Li Xiaoyao's words fell, and suddenly, countless creatures in the heavens and realms boiled at this moment!

"Look, let me just say, there must be other ways, such a powerful and powerful powerhouse as the inventor, it is definitely not simple. "

"You see, isn't this second method, fusing other planes, you can also improve the level of planes. "

Is this also a way to improve the level of the plane, this seems feasible. "、

"Moreover, this method is not quite the same as the first method, it does not take too much time, and this method seems to work!"

"Wait, Daoists, have you noticed that the previous inventor was territorial, and the inventor said that the second method is just a submultiplication. "

"Integrating with other planes, it is much faster than the first method, and there are not too many restrictions, why multiply?"

"In my opinion, this is the best way to do it, there are not too many restrictions, and there is no need to wait too long." "

"Fusion plane, almost immediately, at that time the level of that plane will increase, this is obviously the best method, why is it a lower multiplication?"

"This is a good law!"

For a time, the creatures of the heavens and realms were all stunned, and the second monk was puzzled.

Such a good method, but just multiplication?

Something is wrong, something is wrong!

A group of creatures were confused and didn't know how to understand.

Plane blending, sounds really good, but how to do it?

Plane fusion, always feel not simple, this should be a big project, it must be troublesome to do.

However, even if it is trouble, it is much stronger than tens of millions of years of waiting!

"In my opinion, plane fusion is not so simple to do, it must require a lot of arrangement and various means to do it. "

"Otherwise, if you can merge the planes casually, then all the heavens and realms will be supreme planes. "

"That's right, moreover, no one can easily achieve plane integration!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were all talking about it, all speculating about why this face fusion looked quite good, but in the mouth of the inventor, it was only a subinfliction.

In the meantime, Daishi.

Xiao Yan's expression moved slightly, and he seemed to have thought of something.

The 13th plane where he is located is called the Great Thousand World, which is the upper realm of the Dou Qiao plane.

If you can integrate the Great Thousand World with your hometown Douqi Continent, the benefits are naturally self-evident.

If the Douqi Continent becomes a part of the Great World, then the strength of the people on the Douqi Continent will naturally be greatly improved.

The Douqi Continent will also be upgraded because of this.

Even, the Great World has fused with another plane, maybe it will also be improved because of this.

And he himself will definitely reap great benefits!

Of course, their relatives and friends on the Douqi Continent will also be promoted.

All in all, plane ascension is a great benefit to the two planes, as well as to him, the ascension.

Xiao Yan's heart was moved, since this is the case, then he should really think about how to fuse the plane.

Xiao Yanmo rubbed his chin and looked at the sky curtain, becoming more serious.

Plane fusion is good, but how do you do it?

Moreover, why the inventor said that plane fusion is only a submultiplication, he has to figure it out.

Otherwise, hastily integrating may be a blessing in disguise.

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao spoke again.

[Plane integration, it can indeed increase the level of planes, but it will be reduced to special space-time and endless space-time. ] 】

[If the planes are integrated, then the possibility of thousands of time and space as the self will be lost forever. 】

[Because of the special time and space, time and space are endless, and there is only one of it in thousands of time and space, and it cannot be achieved that thousands of time and space are the original self. ] 】

[Naturally, it is impossible to close the essence of thousands of times and spaces, merge into one, and promote to a high plane. ] 】

[Each supreme plane is to fuse thousands of selves in time and space into one, and sublimate to the extreme, so as to become the supreme plane. 】

[Special planes are unique and can never become supreme planes.] 】

[Therefore, this method is only a submultiplication. 】

"So it is, I see!"

Suddenly, many creatures in the heavens and realms understood why such a good method of plane integration was only a method of inferiority.

Because, once the planes merge and the plane level is raised, then this plane can never become the supreme plane.

"It turns out that the plane will be reduced to a special plane and cannot become the supreme plane!"

"It's a pity, it's tantamount to killing chickens for eggs." "

"Even though it was indeed beneficial for a while, it raised the level of the plane and became a higher plane, but it cut off the path of promotion after that. "

"Such a plane will never be able to become the supreme plane of the heavens and realms, no wonder this is just a submultiplication method. "

"You will never lose the possibility of becoming a supreme plane, don't say, this drawback is really huge compared to those tens of millions of years of waiting." "

"Alas, if they could, who wouldn't want their plane to be supreme. "

"A temporary plane improvement, but at the cost of never being able to become the supreme plane, such a price is too huge, who can accept it." "

"It's no wonder it's just a inferior method. "

"Deserve this method is only a submultiplication method. "

"Since you are promoted to the plane, you are naturally aiming to become the supreme plane, if you can't become the supreme plane, then what is there to say, why take such a risk?"

