It's finally time to get the reward!

Hearing that magnificent heavenly sound, the faces of the creatures of the heavens and realms showed excitement!

"Li Changshou this guy has been taking stock for so long, and finally it's time to get the reward. "

"As soon as the reward comes, this guy Li Changshou is about to take off completely. "

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms were excited, and their faces were full of expectation.

Everyone was curious about what kind of reward Li Changshou would receive.

After so many inventories, those who were counted without exception have obtained the opportunity to go against the sky, ascended to the sky in one step, and achieved the highest achievement.

And this Li Changshou will definitely receive such a reward and become the strongest in the Flood Barren World.

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds were staring at the picture in the sky with great anticipation.

"What step will Li Changshou reach, sanctification, or higher?"

"If according to the management of the previous inventory, if the person who is counted ascends to heaven in one step, sanctification is indeed possible. "

Although the rules of the flood famine can only have six Heavenly Dao Saints, since Li Changshou is a hanging comparison, even under the saint, there are ants under the saint, and the rule that the saint is immortal and immortal can be broken, it seems that it is not impossible to become a saint.

"Li Changshou is indeed likely to become a saint, but the main guard guide, have you ever thought that now Li Changshou is a big thing, even if he is sanctified, it will not change his ending and situation. "

"Li Changshou is still facing a desperate situation, and there is no solution at all. "

There are creatures who open their mouths like this.

"Yes, even if Li Changshou becomes a saint, it is useless to coerce the four seas!"

"What he provoked was nothing else, but the supreme Flood Desolate Heavenly Dao. "

"The Flood Barren Heavenly Dao is the true Flood Barren Master, and even the life of a saint is in his hands. "

"Saints, also under the Heavenly Dao, that is the existence that truly masters the lifeline of a realm and grasps the destiny of the Supreme Saint. "

"The mighty Heavenly Dao is the true supreme of the Hong Wilderness. "

"Even if Li Changshou really becomes a saint, he is not an opponent of Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao still has no effort to kill him. "

"Even if he becomes a saint, can he still harden the Heavenly Dao?"

"The reason why Li Changshou was able to kill the Heavenly Dao in the inventory was because he had a balanced avenue and had carefully planned countless years. "

"The Balanced Avenue is Li Changshou's real killer app, not his realm. "

"Nowadays, Li Changshou does not have a balanced avenue, and even if he really becomes holy, it is not enough to threaten the Heavenly Dao. "

"Li Changshou, who does not have a balanced avenue, is an ordinary saint, and the Heavenly Dao is naturally arbitrary. "

"Although the saint is high and supreme to the vast majority of living beings, it is certainly nothing to the Heavenly Dao. "

"Even if Li Changshou becomes a saint, it will not solve this crisis. "

"After all, this time, the Heavenly Dao and Dao Ancestors of the 647 Realm of the Great Thousand Worlds of the Flood Desolation were all angry. "

"The saint is already so powerful, and he is still above the saint, and he can hold the life of the saint with a single thought, how terrifying it will be to be a truly supreme existence. "

"Moreover, when the Flood Barren Heavenly Dao appeared before, we had all sensed that such a power could not be stopped by the power of living beings at all. "

"Heavenly Dao, it is already the power of the law, how can living beings stop it?"

"Li Changshou provoked the Heavenly Dao, his end is already doomed, only fall!"

"Li Changshou, it's falling!"

"Could it be that Li Changshou will become the worst in history?"

"Although Li Changshou's strength is indeed very strong, the enemies he provokes are also unprecedentedly powerful. "

"As soon as the reward arrives, the person dies?"

"Is this predestined?"

"Those who have not fallen before have not fallen, will they make an exception here to Li Changshou?"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were not very optimistic about Li Changshou's future.

Because the existence he provoked is too powerful and terrifying, it is difficult to imagine.

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan raised his eyes to look at the sky curtain, feeling the terrifying coercion from the sky curtain, his heart was trembling, and his body trembled gently uncontrollably!

