For the wailing of the heavens and realms, Li Xiaoyao did not pay attention, he is not the Holy Mother, nor is he the patron of the heavens and realms, he is just an inventor, there are questions and answers, as for what the sentient beings of the ten thousand worlds will do after answering the question, it has nothing to do with him.

As for whether the sentient beings of the heavens and realms will raise the plane level, he doesn't care, anyway, he has already told the method, how to do it is the living beings' own choice, and it has nothing to do with him.

But in fact, in his estimation, no one should try these three methods easily.

The first method does not have much drawbacks and worries, but the only thing to worry about is that it takes too long.

Waiting for the plane to ascend will take tens of millions of years, such a long time, it is estimated that few living beings in the heavens and realms can withstand it.

Even those creatures who are powerful and have a long lifespan are not very able to withstand it.

Moreover, after spending such a long time, at their age, it is estimated that it is difficult to see the plane upgrade completed.

If the first method is used, it is undoubtedly the predecessor planting the tree, and the descendant taking advantage of the cool.

Looking at these heavens and realms, there are a few people who are willing to be the predecessors of planting trees.

As for the second method, the disadvantages are too great, if the planes are integrated, they will become special planes, and they will never lose the possibility of becoming the supreme plane.

Except for those who are really low, they will never be promoted to the lower planes that are possible in the high plane.

Which creature is willing to sacrifice the possibility of ascending to the supreme plane forever for the sake of temporary plane ascension.

The supreme plane is the true supremacy in these heavens and realms, and it is also where countless living beings really yearn for.

Even, the reason why they want to raise the plane level is to raise the plane to the highest plane.

Although plane integration can indeed improve the plane level, the price is that it will never become the supreme plane.

Many creatures are not happy with such a price.

Then there is only a third way left, that is, to plunder and devour the world origin of other planes.

This method does not have much hidden danger, and the time required is not too long.

Looking at the overall comparison, this third method should undoubtedly be the best method.

But devouring the origin of other planes will cause the plane that was devoured to collapse, and countless living beings will die.

Not to mention that it is difficult to find other planes in this endless space-time, even if you can really find other planes and plunder the origin of the world.

Those who are mighty will easily not do this.

Therefore, no one had ever plundered the world origin of other planes before.

No one knows what will happen if the world is plundered, and what kind of cause and effect it will bear.

However, in fact, it is also conceivable that the plane will collapse and dissipate, and countless creatures living on it will die because of it.

Such a cause and effect must not be small.

If this cause and effect really befall the marauders, no one knows what the consequences will be.

The unknown is the greatest horror.

Out of the unknown, the mighty people of the heavens and realms will definitely not strike at will.

For them, plane elevation is indeed urgent, but it is still under the safety of their lives.

The power of the heavens and realms will not easily take risks and be contaminated with great cause and effect.

Therefore, even if the creatures of the ten thousand worlds learned the way to raise the plane level, in a short period of time, they would not plunder.

The heavens and realms will not be chaotic because of this.

Those creatures were too worried, but they were useless worries.

Li Xiaoyao did not care about the cries and wails of those creatures.

After closing the inventory, Li Xiaoyao's mood became faintly excited.

The reward is coming again.

I don't know what kind of reward I will get this time.

At this moment, the clear voice of the system came from his ears.

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: 100,000 years of cultivation, Pangu Axe, Immortal Sword Array!]


Even now Li Xiaoyao's heart as a great emperor couldn't help but gasp when he heard the reward.

"This reward is really rich!"

"It's all the treasures of the flood and wilderness!"

My luck is really good!

Pangu Axe, naturally needless to say, this is the Chaos Supreme Treasure, the most powerful to kill, and it is the best at killing several Chaos Supreme Treasures.

The achievements of this axe are not much, because since the opening of the world, this ancient axe can not withstand the great cause and effect, and it has shattered into three innate treasures, which have never existed in the world.

However, the most well-known achievement of this axe is to open the heavens and the earth, and kill three thousand chaos gods and demons!

Each one of them shook the ages, enough to make countless living beings terrified.

The Pangu Axe is exactly what Pangu God relies on to open the world.

This treasure, even if it is placed in the supreme plane, is also the supreme treasure that attracts countless people to chase each other.

As for the Immortal Sword Array.

This is also when Pangu opened the sky, and the Heavenly Dao felt and descended this array.

This array is composed of the Immortal Formation and the combination of four Excaliburs, and is the Immortal Sword Array.

Once the sword array is formed, the killing opportunity is infinite, the danger is infinite, and the creatures under the saint enter, and they will turn into flying ash in an instant.

And even if it is a saint, it is difficult to break this array without the combined force of the four saints!

And this Immortal Sword Array initially fell into the hands of Demon Ancestor Luo Qi, who was running amok with the Immortal Sword Array and the Divine Killing Gun.

