Finally, seeing the true lord Huangshan True Monarch online, the creatures of the heavens and realms suddenly became excited.

"It's coming, the lord is finally here, the leader of this chat group is finally here!"

It was he who pulled Song Shuhang into the group. "

"Since this group master can connect such a braking cultivator from different places, presumably this person must not be simple. "

"If you want me to see, this person must be a big guy!"

"The hero sees the same thing, this big guy has such ability and connections, it must be the big guy who loses in this direction. "

"And such a big guy, why did he pull Song Shuhang into such a group chat?"

"Could it be said that he has a good relationship with Song Shuhang?"

"I flicker, Song Shuhang is an ordinary person, just an ordinary college student, and besides that, there is nothing out of the ordinary, right?"

"That's right, no matter how you look at it, Song Shuhang is just a very ordinary ordinary person. "

But this big guy took the initiative to add Song Shuhang, and also pulled him into the group chat. "

In other words, this group master can be regarded as Song Shuhang's guide, opening such a world of cultivation in front of Song Shuhang. "

"That's right!"

"If Song Shuhang has nothing to do with this big guy, do you think this big guy will ignore Song Shuhang and pull him into such a group chat?"

Suddenly, some creatures suddenly realized: "I understand!"

"Daoyou, you mean that Song Shuhang is the illegitimate son of this Huangshan True Monarch?!"

Suddenly, a group of creatures fainted.

"The illegitimate son may not be, but as the leader of the group, the Huangshan True Monarch can still bring so many people into the group, presumably both in strength and connections are top-notch. "

"And such a big guy took the initiative to pull an ordinary person like Song Shuhang in, what it represents, naturally there is no need to say more. "

"Song Shuhang must have something to do with this Huangshan True Monarch!"

"Otherwise, the big guy will definitely not waste his time on an ordinary person!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms reasoned and came to a conclusion, that is, Song Shuhang and Huangshan Zhenjun must have some unknown news!

And the group master went online, and the creatures of the ten thousand worlds suddenly became interested.

Huangshan Zhenjun is Song Shuhang's guide, and since he pulled Song Shuhang into the group, then he must know something.

Now that Huangshan Zhenjun is finally online, they naturally expect Huangshan Zhenjun to talk about what is going on.

It seems that Song Shuhang's road of cultivation is about to embark on a regular ah.

At this moment, the chat box appeared on the sky.

The group owner is online!

Although the time was one o'clock in the morning, these cultivators didn't seem to need to sleep, and when they saw the group master online, they were bubbling.

The first to come out was the Beihe Sanren.

"Zhenjun, who was that Book Mountain that you newly pulled into the group yesterday with great pressure, who is it Daoist, and where did you practice?"

Huangshan Zhenjun smiled and said, "The one who pulled into the group yesterday?

"That is the youngest daughter born to an old friend of this Buddha in this era, with good qualifications, and she is already at the peak of the third grade at a young age, and she is about to enter the fourth grade innate realm, which is very amazing. "

Just born in this era?

Beihe thought in his heart, that grade was really not big.

At this age, it is indeed rare to have such a cultivation realm, and the talent is indeed extraordinary.

However, although he was born in this era, this friend is probably too strange.

"Book Mountain is stressful"?

What is this sign?

The people of Beihe Sanren knew so many people, and he had never seen such a sign.

Could it be that he was born in this era, so even the Dao number is so appropriate to this era?

However, just as Beihe scattered people thinking, Huangshan Zhenjun chuckled lightly and spoke, "It's not right!"

"In other words, the Dao name of the daughter of the old friend of this Buddha is not the pressure of the Book Mountain!


Beihe Sanren was stunned, suddenly realized something, and tentatively spoke: "Zhenjun, this is the person you filled into the group." "

"Could it be, is it a mistake?"

Huangshan Zhenjun is an old qualification and a strong senior, so the Beihe Sanren people still respect it when facing Huangshan Zhenjun.

"I'll lean!

For a moment, Huangshan Zhenjun sent a string of cold sweat expressions in the group.

"It's really wrong. The number is only one digit in the middle~!"

"I didn't expect that the Buddha-figure would actually make such a mistake!"

"Pulled the wrong person!"

The people of Beihe Sanren finally understood.

"I said, even if we integrate into modern society now, we won't take our own Dao number as a book mountain." "

Huangshan Zhenjun hurriedly re-operated and pulled his old friend's daughter back into the group.

Group message prompt: Lingdieshima Yurouko has joined the Jiuzhou No. 1 group.

Reijima Yurouko!

That's the right name!

This is in line with the style of this group!

This is the Dao number that should appear in the fairy group!

Which book mountain is stressful, what weird things.

This tastes right.

