changshou's Gou was carved deep into the marrow and engraved with his soul.

He fought all the way from the plane of covering the sky, and along the way, I don't know how many killings and how many times he escaped from death.

He really couldn't understand Li Changshou's Gou.

Is it really good to be so meticulous?

There is definitely no quick revenge, killing a bloody road between heaven and earth, and stepping out of the supreme prestige with the corpse of the enemy.

Thinking that he thought that Han Li was the most meticulous in the heavens and realms, it was really a big mistake.

There are endless beings in the heavens and realms, and the most meticulous thing should be this Li Changshou!

How meticulous Li Changshou is, the crossing of the calamity has made him play flowers!

This old gou commodity is the true originator of the Gou Dao of the heavens and realms, and the grandmaster of the Gou Dao who gathers the mastery of the Gou Dao.

"Li Changshou, this person is really interesting."

It is enough for ordinary people to be chopped once, but this Li Changshou was chopped twice.

The second time it was he who took the initiative to ask the Heavenly Tribulation to fall, you say it is outrageous.

That's it, crossing a robbery to find a crossing robbery land and changing several places in a row.

What, think that feng shui is not good?

Do you have to find a place with good feng shui to survive the disaster?

Just Nima is outrageous.

How afraid this guy is of death.

As a member of the listed rankings, Ye Fan deeply despised Li Changshou, who acted like this.

So afraid of death, is it really a hanging ratio?

Ye Fan was a little unsure.

This really can't blame him, he has never seen such an outrageous Gobi in his life.

If you don't conform, you will do it, how can he understand Li Changshou.

Think about the previous inventory, except for Han Li, after all the other hanging ratios obtained external hangings, they were all scrappy, full of passion, and going against the sky.

I can't wait to smash the heavens and completely overtake the firmament, so that this supreme heaven will obey his wishes.

This Li Changshou and Han Li are really the same people, a pair made in heaven and earth.

Both of them are so meticulous, both are so meticulous, it's a perfect match.

At the same time, the hegemony of the emperor.

Li Qiye raised his head and looked at the sky screen, his face was helpless.

He was also extremely speechless at the moment.

This guy is really outrageous, how can he be like this,

As a hanging ratio, there is an external hanging body, and the qi luck protection body, shouldn't it be proud, arrogant and dry, full of energy?

Why is this Li Changshou so meticulous. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Rao is Li Qiye has lived for hundreds of millions of years, and at this moment, looking at the sky screen, he also looked confused and shook his head.

I haven't seen it, I really haven't seen it.

For so many years, he has cultivated so many Great Emperor Supremes, and none of them are so meticulous and outrageous....

It is also rare for Li Changshou to go off the edge with such a sword.

With so many creatures in the heavens and realms, there is only one Li Changshou.

Unexpectedly, he has lived for so long, and now he can still see for a long time, which is really eye-opening.

The first time I saw such a meticulous person, there were still such meticulous creatures in the heavens and realms?

Rare, really rare!

He was also seeing him for the first time!

Li Changshou's operation made Li Qiye, a knowledgeable old monster, stunned.

Numb, these endless vast years, really the first time to see such an outrageous hanging ratio.

That's it, it's still hanging up.

Can you believe it?

Who dares to believe it?

He originally thought that Han Li was already the ultimate in meticulousness, and it was estimated that no living being in this world could be more meticulous than Han Li.

Now it seems that his own insight is still a little shallow.

These heavens and realms, all kinds of creatures, there are really everyone.

This Li Changshou's achievements in Gou Dao far surpassed Han Li!

Li Changshou is the real king of Gou King.

Although Han Li is meticulous, he will also fight when he should fight, and even do his best, even if he risks danger, he will do his best to fight for opportunities for himself.

But this Li Changshou really didn't look at it, for fear of staining himself with some cause and effect.

The gap and difference between them can be seen from this.

Although Han Li is meticulous, he still has a bottom line.

As for Li Changshou, he didn't want his face anymore, so he was stubborn.

No matter what the opportunity, don't look at it, and only believe in one thing.

As long as you are meticulous enough, you will definitely be able to avoid contamination with cause and effect, and you will definitely be able to protect your life.

The creatures of the heavens and all the worlds are angry.

"Li Changshou, Li Changshou, you are really a person!"

"I've never seen someone so brazen."

"How can you be so timid, it stands to reason that it shouldn't."

"That is, as a hangbi, it should be Bai Wu taboo, why is Li Changshou so meticulous?"

"To be able to survive to this point, Li Changshou can also be regarded as a talent."

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms complained one after another, the Flood Desolate World, the Western Earth Continent.

Mount Meru.

The Buddha light shines magnificently, and the brilliant golden light renders the entire West into a brilliant gold.

The dome of the sky seems to flow with gold.

Endless mysterious aura pervaded the heavens and the earth, spreading wantonly.

The two saints of the West sit on the gimbal, and there is a rhyme around them.

I have to say that the sales are good, and you can see at a glance that you are definitely a good person.

The two old yin goods were discussing something.

"I can't imagine that I have such a character!"

Jun Ti spoke excitedly.

As early as before, when he saw Han Li, he felt that Han Li was a forgeable material.

Now there is another talent who is more meticulous than Han Li in the flood wilderness, which is simply given to them in the West!

"If this son of Li Changshou enters my West, my West will definitely prosper!"

The Second Saint of the West looked excited, with a longing glow in his eyes.

The West is booming!

Their chance has finally come!

At the same time, Duxianmen, Xiaoqiongfeng.

Li Changshou looked helpless.

This inventory has exposed his past and future deeds.

Here it goes. Countless beings in the heavens and realms know how meticulous he is.

Li Changshou looked loveless, and he was famous in all the heavens and realms.

Especially in the flood world where he is, he must know that there is a Gou Bi who is particularly afraid of death.

Bad, this is really the opposite.

The reason why he is so meticulous is that he wants to keep a low profile, does not want to be famous, and honestly saves his life.

But now it's all exposed.

And the flood world where he is located is innumerable, and the strong are like clouds

His alternative hanging ratio will definitely attract the attention of many powerful people, and maybe it will be contaminated with cause and effect.

God, that's cause and effect!

Maybe you'll finish the calf completely!

Hundreds of years of forbearance planning, but now there is only one empty space, and it is finally destroyed.

However, he has always adhered to the principle of not causing trouble.

Even if it is exposed, it should not be good.

But being exposed is a big trouble after all, especially after getting the reward, it will definitely attract more people's covetousness and calculation, headache.

Li Changshou looked helpless.

Seriously, he really doesn't want to be inventoried!

Random, the picture changes again.

Li Changshou in the Heavenly Curtain chose to serve the Heavenly Court after becoming an immortal.

At the same time, his cultivation has also improved rapidly, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as a thousand miles a day.

Soon arrived at the Heavenly Immortal Realm, to survive the heavenly calamity.

Seeing this, the creatures of the heavens and realms were all shocked.

"I'm Nima! What did this kid eat and grow up? "

"How can he be so outrageous and progress so fast?"

"In a short time, the immortals will be promoted to the heavenly immortals, and even cross the calamity!"

"Don't be too outrageous."

The creatures of the heavens and realms were all shocked by Li Changshou's outrageous cultivation speed.

At this moment, they were all extremely curious, staring directly at the sky.

Instead, they wanted to see how Li Changshou was going to survive the tribulation.

What else does he have to do with it.

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