And just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, the picture on the sky screen changed again, and the time came ten days later.

Because last time Huangshan Zhenjun wanted to decide Song Shuhang's stay by calculating trigrams, but the three trigrams he calculated were all the same outrageous, causing Huangshan Zhenjun to directly put it bad, gave up the idea of calculating trigrams, and did not kick Song Shuhang out of the group.

Everyone in the group also knew that Song Shuhang was different from them, an ordinary person with no cultivation, but they didn't care, and they didn't deliberately hide it when chatting.

As Huangshan Zhenjun said, since this "pressure on the mountain of books" has been pulled into this group, it is related to them, and there is no need to deliberately avoid the "pressure of the mountain of books".

However, after that, how this "book mountain pressure" returns, then it can only depend on his personal fate and creation.

After joining this chat group, when Song Shuhang is fine, he will also open the chat group to see the small talk of everyone in the group, and sometimes if there is something, he will look at their chat records.

Every time I look at it, what catches my eye is still the fairy words full of screens, and there is a strong fairy atmosphere.

What secret realms, demons and monsters, all of them are things that only appear in fairy novels and TV series.

Although Song Shuhang didn't understand it well, he thought it was quite interesting.

In this group, all of them are a group of severe secondary diseases.

Don't say that although they are all middle school two diseases, they are definitely fairy lovers, playing their own roles, and they are quite competent.

Of course, Song Shuhang just treated them as fun and didn't care too much.

After all, now it is a modern society, who else can cultivate the truth, this is just a group of carnivals of the second disease, they can't be like them, then they will fall.

During this time, because of Song Shuhang's peeping screen, he also learned a lot of information about the members of this group and met many people.

Although he hasn't said a word, Song Shuhang's understanding of the group members has skyrocketed.

Song Shuhang originally did not take this chat group seriously, until one day he opened the group chat again and saw the pharmacist's information.

Pharmacist: "Improved a basic unilateral prescription!"

"Simplified version of quenched body fluid Danfang: ginseng three taels, wolfberries four two three money, Chaolu Xuan grass one or two, actinolite three taels, daughter Xiang one two three money... One or two fresh overlord branches, four or two slices of Jiuyang Chiyan bamboo..."

Immediately afterwards, a long series of messages appeared on the screen.

This is naturally the content of Danfang.

Forty or fifty kinds of medicinal herbs in a row, Song Shuhang was stunned when he saw it.

Of course, in addition to some well-known medicinal herbs, there were many medicinal herbs that Song Shuhang had never heard of.

This is the Danfang created by the members of this group themselves?

Song Shuhang was stunned, are they so reckless?

This Danfang has not experienced verification, so he dares to take it out casually, don't die, wow?

Moreover, what kind of fresh overlord branch and Chaoluxuan grass are, he has never heard of it, it will not be a strange thing!

Looking at these things sent in the group, Song Shuhang suddenly became interested, continued to flip through them, and wrote down the materials and refining methods.

He didn't know why he did it, but he always found it really fun.

At the same time, the creatures of the heavens and realms immediately became excited when they saw this scene.

"Quenching body fluid Danfang?"

"This is a good thing, it is essential to strengthen the body, strengthen the body, and temper the flesh!"

"There are not many pills that can strengthen the flesh body, but I didn't expect to have such a harvest when I looked at the inventory. "

"Moreover, this is still an improved Danfang, since this is the case, then try it even more!"

"I've got to try it! It's just that this kind of thing is rare, and I didn't expect this thing to come out." "

"Still that sentence, this good thing, no need to use it in vain. "

"This is a real treasure. "

"I've got to try!"

"I must try, I want to see how this quenching fluid functions." "

"Unexpectedly, let's take a look at an inventory, there will actually be an unexpected harvest, if this quenching body fluid is really useful, this time you can make a lot of money!"

"Who says it isn't. "

At the same time, in addition to excitement, the creatures of the ten thousand worlds also had anxiety in their hearts.

When will this Song Shuhang start cultivating?

The reason why they looked at the inventory was to wait to see Song Shuhang start cultivating, and they were shocked when they found that the people in the group were all cultivation masters.

But now, this guy Song Shuhang has been slow to step into the path of cultivation, which makes them anxious.

"Song Shuhang, Song Shuhang, you should hurry up and start cultivating!"

"It's really anxious!"

"Why doesn't Song Shuhang cultivate yet?"

In the sky curtain, the picture continued to change, and Song Shuhang saw that someone had actually started refining, and there were quite a few!

For example, Yurouzi, who entered the chat group after him, this girl is still refining pills at two o'clock in the morning, so you don't have to sleep?

In this group, are all a bunch of night owls?

