When they saw that the Huangshan True Monarch suddenly performed such a unique skill, the creatures of the heavens and realms immediately became excited and excited.

"I rely on, this is really the power of the cultivator!"

"Unexpectedly, this looks ordinary, and even some otaku and some sloppy uncles are really a truth cultivator!"

"Moreover, judging from this uncle's technique and aura fluctuations, this uncle is likely to be a big guy!"

"It is worthy of being the group leader of the Xiuzhen chat group, with such strength, it really fits the identity, big guy!"

The eyes of countless creatures lit up and looked at Huangshan Zhenjun: "The big guy begs to take the fly, big guy!"

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds were extremely excited, and the middle-aged man in front of them was actually a big cultivator.

At first, when they saw Huangshan Zhenjun's clothes, they thought it was fake, he was not an immortal cultivator, but just a middle second disease.

Even, they once thought that everyone in the entire chat group was a patient with a severe secondary disease of Xiuxian.

After all, which immortal cultivator in the heavens and realms is dressed like this.

Big pants, short-sleeved shirt, and a pair of flip-flops, such a dress you don't say that you are a true cultivator, even a middle-aged man with a career with Chengde, will not be like this.

The creatures of the heavens and realms had never seen such a dress, and naturally wanted to be crooked, thinking that this was not a big cultivator.

But in fact, this is really Huangshan Zhenjun, really a big man who asks for answers.

"I lean on, this hand is quite beautiful. "

"I see that those group members in the chat group have great respect for the group leader, and I don't know what the strength of the group leader is. "

"The group leader is a big senior, and his strength is definitely not weak, so that those group members who jump out can be so respectful. "

"That's right, the strength of the group leader Huangshan Zhenjun is absolutely undoubted. "

"His divination ability is enough to see how powerful his ability is. "

"To be able to become a group leader in such a chat group and be highly respected, this group leader is definitely not an ordinary strong. "

"As a generation of cultivators, so unrestrained, not affected by worldly eyes, as he pleases, he can wear whatever he wants, so uninhibited, this group master is not ordinary. "

"There seems to be only one possibility for such an unruly existence that I can think of, and that is the existence of transcending the Heavenly Dao. "

"Didn't the inventor just now also say that this plane exists in the realm and existence of transcending the heavenly path, I think this group of lords may be!"

"Anyway, since it is the group leader of the chat group, and can convince so many people in the group, the strength of this group leader must be extraordinary, and it is very likely that it is that transcendent existence!"

"Oh, I don't think so, if it is a transcendent existence, you still need to calculate the trigram?"

"The Heavenly Dao has 363 sutras in charge of the entire heaven and earth, and as soon as his mind moves, he knows everything that is happening on the entire plane, not to mention the transcendent existence above the Heavenly Dao. "

"Moreover, detachment is a supreme existence of the plane, and I don't think that any person who comes out is a transcendent existence. "

"It makes sense, it makes sense, it seems that although this group leader is strong, he has not yet reached the point of detachment. "

The creatures of the heavens and realms were discussing, and the topic went off track unconsciously.

"Fellow Daoists, isn't the most curious thing right now the result of divination by the Huangshan True Monarch?"

"The result of his calculation directly determined Song Shuhang's stay. "

Everyone suddenly realized.

Yes, they should pay attention to the results of the Huangshan Zhenjun's calculation!

Huangshan Zhenjun was embarrassed to kick Song Shuhang directly, so the excuse was to count a trigram.

Of course, everyone knows that as long as this trigram is a little bad, it is the reason for becoming the true monarch of Huangshan to kick Song Shuhang out of the group.

However, although the creatures of the ten thousand worlds are curious about what the Huangshan True Monarch has calculated, they are indeed sure that Song Shuhang will be kicked or not, and they will definitely not!

They already knew in advance that this chat group was Song Shuhang's plug-in.

Since this is the case, then Song Shuhang will definitely not be kicked.

Otherwise, how can this group become his plug-in?

Of course, as for whether Song Shuhang will be kicked, the key is to have a trigram with the group owner.

It can be said that the trigram of the group leader determines the fate of Song Shuhang.

This statement is no exaggeration.

The creatures of the heavens and realms were all looking forward to it, staring straight at the heavenly curtain, wanting to see the results calculated by the Huangshan True Monarch on the heavenly screen.

A poem flew out of the "Tang Poems and Song Poetry", turned into a stream of light, and in an instant, it filled the sky and slowly spread out between the universe and the firmament.

The brilliance eventually reincarnated into a verse.

[In heaven wish to be a winged bird, in the earth wish is to be a branch.] 】


Huangshan Zhenjun was stunned and instantly speechless.

No, what the hell is this trigram?

What does it mean to be a bird in heaven and a branch on earth?

Could it be that he wants to have an earth-shattering, vigorous love story with the new member of the group that he accidentally pulled in?!

Are you kidding?

