
The creatures of the heavens and realms were all confused, and their faces were full of confusion.

"What does that mean?"

"Chat group, what is this thing, how can I never hear of it?"

Many powerful faces were full of confusion, why did he understand every word spoken by the inventor, but when these words were connected, they did not understand?

"What is a chat group, it seems that our mysterious plane has never heard of such a thing, is this a treasure?"

Many planes are ancient planes, and of course I have never heard of such a thing as chat groups.

Without Internet, how could there be chat groups.

However, although they don't know what the chat group is, they can still deduce something a little from the introduction of the inventor.

"Chat groups? can provide a big platform, obtain magic weapons, and many powerful guides cultivation?"

"How do I feel that this thing doesn't look like a Lingbao, but rather like a sect called a chat group?"

"This name is also too ugly, who chose it!"

Countless creatures are laughing, and they laugh naturally because they have not touched the chat group and do not know what the chat group is.

And those creatures who understood what the chat group really was, their faces were shocked, their mouths were wide open, and they were shocked beyond belief.

"Isn't it? chat group?!"

"Chat groups, this thing, can actually guide people to practice?"

"Is it so outrageous?"

"Why is his chat group different from mine?"

"There are seniors in people's chat groups to guide their practice, and there is only a group of obscene friends in my chat group, this person is more popular than people!"

"Everyone is a chat group, why should it be treated differently, why can this kind of thing as a chat group become a plug-in, and it is such an outrageous plug-in." "

"If there really is such a plugin, then don't you just sit and wait for the upgrade." "

"Anyway, you don't need to worry about anything else, the power in the chat group will guide cultivation, and there are many treasures of seniors, you don't need to worry about other things at all, you just need to focus on cultivation." "

"I lean, this is another anti-heavenly comparison?"

"Chat group, can you actually guide cultivation?"

"When I go back, I will search my penguin to see if he has stolen the chat group that knows about the practice to me. "

"Dude, no, you don't have to. "

"Although I don't know exactly what a chat group is, just looking at the introduction, it seems that another person was born against the sky. "

"You say this? Which of the hanging ratios that have appeared in this inventory is not against the sky?"

"You have to get used to it, the hanging comparisons are against the sky, we can't compare." "

050 "No, why does this strange thing exist in the heavens and realms?

"Where is Song Shuhang? I don't know what world he comes from or what identity he is. "

"I wonder how this kid lives longer than Li compared to the previous one?"

"Li Changshou, no, and say Li Changshou? Li Changshou, is that comparable to ordinary people, Li Changshou's hanging ratio can be regarded as the head. "

"People themselves became Dao ancestors, and they also killed the will of the Heavenly Dao and the previous Dao ancestor, which one can have such a record." "

"In my opinion, Li Changshou is already the peak of the hanging ratio, and no one will be able to surpass Li Changshou. "

"There is no such hanging ratio as Li Changshou!"

Think about it, the Honghuang plane is the supreme plane, and Li Changshou eventually became the Honghuang Dao Ancestor and took charge of the Dao Ancestral Court.

With such an existence against the sky, the entire infinite plane of the heavens and realms cannot find a second one.

Li Changshou is the peak that the hanging ratio can reach.

There can be no hanging ratio that can surpass everything he has achieved.

Li Changshou is the top of the hanging ratio!

No matter what this Song Shuhang did, he could not surpass Li Changshou.

At the same time, in the heavens and realms, many creatures with golden fingers of the chat group looked up at the sky screen.

"Chat group?!"

Isn't this the goldfinger they have?

There are many groups in the chat group, strong and powerful, good talking, all of them are talents.

It is through chat groups that they can get mixed up.

Unexpectedly, the plug-in that the inventory has is actually a chat group!

But unfortunately, it is not they who are selected for inventory.

However, this also makes many hanging ratios very curious, since everyone's plug-ins are chat groups, then why is your Song Shuhang unique and selected to be the hanging ratio of inventory.

Why wasn't I selected?

It's all chat groups, isn't there anything different about your chat group?

Can't you have three Qing and five elders in your group, and six royal emperors in all directions?

Many people who also have chat group goldfingers look curiously at the sky screen, they are really curious about what is different about Song Shuhang's chat group.

At this moment, the big world.

Xiao Yan also looked puzzled.

"Chat group?!"

"Can this thing also be used as a hanging?"

Xiao Yan was also a Blue Star person before crossing, so naturally he knew what the chat group was.

However, the chat group became hanging, and it was the first time he heard about it, and it was really insightful.

The chat group can actually be used as a hang-up, isn't this jfc) just chatting?

How can you still obtain treasures, and even be guided to practice?