Seeing that so many group members were ready to use this Danfang refining pill that didn't know what it was, Song Shuhang's scalp was numb.


These secondary diseases in this group really can't be saved!

Do they really want to refine pills?

It won't be poisoned, right?

If this is poisoned, as a member of the group, he will not be jointly and severally liable, right?

Song Shuhang was a little worried, but just when he was about to remind him.

But someone in the group spoke: "I just tried it, and the effect is good." "


Does the medicine work?

He hasn't reminded him that someone has already swallowed the "quenching body fluid"?

No, this is of unknown origin, messy seven or eight grooves, or something that you have refined with your own hands, and you dare to eat it?

Is it really fatal?

Are they really so reckless?

Watching the person in the group called the Seven Cultivators Venerable speak, he successfully refined and also expressed his opinion.

As for the medicine master who shared the pill and was certified by the Seven Cultivators Venerable, he was very excited.

"Thank you, senior!"

Alas, this...

Song Shuhang was also helpless.

This group of people is really not lightly ill.

But since no one died, then he didn't have to trouble his uncles.

Therefore, Song Shuhang did not make that familiar call.

Another day later, Song Shuhang opened the chat group again.

Someone in the group sent a message, ready to cross the robbery.

And the location of the robbery is in H!


After Song Shuhang was stunned for two seconds, he suddenly burst into laughter, and everyone was about to laugh crookedly.

Isn't it, Du Hahahaha!

It seems that the second disease in this group is really not light.

Not only did he create his own Danfang, but he actually had to cross the calamity?

No, do they really think they are those people in fairy tale novels?

Say that crossing the robbery is crossing the robbery?

Seeing such news, Song Shuhang was even more certain that these group members were the second middle disease!

Outright middle two disease!

Who doesn't know, the crossing is lightning and thunder, wind and rain, and thunder and slashing.

If someone crosses the robbery, then the weather in H City will definitely not be good.

Even the weather around me is definitely bad.

He was near H, and the weather had been good these days, and there was no sign of a doom at all.

What kind of robbery?

Are you kidding?

Even the clouds did not cross the calamity, this group of people are really sick.

Song Shuhang Fu Forehead, this group of middle two diseases, really outrageous enough, and one is more outrageous than one.

He was almost infected by these middle two diseases!

Song Shuhang suddenly woke up.

No way!

You have to stay away from these middle two diseases, lest you also be infected into middle two diseases!

Just when Song Shuhang was thinking so, Fang Cai was still cloudless, and on the sky dome of thousands of miles in the clear sky, suddenly a thunder fell, thunder exploded, crackled, arc stirred, thunder flashed!

Just now, on the cloudless sky dome, suddenly in an instant, it became cloudy and the sky was gloomy.

The thick and boundless clouds were stacked together, pitch black as ink, the arc swam away, crackled, tearing open the thick cloud, and there was a terrifying thunder!

The thunderclouds condensed in the sky dome, exuding terrifying power, extremely terrifying!

Song Shuhang looked up at the window.



No, doesn't the weather forecast say that it is a cloudless sunny day, good weather?

Why is it cloudy at this moment, what to do?

Sure enough, the weather forecast can't be believed!

Song Shuhang just wanted to curse the weather forecast that was not accurate at all, but he looked at the calamity clouds not far away, and suddenly thought of something, and a strange feeling appeared in his heart!


Very wrong!

Obviously the weather forecast says that there is no cloud, why does the weather suddenly deteriorate?

Moreover, is this thunder also too fierce?

Do ordinary thunderclouds really have such power?

No, this thunder is boundless!

Ordinary thunderclouds should not be so strong!

Suddenly, he thought of the conversations in the chat group.


When crossing the calamity, there will be thunderclouds, and it will split thunder, which even Song Shuhang knows.

Although he is not a cultivator or a patient of the second disease fairy, he is also a modern person and has read many novels and TV series.

In the TV series, Immortal Crossing is like this!

Thunder, dark clouds...

Lying in the groove, there should be no one who really wants to cross the robbery! (read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Song Shuhang thought of this possibility, and his face changed.

If that's the case, it's fun!

Do you say...

In that group, in fact, not all of them are middle and second diseases.

Are they really cultivators and true cultivators?

Suddenly realizing this, Song Shuhang felt that his whole person was not good.

What those people in the group said is actually true?

Song Shuhang was stunned, didn't know what he should do, and was at a loss, talking about what Song Shuhang looked like now.

At the same time, the creatures of the heavens and realms laughed at you.

"It's not easy, it's really not easy, Song Shuhang finally found that something was wrong!"

"How did his brain grow, and how did he find out that something was wrong?"

