What did she just say? Two boxes of medicinal herbs?!"

A creature suddenly realized something, and stared at the picture on the sky in disbelief, "It's two boxes of medicinal herbs!"

"Just accompany her to find the Ghost Lantern Temple, if you can't find it, you can say something else, so you directly send out two boxes of medicinal herbs, is it so trenchy?"

"I took Nima's, I didn't hear it clearly just now, I'll confirm it again now, it's two boxes of medicinal herbs, not two plants, not two pairs!"

"Where is the rich second generation, so arrogant, throwing thousands of dollars, I really envy ah, is this a rich family?"

"Come, I will translate this sentence for all of you: Senior, let me send you two boxes of gold bars as a thank you gift!"

"Now do you understand the value of these two boxes of medicinal materials, these are the medicinal materials of the True Cultivation Realm, and they are much stronger, even those cultivators with Chengde Cultivation True Cultivation can't ignore these two boxes of medicinal materials!"

"That is, let's not mention that these two boxes of medicinal materials are rare, the problem is that Song Shuhang is just leading the way, and he can get two boxes of medicinal materials, which will really be crazy!"

"Nima, Miss Yurouzi, look at me, look at me, do you still lack to lead the way, I can too, I am the purest leading party, I have done a lot of this kind of thing to lead the way, I am absolutely familiar with it, and I will definitely be able to find the Ghost Lantern Temple!"

"I'm really served, a big beauty of this level, still such a trench, still a cultivator, I want to ask, which window did God close for her?"

It's our honor to lead the way for a beauty of this level, and whatever medicinal herbs you want, you can let me post it backwards." "

"Beauty, I don't want medicinal herbs, I can still give you upside down, you let me help you lead the way." "

"Brother upstairs, I must remind you that licking a dog is not a good death. "

"Hahaha, the scary pig heart has to be you, brother. "

"But then again, it's really quite rewarding, and it's not anything else, just leading the way, to be honest, I'm really impressed." "

"That is, if you lead such a big beauty, you can get two boxes of medicinal herbs, who is not moved." "

"However, this kid Song Shuhang is obviously wrong, he actually wanted to refuse at first?"

"He said that he had a class, and he had to rush back to class, and he wanted to refuse to lead the way for Yurouzi, what international joke?"

"Do college students have serious classes, don't they all skip class if they want to?"

"That is, what else to say about class, it is clearly an excuse not to lead the way, it's really strange, in the face of such a big beauty as Yurouzi, he actually refused?"

"This is not something that ordinary men do. "

"Brothers, I have a suspicion now, I don't know if it's true or not. "

"Huh? What?"

"Song Shuhang, this kid is not moved at all in the face of a big beauty like Yurouzi, and even wants to refuse, I kind of doubt that he is bent. "

"I rely on, no, buddy, what you said really makes sense, Song Shuhang won't really be bent, right?"

"Otherwise, he will definitely not be moved, there is only one explanation, Song Shuhang is bent!"

"Song Shuhang is really bent? "

"Judging from the situation in front of you, Yurouzi won't be the guide for Song Shuhang to step into the realm of cultivation, right?"

"Ah? Don't say it, it's really possible!"

"Judging from the development of these hanging protagonists, Yurouzi is likely to become Song Shuhang's Taoist couple in the future. "

"Daoist plus guide, Song Shuhang's start is really taking off directly!"

"Ah, the goddess of Yurou, my goddess, will become Song Shuhang's Taoist couple in the future, I can't accept it, I can't accept a little!"

At the same time, special planes, the Divine Realm.

When Xu Que saw this scene, he was also speechless.

"Putting such a good-looking girl indifferent?

"This kind of superb girl is in front of him, Song Shuhang actually didn't react at all?"

"No, this look, this figure, is this kid Song Shuhang blind, or is he a nerd, this is no action?"

"In the face of this kind of invitation from a rank goddess, they are all considering whether to refuse, good you Song Shuhang, you are really a talent!"

Xu Que looked at the picture on the sky screen, and the roots of his teeth were itching.

If a beauty of this level was in front of him, he would definitely not hesitate to take it immediately.

Beauty of this level, that is a rare item, rare in the world, it is a great luck to meet one.

But this Song Shuhang is in the blessing and does not know the blessing, in the face of such a beauty, he actually refused the invitation, and he was almost angry with him.

Song Shuhang, this kid is really in the blessing and does not know the blessing.

How hateful!

The outer hanging came to the door, he didn't know to cherish it, and wandered back and forth on the edge of the True Cultivation Realm.

A beautiful woman took the initiative to find him, and he even wanted to refuse, is this something that normal men do?

Xu Que gritted his teeth, his fists clenched to death, this damn Song Shuhang, he had to restrain a little, otherwise he was really afraid that he couldn't help but kill Song Shuhang, this damn guy!

It is abominable to be in bliss and not know bliss!

A beautiful woman of this level does not know to cherish it!

Let me go.