It seems that the technique of calculating the trivia by yourself is not in place.

Although Huangshan Zhenjun was stunned for a moment, he didn't think much about it, only thinking that his technique of calculating trigrams was not in place.

This trigram is really strange.

Huangshan Zhenjun shook his head and prepared to calculate again.

If he is not accurate, he will not believe that it can be inaccurate!

Huangshan Zhenjun pinched again, and a mysterious aura spread around his body.

Immediately afterwards, the "Tang Poems and Song Words" was windless and automatic, turning in a loud and pleasant sound.

Immediately, another verse flew out of the book, flew up to the heavenly dome, and slowly unfolded on the heavenly dome.

[If the two loves are for a long time, they will not be in the twilight of the dynasty. 】


Huangshan Zhenjun was stunned, looked down at "Tang Poems and Song Words", and then looked up at the poem floating in the air.

Finally, this big guy couldn't help but burst out.

"I'm Nima, what is this!"

You can't really fencing with that new member, right?

He is a senior cultivator, he loves to be a woman, how could he do such an outrageous thing!

There must be something wrong with the trigram!

That's right, he must have miscalculated, it can't be so!

What the hell is this Nima, count it again!

Even if Huangshan Zhenjun is a big man of cultivation, he can't help but be confused at this moment, his heart is crossed, and he pinches it again.

If you count another trigram, he will not believe it, and it is the same for trigrams!

Huangshan Zhenjun's heart was crossed, and the law was shaken, and another piece of poetry rushed out, flew into the air, and appeared in the room.

[Looking back, the man was in the light!]

What the heck!!!

Huangshan Zhenjun was completely stunned, why?!


Why did he calculate such a ghost thing for the third time!

By what?!

How is this possible!

Huangshan Zhenjun is not well now, he is now in a trance, and he is completely silent.

Look at the "Tang Poems and Song Words" on the ground, and then look at the poem in mid-air.

For a while, Huangshan Zhenjun let out a long sigh, not knowing what to say.

And when countless creatures in the heavens and realms saw this scene, they were completely laughing.

"Hahahaha, really laughed me to death!"

"No, I never thought it could be so funny before I saw these trigrams!"

"Hahaha, three times in a row, three times in a row, this is fate, Huangshan Zhenjun, you still started from Song Shuhang." "

"I didn't expect that Huangshan Zhenjun was so bullish!"

"It's worthy of being a big guy in cultivation, it's really not ordinary, cowhide!"

"Co-authoring this group leader is the heroine?"

"Can this chat group develop a love story between a middle-aged man and a male college student?"


"It's a brilliant thing. "

"The big guy likes fencing? "

"This is really amazing, it makes people's eyes black. "

"Outrageous, outrageous!"

"One thing to say, I have now begun to suspect the orientation of the Huangshan True Monarch, the group master, he should not be bent, right?"

"I suspect that he and Song Shuhang are both bent, otherwise it would be impossible to calculate this evil fate three times in a row!"

"Hahaha, don't say it, it's really outrageous!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, all of them complaining about the trigrams calculated by the Huangshan True Monarch.

Who would have thought that Huangshan Zhenjun originally calculated in order to find an excuse to kick Song Shuhang out of the group, but he calculated a heaven-given fate for himself.

Just two words, outrageous!


"Why is the trigram calculated by Huangshan Zhenjun so outrageous, didn't he want to calculate whether to kick Song Shuhang out of the group, why did it become like this?"

"Is it really because the two of them are married, so there is such a result?"

"Three times in a row, all marriage?"

There were creatures who looked curious.

And Youdan shook his head and said indifferently: "I don't think so." "

"Looking at this situation, it is obvious that Huangshan Zhenjun's trigram is out of order, and he can't calculate the result that (CJFB) really wants to calculate. "

"As for why this is so, I guess it should be because Song Shuhang is hanging ratio, so it is so. "

"Maybe Song Shuhang was affected by the plug-in, so Huangshan Zhenjun couldn't figure it out." "

"We have seen so many inventories, naturally we should understand a truth, that is, the hanging ratio cannot be calculated by common sense, no matter what happens, it is normal." "

The creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it.

At the same time, I am curious in my heart.

How did this Song Shuhang enter the realm of true cultivation, and how did he start cultivating?

"Now that his identity as an ordinary person has been exposed in the chat group, there should be no one to say anything about cultivation in front of him. "

"In that case, how did he embark on this path of cultivation?"

"The chat group is his plug-in, what is the function of this?"

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds were very curious and speculated.

"I rely on, is it true that it is a netizen face base, and some big guys see that he has good qualifications, so they accept him as a disciple and pass on his cultivation path?"

"Hahaha, I think it's because of the love story, Huangshan Zhenjun can't bear that his other half is just an ordinary person, so it is possible to teach him to practice!"

"Hahahaha, where is this, this CP has a sense of beauty that does not care about the life and death of others." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

At the same time, the world is desolate.

