When the words fell, countless creatures in the heavens and realms keenly captured the key points in Li Xiaoyao's words.

"Blue Star?!"

"Why is this place again?"

Hearing the name of Blue Star again, all the creatures in the heavens and realms looked surprised.

"This new hanging ratio is actually from Blue Star?!"

If you calculate it this way, the hanging ratio on the blue star is really a lot.

"Blue Star again?!"

"This place, why are there so many comparisons?"

"A little blue star, it's really lying ~ tiger, hidden dragon!"

There are creatures wrenching their hands and counting the hanging ratios that have appeared on the blue star.

"Emperor Ye Tiandi is from Blue Star and was brought to the perfect plane by the Nine Dragons, and he is the hanging of Blue Star. "

"Forcing Wang Xu Que to cross the past from Blue Star. "

"Now there is another Song Shuhang. "

"What's the matter, is this blue star so rich in comparison, it's really a masterpiece." "

The creatures of the heavens and realms did not know that the hanging ratio from Blue Star was not just the three of them.

Including Li Changshou, Xiao Yan, and Tang San, they are actually from the hanging ratio of Blue Star.

On the blue star, hanging is more than real drops!

"Outrageous, what is this blue star, how can there be so many hanging comparisons?"

"It is said that one side of the water and soil raises the other people, this blue star is so rich in hanging ratios, is it not because blue stars are the place to raise hanging ratios?"

"Oh, you have to say so, this blue star is really a hanging ratio distribution center, hanging ratio is really a lot. "

"There are only a few hanging comparisons in total, and Blue Star accounts for so much. "

"If this blue star is so rich in hanging comparisons, if you have the opportunity, you must go to the blue star to take a good look." "

"That's right, we have to see what is different about this blue star. "

"Maybe, we can also take shit luck and become a hanger." "

"Take 10,000 steps back and say, even if you can't become a hangbi, maybe you can meet a hangbi in Blue Star, hug the hangbi's thighs tightly, and walk on the road to the top. "

"Blue Star, I'm going to this place!"

Because of the particularity of the blue star, and the birth of this star with so many hanging ratios, it immediately caused a commotion among countless creatures in the heavens and realms.

Blue Star, what a magical place.

If you have the opportunity, you must go to Blue Star to see why this place has so many hanging ratios.

"College student? What is this? Why have you never heard of it?"

"Is this a profession unique to Blue Star?"

"Why have I never heard of this thing in my plane? "

"Ordinary college student, what do you mean, what the hell is this?"

"What do you mean by being born good?"

"Human nature is good, who is not born a good person? "

"What exactly is going on with this hanging ratio?"

A creature who understood all this spoke: "Don't care, college students are similar to disciples of the Immortal Cultivation Sect, except that college students do not learn immortal cultivation, but cultural knowledge, similar to scholars, book children and the like. "

"Ordinary college students, in fact, are ordinary people, and there is nothing special about them. "

"Blue Star college students, there are still hundreds of millions, Song Shuhang is an ordinary college student, which means that he is not out of the ordinary. "

"So it is. "

Some creatures nodded, and finally understood the meaning of these words of ordinary college students.

"It seems that this is another path for ordinary beings to rise against the sky?"

"Ordinary college students are not out of the ordinary, and after getting the chat group plug-in, they soared to the sky and became world-shaking powerhouses. "

"It's another story of rising against the sky. "

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds were even more curious.

Being able to make an ordinary person become a hangbi and go to the top, what is the magic of this "Kyushu No. 1" chat group?

"It can make an ordinary person rise against the sky, which shows that this hanging is definitely not ordinary." "

And the reason why Song Shuhang rose against the sky relied on the Kyushu No. 1 chat group. "

"In this way, there must be many extraordinary existences in the Kyushu No. 1 chat group, there must be many extraordinary existences. "

"The inventor said before that in this chat group, you can get the guidance of powerful seniors, so it seems that there must be many big guys in the chat group!"

"I just don't know how many bigwigs are in this group and which characters they are. "

"I don't know, Honza is not in this chat group. "

"Taoist friends calm, broad daylight, what dreams?"

"People are a good chat group, why do you feel like you are in a chat group?"

"However, such a chat group, where there are big guys stationed in it, can guide cultivation, and even obtain treasures, treasures from other planes can also be obtained, are you sure this is really not a cultivation sect?"

"The more I look at it, the more I feel that this is like a sect of cultivation. "

"You are stupid, how many disciples and how many great powers does the True Cultivation Sect have?"

"In this chat group, how many great powers, only one disciple of Song Shuhang, equivalent to a famous teacher many to one, which disciple of the True Cultivation Sect has such treatment?"

Meanwhile, the urban world.

Chen Beixuan raised his eyes to look at the sky, quite surprised.