His soul was also trembling, because this powerful coercion swept through, only affecting the heavens and realms.

The creatures of the heavens and realms could not withstand this terrifying coercion, and some of them were weak, and even exploded on the spot, exploding into a blood mist.

This is the power and terror of the Flood Barren Heavenly Dao.

Just the breath that leaked out was enough to kill countless living beings and annihilate many living beings in the heavens and realms.

"Horror, it's really terrifying!"

"This is ... Is Li Changshou provoking an enemy?"

Xiao Yan's gaze fell on the sky screen, and a feeling of awe could not help but rise in his heart.

There is a heavenly curtain isolation, and the breath of the Dao ancestor is so terrifying.

"Then if it is the true Dao Ancestor and the Heavenly Dao, with full firepower and no obstruction, how terrifying is it?"

"Heavenly Dao and Dao Ancestor, what kind of existence they are, it is really strange that they are terrifying to this extent. "

"That kind of existence is worthy of being the supreme supreme lord of the flood wilderness, the supreme existence in charge of the flood desolation plane!"

At the same time, Xiao Yan was also shocked.

This heavenly Dao is so powerful.

And he saw with his own eyes in the inventory that Li Changshou would be able to kill such an existence in the future, and how terrifying Li Changshou was at that time.

"These hanging ratios are really outrageous than one by one. "

Xiao Yan, who is also a hanging comparison, laughed self-deprecatingly, what's going on, these hanging ratios, how are they outrageous than themselves.

I still hope that Li Changshou can get a strong enough reward to help him tide over the difficulties and solve the current dilemma.

Xiao Yan was also curious about what kind of reward Li Changshou would get, and to what step his strength would be pushed to.

In the face of such a terrifying existence as the Heavenly Dao, even if his realm was elevated to a saint, it was useless.

It's not simple to kill the Heavenly Dao and survive the current calamity.

Xiao Yan sighed, now, Li Changshou can only ask for blessings.

Even Li Changshou's future master Taiqing Sage couldn't help him.

After all, the one who wants to make a move on Li Changshou is Heaven's Dao!

Hongjun Dao Ancestor, Heavenly Dao Will, will scare people to death when they say it.

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li also looked at the sky with a shocked expression.

"The Heavenly Dao of the Flood Desolation World is furious!"

"Even, Tiandao wants to personally take action, kill Li Changshou and bury him!"

"Anger the Heavenly Dao, what a cause and effect this is, it is unimaginable. "

"Li Changshou, Li Changshou, is worthy of being the first person in the Flood Barren World, and he can even do such an outrageous thing!"

The Heavenly Dao, no matter which plane it is in, is the supreme existence, and the Flood Barren World is the supreme plane, and the Flood Barren Heavenly Dao will only become more outrageous and more powerful.

"Such a powerful existence, but being killed by Li Changshou Town, is unimaginable!"

"Today, Li Changshou has not yet grown up, but he has been sought for revenge by Heaven's Dao, and next, Li Changshou's road is not good. "

He didn't dare to imagine Li Changshou's next fate.

Even if Li Changshou can indeed kill the Heavenly Dao, after all, it is the future, and it will happen in the future.

At present, Li Changshou is by no means an opponent of Heaven's Dao.

To put it bluntly, the current Li Changshou, in front of the Heavenly Dao, is simply like an ant.

Or rather, not like ants.

In front of Heavenly Dao, he is an ant.

What kind of reward can make an ant compete with the Heavenly Dao, or even kill the Heavenly Dao?

Han Li thought about it, but still felt unrealistic.

Although the great power of the inventor is indeed magnificent, it is unimaginable that the previous inventory always has some rewards that shocked the world.

However, the enemies Li Changshou faced were too perverted, too unimaginable, to resist.

Han Li couldn't think of what kind of reward could make Li Changshou achieve a move against the sky.