Even Dao Ancestor Hongjun also united Yang Mei and many other great powers, which broke through the Immortal Sword Array and killed Luo Xiao.

After Luo Xiao's death, this array was later given by Hongjun to the Tongtian Sect Lord, one of the Six Saints of the Heavenly Dao.

In the midst of the Feng Shen Tribulation, the Lord of Tongtian Sect put down this array, with one enemy and four, and single-handedly resisted the four saints of Taiqing, Yuanshi, Introduction, and Zhun Ti.

In the end, it was the combined efforts of the four saints that broke through this Immortal Sword Array.

The terrifying power of the Immortal Sword Array can be seen!

These two treasures are both treasures of unlimited killing and coercion, and they are Li Xiaoyao's powerful reliance on walking the world in the future.

As for these 100,000 years of cultivation, it seems mediocre.

However, the last time he was rewarded for cultivation, he had already become a great emperor.

This time, after obtaining another hundred thousand years of cultivation, I wonder what step his realm will reach?

According to legend, above the Great Emperor, there is also the existence of immortals.

Li Xiaoyao didn't think much about it, and directly received the reward.

The 100,000-year cultivation suddenly stirred in his body like a tide, swimming wantonly, the tide churning, stirring and turbulent, sweeping the array.

An incomparably powerful aura emanated from Li Xiaoyao's body.

A surging force stirred within him, wandering wantonly among his limbs.

Li Xiaoyao clenched his fists, and had the idea of wanting to shatter the sky with one punch!

The momentum soared into the sky, fierce and grand, magnificent, and immediately shook the entire Desolate Continent!

On the Desolate Continent, countless creatures sensed this terrifying atmosphere, as if it could turn the entire continent over, and they were suddenly terrified!

Countless creatures, even quasi-emperor powers, trembled under this terrifying coercion, like quails.

"This... What a strong sense of oppression~!"

"Such a sense of oppression, as if there are endless mountains coming continuously, suppressing everything, this kind of power, so terrifying!"

"What kind of power is this, is it the Great Emperor?!"

"Only the Great Emperor can have such a powerful and terrifying coercion. "

"No, this coercion is even more terrifying than the Great Emperor!"

"Even the Great Emperor can only crawl under this coercion. "

"What kind of divine is it that has such terrifying power?"

In the Desolate Continent, a group of creatures were shocked, panicked in their hearts, and talked one after another.

"Our Desolate Continent has produced such a terrifying and majestic existence, I am afraid that the future life will be difficult. "

"What kind of divine is this, just the momentum has swept the entire Desolate Continent, if he personally strikes, won't he be able to shatter the heavens and shatter our Desolate Continent?"

Countless creatures were amazed, and they also knew that from then on, there was an extra sky above their heads.

On Li Xiaoyao's side, after receiving 100,000 years of cultivation, his cultivation has successfully broken through the shackles of the Great Emperor and reached a new realm.

Heavenly Emperor!

This is his current realm, still an emperor, but far above the emperor, he can suppress the emperor by turning his hand, and the power he exudes is enough to wipe out all the creatures under the quasi-emperor.

Even the Quasi-Emperor could hardly look him in the eyes, and the coercion of the eternal glory was enough to destroy all living beings.

"It's worthy of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and I feel much stronger than before. "

Li Xiaoyao also adapted to a new realm, and a smile appeared on his face.

Now he has gradually returned to the basics, although there is a turbulent and unimaginable majesty in his body.

But if he converges his breath, it is the most ordinary appearance.

However, even so, there is still a coercion around him, which makes people involuntarily want to worship and submit.

After Xiu Wei was promoted, he put away the Pangu Axe and the Immortal Sword Array.

"After taking stock so many times and receiving so many rewards, with my current cultivation and treasures, with such strength, it is enough to traverse the entire Desolate Continent. "

"Today's Desolate Continent, I am invincible!"

Li Xiaoyao knew very well that with his current strength, he could indeed run amok on the mainland and suppress everything.

However, he did not intend to be high-profile.

Li Xiaoyao did not intend to take the initiative to cause trouble and contaminate cause and effect. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

This is what he learned in the stocktaking.

He doesn't need to get any chances, nor do he need to go on expeditions to receive adventures.

As long as he takes a good inventory, he will obtain a steady stream of countless opportunities and treasures.

Therefore, there is no need for Li Xiaoyao to risk those creatures for some so-called chances, contaminated with cause and effect.

Cause and effect are the most mysterious, and they cannot be easily contaminated.

Li Xiaoyao is as cautious as Li Changshou, and he naturally will not take the initiative to cause trouble and contaminate cause and effect.

But if someone provokes him, then he is not polite.

Of course, Li Xiaoyao is still willing to be an otaku who is dedicated to inventory.