"Blue Star again?"

Chen Beixuan really didn't expect that the hanging ratio selected this time was actually from Blue Star.

In this way, this blue star is really a masterpiece, and feng shui is not ordinary?

How many hanging ratios have this already been made?

In the disc point, the hanging ratio of the blue star has already occupied several seats.

There are also those who are not selected for the inventory.

For example, he Chen Beixuan himself, who is also hanging the ratio, but was not selected to enter the inventory.

"Song Shuhang?"

Chen Beixuan's brows furrowed slightly, and he whispered the name, while at the same time he was racing through the name in his mind.

Soon, he shook his head: "I haven't heard of it." "

The name Song Shuhang, he had never heard of.

Since Song Shuhang is hangbi, then he should have some understanding.

But he had never heard of this name, and this inventory was the first time he knew about this hanging ratio.

Then it is very likely that although the two of them are both Blue Star creatures, they are not in the same time and space.

It's a pity that I couldn't see this chosen hanging ratio.

The chat group is this thing, as a blue star person, Chen Beixuan naturally knows.

But he was curious about what kind of power and those big guys were in Song Shuhang's chat group.

Since he can be selected by the inventory and become a hanging ratio exposed in front of the interface of the heavens, then this Song Shuhang's experience is definitely not ordinary.

He was a little curious about what height Song Shuhang could reach in the future and what kind of existence he would achieve.

At the same time, he was also a little helpless.

"I, Chen Beixuan, have a strong external plug-in, and it is definitely a hanging ratio, why was it not selected. "

There are so many hanging ratios selected on Blue Star, how can he Chen Beixuan not be selected.

Chen Beixuan looked helpless.

Why haven't you been inventoried?

Logically speaking, he must be a hanging ratio, why is he not worthy of selection?

What is the move of the inventor to choose the person to take stock?

Chen Beixuan's brows furrowed, pondering this question.

He looked at the sky screen, quite a sense of longing.

"This is already the tenth place in the ranking. "

The inventor said before that he counted the top ten hanging ratios.

This Song Shuhang happens to be the tenth hanging ratio, that is, after Song Shuhang, the inventor will no longer count the hanging ratio.

Even if he Chen Beixuan is also hanging the ratio, it is estimated that he will not be able to enter the inventory.

Although Chen Beixuan regretted, he was helpless.

After all, who is counting who does not take inventory, but the supreme and powerful inventor has the final say.

That being will not be swayed by anyone's will at all.

Since he couldn't be selected, he couldn't help it.

Chen Beixuan slowly exhaled a turbid breath, his eyes clear.

Forget it, even if the inventory does not select him, it doesn't matter.

It doesn't hurt, anyway, he can live again for a lifetime, and it is already very profitable.

And the biggest meaning of reliving a life is to make yourself a solid foundation, and the path of cultivation needs to be taken step by step, moving forward steadily, and cannot be rushed, otherwise it will only eat away from yourself.

In his previous life, he didn't understand this truth, but now that he lives again, he naturally won't let the tragedy of his previous life repeat itself. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

In the previous life, all the humiliations and calculations he had suffered would be returned to those without reservation in this life.

In this life, he will practice steadily, become the strongest of this plane, and then quickly take revenge!

He wants to protect everything he wants to protect and destroy all his enemies!

This is Chen Beixuan's real purpose in reliving his life!

If he fails to do so, he will live again for nothing.

At the same time, on the canopy, the picture changed.

On the mighty purple-gold sky screen, golden light gathered and gathered, gathered into large golden characters, and appeared on the sky screen, introducing the world.

The cultivation system of this world is not much different from other cultivation realms.

This world is actually majoring in three aspects, namely qi and blood, true qi, and spiritual power.

These three complement each other and together form a practice system in this dimension.

Large golden characters appeared on the canopy.

Thousands of living beings looked up at the big golden characters on the sky screen and nodded slowly.

"It seems that no matter what world, the path of cultivation is actually similar, it can be said that it is the same path. "

"That's right, cultivating one's own body is to tap the potential of the human body itself and make itself stronger and stronger. "

"Even so, then there are actually only a few aspects that can be practiced. "

"The three aspects of qi and blood, true qi, and spiritual power are strength, qi, and god!"

"Almost all the cultivation systems, in fact, the cultivation is tempered in these three aspects, and there is not much difference. "

"Exactly. "

"Although this plane is in Blue Star, the cultivation system is not much different from other planes. "

"That's right, I see that their cultivation system is similar to ours. "

"Oh, if that's the case, then wait for Daoist friends to take a closer look at what is different from ordinary people in this Song Shuhang practice. "

"Good to say, good to say. "

"I also want to know, Song Shuhang has the blessing, how far can he go?"