"Unfortunately, this method is actually really good, but this drawback is too great. "

There are countless planes in the heavens and realms, among them, there are naturally more low-level planes and medium-level planes.

Naturally, they all wanted to be elevated to the supreme plane.

If you can be promoted to the highest plane, you will definitely benefit immensely.

The supreme plane is the true king of the plane, and countless planes in the heavens and realms want to become the supreme plane.

The mystery of the supreme plane, they saw with their own eyes and envied.

Just like the flood world where Li Changshou is located.

The aura contained in it is so rich that it almost drips into a liquid!

With such a rich aura, looking at other planes, I really don't even dare to think about it!

If they can achieve the supreme plane, so can their plane.

Then their practice, is it not smooth sailing?

The creatures of the heavens and realms were holding their breath, wanting to make their plane the supreme plane.

But the price to pay for plane integration is to never lose the possibility of becoming the supreme plane.

Then of course they don't want to.

"However, this method can be tried for lower alleles. "

"After all, it is estimated that there is no possibility of promotion to the high plane of the lower plane. "

"Since that's the case, it's better to fight a handful, even if it becomes a special plane, but the level of the good plane has also increased." "

"That is, anyway, there is no possibility of the lower plane being promoted to the highest plane, and if they can be integrated with each other and improved, it is actually good. "

"The road to achieving the supreme plane is cut off, in fact, it doesn't have much impact, and it can't be improved anyway. "

"However, if you can increase the plane level with this, it will be blood earned. "

"That's the truth. "

"Alas, but it seems that neither the first nor the second method is a perfect solution." "

"If you want to upgrade the plane level, the price you have to pay is really not small. "

"No way, upgrading the plane level is going against the sky, how can it be completely unburdened. "

"In contrast, if you want to ascend to the highest plane, the first method is more feasible, because there are not so many drawbacks, and the road to promotion after that will not be cut off. "

"But the waiting time is too long, maybe tens of millions of years, so long, who can wait?"

"These endless years are simply not something that can wait. "

"Alas, but compared to the second method, it is already very good. "

"The second method is not even possible to be promoted to a high plane, and the first method is much better in comparison. "

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were entangled, jumping left and right between the first method and the second method, hesitating and wavering.

Li Xiaoyao's magnificent heavenly voice fell down again.

[In addition, there is one last way to increase the level of the plane!]

"Wait, there is still one?!"

"I lean on, sure enough, it's the inventor, Treasure Boy, I know that the inventor must have other ways!"

"Look, what other way does the inventor have?"

"The third method should be better than the first and the second, right?

"It is worthy of being an inventor, worthy of being supreme, omniscient and all-powerful, I know that the inventor is not simple!"

"I don't know what the method is, but please show me the inventor." "

For a time, the creatures of the heavens and realms were excited, this third method, where is the way to raise the plane level, this is simply their life!

[The third way is to plunder the origin of other plane worlds, devour them, and also increase the level of your own plane. ] 】

"Devouring the origin of the world?!"


This last method really shocked countless creatures in the heavens and realms.

For a time, countless people gasped for air, and their scalps were numb, and their faces were shocked, and they were shocked beyond belief.

Unexpectedly, this last method turned out to be plunder!

Plunder the origin of the world in order to achieve this aspect of your own.

I have to say, this method is so ruthless!

But it certainly works!

"Plundering the origin of the world? What a high-end method!"

"I've never thought of this method before, is this method really feasible?"

"What should this do? Is there a forcible plunder? Is there any skill?"

"This method is a bit ruthless, if you forcibly plunder the origin of other plane worlds, needless to say, the end of that plane must be extremely eye-catching. "

"If the origin is plundered, maybe the whole world will be destroyed. "

Seeing that some creatures asked about the fate of the world's origin being plundered, Li Xiaoyao did not hide it and explained and spoke.