This time, Xu Que hopes that he can return to Blue Star, replace Song Shuhang, and develop a beautiful story with Yurouzi.

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan also looked at everything on the sky screen, and was also dumbfounded at the moment.

In addition to being a fighting master, he is also an alchemist with a unique peak!

As an alchemist, he naturally knew how precious those medicinal materials were to the alchemist.

Similarly, he naturally knew how valuable the two boxes of medicinal herbs that Yurouzi wanted to give to Song Shuhang were.

Song Shuhang, this kid, actually fell directly on his thighs?

Or is it so beautiful, such a thick thigh?

This luck is also great!

Song Shuhang's luck made Xiao Yan snort.

This luck, there is no humanity!

Unexpectedly, this Lingdei Island Yurouzi is actually a local tycoon.

The medicinal materials were actually sent by the box!

It can only be said, rich woman, hungry!

Are there many such rich women, trouble everyone to send one, thank you!

Xiao Yan couldn't understand, why everyone was in the same comparison, but the treatment they received was so different?

These hanging ratios behind him are really outrageous than one.

Those medicinal herbs, since they were used for cultivation, must be quite precious.

Yurouzi only wanted to send Song Shuhang medicinal materials after seeing that Danfang.

If nothing else, even if it is just the medicinal materials needed to refine the quenching body fluid, it is not ordinary.

Although it is not peerless and rare, the price is not affordable for ordinary people.

Good guy, people Yurouzi directly sent him two boxes.

Xiao Yan is an alchemist, naturally he knows the value of these medicinal materials best, and he is also the most sensitive to these medicinal materials.

At this moment, even he couldn't help but give birth to the mind to replace Song Shuhang.

This guy can get so many medicinal herbs, who doesn't envy ah brothers!

Xiao Yan couldn't bear it!

Good guy, really good guy, such a rich woman, this is not a direct takeoff?

It's really eye-catching.

Xiao Yan looked at the picture on the sky screen, and the hara was about to flow out.

At the same time, he also looked at the picture on the sky screen, quite speechless.

"What kind of gray machine is this Song Shuhang doing'?"

"With so many coincidences, can't Song Shuhang still send something?

Xiao Yan was also speechless, so many coincidences, a series of coincidences all smashed on the brain door, Song Shuhang actually didn't realize what happened?

He actually didn't doubt that there really were truth cultivators in this world?

Three times through the door and don't enter, right?

Xiao Yan really felt anxious for Song Shuhang.

At first, Xiao Yan was still defending Song Shuhang.

Before crossing over, he was also a modern person of Blue Star, and he also received the same education as Song Shuhang since he was a child, so he was naturally able to empathize with everything that Song Shuhang experienced.

After all, such a thing as cultivating immortals is too mysterious, and it is normal for Song Shuhang to not believe it.

He couldn't believe it when he first crossed over to the Douqi Continent.

However, after watching the inventory for so long, from the beginning to the end, he could not defend Song Shuhang.

With so many coincidences, this Song Shuhang still didn't believe in the existence of Xiu Immortal.

Xiao Yan was speechless.

Just your kid is so outrageous, isn't it, your kid is really a little abnormal.

At the same time, the sky is shading.

Ye Fan was also sighing: "This series of sighs, Song Shuhang actually doesn't believe it, how cautious is this kid?"

"Doesn't he have any fairy dreams?"

"Song Shuhang, this kid is really not in oil, when will he realize that this world really has the existence of the True Cultivation Realm." "

As a red dust fairy, Ye Fan couldn't help but be speechless.

"Song Shuhang actually hasn't realized the existence of this True Cultivation Realm?"

"But so many coincidences, it must not be a simple coincidence, he should also be able to realize it, right?" (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

"It is estimated that it should not be far from the truth that he broke through the True Cultivation Realm. "

Ye Fan nodded thoughtfully, since he had encountered the cultivators in the group head-on, it was estimated that he realized the existence of the True Cultivation Realm very quickly.

Yurouzi is indeed a big beauty, could it be said that it is Yurouzi who led him on the road of cultivation?

Yurouzi is the opportunity for Song Shuhang to step into the realm of cultivation.

Could it be that Yurouzi would make a move in front of Song Shuhang and let him discover the existence of the True Cultivation Realm?

I can't say for sure.

Ye Fan stared at the picture on the sky screen with interest, thoughtfully.

I don't know what the combat power level of this plane is.

Ye Fan was really interested in the combat power system of this plane.

After all, this is the only plane that exists beyond the existence of detachment.

Beyond the heavenly path, how magnificent and majestic it is.

The Dao of Heaven is already a supreme existence, and what kind of situation is it above the Dao of Heaven?

The supreme being above everything is so magnificent.

Ye Fan is now the supreme existence of the Heaven Covering Plane, but there is also a lot of existence away from the Heavenly Dao.

He was even more curious about the existence that was beyond the heavenly path.

Just when the creatures of the ten thousand worlds complained one after another... The sky screen changed again.

