When they saw that group chat message appear on Song Shuhang's computer screen, the creatures of the heavens and realms suddenly looked forward to it, and their eyes burned.

"This is Song Shuhang's plug-in, the chat group that took him to the top. "

"Now, I can finally see the true face of Lushan. "

"I don't know what is going on in such a chat group, and how the creatures and bigwigs in it are against the sky, so that Song Shuhang, an ordinary person, can become a hanging comparison. "

"I don't know what is against the sky in this chat group, and what level Song Shuhang can reach. "

"Fang Cai inventory people have said that there are many big guys in this chat group, all of them are seniors on the road of cultivation. "

"I don't know what these big guys will say in the chat group. "

According to the estimation of the beings of the heavens and realms, as the seniors of cultivation, they should be very cold and arrogant, and they must not take the initiative to teach Song Shuhang anything.

It must have been Song Shuhang who humbly sought advice and took the initiative to contact the bigwigs in the group, which slowly changed his fate.

"This is entering the group, I don't know what kind of bigwigs in this group are, and what step can I adjust Song Shuhang, an ordinary person." "

"Since it is a plug-in, it must not be bad, and Song Shuhang's future achievements will definitely not be small!"

"I'm curious about what these big guys talk about in the chat group. "

"The big guys should be bored, after all, they have a long lifespan, and they have nothing else to do except practice. "

"Maybe this chat group is also the adjustment of their boring spiritual life, and those powerful and easily invisible bigwigs may bubble up in this group." "

"Then there are some expectations, I want to see how Song Shuhang gets along with these big guys. "

And in the sky curtain, Song Shuhang did not care too much.

Until now, he still thinks that "Huangshan Zhenjun" is the nickname of a classmate in the class, and he does not care too much about "Kyushu No. 1 Group".

After taking cold medicine, he was a little groggy, and Song Shuhang didn't think much about it.

Sleepiness swelled, and Song Shuhang still had the energy to take care of this newly joined group, and fell asleep.

At the same time that Song Shuhang slept, a chat box appeared in the sky.

The content in the chat group was completely completed, and all the original local was mapped on the sky.

The creatures of the heavens and realms suddenly stretched their necks, staring directly at the heavenly curtain, their eyes full of expectation. 29

You have to take a good look at what these big guys talk about in the group when they are okay.

For such a novel plug-in as the chat group, the creatures of the heavens and realms have long been very curious.

"Book Mountain is under pressure, join the group chat!"

A prompt message surfaced in the group chat.

New people joining?!

For a while, the group members who had been diving began to bubble.

Beihe Sanren: "Another new member joined? Was it invited by Huangshan Zhenjun Daoyou?

Another practitioner with the ID of Su Clan Ah Qi replied: "Are there new Daoists joining the group? I don't know which district of Huaxia you are from, in which cave house do you practice?

At the same time, the ID named Mad Dao Sanlang also spoke: "Is the new Daoist friend a fairy? "

Seeing this news, everyone in the chat group was speechless for a while.

Beihe Sanren: "Brother Sanlang, are you a goldfish?

"If the Huangshan True Monarch Daoist pulls into the group is another big senior, you will die. "

The crazy knife and three waves are good, just like verbal flowers, last time I accidentally provoked a senior, and I was tortured to death.

Unexpectedly, it wasn't long before he actually returned to his old state.

After the Beihe scattered people sent out the news, the diving members in the group all bubbled up and sent a gloating expression.

Mad Dao Sanlang was sad and indignant: "I remember you!"

"You gloating fellows, one day when you meet this seat, this seat must let you taste the power of the seventy-two fast knife. "

Su Shi Ah Qi: "When to single out?"

Seeing the news of Su Clan A Qi, the three waves of the crazy knife that had just risen instantly withered.

Because he couldn't beat Su's Ah Qi.

Naturally, everyone laughed for a while.

However, at this time, Beihe Sancai noticed that the new Daoist had not spoken after joining the group.

"New Daoist friends don't make a sound?"

They didn't know that today's Song Shuhang had long slept because of taking cold medicine.

Su Shi Ah Qi: "Looking at the Dao number, this new Daoist friend may be a Confucian monk, if this is the case, then it is interesting." "

Everyone in the group speculated that it might be because the new Taoist friend could not use the chat tool, so he did not send a message, so he did not care.

And the creatures of the heavens and realms suddenly realized when they saw this scene.

"This is called a chat group?"