As long as you take stock, you can get a steady stream of opportunities and treasures, and your cultivation and strength will also improve as a result.

Is there anything more suitable in this world than this?

Thinking like this, Li Xiaoyao began to think about who should be inventoried for the last protagonist.

Suddenly, a name came to his mind.

That person is absolutely unprecedentedly fierce.

The most fierce hanging ratio, it is none other than him!

If you take stock of that guy, you will definitely shock these creatures in the heavens and realms who have never seen the world.

"That's it. "

Li Xiaoyao already had a candidate in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face.

Three days later, it was he who took stock.

Right now, there are still three days to study the Pangu Axe and the Immortal Sword Array.

Li Xiaoyao is also busy, using all available time to improve his strength.

He could see clearly that in these heavens and realms, the real life and life went straight up, in the final analysis, it was still strength.

No matter which plane, strength is the most fundamental.

During the time that Li Xiaoyao was immersed in the Pangu Axe and the Immortal Sword Array, three days also passed in a flash.

Soon, Li Xiaoyao opened his eyes and whispered: "Three days, so fast." "

"It's time to start taking stock. "

Saying that, his mind moved.

But seeing that magnificent and mighty heavenly curtain fell from the firmament, across the heavens and all worlds!

Above the countless firmaments of the heavens and realms, the same purple-gold sky curtain fell, majestic and magnificent, and magnificent!

The purple-gold sky curtain spanned down, occupying almost the entire heavenly dome!

The sky curtain slowly unfolded, above the sky dome, the air wave rolled the pipe, the rhyme swept, and the breath was grand.

When the purple-gold heavenly curtain opened, the heavens and realms immediately boiled, and countless living beings were feverish and excited.

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds have long been impatient.

The inventory I thought about day and night has finally started again!"

"I can't wait for this inventory to begin. "

"After waiting for so long, I finally waited in vain, and the inventory began. "

"Three days, do you know how I spent these three days?"

"Without inventory, you can't live a little. "

"One day is gone, such as every three autumns, this sentence is really not wrong. "

"The inventory has begun, and I can be happy again. "

"To be honest, every inventory is what I look forward to the most, and every time the inventory starts, it is also the most exciting moment. "

"I really hope that the inventor can keep taking stock, and I will definitely keep watching." "

"That is, if only the inventor could keep taking stock in one go." "

"It's really not enough to take stock at a time. "

"Not enough to see, not enough to see at all, a hanging comparison will be over for a while, not enjoyable at all." "

"Just like last time that Li Changshou, I saw my blood boiling, that guy was going to die at the beginning, I thought he was going to die to the end." "

"Unexpectedly, the people actually rose up later, and in the end, they killed the saints, and even killed the will of the Heavenly Dao and the Dao Ancestor, which really shattered my three views. "

"This operation, this record, is really too awesome, looking at the heavens and realms, there are so many comparisons, and each one can be compared with him." "

"That's right, the hero sees the same thing, in my opinion, that Li Longevity is really outrageous. "

"This guy did everything he could be. "

"Gou is really Gou, in order to cross the robbery, he changed several robbery lands in one go, and in order not to be contaminated with cause and effect, he didn't even go out of his own cave mansion. "

"But in the same way, this big brother is also really fierce, and in the end he actually killed the saint, this is not enough, he killed the Dao Ancestor and the will of the Heavenly Dao, it is simply fierce, peerless fierce!"

"It's also too bullish. "

"I don't know how he is now, although he finally got the inventory reward and became a Dao Ancestor, his opponent is Heavenly Dao Will and Hongjun. "

"It is estimated that it will be another vicious fight, I don't know if this guy Li Changshou is still alive. "

"I hope he is still alive, after all, he is a hangbi, and he will definitely create miracles." "

At this moment, Li Changshou's voice echoed.

"Thanks to the concern of all Daoists, Xiaodao is still alive." "

Hearing this voice, the heavens and realms immediately boiled.

"Li Changshou! It's Li Changshou! He's still alive!"

"He's really alive! Great!"

"Li Changshou is still alive, that looks, this time, he killed the will of the Heavenly Dao, and that ancestor. "

"Hahahaha, well said, is it okay to kill again?"

"I just said, there is no need to worry about hanging ratio, hanging ratio is not a normal person, you can't die at all!"

"Li Changshou Daoyou, fierce!"

"Great, it's okay to do it if you don't die!"

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds were excited.

In addition to the excitement, they are also curious about what kind of comparison will be this time.

At this moment, the magnificent heavenly sound that shook the heart sounded again.

[Inventory of the tenth hanging protagonist: Song Shuhang!]

【Hanging: Chat group hanging!】

[The advantages of this hanging: provide a big platform for the son of luck, in the chat group, there are many powerful cultivators, the son of luck can get great opportunities from it, get treasures that are not available in his world, guide many masters, and then become stronger!].

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