At the same time, the Great World of Flood Desolation, Duxian Gate.

Fang Cai, who was still permeating the entire flood barren heaven and earth, the terrifying saint's coercion finally slowly dissipated, and the heaven and earth were all in ruins.

"It's finally gone. "

On the Duxian Gate, on Xiaoqiong Peak, Li Changshou was finally relieved, feeling that the terrifying coercion disappeared, and his mood finally relaxed.

From the frightened when the coercion broke out at the beginning, to now the coercion has dissipated, in a short period of time, Li Changshou has swam on the edge of life and death once.

This time, he really got a new life.

Li Changshou patted his chest with some fear, it was really not easy to survive.

"I thought this time... I'm dead. "

When Li Changshou saw that he had actually killed a saint in the sky, he himself was shocked.

He really couldn't have imagined that he had actually obliterated a saint!

In the future, although he did not become a saint, he really killed a true saint!

Although the Junti saint is the existence of the crane tail among the saints, he is indeed a true saint, with the power of a saint, the Dao is mysterious, and he is extremely powerful.

Under the saints, they are all ants, and they can actually go against the sky and kill a saint.

"Can you grow to such a point in the future?"

Li Changshou was also shocked by what he did.

However, killing the Junti Saint, although such a record is brilliant enough, but to some extent, it is not a good thing.

Because in this way, he can be allowed to be mentioned.

Just imagine how Jun Ti could let go of the guy who killed him.

If it were him, he would definitely not let go of an existence that would kill him in the future.

Not to mention a saint.

The saint is high, how can he let go of the ants who dare to offend himself.

Well, I'm being remembered.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves.

Najunti is a saint, and if he wants to erase himself, it is not as simple as strangling an ant.

The time ahead is long, and he has the opportunity to pinch himself.

Thinking of this, Li Changshou suddenly felt desperate and had no bright future.

"It seems... It's dead. "

The terrifying saint's coercion just now came straight to him, and Zhun Ti clearly wanted to erase himself.

If it weren't for the Taiqing Saint's move, his current self would probably have really been wiped out by the cautious guy who was allowed to mention.

In this way, you can completely play it.

Li Changshou's gaze suddenly became solemn, and his expression was even more solemn.

You have to quickly think of a way not to be targeted.

Being targeted by Zhun Ti, it is really not far from death.

Zhun Ti this guy is not only a saint, but also quite shameless, bullying the small with the big, bullying the less with more, and there is something he can't do.

"Oh, why is it being inventoried?"

The sudden inventory completely disrupted Li Changshou's plan.

Li Changshou's desire to become a Gou Sheng was also completely shattered because of this inventory.

If there is no inventory, there will be nothing.

But it was this inventory that completely exposed him.

Now not only the entire flood wilderness, but even the heavens and realms know his deeds of Li Changshou, and it is not so simple to survive the insidious life.

"I want to be a saint, I don't want to be counted!"

What is good about being inventoried, putting himself in such a big danger, Li Changshou has nothing to be happy about.

He just wanted to hold on to his life.

Fortunately, there was a Taiqing saint covering him, otherwise he would be completely cold.

Li Changshou looked helpless, now, he is really famous.

The entire Flood World knew about his deeds, and even more knew that he would slaughter saints in the future.

Murder, is that anyone able to do?

It can be imagined that his future troubles will certainly not be small.

This is not a good thing for him, who wants to become a saint.

Li Changshou sighed worriedly.

At the same time, the creatures of all the heavens and realms were also talking about it, and they were amazed at Li Changshou's anti-heavenly defiance.

"Li Changshou was actually able to kill the saint, now, in a sense, Li Changshou is the first person in the real flood world!"

"Besides Li Changshou, who else in the Flood Barren World can kill a saint?"

"Even a saint can't do it!"

"Li Changshou, this is not the first person in the flood wilderness, what is that?"

"Who said that all ants under the heat of the flood world are simply farting!"

"Look, isn't this a slap in the face?"

"The saints of the Flood Desolation World are not so terrifying, and they are clearly the most against the sky. "

"Look, Li Changshou, who is a hangbi, doesn't it erase a saint. "

"That is, compared to hanging bi, is the saint counted, not the same or being hung bi and killed?"

"Saint, hehe, there is nothing to be afraid of at all. "

"Li Changshou, this guy is really a little terrifying, not only hanging, but also against the sky, his master is the Heavenly Dao Saint Taiqing Laozi!"

"Taiqing Sage, is his master, and he is still a hanging bi. "

"With such a bull backer, and such a bull criticism, Li Changshou is really enviable. "

"Li Changshou, against the sky!

"What he did, I don't dare to think about it, that is a saint, he has been beheaded!"

Recalling that when Jun Ti appeared, the terrifying and boundless power, countless living beings trembled.

Such a powerful existence, such a terrifying power, was actually beheaded by Li Changshou, who doesn't say a word against the sky?!

That's a great feat of killing saints!

