The creatures of the heavens and realms looked at the atmosphere of heated discussion in the chat group, as well as the diving Song Shuhang, and they were also speechless at the moment.

"No, big brother, now that you have clearly seen that the thunder was because people had robbed people, you should always believe in this matter of Xiu Zhen." "

"But why are you still so calm here to peep at the screen, according to the right thing, shouldn't you ask to start cultivating?"

"That's it, such a group of big guys in the cultivation world, ordinary people want to contact there is no way, Song Shuhang this guy is in a group with them, but he has been diving, and he will not let them bring themselves." "

"Now that the members of the group can really practice, this matter is already a firm truth, and the hanging has been delivered to the mouth, but Song Shuhang still doesn't eat it, I'm really going to die." "

"That is, this hanger is almost fed to him, he actually doesn't eat it, can't it, can't change me." "

"That is, one second they said they were going to cross the calamity, and the next second they began to lightn and thunder, and a little brain knew that this was definitely not a coincidence. "

"People with a little brain have already begged others to teach themselves to cultivate at this moment, but this Song Shuhang is dumbfounded, like a stupid goose, I am really anxious to see it. "

"Brother, stop diving, hurry up and start cultivating!"

"This situation should also be understood." "

After all, Song Shuhang has lived as an ordinary person for twenty years, and in these twenty years he firmly believes that the world is materialistic. "

"Now suddenly saying that this world can cultivate immortals suddenly overturned his inherent cognition for twenty years and subverted his three views, who can believe this?"

"It's the same for everyone, and it's hard to believe it for a while. "

"It also makes sense that the environment affects people's cognition. "

"In the past twenty years, Song Shuhang has never seen a supernatural phenomenon, nor has he seen anyone cultivate. "

"Now suddenly tell him that this world can cultivate immortals, he will definitely not believe it. "

At the very least, "850" will take a while. "

"Song Shuhang is already calm, if I saw this strange group, I would have reported this group with my backhand. "

"I thought it was just a group of carnivals with severe secondary illness, but now it doesn't seem to be the case, can Song Shuhang still hold on?"

"It is estimated that Song Shuhang is going to die of shock in his heart now. "

"I'm a little curious about when Song Shuhang will start to practice, he should not be in this group for a short time, every day I watch these people in the group and chat about how to practice. "

In addition, he also happened to run into a member of the group. "

"These things, piles and piles, if one or two things can still be regarded as a coincidence, but so many things collide together, no matter who should believe in the matter of cultivating immortals." "

"I estimate that Song Shuhang's path of cultivation should also be faster. "

"After all, in such a group, it is rare not to embark on the path of cultivation. "

"One day, Song Shuhang will discover and completely believe the truth of this world. "

"The truth of the world, hahaha, this is a little interesting, a bit of suspense novel. "

"I don't know how this chat group will help Song Shuhang, and what kind of help will it give him on the way to Song Shuhang's growth." "

"Huh, by the way, those two people in the group made an appointment to fight at the top of the Forbidden Purple, didn't Song Shuhang just go to that place. "

"Could it be that Song Shuhang just happened to be able to run into the two of them in a duel?"

"He just saw the scene of magic flying all over the sky, so he embarked on the path of cultivation?"

"Don't say, it's really possible, this possibility is really not small. "

In the picture, Song Shuhang also saw the message in the group chat.

Bronze Immortal Master and Beihe Sanren offer frame?

After March, the decisive battle for the top of the Forbidden Purple?

Seeing Song Shuhang was speechless for a while, no, who do you think you are, Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng?

Also decisively battle the top of the Forbidden Purple...

You can go up and talk about it.

Who does not know how great the Forbidden City Peak is to the entire country.

The second of these two patients still want to climb to the top of the Forbidden Forbidden to fight a decisive battle, and it would be good not to be caught by the management personnel and call the police.

This is illegal, even dare to do it?

These people, the brain is really sick.

Looking at the impassioned battle in the chat group, Song Shuhang also looked helpless.

Forget it, it looks like you have to remind them earlier.

"No, it looks like you have to quit the group as soon as possible, otherwise you will really be polluted by these guys." "

"Is their brain really so bad?"

Also, the name of this copper trigram immortal master is quite domineering, but I didn't expect that the trigram was not accurate, and the Beihe Sanren would actually make a contract with him for this reason.

Song Shuhang sighed helplessly.

The people in the chat group are quite interesting, but their brains are really not very good.

Could it be because of severe secondary disease and going crazy?

Turning off the chat group, Song Shuhang began to browse the campus network to see what news was there.

It just so happened that he saw the thundercloud news just now, and it was not bad as he expected, and the thunderbolt location happened to be H.