Thankfully, though, he finally realized that none of this was fake. "

"Hahaha, you see, Song Shuhang's expression is really wonderful, and it makes me laugh!"

"That's for sure, you think, what a groove that must be." "

"The feature film has finally begun!"

"At this point, this inventory can be regarded as the real beginning. "

"Quick, let me see how perverted this world is. "

"Is it okay to say that people are sick in middle school?"

"This guy Song Shuhang, has always said that those people in the chat group are middle two diseases, but now he himself is about to become one of them, Chen I gave middle two diseases, hahahaha!"

"No, I'm really going to die of laughter!"

"Song Shuhang is going to be punched in the face. "

The creatures of the heavens and realms looked at the picture on the sky screen with joy, gloating.

"Hahaha, Song Shuhang, you didn't expect that you would have today. "

Looking at Song Shuhang, who had always thought he was very sober, suddenly discovered the true essence of that group, countless creatures in the heavens and realms were going to laugh crazy at this moment.

"I guess Song Shuhang must not have expected that the plot developed like this, and he was really going to be laughed to death. "

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan also sighed, to be honest, this Song Shuhang is probably really confused now.

If his psychology is not strong enough, it is estimated that Song Shuhang will go crazy now.

He must have been confused, he must have collapsed.

After all, after living as an ordinary person for twenty years, he suddenly found that this world is not ordinary, and there are actually people cultivating immortals?

Whoever is changed, no one can accept it!

In this ordinary modern society, there are actually true cultivators?

Thinking about it from his own perspective, Xiao Yan felt that if he were Song Shuhang, he would definitely not believe such a thing.

So it's no wonder that Song Shuhang is so gaffe.

This incident is equivalent to shattering his world view, even the three views, it is strange that he is not stunned!

He lived as an ordinary person for twenty years, and suddenly he knew that this world could still cultivate the truth, who was not crazy?

It's okay, it's okay!

Fortunately, by chance, someone crossed the robbery not far from him, and the place of the robbery was not far from him, and he was able to see all this change with his own eyes.

Thanks to all these coincidences, if it weren't for which Taoist friend happened to be in H, and wanted to make Song Shuhang believe, he wouldn't know when it would be, which could be described as far away.

Without this tribulation, Song Shuhang really didn't know when he would be able to trust this group.

It's really going to be laughed to death.

"Is all this really just a coincidence?"

Some people conspired about it: "Think about it, is all this too coincidental?"

"From Song Shuhang being pulled into the group chat by chance, to now he saw Lei Tribulation by chance, and believed in the existence of true cultivators in this world. "

"I feel like it's all too coincidental, really a coincidence, and everything is so logical and orderly. "

"It's hard for me not to suspect that behind all this, there is a black hand behind everything, calculating everything and driving everything forward. "

"And the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes is to let Song Shuhang step into the realm of cultivation!"

"Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain this series of coincidences!"

"One is a coincidence, but such a string, it must not be a coincidence, it must be a calculation!"

"But, calculate Song Shuhang, but why?"

"Isn't Song Shuhang as ordinary as he seems?"

When the beings of the heavens and realms looked at it, they didn't find anything different about Song Shuhang.

Suddenly there is really a black hand behind the scenes calculating all living beings, so what is the purpose of his calculation?

Song Shuhang, there is nothing unique about it?

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds couldn't help but scratch their heads at this. Could it be that they didn't see it, and there were no beads in their eyes?

Song Shuhang really has nothing special!

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were discussing whether there was a black hand behind the scenes, the sky curtain changed again.

Song Shuhang began to be suspicious.

Is this really just a coincidence?

One second it said that it was going to cross the calamity, and the next second it began to thunder.

Which direction will anyone think in if they change, right?

Not simple, definitely not simple!

How can it be so clever?

Wouldn't it really be a disaster?

Thinking of this possibility, Song Shuhang was stunned.

Groove, really?!

He quickly opened the group chat and began to flip through the chat history.

At this moment, the chat information in the group is constant.

They were all asking about the Su family's seven little sixteen robberies.

Beihe Sanren: "Daoyou, is the Little Sixteenth Crossing Tribulation still going well?"

Mad Dao Three Waves: "Can you successfully cross the calamity?"

"It's better if you can, all the Daoists in the group are waiting to celebrate him." "

The chat message in the group is constant.

And the Beihe Sanren and the Copper Hanging Immortal Master were once again noisy.

And this time, they even fought at the top of the Forbidden Purple!

And Song Shuhang has been diving all the time, not saying anything, just quietly peeping at the screen.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms couldn't bear it.

"No, what is he doing?"

"The hangings are all sent to the door, and I don't know how to grasp the righteousness?"

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