Even when the Barren Heaven Emperor fought the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors, as well as the corpse Immortal Emperor, they could not give them such a shock.

"Li Changshou, this guy, is really terrifying, too terrible!"

"He can actually kill a saint?"

"How far can he grow in the future?"

The creatures of the heavens and realms thought of this question, but no one could give an answer.

Because, Li Changshou is really terrible.

Li Changshou's future achievements are really limitless.

At the same time, the sky is changing again.

Killing the saint is not the final end of Li Changshou.

Li Changshou is so compared, just a saint, beheaded, it is nothing.

The picture turned, and the Feng Shen Tribulation ended.

And after the God Sealing War, the next calamity ushered in was the Westward Journey Tribulation.

In the midst of the Journey to the West, Li Changshou went one step further, completely making the creatures of the heavens and all worlds, including the Flood Barren World, crazy!

Li Changshou decisively fought Daozu!

There is no doubt that this must be the most pinnacle battle of Li Changshou!

Because his opponent is the supreme ruler of the Flood Barren World, Dao Ancestor Hongjun!

This battle is extremely fierce!

In the final battle, Li Changshou sacrificed his balanced avenue and summoned the three thousand avenues to come.

The Three Thousand Avenues, as well as many treasures, together form the Garden of the Avenue.

Dao Ancestor is already the supreme master of the Flood Barren World, he is the Dao of Heaven, ruling the Flood Barren World, supreme, and whenever he thinks about it, the Flood Barren is subverted.

Li Changshou is a creature in the Flood Barren World, and it is impossible to defeat the Dao Ancestor with his strength, which is tantamount to a fool's dream.

Therefore, Li Changshou sacrificed the balanced avenue that he had worked hard to cultivate for many years, attracting the arrival of the three thousand avenues.

The Three Thousand Avenues were the means that Li Changshou had conceived for countless years to ensure that he could suppress the Dao Ancestor!

Only with the help of external forces and the power of the Great Dao can we suppress the supreme existence of the Dao Ancestor.

The Great Dao Court suppressed the Dao Ancestor and the Heavenly Dao Will, and further killed them together!

This battle can be regarded as the final end.

And when the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they were all shocked and stared at the sky in disbelief.

More creatures blurted out: "Lie in the groove!

"Nima, do you want to be so outrageous?"

"This is also outrageous, is it really so devilish?"

"Lying groove, can't stand a little, really can't stand a little. "

"This Li Changshou is actually perverted to this point, this is killing the Heavenly Dao?"

"No, that's not anything else, it's the Dao of Heaven!"

"Heavenly Dao you can chop, not buddy, do you want to be so outrageous." "

"Li Changshou, this is inevitably too against the sky, even the Heavenly Dao can be killed. "

"I originally thought that killing a saint was already the limit of Li's longevity, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated this guy, but I didn't expect that he could even kill the Heavenly Dao!"

"Li Changshou, worthy of you, really not singing, a blockbuster representative figure, you are really too against the sky, actually killed the way of heaven." "

The creatures of the heavens and realms have naturally seen the Flood Barren Heavenly Dao, and they have all seen the appearance of Hongjun.

Therefore, as soon as Hongjun appeared, they naturally recognized it.

And when they saw Hongjun being killed by Li Changshou Town, they were even more shocked than they could not.

"Heavenly Dao, all killed by Li Changshou to the town?"

"What are you kidding?"

"He has ... Have you reached this point?"

"Is Li Changshou so terrifying?"

How terrifying the Heavenly Dao is, naturally there is no need to say more.

Not only the Hong Barren Heavenly Dao, each plane has its own Heavenly Dao.

The creatures of the heavens and realms all know how terrifying the Heavenly Dao of their respective planes is, and under reasoning, the Heavenly Dao of the Flood Desolate World will only become more terrifying!

And Li Changshou can even kill the Heavenly Dao, which is beyond the outrageous scope!

It's just Nima fantasy!

And at this moment, the creatures of the Flood Desolation World were completely numb, looking at the sky in disbelief, and it took a while to come back to their senses.

"I'm holding Nima's, Heavenly Dao!"

"Heavenly Dao can actually be killed by Zhen?!" (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The Heavenly Dao is the supreme rule, it is the supreme law for the existence and operation of the Flood Desolation World, and an existence like the Heavenly Dao can actually be killed?!"

"What kind of monster is this, it can actually kill even the Heavenly Dao, it's really fake, it won't be a joke." "

"That's the Dao of Heaven, the master of the flood world, the law order of the world!"

"Nima, this is outrageous!"

Countless creatures looked at the sky, their eyes full of shock and disbelief.

More creatures' hearts twitched violently, only feeling that their heartbeats had missed a beat.

Outrageous, really outrageous!

Even the Heavenly Dao can kill 1

This is the real anti-heaven!

Countless creatures were stunned, shocked by this, and the discussion was even more endless.

At this moment, the Flood Barren World suddenly trembled violently, and the Flood Barren World was shaking and trembling!