In the sky screen, Song Shuhang and Yurouzi decided to go to J City to find the existence of Luoxin Street and Ghost Lantern Temple.

The two of them took a car to J City, and after several hours, they finally arrived at the Luoxin neighborhood and looked around to find out the location of the Ghost Lantern Temple.

I searched around, but I still didn't find the Ghost Lantern Temple.

After some fruitless search, both of them were a little helpless.

However, at this moment, Song Shuhang soon met an acquaintance.

A man named Bozai.

This man is his roommate.

And this man, named Bozai, gave them a piece of information.

"Are you looking for the Ghost Lantern Temple?"

"My grandfather probably knows about the Ghost Lantern Temple. "

Both of them were already extremely disappointed, but they didn't expect another village, naturally they were extremely excited, and quickly went to find Bozai's grandfather.

At Bozai's grandfather, they finally learned the news of the Ghost Lantern Temple, but they learned that the Ghost Lantern Temple had long ceased to exist.

The former site of the Ghost Lamp Temple has now become a cemetery.

"A man named Huang Pickpocket fooled others into buying the Ghost Lantern Temple, and later saw that the person had not returned, so he knocked it down without authorization and built a big tomb for himself. Since then, there has been no Ghost Lantern Temple again. "

"Lying groove, is it so shameless?"

Song Shuhang was shocked by the shamelessness of Huang Pickpocket.

Unexpectedly, it could still be like this.

Unexpectedly, Yurouzi spoke faintly: "In that case, the people in Huang Pickpocket's family should be almost dead." "


What's the situation?

Bo Zai's grandfather also looked surprised: "Little girl, how do you know?"

After some conversation, Song Shuhang and Yurouzi finally decided to explore the big tomb, which is the former site of the Ghost Lantern Temple.

Found the location of the Ghost Lantern Temple, late at night, at eleven or twelve, the two of them were going to explore the former site of the Ghost Lantern Temple.

In the middle of the night, Yurouzi specially woke up Song Shuhang, "Wake up, wake up, let's go to the Ghost Lantern Temple." "

Song Shuhang looked at Yurouzi with a confused expression.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, to the cemetery?

Why is this girl's brain hole so big?

"Going to the cemetery at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, it seems that this place is still very important to the girl. "

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to the graveyard at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. "

"That's right, this place must be important to Yurouko. "

"Going in the middle of the night, or going to the cemetery, why is it so unusual. "

"Maybe people are going to hunt ghosts." "

"Eh, don't say it, it's really possible. "

"How is it possible, where there are ghosts, there are no ghosts in this world. This Taoist friend, I advise you not to preach feudal superstition. "

"Taoist, feudal superstition? Hahahahaha! "

"Daoist, let's vigorously promote science. "

"Science ... Daoist, don't you listen to this, isn't this outrageous?"

The picture returns to Bo Zai's grandfather's house.

To be honest, letting Song Shuhang crawl out of the warm bed in the middle of the night to go to the cemetery, he was very resistant in his heart. (Wang Li's)

Although Yurouko is a big beauty, she also has to give him two boxes of medicinal herbs.

But Song Shuhang still resisted.

Going to the cemetery in the middle of the night, isn't this sick?

And to be honest, he was actually a little panicked.

After all, the cemetery is indeed a little strange, and the Huang Pickpocket family died shortly after the cemetery was built.

This is indeed a bit metaphysical, not to mention that Yurouko is so scary to say.

But there is no way, since Yurouzi is so persistent, he is not helpless.

Yurouzi invited him to come, since they have already accompanied her here, it is not bad for this last step.

So, Song Shuhang gritted his teeth and decided to go to the cemetery with Yurouzi.

Accompanied by Song Shuhang, Yurouzi soon arrived at the place where the big tomb was located, which was the address of the original Ghost Lantern Temple.

It seems that Harouko is looking for Onidengji for some purpose, and after finding the location of the cemetery, she begins to make preparations.

After finishing the preparations, they began to jump around the grave.

"Groove! What is this doing?"

This operation completely stunned Song Shuhang, and Song Shuhang even subconsciously burst into foul language, "Jumping God?"

"Live-action grave bungee?"

What is this operation?

Song Shuhang really didn't expect that Yurouzi would make such an operation.

Song Shuhang took two steps backwards, and the mobile phone fell out of his pocket.

Under the light of the mobile phone, a plant was revealed.

Curved like a dragon, the rhizome is pitch black, it is the plant that you have encountered before, the poisonous dragon grass!

Song Shuhang had always felt that the Poisonous Dragon Grass was not a good thing, and now seeing this thing on the edge of the cemetery was naturally shocking.

Bad luck.

The creatures of the heavens and realms looked at the picture in the sky in amazement.

"Hahahaha, I can't do it, I'm really going to die of laughter, what the hell is the grave jumping?"

In the question "This operation is really over, I can't imagine in my life that it can be like this?"

"But what is Yurouko doing?"

"It's a mystery. "

"Isn't this poisonous dragon grass, it seems that this place is a big murderer." "。

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