To be honest, the creatures of the heavens and realms were actually very curious about how Li Changshou would survive the Heavenly Tribulation and become a Golden Immortal.

As we all know, Li Changshou is an old silver coin who is meticulous to the extreme, and if he can not be in the limelight, he will not be in the limelight, and he will definitely not put himself in danger.

His method of crossing the robbery must be different from ordinary people.

As early as when he had become an immortal in the previous Heavenly Tribulation, he had opened the eyes of the creatures of the heavens and realms.

Du Cheng Immortal Tribulation attracted Heavenly Dao to come personally, and it took two Immortal Tribulations in a row before finally becoming an immortal.

And in order to become an immortal, he even changed several places to cross the robbery, and finally crossed the calamity with peace of mind.

A single heavenly calamity can produce so many flowers, which is simply outrageous.

This time, it is also a tribulation, and the creatures of the heavens and realms are naturally full of expectations, wanting to see Li Changshou, what other operations will make people's eyes black.

"This guy is meticulous to the extreme, and he absolutely can't use common sense."

"This time he will definitely be more meticulous and outrageous."

"To be honest, there are some expectations."

"The heavens and realms, those fierce people who go against the sky, clamoring to smash the heavens, there are too many existences."

"But it is really rare for a person like Li Changshou to be so cautious and meticulous, and now it is not easy to meet such an old Goubi, compared to Han Tianzun."

"This Li Changshou is really interesting, as a hangbi, he is still so meticulous?!"

"I don't know what amazing operation will happen again this time, it is very likely... I'll see jaw-dropping scenes later. "

"This Taoist friend, please be confident and remove the possibility! This man is a figure who can be even more meticulous than Han Tianzun. "

The creatures of the heavens and realms are naturally looking forward to it.

They really want to see what kind of strange operation Li Changshou will have.

The power of the Golden Immortal Heavenly Tribulation is far better than that of the Immortal Tribulation, and Li Changshou will definitely have many operations that make people unwilling and break the old waist, and I think about it.

At the same time, in the sky screen.

Li Changshou lowered his head and frowned and thought about something.

When the camera zooms in, you can hear him muttering something to himself.

"This time the robbery, about fifty percent sure?"

"Fifty percent certainty, too little, no, no."

Saying that, Li Changshou is his own arrangement.

When the back hand was heavily arranged, he 13 muttered again: "Sixty percent sure? No, it's still too little. "

After that, he continued to take out one treasure after another, one talisman after another, and began to arrange it around his crossing land, striving to be foolproof, and absolutely not let himself fall under the heavenly calamity.

After some tossing, his voice came out again.

"There should be seventy percent certainty now, no, it's still not enough."

Seventy percent is sure, Li Changshou is still not at ease, and continues to not know.

Eighty percent sure, still not good.

After another toss, the certainty of the success of the crossing finally came to ninety percent.

Ninety percent is sure that it can be successful, if it were someone else, it would have already begun to cross the calamity.

This kind of thing is going against the sky and is extremely dangerous.

If you can be more than seventy percent sure, there are countless creatures who want to cross the calamity.

But Li Changshou still felt that Jiucheng was not sure enough, and he had to continue to arrange.

"Ninety percent certainty, there are risks after all."

Li Changshou continued to arrange without hesitation, and finally raised the grasp of the crossing to a complete point.

"Ninety percent of sure, it should be barely okay."

Although Li Changshou said that he was nine out of eight certain, he took all unpredictable unexpected factors into account.

Even so, there is still ninety percent certainty.

Therefore, in fact, under normal circumstances, the certainty of nine to eight is already ten to ten.

It's time to start the rampage!

Li Changshou took a deep breath and raised his eyes to look above the heavenly dome.

Above the firmament, dark clouds gather, thickly stacked, thunderbolts, wandering and stirring, whistling, arcing crackling, razer shaking.

Above the nine heavens, in the extremely thick clouds, there is thunder filling the sky, ready to attack.