"Looks like I understand what it is. "

"That is, all the monks gather together, gather in this same group, and then they can talk to each other. "

"Looking at the function, it is actually similar to Messenger Jade Jane, except that Messenger Jade Jane is one-on-one, and this chat group is for everyone to chat together. "

"This is much more interesting than transmitting the jade Jane, and transmitting the sound. "

"Indeed, I find this chat group quite convenient, simpler than transmission, and it can pull many people into the same group. "

"If the sect has any affairs in the future, just say it in the group, and there is no need to transmit it one by one. "

"Moreover, there are many lively people, and everyone can chat with each other, enliven the atmosphere, and talk about their own experiences, which is also a kind of adjustment to our boring spiritual life." "

The creatures of the heavens and realms said, "Yes, this chat group is really interesting. "

"Everyone in the group is talented, and they speak well. "

"Just like that crazy knife three waves, he is a big smart, really talented, very interesting to speak, really interesting. "

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds all expressed great interest in this chat group.

Whether it is the speed and convenience of delivering messages, or the fun of this thing, it is quite high.

If they could, they would also like to create a chat group in their respective planes.

"If there is this chat group, Jiang will draw creatures from different planes and heavens and realms into it, and you can understand different worlds and increase your knowledge. "

Similarly, you can discuss your practice experience in the chat group and discuss the path of practice with each other. "

"When you have nothing to do, you can also chat with people to pass the time, so that this already boring path of cultivation is rich and interesting. "

"This plug-in is really a good plug-in, quite intimate and easy to use, I like it!"

"If I could, I would like to have a plugin like this. "

This plugin is not only interesting, but also useful.

Let's put it this way, Song Shuhang, an ordinary college student, relies on this plug-in to reach the pinnacle of life and become a plane supreme, and this hang-up is definitely not bad.

Although I don't know exactly what kind of functions this chat group plugin has.

There is no doubt that this hanging, it will certainly not be too simple.

Since Xiao Yan and Tang San, the plugins that appeared in the inventory have been outrageous and outrageous one by one.

Their plug-ins are also extremely anti-heavenly.

Since this chat group is also a plugin, it will certainly not be too simple.

Although it is not clear what exactly they do, it is certain that this hanging is not ordinary!

At the same time, perfect plane.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor was also a little surprised when he saw this chat group.

So many monks gathered together, and they could talk as they pleased.

How does it look similar to the scene of the Tao.

It's just that one of the better things about this chat group than sitting down is that it doesn't have to be everyone in the same place.

The plane is vast, and many creatures are scattered all over the plane, and it is not convenient to communicate with each other.

The opportunity for them to sit and talk is also rare.

However, this chat group is different, and chat groups give so many decorations to a chat platform.

They don't need to travel thousands of miles to gather together, as long as they can speak freely through the chat group platform and communicate with Taoists who are thousands of miles away.

In this way, such a plug-in is still quite good.

The corner of the Barren Heavenly Emperor's mouth hooked a smile.

This is a chat group, interesting.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor had already understood the essence of the chat group, but he still had some doubts.

Did the monks in this group just use it as a tool for small talk?

At the very least, as it stands.

He only saw the monks in the group chatting with each other, and did not see the scene of their communication with each other and the debate of the avenue.

So how exactly does this chat group work, and how does it work.

As a plug-in, how does it feed back to Song Shuhang, so that Song Shuhang becomes stronger step by step, and even becomes a plane of supreme?

Arashi's brows frowned slightly, his gaze fell on the sky curtain, it couldn't be Song Shuhang passing through the idle words of everyone in the group, he understood the way of cultivation just by watching the cultivators in the group chatting and comprehending the way of cultivation, right?

If no one teaches the way of cultivation, he may not be able to see any way even for hundreds of years.

If Song Shuhang really stepped into the path of cultivation like this, then it can only be said that Song Shuhang is a demon who is naturally suitable for cultivation, and this talent is really speechless!

From what I've seen so far, this chat group has no other purpose than small talk.

Of course, it may also be that they only see group members chatting and have not discovered other features of chat groups.

However, Ara still remembers that the previous inventor once said that in this group, not only can you get the guidance of the cultivation master, but you can also obtain treasures, even treasures that do not belong to this plane.

If this group can only chat and blow water, how did those treasures be obtained? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Moreover, this treasure can also be teleported across borders through chat groups?!

He hasn't found that chat groups have such abilities.

It seems that there are many more features of this chat group that they have not discovered.