"It seems that this Song Shuhang's chat group is definitely not ordinary, at the very least, it is different from the chat group of ordinary people, it is absolutely extraordinary!"

Xiao Yan was a little interested, and a faint curiosity appeared on his face.

"Can you get many cultivation powers, and get magic weapons that belong to non-this world?"


Xiao Yan's brows furrowed, this chat group was actually so against the sky.

Just by looking at the introduction, I feel that it is much stronger than my grandfather's plug-in.

Now these plug-ins, have they all developed to this point?

The outer hanging circle, has it been rolled up to this point?

However, the chat group has become a plug-in, and it seems that the plug-in circle is quite up-to-date.

Xiao Yan looked curious, his eyes focused on the sky screen, and he looked more seriously.

He wanted to take a good look at what this chat group was, and how it could be so against the sky.

Isn't this thing just for chatting, how can it still be turned into a plug-in.

At the same time, special planes.

Xu Que was clear at a glance, he sat on the throne of the God King, looked at the picture on the sky screen, changed his posture, and comfortably cocked Erlang's legs.

"It's actually a chat group plug-in for the fire. "

As a traverser, Xu Que crossed a much more time node than Xiao Yanxi, and at that time, the concept of chat group plug-ins had become popular.

Therefore, Xu Que naturally knew what the chat group plugin was.

"To be fair, this plug-in is indeed very against the sky. "

"Being able to pull many creatures who do not belong to one's own plane or in one's own plane into the same chat group and communicate with each other. "

"In this way, everyone can improve and each other's strength can improve. "

"This plug-in is also a good plug-in. "

Of course, it's not that he bragged, this plug-in is still slightly inadequate compared to his pretend face punching system.

But this plugin is already good.

Hanging on to this, it can also be called invincible, at least ordinary creatures will never dare to provoke.

They are also not opponents at all.

"It's a little worse than my plugin, but it's not bad. "

Being able to force Wang Xu Que to say such an evaluation is enough to see that this chat group plug-in is still quite good.

One thing to say, this plugin is still quite outrageous.

He was also a little curious about what Song Shuhang's strength was.

With such an outrageous plug-in, Song Shuhang's strength must be soaring and soaring into the sky, definitely the kind that soars into the sky!

Xu Que understood the power and anti-heaven of the chat group plug-in, so he was naturally full of confidence in Song Shuhang.

With such a plug-in, if it is not powerful, it is abnormal.

Xu Wei nodded, and then take a good look at how Song Shuhang, the owner of this chat group plug-in, became a big hanging ratio step by step.

Soaring into the sky, he was looking forward to this hanging ratio.

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li looked at the picture on the sky screen with a confused expression, and suddenly felt a little puzzled.

"Chat group, what is this?"

Unlike Xiao Yan and Xu Que, Han Lis, a native of the mortal plane, naturally did not know what was going on with this high-tech thing.

He didn't know what the chat group was, so he looked confused when faced with the new plugin. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Chat group, sounds like a treasure?"

"What are these plug-ins?"

"Why are these hanging plug-ins so peculiar?"

"What's going on with these plug-ins?"

Han Li's brows frowned slightly, at the beginning, the plug-in was still clear and clear.

For example, his palm bottle and Xiao Yan's grandfather, but later, what system also became a plug-in.

Until now, this chat group is also a plug-in.

He had never touched anything like this, naturally he didn't know what it was, and he was confused.

"Now the plug-in industry ... Is it already so developed?"

This kind of plug-in, all kinds of things, he can't understand it.

However, Han Li is a goso after all, cautious and thoughtful, far beyond ordinary people.

His brain was very useful, and he accepted this new plug-in in a short time, and then thought about it.

"If nothing else, this group can actually obtain treasures from other worlds?"

"Moreover, there is actually a big man of cultivation to guide the cultivation?"

"This... The treatment is actually so good?"

As a senior cultivator who has been in the world of cultivation for countless years, and has also met the pit father's teacher.

Han Li naturally knew how important it was to meet a good teacher.

If you can meet a good teacher, then all the obstacles in the early stage of cultivation will no longer exist, and it will be more effective to practice with half the effort.

The importance of good teachers and friends to practice is simply full.

It was when he met Dr. Mo with a bad heart, which caused him to be so bumpy when he first embarked on the path of cultivation.

"In this group, there are actually many guidance from cultivators. "

"This is an irresistible temptation for any little transparent who has just stepped into the road of cultivation!"

"And, in addition, you can also get magic weapons!"

"This is even more tempting!"

How important is the magic weapon, who does not know?

A powerful magic weapon that can even kill against the sky!