There is no doubt that it is Li Changshou's Golden Immortal Tribulation.

The thunder dragon roared and tore the sky, falling from above the nine heavens, the thunder light was mighty, and where it passed, the heavens and the earth rolled over!

Obviously, the power of this Heavenly Tribulation is definitely not ordinary!

However, the terrifying thunder robbery fell on Li Changshou, but Li Changshou was unmoved.

He easily survived the Golden Immortal Tribulation, like drinking water.

That terrifying Golden Immortal Tribulation, at all, had any impact on Li Changshou.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were completely numb and complained one after another.


"Good fellow, what kind of Gou King is this, how can he be so meticulous?"

"Pinch the horse, this is too meticulous."

"Brother, we are cultivating, we are going against the sky, why be so cautious."

"Break through cultivation, go against the sky, if you change others, even if you are only fifty percent sure, you will definitely fight."

"If you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent!"

"This is an opportunity for cultivation to break through and break through the shackles of heaven and earth, fifty percent grasp, it is big enough, enough countless living beings to go forward and follow, and hit the heavenly calamity."

"If there is a sixty percent certainty, nine percent of the creatures in the world will not hesitate, and they will definitely start to cross the calamity directly."

"Seventy percent sure, that's something you dare not think about."

"Li Changshou's house is ninety percent sure, but he still doesn't dare to go up, it's really the king of Gou King."

"Ninety percent are sure, they all feel that there is a risk, Li Changshou is really desperate."

"After the appraisal, Lao Gou is more than one."

"If I want to say, the ninety percent of Li Changshou's mouth is estimated to be ten percent certain, that is, it can't be said too dead, in case there are other emergencies."

"It is estimated that this is also the case, nine out of eight certain, Li Changshou is willing to cross the calamity, and he is really a talent."

"Without suspense, he dares to cross the calamity, it is really precious to his own little life, this is a well-deserved Gou King!"

"But don't say it, this kid's ninety percent grasp is really not blown, and he is relaxed when crossing the calamity, and it feels simpler than when he became an immortal calamity."

"That's, after all, it's ninety percent certainty."

"That must have survived the Tribulation with ease."

"Li Changshou, this guy, is really extraordinary, and once again gave us a whole flower life."

"If I want to say ah, simply in the future, he will not be called Li Changshou, just call it nine out of eight."

"Ninety to eight, hahaha, it's a good name!"

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan looked at the figure of the Dao Tribulation Immortal in the sky curtain, and his eyes were a little dull at the moment, obviously he had not yet come to his senses.

"This Li Changshou is really the first in the heavens and realms."

"The title of King Gou is none other than Li Changshou."

Every time Li Changshou lives, he can always refresh his cognition.

It turns out that a person can survive to this point.

"Big brother, you are crossing the calamity, you actually want to be ten percent sure?"

"You're not... Don't you give face to Heavenly Dao? "

Think about when you used to break through in the Douqi Continent, if you encounter any chance, you are fifty percent sure that you will dare to fight.

This guy has to be ten percent sure of the robbery.

It's a world of difference.

Du Hao still wants to be ten percent sure, this is simply not to give face to the Heavenly Dao!

"If I were a Heavenly Dao, I would directly kill this guy Li Changshou with a thunderbolt."

"It's too special!"

Although he has long known Li Changshou, Li Changshou's operation this time still refreshed Xiao Yan's understanding of him.

It turned out that Li Changshou could survive to this point.

You have to be 10% sure to cross the calamity, which is really meticulous.

"I would like to call Li Changshou Emperor Gou."

In Xiao Yan's opinion, King Gou is no longer enough to describe Li Changshou's Gou.

Li Changshou's Gou has exceeded the understanding of ordinary people, he is a real Gou Daoist, Gou Zhong Emperor, only the title of Gou Emperor is worthy of him!

"Gou Emperor Li longevity, everyone is looking forward to it!"

While speaking, Xiao Yan gave a thumbs up and compared it towards the sky.