These group members were just chatting and had not yet displayed all the functions of this chat group in front of countless creatures in the heavens and realms.

This made the Barren Heavenly Emperor look forward to it even more.

This type of plug-in, he really saw it for the first time, he was very curious about this plug-in.

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li frowned, deeply puzzled, this is the chat group?

Seemingly...... It's useless!

Except for a group of people chatting and talking about everything, he didn't find any other use in this chat group!

This chat group seems to be really useless!

No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

This Song Shuhang, looking left and right, is just an ordinary college student, just an ordinary person.

As for chat groups...

Anyway, so far, he has only seen a group of people chatting and has not found anything out of the ordinary.

This couldn't help but make Han Li a little confused, what is the situation?

It stands to reason that since this chat group can become a plug-in, it should be quite difficult.

But why, he hasn't found anything difficult in this chat group.

Could it be that this group could allow Song Shuhang to cross over to the True Cultivation Realm to learn magical powers, or did it have other unknown functions?

Han Li's brows furrowed, so far he hadn't found anything different about this chat group, which could allow Song Shuhang to step into the road of cultivation.

Once a mortal, Han Li naturally knew best how difficult it was for a mortal to embark on the road of cultivation.

In any case, although he couldn't understand it, this chat group was indeed Song Shuhang's plug-in.

This chat group is Song Shuhang's chance, and it can indeed allow him to step into the world of cultivation.

Although Han Li couldn't understand it, he couldn't guarantee that Song Shuhang, the party, could benefit from it.

This made Han Li even more curious, what is different about this cultivation group, what is against the sky?

He would rather take a good look.

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms were full of curiosity about this chat group.

They also wanted to know how this chat group let an ordinary person like Song Shuhang embark on the road of cultivation.

323 "No matter how you look at it, this Song Shuhang is just an ordinary person, will this Xiu Zhenqun be just a pretense." "

"Impossible, the inventor himself said that this chat group is Song Shuhang's plug-in, then it will definitely not be wrong." "

"If you don't understand, that's your problem. "

"Inventors can't be wrong. "

"Although I also think that the inventor will definitely not be wrong, but so far, I don't see anything different about Song Shuhang." "

Some creatures frowned: "Moreover, you have also seen this chat group, but a group of truth cultivators are chatting with each other, and there is nothing unusual." "

"Can this group really help Song Shuhang embark on the road of cultivation and become a supreme being?"

It is no wonder that the creatures of the ten thousand worlds do not trust this chat group.

After so many inventories, they have also seen other plug-ins than each other.

Those plug-ins, whether regular plug-ins or outrageous types, have long played the function of plug-ins to help those plug-ins achieve the road against the sky.

Just like Han Li's little green bottle before, Xiao Yan's grandfather, and Xu Que's pretending to punch the face system, they began to exert force very early on, showing the anti-heaven of being an external hanging, and helping these hangers become stronger.

However, so far, they haven't found anything out of the ordinary.

They could only see many cultivators in the chat group chatting and blowing water.

Other than that, there is nothing outrageous.

No matter how you look at it, this is just an ordinary chat group, not a plug-in!

In the sky, the picture changed again, and Song Shuhang finally woke up, and also thought about the "Kyushu No. 1 Chat Group".

When he woke up, Song Shuhang finally began to browse the chat history.

This group of names is quite interesting, he has to see what is said in this group.

Song Shuhang probably toured it.

Daoyou?Daonumber?Dongfu?How many products are cultivated?

And the senior? Shin-kun? Honza?

Aren't these titles and nouns exclusive to those fairy tale novels?

Moreover, looking at the chat style of the members of the group, it is also half-texty.


Song Shuhang laughed.

Don't say it, don't say it, this group is really interesting.

Song Shuhang didn't think much about it, after all, a college student who has undergone nine years of compulsory education will naturally not easily accept such an outrageous thing as Xiu Zhen.

He only thinks that this group was established by fairy lovers, and the members of the group are obsessed with it, although some middle-aged people, but it is still quite interesting.

It seems that this is a concentration of some fairy lovers.

The members of the group are all enthusiasts of fairy novels, so they will name themselves after fairy novels and TV series, and still communicate like this.

The people in the group were very interesting to talk about, so Song Shuhang didn't care much and didn't quit the group.

Soon it was the next day.

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds only saw the group news in the sky curtain popping up again.

[The group leader Huangshan Zhenjun is online!].

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