This chat group, not only has the guidance of the big guy, but also the magic weapon can be obtained, he is about to cry!

"What a good thing!"

Han Li sighed, he just didn't know what kind of existence Song Shuhang was.

Unconsciously, he thought of that man again, the man standing at the top of Gou Dao-Li Changshou!

Du Teniang's ability to kill the will of the Heavenly Dao, she is actually so meticulous, it is simply outrageous!

However, if you think about it, Li Changshou is so outrageous, he can even kill the will of the Heavenly Dao, isn't this a violation of the principle of Gou Dao.

It seems that Gou Dao is still only himself.

I only hope that the newcomer is also a Gou Dao person, in this way, Gou Dao still has a chance to revitalize.

Han Li nodded slightly, his gaze fell on the sky curtain, full of expectation.

Gou Dao is at the top, he is determined to achieve it!

If you don't become the supreme strong, you will never go out of the mountain!

This inventory is very good, allowing him to spend time in the gap between retreat practice, which is quite good.

Han Li nodded in satisfaction and took his gaze back.

After so many inventories, his strength has made a lot of progress, and he has learned a lot about how to go.

This inventory is really his own lucky star.

Of course, in addition, inventory also has a big effect, that is, to distract the attention of the strong in this world, so that they will not only focus on themselves.

Although he has become an immortal now, Han Li knows that immortals are definitely not the end.

Above Wonderland, there must be a stronger and more unparalleled existence!

He must be steady, not ostentatious, and must make himself strong steadily!

Until he becomes the strongest, he can not get out of the level!

This is also thanks to the inventory, which attracted the attention of the heavens and realms, even those great powers are quite concerned about this inventory, and those great powers in the plane where he is are also quite concerned about the inventory.

This gave him this opportunity to hang the ratio and recuperate and overtake on corners.

In any case, he must seize this opportunity and become the strongest of the mortal plane.

For this new hanging ratio, in fact, Han Li also has his own expectations, he expects Song Shuhang to be the same hanging ratio as him and Li Changshou.

In this way, he may also be able to learn from Song Shuhang one or two tricks to survive the skills, and whether it belongs to each other.

Moreover, in this case, this way is not only him, my way is not alone!

At the same time, the flooded world.

Li Changshou's cultivation also reached the Dao Ancestor level, standing at the same level as Heavenly Dao Will and Hongjun.

He fought with the will of Heaven and Dao Ancestor Hongjun, and finally succeeded in killing them.

Li Changshou became the first cultivator to reverse the Heavenly Dao and also succeeded, successfully overthrowing the Heavenly Dao and establishing the Dao Ancestral Court with many treasures.

There is no doubt that in the future, there will be no Heavenly Dao, and in its place there will be the Great Dao Ancestral Court.

The Great Avenue Ancestral Court will become the rule of this flooded world.

And Li Changshou is the guardian of the Great Avenue Ancestral Court.

He will guard the desolate world that he cherishes.

After doing all this, Li Changshou finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This Dao Zuting Town guards the rules of the Heavenly Dao and is in charge of the flood waste.

With such an existence in charge of the flood and desolation order, there is naturally no need to worry about such a calamity.

After all, the Great Dao Ancestral Court is composed of many treasures, restricting and coordinating with each other, and there is no worry that there will be a disaster for one's own selfish desires.

With the rules of the avenue to maintain order, he can also be relieved.

From now on, you can hold on steadily, and you don't have to worry about other superfluous.

And when he heard the three words of chat group, his eyes lit up.

"Chat group?"

As a traverser, he naturally knows what a chat group is.

This golden finger allows people from different planes of the heavens and realms to exist in a chat group at the same time, improve together and progress together.

Being in a group can also get support from other people or different planes.

If there was such a chat group when I crossed at that time, needless to say, it must be like a tiger.

In that initial period, I didn't have to be so scared.

But fortunately, now it's all gone, and it doesn't matter now.

Now, the biggest threat has been removed, and he has become the guardian of the flood and desolation order, standing in the Dao Ancestral Realm.

Nevertheless, this is by no means the limit of the flood.

He did not feel the feeling of being suppressed, as the inventors claimed.

In other words, he is still far from reaching the limit of the Flood World.

That being the case, there is still a long way to go in the future.

The road is still a long way off, and everything is just beginning.

He was looking forward to everything that lay ahead.

Of course, robustness is the most important thing!

[Song Shuhang, an ordinary college student in Kyushu World Blue Star, is a naturally good person. ] By chance, he was pulled into the chat group called Kyushu No. 1 and officially stepped into the world of monks!】

The sound of the mighty sky slowly sounded.

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