You know, even the Taiqing who covered him and had the power to go against the heavens could not resist the Heavenly Dao, and this time he was unable to return to the heavens.

Li Changshou, what can be done?

Moreover, the sage Yuanshen pinned on the Heavenly Dao and was controlled by the Heavenly Dao, how dare the saint disobey the Heavenly Dao?

When a saint goes against the way of heaven, he is looking for death.

Han Li frowned tightly, and there was a faint worry between his eyebrows.

He was worried about Li Changshou's fate.

I don't know what will happen to Li Changshou.

For such a Gou Bi, who is very successful in Gou Dao and far superior to himself, Han Li also cherishes each other, and does not want Li Changshou to have an accident.

That's why he was worried about Li Changshou.

Li Changshou Daoyou, you must not die."

Don't be the first to fall in the heavens and worlds.

At the same time, the flood and desolation world, the sky shook, the whole world was shaking wildly and violently, the heaven and earth trembled, and the universe trembled!

Above the heavenly dome, there were even more cracks in the Dao, and a terrifying aura spread wantonly from between heaven and earth.

The incomparable aura spreads, exuding the momentum of a magnificent shore, but it is extremely terrifying!

Between heaven and earth, the two colors of pitch black and scarlet are wantonly intertwined, the sky is pitch black, and (bdea) abyss-like cracks spread across the sky.

As for the scarlet color, it was like blood, and like flames, gushing out, licking everything in heaven and earth!

The void seemed to be shattering into pieces, and the heavens and the earth were shattered!

All this scene is like the end of the world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the end of the world, because this is the anger of the Flood Desolation Lord Heavenly Dao. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

When the Heavenly Dao is angry, the flood world will be shattered because of this, isn't this the end of the world?

"Li Changshou angered Tiandao, Tiandao wanted to personally strike and wipe it out, Li Changshou this guy is finished. "

"However, he really deserves to be a hangbi, what he did should be really terrifying, angering the Heavenly Dao, looking at the entire flood waste, this is also the first time!"

"Whoever can offend the Heavenly Dao, this is the only comparison. "

"Therefore, there is a reason why the hanging ratio is the hanging ratio. "

"If I change you and me, I will definitely not be able to anger the Heavenly Dao. "

"That's what I said. "

"Heavenly Dao is so angry that he wants to personally wipe out the living beings, this is the first time that countless Yuan Guilds have suffered since Pangu Great God opened the heavens and earth. "

"Now, it looks good. "

Many creatures in the Flood Desolation World looked at the heavenly dome curiously, all wondering how the Heavenly Dao would strike and kill Li Changshou.

Even those Heavenly Dao Saints were horrified at this moment.

Tiandao personally struck.

For so many years, Heavenly Dao has almost never appeared on its own initiative.

And this time, because of a hanging comparison, Heavenly Dao actually took the initiative to appear in the flood waste.

Moreover, even ordinary beings without cultivation could sense the endless anger contained in the Heavenly Dao.

It seems that this time it will not be good.

At this time, Li Changshou was dead.

Even, if the Heavenly Dao is too angry and burns the heavens and the earth, this flood world terror will be destroyed by the Heavenly Dao.

This is by no means alarmist, Hong Barren Heavenly Dao does have such ability.

After all, the Heavenly Dao is the supreme existence, the ruler of the flood waste, the supreme master, and the shattering of the flood wasteland world, it is really not a problem.

The creatures of the heavens and realms, including those great powers of the Hong Wilderness and the saints of the Heavenly Dao, all believed that Li Changshou would definitely die.

"Even if he can get a reward, taking stock of the rewards can only help Li Changshou to become a saint at most, but if he wants to confront the Heavenly Dao, it is not enough. "

"Even if he is a Heavenly Dao Saint, he is not an opponent of Heavenly Dao. "

"Li Changshou, he will definitely die!"