"As a hangbi, I have a chat group where there are many seniors who can get the guidance of seniors at any time. "

"Even, you can obtain powerful magic weapons, even those from other planes. "

"With such a powerful hanging, if the final cultivation path is a mess, then there is nothing to say. "

"Yes, yes, I don't know what step Song Shuhang can go with the blessing of the plug-in. "

"I don't see it well, although he has such a plug-in as a chat group, after all, he is just an ordinary college student, and his strength may not improve very quickly. "

"It makes sense, no one has said what extraordinary cultivation talent Song Shuhang has, if he is just an ordinary person, the speed of cultivation is indeed not fast. "

At this moment, the big golden characters on the sky screen dispersed, turning into countless golden rays.

However, in the next moment, the countless golden rays gathered together again, and big characters appeared.

This time, the big golden characters are talking about the division of the realm of this dimension.

From low to high, there are a total of fourteen realms!

Fourteen realms?! Don't say, this realm is really fine!"

The number of realm divisions, and whether they are detailed or not, can actually reflect to a certain extent the completeness of the cultivation system of this plane.

The cultivation realm of this plane is so carefully divided, from here, the cultivation system of this world should be quite developed.

"Fourteen realms? So many?"

"What kind of realm is this, I don't know what the mystery is. "

"This realm division is different, very different from our plane. "

"It's also different from the plane where the throne is located. "

"Don't they need to practice qi to build a foundation, cultivate golden pills, and break pills into babies?"

"I can't understand this realm division. "

"The realm division of this plane is very detailed, so there are many realms, and I have never been exposed to such a realm division before, so of course I can't understand it. "

"Are there any creatures of this plane who come and tell us about it?"

However, at this moment, the golden characters changed, and a mighty and magnificent sound came from heaven and earth.

[This realm of cultivation, from the first to the ninth grade, are the first grade Yuefan, the second grade true master, the third grade Houzhan Tianwang, the fourth grade Xiantian Martial Emperor, the fifth grade Golden Dan Ling Emperor, the sixth grade True Monarch, the seventh grade Spirit Venerable, the eighth grade Xuan Sheng, and the ninth grade Robbery Immortal. ] 】

[Further up, you will break through the grade division, which is the tenth realm, which is the immortal. ] 】

[The immortal is not a fixed realm, but in the case of the master of the Heavenly Dao, those immortals who do everything possible to prolong their lifespan, so they become immortals!]

[Above the immortals, there is a realm that far exceeds the ordinary immortals, and only the immortals with the resources of heaven can reach the ruling level!

[Above the ruling-level existence, it is the existence that can sweep away all enemies, suppress the present, and control the Mandate of Heaven, that is, the Dao of Heaven!]

[But the Heavenly Dao is bound and cannot be at ease, so all the beings who become the Heavenly Dao want to transcend the Heavenly Dao, so they have the thirteenth realm, half-step detachment. ] 】

[And the final realm, completely beyond the Heavenly Dao!]

[Each realm has its own mysteries, such as the eight-rank Xuansheng, if the tribulation is successful, the person will appear holy in front of him, he can open the altar to preach and obtain immeasurable merit. ] 】

[Another example is the nine-rank robbery immortal, which is the limit of cultivators, with a long lifespan and infinite mysteries, and can even rise together to compete for the Mandate of Heaven and become the Dao of Heaven!]

And when the creatures of the heavens and realms heard all this, their scalps suddenly felt numb.


"What kind of system is this, it's actually so outrageous!"

"This cultivation system actually takes the Heavenly Dao, even beyond the Heavenly Dao, as a realm!"

"Is it so arrogant?"

"Moreover, the Heavenly Dao is not the most powerful and highest realm, and above the Heavenly Dao, there is also the existence of transcending the Heavenly Dao!"

"Do you want to be so outrageous, the realm of this plane is divided to this point because there really is a Heavenly Dao that controls the Mandate of Heaven, and an existence above the Heavenly Dao?"

"The existence above the transcendent heavenly path, isn't this the inventor?"

"Since Song Shuhang is the hanging comparison of this inventory, then he will inevitably become the strongest in the future, beyond the heavenly path!"

"Doesn't this mean that this Song Shuhang is the inventor?!"

Suddenly, someone felt numb in the scalp, opened their mouth, and even stuffed an egg in their mouth!

"This can also be considered a hanging ratio?!"

"What hanging ratio can be compared with the existence above the transcendent heavenly path!"

So far, they have never seen the existence of the Transcendent Heavenly Dao, and they dare not think about it!

Above the transcendent heavenly path, is there really such a existence?

Even if Shangli has a long life, in the end, it is only equal to the Heavenly Dao.

Such an existence, in addition to the inventor, can anyone do it?

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds doubted this.

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