At the same time, the sky is shading.

Ye Fan looked at the picture on the sky screen, his eyes were full of expectation, and his heart was excited and excited.

Emperor Ye Tiandi, a generation of red dust fairies, was actually excited to this point, living like those fans who chased dramas in later generations.

If others saw the majestic and powerful appearance of Ye Tiandi, they were afraid that his filter would be shattered.

Looking at one coincidence after another between Song Shuhang and the group members in the sky curtain, Ye Fan couldn't contain his excitement.

From the resolute disbelief at the beginning, to now one coincidence after another, he had a hunch that Song Shuhang was not far from entering the industry.

Maybe when Song Shuhang will be able to step into the realm of cultivation, it's just a matter of time or night.

Although the current Song Shuhang seems to be unable to enter the oil and salt, no matter what he believes, even if he puts the hang to his mouth, he will not eat it.

Even if everyone could see that it was not a coincidence, he did not believe it, but Ye Fan believed that Song Shuhang would eventually realize the truth of this world and embark on the road of cultivation.

After all, he is a hanging ratio, and he is also the protagonist of this inventory, if he has never believed that Xiu Zhen really exists, then there is no point in normal inventory.

Ye Fan nodded, his gaze fell on the sky screen, and looked at the mobile phone in Song Shuhang's hand.

"Yurouzi is also here, and Song Shuhang is also in Luoxin District. "

"Look at this, is it a netizen face base?"

According to his guess, this time Song Shuhang should meet that rouzi and then step into the realm of cultivation.

Suddenly, Ye Fan thought of the Nine Dragons coffin, wasn't he the cultivation that he had only started when he was pulled to this world by the Nine Dragons Coffin.

If you want to step into the realm of cultivation, you always need an opportunity.

"Song Shuhang is the same as himself, his own opportunity is to pull the coffin in Jiulong, Song Shuhang's opportunity, is it the basis for this meeting between netizens?"

Song Shuhang would feel confused and unreal, but in fact, he expected it.

What he saw and heard suddenly overturned the inherent cognition he had cultivated over the years, and subverted Song Shuhang's three views, and it was strange that he was not shocked.

I think it was the same when their group first set foot on the Firefly Ancient Star, and it was not much better than Song Shuhang.

It's always shocking at first, but it's good to accept it slowly.

A little looking forward to Song Shuhang stepping into the world of cultivation.

A generation of hanging ratios is about to rise.

Mortal 29 planes, Han Li also looked eager.

"Why don't you start yet?"

This inventory has been open for half a day, but Song Shuhang still has not stepped into the True Cultivation Realm, and has been dangling outside the gate of the True Cultivation Realm.

"When will he be able to step into the realm of true cultivation and start his own journey of cultivation?" "

In this inventory, after all, cultivation is the theme.

Han Li, the old Gou King, was almost unable to withstand Song Shuhang's grinding.

"How can this kid be so oily and salty?"

How not to start yet.

Han Li knew that since Song Shuhang was the protagonist of this inventory and he was carrying an external hanging, there was a high probability that Song Shuhang would become that transcendent existence in the future!

Transcendent existence, even above the supreme heavenly path!

Han Li wanted to find out what kind of existence and strength this so-called detachment was.

As a result, but now, Song Shuhang's hanging ratio is still dangling, and he has not practiced yet.

Isn't it, buddy, you're a street sneaker?

Can you get down to business?

Hurry up and start practicing.

If you don't practice anymore, you have to wait until when you can get to the point.

"Transcendent existence, supreme, even above the heavenly path. "

"If you want to achieve such an existence, I don't know how many years it will take to achieve it. "

At the same time, Han Li also wondered that after counting the rewards, his palm heaven bottle got the bottle spirit and was completed.

Can the palm heaven bottle that completes the bottle spirit help you reach that realm?


Perhaps, that is the real big escape, big freedom!

Han Li's life is Goubi's life.

What he really cares about is not the detached great escape, great freedom, nor the grandeur of detachment, what he really cares about is the supreme ability of detachment.

If he is detached, there will be no more existence that can threaten his life, not even the Heavenly Dao.

The Heavenly Dao is the supreme rule that is the most strict and ancient in one plane, and it is also the most powerful, and cannot be destroyed or destroyed.

All living beings are actually under the Dao of Heaven.

The way of heaven is supreme, and the power is magnificent.

No matter how powerful the existence is, as long as there is no transcendent Heavenly Dao, it is still under the Heavenly Dao.

The mighty power of the Heavenly Dao is enough to affect anyone's destiny.

Even if one day, Han Li became the most powerful existence in this plane and defeated all enemies, Heavenly Dao could still easily change his destiny.

In order to keep his fate from being affected by the Heavenly Dao, he really doesn't need to worry about his own life.