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li looked at Li Changshou's operation in the sky screen picture, and he was also dumbfounded at the moment.

He sighed in his heart, sure enough, he was still not as good as Li Longevity.

He felt that he was meticulous enough, but compared with Li Changshou, he was immediately eclipsed.

It seems that his name as the number one in the heavens and realms can indeed change hands. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It seems that in Gou Yidao, he still has a long way to go, and there is still a lot to learn.

Although Li Changshou Taoist's operation is indeed very meticulous, it has also given him a lot of inspiration in many aspects.

Perhaps, he can try to learn?

Although many living beings in the heavens and realms spurned Li Changshou's stubborn behavior.

But in Han Li's heart, Li Changshou is his benchmark.

Compared with Li Changshou, he is still too impetuous and meticulous enough.

Li Changshou: This is the real gou!

Think about the time when you cross the calamity, sixty percent of the certainty is going to go, but the person Li Changshou, nine percent of the certainty is barely able to cross the calamity, you have to wait until ten percent is sure before you dare to go up.

Can't compare, can't compare at all.

It has to be Li Changshou, stable enough, meticulous enough!

Compared with Li Changshou, he is really much inferior.

Above Gou Dao, he is far from Li Changshou's opponent.

"It has to be you, Li Changshou."

Han Li's eyes were full of emotion and he sighed.

"Compared with you Li Changshou, I deserve the name of the originator of this Goudao."

"The heavens and realms, the name of the ancestor of Gou Dao, it is long overdue to change people, you Li Changshou is the true Gou Dao ancestor."

At the same time, in the Flood Barren World, there were also many creatures looking at the sky curtain and watching the picture of Li Changshou crossing the calamity in the sky dome.

"This kid is really a demon, and in a short period of time, he has cultivated all the way to the point of crossing the Golden Immortal Tribulation!"

"This son's talent is really terrifying, even if it is placed in the endless flood of demon Tianjiao, it is rare enough."

Even those famous powers, looking at the sky curtain at this moment, their eyes were a little dull, obviously they didn't expect Li Changshou to be so outrageous.

Li Changshou's operation is really too tumultuous, it is simply a commotion to break his leg.

They looked at Li Changshou's operation, and they were simply numb.

This guy, nine out of eight?!

Ninety percent sure, who guarantees?

Crossing the robbery must be nine out of eight, you simply ten to ten, if you can't succeed, you won't cross the robbery.

Really, this is a disaster, is it necessary to be so meticulous?

The creatures of the Flood Barren World could not understand Li Changshou's operation.

"Why is Li Changshou so meticulous?"

"Fellow Daoists, when you cross the calamity, how many percent are you sure that you will cross the calamity?"

"How sure? When this seat crossed into an immortal tribulation, seventy percent grasped, and when it was a golden immortal tribulation, four percent grasped, fought hard, and became! "

"When I went through the Golden Immortal Tribulation, I was only three percent sure, didn't I still get through it?"

"I was seventy percent sure at that time, I was ecstatic, and I quickly went to cross the robbery."

"Yes, you see, even if we are only three percent sure, we dare to fight, Li Changshou this kid, I see that his nine percent of eight certainty, may not be enough."

"This kid is really a dog."

"Isn't he hanging up? Why be so meticulous, outrageous, really outrageous! "

"Yes, he is hanging on the wall, blessed by luck, no matter how outrageous he does, he will not fall, no matter how dangerous it is."

"He's hanging bi! Even if you are only sure of it, it is enough to survive the heavenly calamity, why is it so meticulous. "

"I don't understand, I really don't understand, I can't figure out why this guy is like this."

"If I want to say, the so-called ninety percent eight in his mouth is actually ten percent certainty."

"As for the remaining two points, it is to give face to Tiandao."

"Otherwise, it will be as if the Heavenly Dao gave him a back door."

"I'm afraid that just like last time, crossing a robbery has attracted the Dao of Heaven, and how outrageous it is."