After discovering that the newcomer had joined the group, Mad Dao Sanlang naturally went to verbal flowers again and prodded at will.

Everyone also bubbled up and began to chat.

After all, they are all true cultivators, and they don't sleep, even if it's early in the morning, it doesn't matter at all.

After discovering the wrong person, how to deal with this person who strayed into the Xiuzhen chat group became a problem.

Su Shi Ah Qi suggested, "It's better if we just kick him out." "

"After all, it's just an ordinary person, it's not good to participate in the chat between us, and some things are not suitable for him to know too much. "

However, Huangshan Zhenjun said: "Although it is added by mistake, but it is mistakenly added by this figure, it can also be regarded as a fate." "

"Take the Buddha-figure and count it. "

Of course, discerning people know that this is an excuse.

After all, this ordinary person was pulled into the group by him, and now if he says kick, isn't he very faceless?

At the very least, you have to give yourself a reasonable excuse to kick this ordinary person out.

That's right, that's it.

Huangshan Zhenjun is forcibly saving himself.

At the same time, the creatures of the heavens and realms laughed madly when they saw this scene.

"Good fellow, is Song Shuhang's path of cultivation coming to an end before it begins?"

"It was discovered early on that it was a mistake, which is really interesting. "

"You can actually add a mistake, it's Zhennima outrageous!"

"There is actually such an operation? Hahaha, it's fun!"

"And it's funny that kicking a newcomer out of the group actually needs to be counted. "

"The creatures in this group are all fun, all of them are talented, they talk well, and this group is really interesting. "

The creatures of the heavens and realms were completely laughed at by the many bigwigs with strange painting styles in this group.

Of course, at the same time, they are also watching Song Shuhang's next fate.

Whether Song Shuhang can successfully get started and contact the world of cultivation depends on how Huangshan Zhenjun calculates.

Whether he was kicked out of the group and never had a chance with Xiuzhen, or stayed in the group and started the road of cultivation from now on depends on this time.

It depends on what Huangshan Zhenjun can calculate.

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds are very curious about what Song Shuhang's fate will be next.

"Could it be said that Song Shuhang has just come into contact with the gate of the True Cultivation Realm and strayed into the True Cultivation Plane, and he is about to be kicked out of the group. "

"If that's the case, it would be too miserable. "

"If I want to say that it will definitely not, after all, in the future, Song Shuhang will use this chat group to become a strong party, and he will definitely not be kicked out of the group early." "

At the same time, in the sky, the picture turned.

In a room, a figure appeared.

The figure was plain-looking, a middle-aged man with short hair, wearing a short-sleeved shirt and flip-flops at the moment, in his room.

This person is the group leader of the "Kyushu No. 1 Chat Group", and it is also the big guy who mistakenly added Song Shuhang, Huangshan Zhenjun!

If he didn't say it, who would have thought that this inconspicuous middle-aged man was actually a big man with a cultivation?

Big guys, do you really like to disguise yourself as an ordinary one so much?

Seeing the appearance of the Huangshan True Monarch, the creatures of the heavens and realms were immediately stunned, their eyes were responsible, and their expressions were more practical and tangled.

"It's not... What kind of look is this?!"

"This is... Huangshan Zhenjun, the big guy in the mouths of the group members?"

"This doesn't look like a big man who has achieved success on the road to cultivation. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Don't say it, this Huangshan Zhenjun's appearance is really quite chic!"

"I lean, this is a true cultivator? Is this a true cultivator?"

"Is he so fashionable as a deterrent?"

"It's hard for me to imagine that this is a big guy who is very strong on the road of cultivation!"

"This is not at all the same as the impression of the big guy in my mind!"

Among the creatures of the heavens and realms, there are naturally very few people who have seen the big man of cultivation.

So in their imagination, the big guy is naturally unsmiling and extremely powerful.

But look at this person in front of him, short-sleeved big pants, and wearing flip-flops, there is no look of a big guy at all!

Many creatures in the heavens and realms had never seen such a dress, so when they saw the Huangshan True Monarch wearing it like this.

Many creatures were stunned.

"Huh? Is this the big guy?"

"Don't say it, this little sample is quite chic. "

The eyes of the creatures from the countless planes of the heavens and realms all fell on the Huangshan True Monarch, looking at the clothes on his body with interest.

"Don't say, you really don't explain, this dress is really trendy." "

The creatures of the heavens and realms looked at this big man, and they were completely dumbfounded at this moment.

This is actually a big guy, what kind of joke?

In their impression, the immortal cultivators are all personable, immortal wind Dao bones, and powerful.

The person in front of him was obviously an ordinary middle-aged man, who did not have the graceful and detached immortal cultivation temperament at all.

This is fake, right?

This is definitely not a real big guy, a real big guy will not be like this!