Han Li was going to become a transcendent being no matter what.

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were sighing at Song Shuhang's indisputable anger and had not yet stepped into the cultivation world, the picture changed again.

Song Shuhang did not care about the problem of the same name in Luoxin Block, but bought some snacks and ate while walking, bored.

At this moment, a black-haired beauty broke into the picture.

The beauty is tall, very good-looking, long black hair and waist, scattered behind her like a waterfall, fluttering in the wind.

It is simply a natural movie heroine template, as soon as she appears, everything around her instantly becomes a foil.

When the slender and beautiful figure broke into the block, it instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the block.

Among them, there are three young people.

The three young men were bored looking at the passing beauty, but soon when this beautiful woman with the wind appeared, it attracted their attention.

Even Song Shuhang was amazed by this beauty, and couldn't help but look sideways at the tall, tall and tall beauty like the heroine of a movie.

"Groove, I feel like my spring is coming!

The three young men were just tasting another beauty in a red dress, but when they saw the black-haired beauty for a moment, they instantly shifted their gaze.

"One hundred points! This is the legendary 100 points of beauty! I love it!"

Among the three youths, a sunny man stood up and brushed his hairstyle.

"What are you doing?"

His companion looked at him with a confused expression.

"Such a beauty, if you don't know it, it's a pity, I'm ready to strike." "

"This is my love, no matter what, I have to go up and make an appointment, otherwise I will regret it in this life!"

"My love, here I am. "

Saying that, the sunny man trotted all the way and chased over.

A real man, just to rise to the challenge!

However, within two minutes, the sunny man returned dejected.

"What's wrong, rejected?"

"Not really. The sunshine man shook his head and looked frustrated, "No chance, that beautiful woman's legs are too long, I can't catch up." "

"She walked so fast, several steps ahead of me, I trotted all the way, and I still didn't catch up. "


When the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they all laughed crookedly.

"Hahaha, funny!"

"I didn't expect that the reason for the failure turned out to be this, which can be regarded as an eye-opener. "

"Fellow Daoists, this woman is not simple at first glance, she must be a cultivator. "

"You see, she's dragging that huge box, such a big box, and the weight is certainly not light. "

"But she lifts a heavy weight, does not work hard at all, and even walks like a fly, walks with the wind, and looks like a little effort!"

"Is this something that an average human female can do?

"So, there is no doubt that this beauty must be a cultivator!"

"Oh, Daoyou, do you mean that this beauty is actually very likely to be Yurouzi who said in the chat group that she is coming to Luoxin Block?"

"That's right, quite possibly!"

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms preliminarily determined the identity of Yurouzi, and then everyone looked at Song Shuhang.

These two are in the Luoxin neighborhood, and they are still netizens, it seems that something must happen between these two.

The creatures of the heavens and realms are also old fritters, they have seen all kinds of inventory, and they have experienced all kinds of things.

They could naturally guess that these two people appeared in the Luoxin block at the same time, but it was not only so simple to appear, there must be a story!

What must happen to Yurouzi and Song Shuhang today.

In the sky curtain, Song Shuhang withdrew his gaze, looked unconcerned, and continued to stroll.

Unexpectedly, he strolled around, and actually quickly met the black-haired woman he met earlier.

He carried a large bag of snacks for his roommate, and when he was about to return to the dormitory, he was confronted by the black girl with a huge suitcase.

Because the black straight girl was dragging the suitcase, he slightly staggered and let go of the passage.

"Thank you. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The girl was still in a hurry under her feet, but her voice was unexpectedly soft.

Just when Song Shuhang was about to leave.

"Boss, do you know if there is a temple called Ghost Lantern Temple near this Luoxin neighborhood?"

The boss shook his head with a regretful expression: "I'm sorry, I don't know." "


For a while, Song Shuhang was stunned in place.

Ghost Lantern Temple, how can it be Ghost Lantern Temple?

Luoxin District, Ghost Lantern Temple?

Song Shuhang naturally thought of the girl in the group, the girl named Lingdie Island Yurouzi.

Isn't the place she is looking for the Ghost Lantern Temple in Luoxin District?

The ghost made a mistake, he opened his mobile phone and clicked into the chat group.

I found that there were indeed a lot of news in the group, including the voice sent by Yurouko Lingdie Island before.

At this moment, Lingdie Island Yurouzi just made a voice, and Song Shuhang naturally clicked on it and listened.

At the same time, so disappointed that Yurouko had to come out of the store, and as soon as she went out, she heard an incomparably familiar voice.

It was the message she herself had just posted in the "Kyushu No. 1 Chat Group"!

As soon as I looked up, I saw a young man's mobile phone, playing his own voice!

Song Shuhang subconsciously clicked on it and found that Yurouzi's voice was exactly the same as the black-haired woman's voice!