"Pinch, it's really more popular than people, it's really infuriating!"

"I've never seen such a bully, and Du Qian is still so cautious, as for it?"

"You are hanging the ratio, even if it is too heavenly calamity, what can you do, why bother?"

The Hong Barren creatures looked at Li Changshou in the sky screen, their fists couldn't help but harden, and they all gritted their teeth one by one.

What a damn it!

At the same time, inside the Duxian Gate.

Li Changshou also looked embarrassed and a little restless.

No, what does this inventory mean?

Targeting yourself, huh?

Why are these inventories all pictures of their own meticulousness, are there no pictures of their own great power?

Or is it that this inventor 557 is not used to himself and deliberately pits himself so much.

Inventor, inventor, I didn't expect that you were also bad!

However, don't say it, don't say it, I'm really smart, I'm so cautious.

"Walking in the flood waste, you have to be so cautious."

"Breakthrough, when to break through is not possible, there is no need to rush at all, but a small life can be one."

"If you delay your life in order to break through, it will not be funny."

"They don't understand, Gou is king."

Li Changshou stood on Xiaoqiong Peak, sighing, big sleeves swaggering, quite a feeling that everyone was drunk and I woke up alone.

Gou Dao is the strongest avenue in the heavens and realms!

At the same time, the picture of the sky screen changed again.

In the picture, Li Changshou went to the Heavenly Court, was named Taibai Jinxing, and became the Heavenly Court Star Lord.

During this period, he also accepted Fuxi's guidance and made rapid progress.

After all, Fuxi is the top power of the ancients, and after reincarnation, he is even more a human emperor, and his strength is ahead of him, and he is well-informed.

His guidance was naturally of great help to Li Changshou.

After receiving Fuxi's guidance, Li Changshou began to retreat and improve himself.

After leaving the customs, he even worshipped the Taiqing saint as a teacher and joined the Taoist system, and then he began to prepare for the coming catastrophe.

Seeing the picture in the heavenly curtain, the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it.

"Good guy, really good guy, worthy of hanging comparison, sure enough, it's a constant chance, it's just against the sky!"

"This is right, this is the real hanging ratio, as a hanging ratio, it is only right to have such an opportunity."

"Foggy grass, brothers, I'm really jealous of this guy Li Changshou, as a hangbi, he is very talented, and he has a deep chance."

"The most important thing is that he is still so meticulous, acting low-key enough, and the thing that is contaminated with cause and effect is that he does not dare to step on the horse, so he focuses on improving his strength."

"This guy in the eye, I really obeyed!"

"How many such people are there in these heavens and realms?"

"Unparalleled talent, steady action, meticulous to the extreme, simply can't find the second one!"

"It's also outrageous, it's all his strength, it's actually so meticulous, this is what a person can do?"

Immediately after, the picture changed again.

What appeared in the sky curtain was naturally a god calamity.

The great battle between the teachings and the truncated teachings.

In the battle of Fengshen God, there were casualties on both sides, especially the Sect Interception, which suffered heavy casualties.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, Our Lady of Golden Light, and Zhao Gongming all joined the war.

And Zhao Gongming is Li Changshou's best friend, and the Golden Spirit Virgin is Zhao Gongming's Taoist.

As for the Golden Light Virgin, she is also friendly with the Golden Spirit Virgin.

In that battle, the Golden Virgin fought with Yang Jian and fell into the downwind.

As a friend, the Golden Spirit Virgin naturally came forward to help.

And Zhao Gongming definitely wants to help his Daoist partner, and he also followed.

The Golden Spirit Virgin and Zhao Gongming both made a move, and Li Changshou naturally appeared.

And when he saw Li Changshou, the ten thousand worlds were in an uproar, and all the living beings were surprised.

Unexpectedly, Li Changshou would actually come forward?!

This hanging ratio will actually take the initiative to contaminate cause and effect, is he finally going to show the strength of the hanging ratio? .

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