"I rely on, I don't believe it, I don't believe this is a big cultivator!"

"Wait, the group leader is like this, this... Shouldn't everyone in this group be like this?"

"Ah, then I don't believe this is a cultivation group!"

"Liar, definitely deceptive!"

"How can there be a true cultivator and a big man on the path of cultivation like this!"

"Wait, I have a bold conjecture when I say that. "

"Shouldn't the cultivators in this group be fake, this is actually just a carnival for patients with deep secondary diseases?"

"No, if that's the case, then my heart will be damaged!"

"Who says it isn't? Crooked? I report it, there are people here who are engaged in fraud!"

"I rely on, it's really a group of patients with secondary and secondary diseases, then we watched it for a long time, isn't it a big loss?

At the same time, seeing this scene, Chen Beixuan also looked helpless.

He also knew that the creatures of the heavens and realms reacted so much, in fact, he couldn't blame them, because the world they lived in was not like this at all.

They live in a world that is very different from what they see in front of them.

How would they know that such a dress is actually the most common in modern society.

This is too common in modern society, but these creatures of the heavens and realms have never seen it, so they make such a fuss.

However, Chen Beixuan was also a little surprised.

He originally thought that only Song Shuhang in this chat group was from modern society.

But it seems that this is not the case.

At the very least, this Huangshan Zhenjun is from modern society.

Suddenly, a conjecture appeared in Chen Beixuan's mind.

Could it be that everyone in this chat group is from modern society?

Could it be said that this Blue Star, where Song Shuhang was located, was really able to cultivate?

Song Shuhang's blue star in that time and space is really good!

At the same time, special planes.

Xu Que naturally saw everything in the sky curtain.

He also crossed over from the blue star, and when he saw everything familiar, his eyes couldn't help but show nostalgia.

This familiar world, familiar legends, familiar chat groups, and this familiar otaku and familiar everything...

This is the blue star he misses the most!

It has been many years since he crossed from Blue Star, but he still misses Blue Star.

Although he is hanging, he has risen to prominence by virtue of his plug-in in this world.

But what he misses most is still the blue star of the past, the modern society of the past.

Sometimes he still wants to go back to Blue Star, to his modern society.

Xu Que was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the owner of this chat group was actually from modern society.

It was a big surprise for him.

Looking at the familiar clothes on Huangshan Zhenjun, Xu Que couldn't help but miss it, this is the most beautiful otaku lying flat life, and it is also the life he misses the most.

Suddenly, he seemed to have arrived at something.

Wait, Song Shuhang is undoubtedly a blue star person in modern society, and the same is true of the group leader of Huangshan Zhenjun.

Xu Que suddenly had a big guess.

Modern society, Blue Star?

Could it be that everyone in this chat group is like this?

Song Shuhang and everyone in the chat group are actually netizens?

They are chatting in the chat group is actually an online chat, and when they meet, is it the face base?

I thought of netizen Mian Ji (Wang Qianzhao) chatting and talking about cultivation experience.

I don't know why, Xu Que felt a little strange.

That picture.


Just thinking about it, there is enough middle two.

Especially in modern society, a group of netizens, wearing big vests, Lolita short skirts, and Qina small shorts, open their mouths and say that they are all cultivation, several products, monsters and beasts.

This picture, thinking about it, is too beautiful.

This is also too middle two.

Xu Que still couldn't imagine what it would be like to integrate Xiu Zhen with modern society.

That's awkward.

Not sure what will happen next.

Does Song Shuhang have such good luck as him?

I hope that Song Shuhang will not be kicked out of the group, otherwise such a fun chat group will not be visible.

At the same time, the Huangshan Zhenjun in the sky began to calculate trigrams.

Huangshan Zhenjun really wants to calculate trigrams, not just talk.

After all, Song Shuhang was pulled in by him, although he pulled it wrong, but after all, he pulled it in, and it would be too faceless to kick him out casually to take him, the group leader.

You have to find an excuse.


That's right, arithmetic!

It seems to be pressing.

As long as there is something bad in the trigram, he can use this as an excuse to kick Song Shuhang out.

It just so happens that he has recently been very interested in arithmetic and is addicted to it.

He also had some itchy hands, let him calculate what he could calculate.

Huangshan Zhenjun casually picked up a copy of "Tang Poems and Song Words" and flipped it up, and the speed was comparable to quantum reading.

At the same time, he also operated a secret technique, and when the "Tang Poems and Song Words" was turned, he began to calculate what intestines.

In an instant, there was a mysterious power that extracted the poems in the book.

A poem flies out and forms a trigram.

The sky is mysterious and indescribable.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned.

No, this technique, this power, this person is really a true cultivator?!

Lying groove, don't be too outrageous, all the cultivators are like this?.

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