And because of that sudden thunderbolt, H and parts of the neighboring Gangnam district lost power, resulting in a series of accidents, but fortunately there were no casualties.

Immediately afterwards, Song Shuhang browsed a series of irrelevant and nutritious campus news.

Just as he was about to quit the campus network, a new news caught his attention.

Just ten minutes ago, those bad teenagers near the university town were knocked to the ground by unknown masters and directly exterminated by the group!

Of course, it is not news that the bad is beaten, but dozens of bad numbers have been taught a lesson by one person, which is big news.

Even if it is the special forces king and the dragon king going down the mountain, it is impossible to knock over these bad things so easily with a pair of dozens.

This physical quality is simply a monster!

Obviously, this news was unexpected, and it made quite a wave on the Internet, and many people fell into heated discussion.

"Who is the mysterious master who teaches a bad lesson?"

"Who did justice and did that to the bad guys, so good?"

"With one enemy and dozens of enemies, sweeping all the bad things, this strength is really not covered. "

"I was stunned, this has to be the strength of the special forces king to be so outrageous. "

"Is there such a fierce man in our college town?"

"Never! It won't be some society, right?"

"Don't worry, when you wake up, you will know who did it." "

Song Shuhang didn't think much about it, turned off the computer and got ready to sleep, but for some reason, today's thunder appeared in his mind from time to time.

Until the next day, Song Shuhang opened the group chat again and browsed the messages in the chat group.

Su Shi A Qi: "I'm sorry everyone, Xiao Sixteen's thunder tribulation has not only brought you a small accident, but the problem is not big, it has been settled." "

"It's just that Little Sixteen is not in a good mood and has hit a few near H... Dozens of ordinary people, but fortunately there were no deaths, during this time, I have to take Xiao Sixteen back to the Su Clan, so don't worry. "

And Song Shuhang, who saw this news, was completely stunned.

Because he thought of the news on yesterday's evening, there was a mysterious master, and one person turned over dozens of bad things.

In the speculation on the Internet, even the top special forces king does not have such strength.

The person who can do this before must be a master who hides deeply.

As soon as it went online today, I saw the group members say this, is it really him?

Song Shuhang frowned slightly and continued to brush the message.

The pharmacist went online and sent a picture with a question mark attached to it.

This plant grows bently, like a coiled dragon. There is a row of barbs at the tip of the plant, and the rhizome is purple-black, which is very peculiar.

Beihe Sanren: "This is the poisonous dragon grass, how do you need it?"

When he saw this news, Song Shuhang's brows furrowed.

Poisonous Dragon Grass, as soon as you hear the name, you know that it is not a good thing.

Thinking about the little sixteen that Su Clan Ah Qi said in the group before injured dozens of ordinary people, how could it always feel that they did not pay so much attention to the lives of ordinary people.

This is a bunch of extrajudicial maniacs?

Or was he really brainwashed to this extent.

Although there are some doubts, it is clear that these observations cannot completely destroy Song Shuhang's worldview in the past twenty years.

So he didn't care too much, turned off his phone and went out.

When the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they gritted their teeth: "Okay, good, you kid really can't enter the oil and salt." "

"Okay you boy, so many facts are in front of you, you still don't believe it, do you?"

"Seeing that Song Shuhang has been wandering in front of the gate of immortal cultivation but has never entered, I am really going to die. "

"This kid is really stubborn!"

"There are people cultivating immortals in this world, isn't this an obvious thing, why do you still not believe it?"

"You don't believe this, is it a bad brain, brother!"

"Big brother, hanging is right in front of you, can you open your eyes and step into this True Cultivation Realm!"

"It's really not okay, you pull me in, and then you quit the group, you let me enjoy this ridiculousness, okay?"

The creatures of the heavens and realms looked at Song Shuhang and did not believe these people in the chat group, and they couldn't help but grit their teeth and clench their fists.

"Such a heaven-defying treasure opportunity is by his side, when will this guy Song Shuhang find out!"

"I served, I really served, after being beaten badly, I just sent a message, just happened to be around Lei Tribulation, so many coincidences you can't believe it, right?"

"Change to someone who likes associations, and now you have already begun to cultivate!"

"I'm angry, why doesn't this kid believe it." "

The creatures of the heavens and realms gritted their teeth, hating that iron could not become steel. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"No, I obeyed, does it have to be someone flying in front of him and exerting immortal power to believe it?"

"Don't say it, I'm looking forward to it. "

"I'm looking forward to it now, so stubborn and unwilling to believe that there are really immortal cultivators in this world, Song Shuhang's expression will be after discovering that this world can really cultivate immortals, and his cognition is completely subverted. "

"Hahaha, it must be wonderful!"