And because he was outside, the black-haired woman behind him also heard this voice!

Yurouzi was stunned, and then stepped behind Song Shuhang.

A burst of fragrant wind entered his nose, like a faint floral fragrance, and like a woman's body fragrance.

And at this moment, Yu Rouzi's soft voice mixed with the joy of "meeting the old man in another country" entered Song Shuhang's ears.

"Kyushu No. 1?!"

Song Shuhang turned his head and saw the black-haired beauty, now if he couldn't guess the identity of the beauty again, he could find a piece of tofu to crash.

"Reido Island Yurouko?"

"I am, senior. Yurouzi asked expectantly, "Senior, what is your Dao number?"

In the entire group, except for the sixteenth Su family who had just crossed the calamity yesterday, the others were all seniors, and this rouzi still knew.

That's why Yurouzi called Song Shuhang that.

And the creatures of the heavens and realms who saw this scene laughed crookedly.

"Hahaha senior!"

"I'm going to die of laughter, it's actually a senior!"

"Yurouzi actually called Song Shuhang a senior, if she knew Song Shuhang's true identity, would she dig a hole and get into it." "

"There are indeed many seniors in the group, but Yurouko obviously forgot that there is also an ordinary person in this group. "

"No, fellow Taoists, I'm right, I said that if they can meet, they will definitely meet. "

"Look, what am I talking about. "

"The coincidence is happening again, this time there is nothing to say. "

"How can this be met too?"

"I just said that the beautiful woman who dragged the big box and walked with the wind must be Yurouko, you see what I say. "

"No, Yurouzi is not going to J City, why did she come here." "

"That is, she doesn't go to the Luoxin block of J City, what is she doing here?"

"Why is she here, is she in the wrong place?"

"Don't care if you're in the wrong place, just say it's a coincidence." "

"The two of them met again, dare you say it's not a coincidence?"

"Let Song Shuhang face the group members directly, further narrowing the distance between him and the chat group, and now Song Shuhang is one step closer to the True Cultivation Realm and to his own plug-in. "

"If you want to say that this 500 was not calculated in advance, I definitely don't believe it. "

"It's not easy to calculate this step. "

Don't you notice that Song Shuhang has come step by step, from being mistakenly pulled into the group, to the later robbery, bad boys, and today's encounter, it is all coincidences, so many coincidences piled together seem to be calculated. "

"It feels like someone behind him is arranging everything, pushing him forward, pushing him into the True Cultivation Realm. "

"The same feeling, I also have this feeling, being able to calculate all this, and even making Huangshan Zhenjun, a big man of cultivation, become his own tool person, and the person hiding behind the scenes is definitely not ordinary." "

"This step by step calculation is so far-reaching, it has calculated everyone, which is not ordinary." "

"Invisible black hands, so many coincidences are simply impossible!"

"This only shows one thing, and that is that these are not coincidental at all!"

"All this is carefully calculated by someone!"

"Song Shuhang was targeted by a powerful being from the beginning, which is also too miserable. "

"Now, Song Shuhang has met Yurouzi, and he should be able to step into the cultivation world. "

"It's better if you can, so that the plot is on track." "

"Well, that's interesting." "

"However, one thing is to say, Song Shuhang's luck is really good, at the beginning, he was mistakenly pulled into the group and came into contact with the True Cultivation World. "

"An ordinary person who strayed into the Xiuzhen chat group was not only not kicked out, but even encountered a lot of adventures, and even intersected with the people in it. "

"This is already a treatment that can only be compared to hang, if it is not a hanging comparison, who can do this!"

"That's right, even a simple shopping can be based on netizens, this is not ordinary, this luck really has nothing to say. "

"This kid's luck really doesn't have to be said. "

"I always feel that all this is to make Song Shuhang realize that this world can really practice?"

"I lean, don't say it, think about it like this, it seems to be true!"

"Watson, you've found a blind spot. I would like to call you the first detective of the heavens and all worlds. "

Song Shuhang touched his nose and skipped the topic.

"Are you looking for the Ghost Lantern Temple?"

"I can help you find the Ghost Lantern Temple, but I still have classes to attend, so I can't help." "

"This way. "

Yurouzi whispered, and then showed her outrageous hand speed, and successfully helped Song Shuhang take a leave.

Of course, you have to go to class, but if the teacher has some accident, you can't come to class.

After all, she is a true cultivator, and there are still a lot of small means.

This operation, watching Song Shuhang was directly a stunned big action.

He was completely stunned.

Is this really a human operation?

And just when Song Shuhang was confused, Yurouzi saw the Danfang that he had copied down before.

"Senior, you are also studying refining medicine?"

"The hard senior helped me, and when the matter comes, I will definitely send two boxes of medicinal materials to the senior!"

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