At the same time, everyone clearly perceived a thought.

God, angry!

Heavenly Dao is angry, Heavenly Earthquake is terrifying!

This desolate world is furious!

Endless anger poured down from above the High Heavenly Dao, sweeping the entire flood waste.

The endless mighty town fell, and the sky trembled!

Wushuang's power seemed to destroy the flood world!

At this moment, between the flood and the barren world, the yin wind roared, the wind swept through, the air waves, the sky shook, the continent trembled, overturned and surged, and the white waves turned over!

Above the heavenly dome, one after another terrifying cracks appeared, and the pitch-black gaps were torn, and the Flood Barren Heavenly Dome seemed to be torn in half at this moment.

Countless flood creatures were trembling and terrified.

More creatures have already knelt on the ground, praying sincerely that the monstrous anger of the Heavenly Dao will go there so as not to hurt themselves by mistake!

"This time, Li Changshou is really over!"

"He's dead!"

As a Flood Barren creature, in the Flood Barren World, as a member of the Flood Barren World, he actually provoked the Flood Barren Heavenly Dao, isn't this looking for death?!

"Anger the Heavenly Dao, who can protect him now?"

Even his future master, the Taiqing Saint at the head of the Six Saints of the Heavenly Dao, couldn't keep him Li longevity!

Because, this time, Li Changshou was angry with Heavenly Dao!

Supreme Heavenly Dao!

Saint, but also under the heavenly path!

This time, Li Changshou will definitely die!

Meanwhile, the Western religion, Mount Meru.

Jun Ti was overjoyed and excited.

"Good, good, good!"

"Good one Li longevity, good!"

"Now, Li Changshou is dead!"

Zhun Ti was still having a headache just now how to deal with Li Changshou to save his life, but he didn't expect that Li Changshou would die a big death when he turned around.

Li Changshou actually angered the Heavenly Dao, and Li Changshou Town in the inventory killed the Heavenly Dao, this is not looking for death?!

"A good Li Changshou, angering the Heavenly Dao, worthy of being the first person in the Flood Barren World, the only hanging comparison in the Flood Barren World, it is really powerful!"

"It's really terrifying, not only can it kill this saint, but even the Heavenly Dao can kill, powerful, powerful!"

"But that's the end of it. "

He still has a headache, how not to anger Taiqing and kill Li Changshou.

Now it seems that there is no need to think about it at all.

Now, there is no need to make your own move, Li Changshou is also dead!

Heavenly Dao was angry, and he would definitely make a personal move, and under Heaven's Dao's hand, Li Changshou would never survive.

It's a pity, I still want to torture Li Changshou well, but I don't have a chance now.

Jun Ti seemed to have thought of something and looked in a certain direction with interest.

He wanted to know, would Taiqing dare to stop it this time?

At the same time, Taiqing Laozi was also shocked, thinking of Gujing Wubo, and a shocked look appeared on his calm face.

He never expected that Li Changshou would kill Heavenly Dao in the future.

How could he (Nord's) be so outrageous!

At this time, even if it is too clear, the scalp is numb.

Li Changshou is not dead, this is really finished!

Zhun Tian can still block him, but Heavenly Dao, how to block it?

Can't stop it at all!

At the same moment, Chaos, Zixiao Palace!

Hongjun was also furious, and his face was full of anger!

As the spokesperson of Heaven's Dao, he actually saw such a scene.

Li Changshou actually killed the will of the Heavenly Dao, and him, the Dao Ancestor.

This is not looking for death?

That terrifying coercion spread, covering the entire flood wilderness, sweeping the heavens and the earth, and the flood world was shaken because of this!

At this moment, above the sky curtain, the picture slowly dissipated, and Li Changshou's figure of killing heaven disappeared.

That's the end of it!

"It's over? So soon?!"

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were surprised, someone suddenly sensed that something was wrong!

An incomparably terrifying, supreme astonishing momentum that destroyed the heavens and the earth slowly came out from the heavenly curtain and swept through the heavens.

All the heavens and realms, countless living beings were shocked by this!

Some weak creatures, under this terrifying coercion, directly collapsed their flesh and exploded into a puddle of mud!


"I'll go, what's going on?"

"No, whose coercion is this, and why is it so terrifying?"

"This Nima is also amazing, right?"

"Do you want to be so outrageous?"

"This coercion, such a terrifying aura, this is... Hong Barren Heavenly Dao?!"

In the flood world, countless creatures were shocked by this.

"Heavenly Dao is furious!"

"This is supreme terror!"

Li Changshou is dead now!"

"That is, that extremely powerful Flood Barren Heavenly Dao, who can block its supreme coercion?"

At the same time, Duxian Gate.

Li Changshou was also terrified and terrified.

It's over! It's going to be cold!

It's really going to get cold.

Heavenly Dao is about to attack himself.

However, at this moment, Li Xiaoyao's voice spread throughout the heavens and realms.

[The ninth place is over the protagonist inventory, and the reward is distributed!].

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