Li Changshou's delusional picture above the sky canopy couldn't help but laugh at this moment.

He naturally learned these Tang poems and Song words, after all, he also crossed over from Blue Star.

But it is precisely because of this that he laughs.

As a later Blue Star man, he naturally understood what these poems meant.

And Huangshan Zhenjun actually calculated three trigrams in a row, and the trigrams are all like this, which is very interesting.


Of course, in addition to gloating, Li Changshou is also curious.

Song Shuhang is a college student, and his current age is about twenty years old.

Wouldn't it be too trange to start cultivating at this age.

At the age of twenty, the root bone and everything has already taken shape.

Those who cultivate truth have all started cultivating since they were young.

Even those who practice martial arts understand that the sooner they learn martial arts, the sooner they polish themselves, the better.

But Song Shuhang is about twenty years old, and now that he starts cultivating again, it's really a bit of a night!

If so, the upper limit he can reach will not be high.

After all, when he started cultivating, it was too late.

Even if the Blue Star where he was located could cultivate, but he was at this age, how to practice, the path of cultivation would definitely not go far.

Alas, alas.

Li Changshou was sighing for Song Shuhang.

However, suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes widened suddenly.


"That's not right!"

"Song Shuhang is a hanging comparison!"

How could he forget about this!

Song Shuhang is not just hanging comparison, he is also selected and inventoried existence.

According to the original timeline, they are all the strongest of one plane, powerful and invincible.

In other words, although Song Shuhang only began to cultivate at the age of twenty, and his start was quite late, he would also be able to become a powerful existence standing at the top of the plane in the future!

"Could it be said that Song Shuhang is a person of absolute talent and has risen all the way?"

"He's a wizard out of a million?!"

Thinking of this, Li Changshou's eyes froze, shouldn't this really be the case?

If this is the case, coupled with the help of the chat group, although Song Shuhang started early, he may also reach the top of the plane.

At the same time, Kyushu World, a university dormitory.

Song Shuhang looked at the picture in the sky curtain, and was also dumbfounded at the moment.

As soon as he woke up, he was confused again.

As soon as I woke up and opened my eyes, I saw that the hanging ratio that appeared in the inventory turned out to be myself!

He Song Shuhang was actually inventoried?!

The person who took stock this time was actually him?

Why didn't anyone inform him?

Song Shuhang was also a little confused.

At the moment, he is in the stage of joining the chat group, and he does not know what the chat group is.

That group that just joined is actually his own plugin?

He actually hung up the comparison?!

Himself turned out to be a hanging ratio?

Song Shuhang was a little confused, but his heart was happy.

Hang than ah!

After watching the inventory so many times, he naturally knew that there were many demons in the hanging ratio, and now he has become a member of the hanging ratio, speaking of which, Song Shuhang is naturally extremely excited.

However, just got the plug-in, was it specially exposed?

Really, I haven't had time to get excited for a while.

No it isn't!

Song Shuhang noticed the trigram of the true monarch of Huangshan, and couldn't help but tighten the chrysanthemum, and the tiger's body was shocked!

I lean! Rekai!

What is this Huangshan Zhenjun?

Everyone else is going numb!

Song Shuhang stared at the picture on the sky in disbelief.

I took a look, I didn't expect that you Huangshan Zhenjun looked thick eyebrows, and actually had this kind of hobby, it's really hateful.

Of course, Song Shuhang is also curious.

Can I really embark on the road of cultivation?

How far can I go?

Can it really be like the hanging comparisons who took stock before, pushing across the ages and suppressing the universe?

At the same time, on the other side, where the Huangshan Zhenjun is.

At this moment, Huangshan Zhenjun, a great senior with successful cultivation, also went crazy, and his whole person was even more numb.

At this moment, he couldn't bear to be rude.

"Nima! What is going on!"

"This trigram is actually a matter of no time?!"

"I lean on, the image of the Buddha-figure! It's all ruined, it's completely gone!"

When he thought that he had calculated the three trigrams, they were all such trigrams, and all the creatures in the heavens and realms had seen them, and the Huangshan True Monarch did not have the courage to live.

What a landless self-containment!

Especially those bastard boys in the group, if they know about this, they don't know how they will laugh at themselves!

At this moment, the phone kept vibrating.

In the chat group, everyone has begun to brush the screen!

"I'll go, I'll go, I'll go! I didn't expect ah, the group leader hid deep enough!"

"Group master の special fetish..."

"I understand, the group master actually has a Taoist couple, he is still a college student, Gu Rongan is powerful!"

"It turns out that the group owner is good at this mouthful, and I can't see that the taste is so heavy. "

"In that case, then I wish the two noble sons to be born early. "

Seeing this scene, Huangshan Zhenjun was completely numb, and decisively banned all members.

He gritted his teeth and clutched his phone.

"I remember all of you, wait for me!"

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