[If the origin of the world is plundered, the plane of trying to seek the world's grievances will be shattered and annihilated in time and space. 】

"In other words, losing the plane of the origin of the world will eventually be destroyed!"

The hearts of countless living beings were instantly pinched, and they were terrified!

"It's really cruel, the world origin is plundered, it is not what they want, after losing the world origin, the plane will be shattered and shattered, and the creatures in it will definitely die!"

"It's miserable. "

"I rely on... Is this the true face of the heavens and the worlds, the world of the jungle? "

"That's the real rule of the world, right?"

"The strong take all... This is the true way of survival of the heavens and realms!"

"This method is also too cruel and terrible. "

Some low-level creatures instantly became worried.

Plunder the Origin!

This is a way to raise the plane level.

If high-level bigwigs came to plunder their world origin, wouldn't they be finished?

"I rely on, if those high-level plane bigwigs want to raise the plane level and attack us, we have no power to resist at all, the world origin of the plane will definitely not be able to hold it, our plane will eventually be broken, and we will definitely die!"

In time, in the low-level plane, countless creatures were terrified, terrified and panicked in their hearts.

Suddenly, the veil of hypocrisy in this world was torn off, and for the first time they faced such a cruel truth.

And, most tragically, they are fish on the board, without any ability to resist.

Man for the knife, I for the fish!

These low-level planes are fish meat, and as for those high-level planes, needless to say, they are knife tricks.

"Unexpectedly, we turned out to... It turned out to be just fish on a chopping board. "

"Just now, I was still thinking about how to raise our face level. "

"Now it seems that there is no need to think about it, we are the nourishment of high-level plane promotion, and there will be no day to upgrade the plane level. "

"We're dead. "

387 "Big guys, show mercy to your subordinates, don't focus on our little plane." "

"That is, we are just a broken and small plane, and we are simply not enough for the big guys to stuff their teeth, and the big guys must not look at us." "

"It is. "

This third method is actually very unfair to the weak plane.

Because they are weak planes, they can only be slaughtered by others and become the nourishment for the promotion of those powerful planes in the heavens and realms.

"It's broken, and as soon as this method comes out, there is no doubt that the heavens and realms will inevitably be chaotic!"

"There will definitely be people who can't help it, wanting to raise the level of the plane and plunder the world origin of those weak planes!"

Someone frowned, worried.

"This method is really terrible, blame Zhang Sanfeng!"

"Zhang Sanfeng is the culprit, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't know the way to improve the plane." "

"This method of plundering the origin of other plane worlds will not be known. "

"We wouldn't be so unlucky and in such danger. "

"Everything is Zhang Sanfeng's fault!"

"He has a question, so that these low-level planes of ours can only wait for destruction, damn it!"

For a while, those who originally praised Zhang Sanfeng turned their heads and began to accuse others.

The heavens and realms, after all, there are still more low-level planes, and countless creatures are wailing.

"We don't want to die yet." "

"We don't want to give the plane a burial, don't focus on the plane we are in!"

"Please, go and plunder the other planes. "

When the creatures of the low-level plane are wailing and begging for mercy, and their hearts are like ashes, in fact, the great powers of the high-level plane are also thinking.

"If you really plunder the origin of other planes, you may really be able to increase the level of planes, but things are definitely not so simple. "

"The first two methods have their own drawbacks, and it makes no sense that this third method is contaminated with such a big cause and effect, which is contrary to heaven and harmony but has no drawbacks." "

"If you really open the head of entering the origin of the capital, then the heavens and realms will inevitably plunder each other and fall into chaos, which is a great cause and effect. "

A group of big guys do not want to be contaminated with such cause and effect.

What's more, even if the low-level plane world origin is swallowed, how much can it be improved.

Although the inventor did not say, it is definitely not ordinary for their advanced plane.

If the inventor does not say, they have no way of knowing, so they can only wait until the next time they ask a question.

Forget it, let's not act rashly first, wait for the next detailed question.

For a time, those high-level planes of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms did not act rashly.

They are all on the official website.

If the improvement is huge, you can try it and plunder the origin of other planes!

At this moment, the heavenly sound fell.

[End of question, end of inventory, next inventory, open in three days!]

The canopy dissipated, leaving only the wailing of the creatures of all worlds.

"Lord Inventor, please protect us!"

"We don't want to die!"

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