"Even if there is a reward, what good can it be. "

Countless living beings are looking at the sky curtain, and there is still a trace of vague expectation in their hearts, Li Changshou, can he really turn over?

The world of desolation.

Li Changshou's consciousness gradually blurred, and gradually, he could no longer see everything in front of him.

The usually clear mind also fell into chaos and almost collapsed.

His consciousness is about to blur, his mind is faint, and his physical body and Yuan Shen are already on the verge of collapse.

Li Changshou was about to be completely crushed to death by the terrifying coercion of Heavenly Dao.

Everything has reached the limit, whether it is the flesh, the Yuan God, or something else, it has reached the limit that Li Changshou can bear.

He is about to fall, under this terrifying and unimaginable Heavenly Dao coercion!

The Heavenly Dao was so terrifying that no creature could compare with it.

Just when his consciousness was about to be completely blurred, and his physical body and Yuan Shen were about to completely collapse.

Deep down, Li Changshou still has a deep unwillingness.

It is clear that he has been careful and steady for so many years until now, never taking the initiative to go out to stir up trouble, nor is he contaminated with any cause and effect.

He only stayed in Xiaoqiongfeng every day to avoid being contaminated with any cause and effect and bringing himself the scourge of killing.

But I didn't expect that I accidentally bumped into the inventory.

This inventory has exposed everything he will do in this life to the sun.

It was precisely because of this that he could no longer hold on, and even attracted the hatred of saints and even Heavenly Dao.

This time, Heaven's Dao strikes, he will definitely die!

Even Li Changshou knew that he would definitely die!

"I'm really unwilling..."

"Is that the end of everything?"

At the same time, on the vast and boundless sky curtain, there was a magnificent holy light, which suddenly tore through the layers of blue clouds, pierced down, and fell between the flood and barren heaven and earth, shrouding Li Changshou!

And Li Changshou suddenly felt that the terrifying power and sense of oppression suddenly disappeared completely, of course, the five villages!

At the same time, the momentum in his body surged, and the majestic and endless momentum was endless, and it was extremely powerful!

His realm also began to climb continuously at this moment.

In an instant, around his body, endless avenues formed, lingering around Li Changshou's body.

Three thousand avenues come out, intertwined and constructed, forming the ancestral court of the avenue!

And as soon as the Great Avenue Ancestral Court came out, there was immediately a mysterious and boundless magnificent aura that spread wantonly, permeating the heavens and the earth.

Thousands of rhymes seemed to turn into torrents, all pouring into Li Changshou's body.

Above Li Changshou's body, an unattainable Xuanxuan light suddenly shrouded him, and endless rhymes were attached.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying momentum that was boundless enough to suppress the entire heaven and earth surged out.

Such a terrifying momentum swept the entire flood famine!

And between his breaths, it seemed that there were immeasurable avenues that erupted and scattered boundless floods.

Li Changshou stands on the firmament, the avenue is the lining, the rules bow down, the endless terrifying momentum, the supreme mysterious power, all belong to him!

Li Changshou has been promoted to Dao Ancestor!

He stood in the same realm as Hongjun!

Immeasurable Xuanguang stirs the heavenly dome!

All the heavens and all worlds were shocked.

"What a terrifying aura, what realm has Li Changshou reached?!"

"Lying groove, this momentum, this sense of oppression, is not weaker than the Heavenly Dao in the slightest!"

"Sure enough, never believe that hanging is dead, they can always turn over against the wind. "

"This breath is stronger than a saint!"

"Li Changshou, actually achieved the Dao Ancestor?!


At this moment, countless creatures looked at the sky in shock.

In the flood world, at this moment, all living beings are stupid.

From ordinary beings, to the power of the Flood Desolation, to the Six Saints of the Heavenly Dao, and even the Hongjun Dao Ancestor, as well as the Will of the Heavenly Dao, they were all shocked!

One step, achieve Dao Ancestor?!

At this moment, the scalp of countless creatures was numb.

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