"That's for sure, it must be the end of the old man..........."

"The more stubborn a person, the more wonderful his cognition is broken. "

"By the way, fellow Daoists, I have something to tell you, do you remember the Danfang shared in the chat group before?"

"I have successfully refined the quenching body fluid according to that Danfang, don't say, it's really easy to use. "

Hearing this, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned at first, and then fell into shock and stunned.

"I lean on, buddy, are you really here?"

"No, how can there be such a person, this heart is also dirty, how can it be studied secretly, it is really abominable." "

"The world is different, the medicinal materials are different, how did you succeed in researching it?"

"With just one Danfang, even if you are in different worlds and the materials used are different, you can refine it successfully?"

"Daoist, you taught me this secret, how did you succeed, how did you do it?"

"Ah, you can do this, Daoist, you make me wonder if you are also a hang-up." "

"Absolutely, I didn't expect to find such a peerless thing after looking at an inventory. "

The creatures of the heavens and realms were envious of the good fortune of the person who had successfully refined the quenched body fluid.

At this moment, in the sky, the picture changed again.

Song Shuhang returned to the dormitory and opened the group chat again.

Although he felt that these people in the group were not normal, they were still quite funny to talk, and everyone was very interesting.

Soon, he saw the news in the group and learned that Yurouko of the Spirit Butterfly Island in the group was now in H City and was going to J City.

She wanted to go to Luoxin in J City to intercept and look for the ancient temple of Ghost Lantern Temple, but she didn't know the way.

After so many years on that island, she didn't have much contact with the outside world, and she didn't know how to get there.

The Beihe scattered people in the group taught her to use navigation and other apps.

This made Song Shuhang feel divided.

Aren't you fairy novels, directly open a portal This is the correct operation, why do you have to use your mobile phone to navigate.

You see me and say, everyone is actually just ordinary people, that is, they have been poisoned by fairy novels, and they are just middle two.

Roxin neighborhood?

Song Shuhang frowned slightly, this place is so familiar, it seems that he has heard it somewhere.

Although he was in Jiangnan District, Song Shuhang had no intention of helping, but put down his mobile phone and left the dormitory.

He wanted to go to a bookstore and read a book.

But I don't know why, I can't read this book today.

So there was no way, so he had to leave the bookstore and hang out.

And just strolling around, I don't know when, Song Shuhang came to the snack street strangely.

As soon as he looked up, he accidentally found the name of the snack street, which turned out to be Luoxin Block!

Seeing these words, Song Shuhang was dumbfounded.

Isn't this exactly the place that Yurouko of Reido Island is talking about?

No, didn't she say that Luoxin Street is really J City, how did she come here?

Is it a coincidence, or a duplicate name?

Song Shuhang was stunned, and also remembered why he felt that the words Luoxin block were familiar.

The original name of the snack street was Luoxin District, but because it is a snack street with many 3.8 cuisines, it has always been called "foodie paradise" or "food paradise" by the surrounding students.

On the contrary, its original name has been forgotten.

Luoxin Street is the original name of Snack Street!

Hi, this is a mess.

The place that Yurouko is going to is the Luoxin neighborhood, but it is the Luoxin neighborhood of J City.

This is also normal, just the name of a street, and repeating is a normal thing.

With so many streets and many duplicate names, Yurouko should not come to this Luoxin neighborhood, it should be the one in J City.

Is there also a Roxin neighborhood in City J?

Song Shuhang is not very familiar with J City, and he is not very clear.

But he didn't care, but sat down in a chair and began to rest.

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms are simple, oh, this scene is completely speechless.

"No, big brother, Luoxin block, this is!"

"The place where Yurouko is going is also the Luoxin neighborhood!"

"Don't you think that the Luoxin neighborhood of the two of you is actually the same place?"

"Coincidence, what a coincidence, why don't you believe it?"

"If you don't enter the realm of cultivation like this again, how can you step into the realm of cultivation, and how can you start cultivating!"

"Can't you just stand up and howl here and ask who is Lingshi Island Yurouko?"

"If you shout, maybe you can meet and you can step into the realm of cultivation!"

"I'm angry, this Song Shuhang is really a peerless. "

The creatures of the heavens and realms have no way to take Song Shuhang, they can only wait for the next plot.

Could it be that the two of them would meet here?

Then find out everything, Song Shuhang will step into the realm of cultivation?

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds are very curious about the next story direction, mainly because Song Shuhang is too unreliable, they are all in a hurry!

When will this kid be able to believe in cultivating immortals and when will he be able to start cultivating?!。

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