"Grave bunging, hahaha, what kind of commotion is this, do you want to laugh at me to death?"

"I was really speechless, I didn't expect that a woman in the flower season could think of such an operation. "

"I really didn't expect that this rouzi looks so beautiful, there is actually such a one-handed operation, she is looking for the Ghost Lantern Temple, in order to dance at the grave of people?"

"It's really scary, Yurouzi wouldn't have any deep hatred with this yellow pickpocket, otherwise why would it be." "

"That is, the grave jumps, what a hatred this must be, what a big beam, to make people run to people's graves at three or twelve o'clock in the middle of the night to dance." "

"Love love, I didn't expect the girl to be so good-looking, but the people are so crazy, crazy criticism of beauty I really love to death." "

"I like Miss Harouko so much, I really want to be Miss Harouko's dog. "

"Ah, good brother, you don't have to. "

Upstairs, what you said has been written down by me, which plane are you, do you want to experience social death?"

"Fellow Daoists, have you found out, there is a coincidence!"

"Song Shuhang just accompanied Yurouzi to explore the cemetery, and found the poisonous dragon grass that the medicine master said in the group. "

"You see, this is another coincidence. "

"What's wrong with Song Shuhang's luck, how can you encounter coincidences anytime and anywhere?"

"I still don't understand, one coincidence is a coincidence, and two coincidences are not coincidences, not to mention that Song Shu Hanghai has encountered so many coincidences. "

"He's obviously a human calculation." "

"The medicine master said about the poisonous dragon grass in the group before, no, he casually encountered the poisonous dragon grass. "

It seemed as if someone was proving to him that there really was such a plant, as if it was proving that the existence of the True Cultivation Realm was real. "

"I feel that there is someone behind the scenes, trying in every possible way to make the existence of Song Shuhang's True Cultivation Realm real, and then let him step into the True Cultivation Realm and start cultivating. "

"This... Who the hell wants Song Shuhang to step into the realm of cultivation. "

"Coincidence after coincidence, calculation after calculation, this behind-the-scenes mastermind is definitely not simple!"

"Yes, so many coincidences, let's look at the end from the beginning, as a bystander, it is the clearest, if no one designed this, I don't believe it." "

"Will you believe it?"

"Of course not, coincidences don't appear so often, coincidences happen so often, there is only one possibility, that is, someone is calculating!"

"Who is it... Calculating all this?"

"Song Shuhang doesn't believe in the existence of the True Cultivation Realm, but the black hand behind the scenes seems to be fighting with him, and the more he doesn't believe it, the more he must make him believe. "

"What exactly is this person behind the scenes trying to do?"

"The more you don't believe it, the more I want you to believe, it's really awkward." "

"yes, why is that?"

"It's not simple, the people behind the scenes go to great lengths to stop at all this, and it's certainly not simple. "980" I'm numb, I'm really numb, what the hell is going on with this guy Song Shuhang?"

"How can you let him meet him no matter what?"

"It's just, this is also outrageous, it's just outrageous!"

When the creatures of the heavens and realms were discussing one after another, Song Shuhang in the heavenly curtain had already squatted down curiously, and then pulled out the poisonous dragon grass.

Immediately afterwards, a sound of a heavy object hitting was heard!

At the same time, Yurouko in the distance looked surprised.

Song Shuhang, on the other hand, was at a loss, not knowing what was happening.

Of course, although he didn't know what happened, at this moment, this picture was indeed clear to countless creatures in the heavens and realms.

Song Shuhang looked dazed, but when the creatures of the heavens and realms saw the picture on the heavenly screen, they directly gasped.

What's more, his scalp was already numb, his face was full of shock and disbelief, his eyes widened, and he stared at the sky screen.

Because, they clearly saw that in front of Song Shuhang, there were two spirit ghosts!

Song Shuhang is an ordinary person, not a true cultivator, and naturally cannot see the existence of spirit ghosts.

And all the creatures in the heavens and realms, because they are bystanders, they are watching and inventorying, so they can naturally see the existence of two spirit ghosts from the perspective of bystanders.

Of course, although those two spirit ghosts were in front of Song Shuhang, Song Shuhang was not very dangerous, to the extent that he had to die.

This is naturally because Song Shuhang has an invisible barrier around him!

Of course, whether it is a barrier or a spirit ghost, Song Shuhang is invisible.

Therefore, Song Shuhang looked confused and did not know what happened.

And the reason why Yurouzi looked at him with a surprised look was naturally because he discovered Song Shuhang's current situation.

In addition, it was also because Song Shuhang was not harmed by the two spirit ghosts.

Unexpectedly, that poisonous dragon grass was actually a formation eye!

At this time, the creatures of the heavens and realms also understood that there were actually two spirit ghosts in this place.

And Yurouzi came here to kill the spirit ghosts.

That's why she kept looking for the location of the Ghost Lantern Temple.

And the reason why she jumped at the grave before was not actually bouncing, but fighting with two spirit ghosts, she was destroying ghosts.

It's just that everyone hasn't seen any of the two spirit ghosts at that time, so they feel so strange.

Those two spirit ghosts are not Yurouzi's opponents, after all, Yurouzi is a third-grade realm, and his strength is not weak.

So the two of them decisively gave up the powerful Yurouzi and prepared to find a soft persimmon to start.

And the soft persimmon they set their eyes on, naturally (CJBC) came with Yurouzi, but Song Shuhang who did not have the breath of a true cultivator at all.

The two spirit ghosts wanted to hurt Song Shuhang, but unexpectedly, Song Shuhang pulled out the poisonous dragon grass at this time!

And the poisonous dragon grass was pulled out, and it opened the guardian array here and protected Song Shuhang.

Therefore, Song Shuhang, an ordinary talent, was not hurt by the spirit ghost.

The large array blocked the spirit ghosts and protected Song Shuhang

Unexpectedly, Song Shuhang, an ordinary person, was actually able to protect himself under the attack of the spirit ghost and was not injured.

It's really weird, but I have to believe it.

The formation was activated, wrapping Song Shuhang in it and guarding him.

The sound of the collision was because the two spirit ghosts wanted to strike at Song Shuhang, but they crashed into the invisible barrier.

It was emitted by the spirit ghost hitting the barrier.

Yurouko looked at this scene and was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Senior Song discovered the key to this place at a glance and directly opened the Great Array?

That poisonous dragon grass, in fact, she also saw it, but she didn't care.

But I didn't expect that the poisonous dragon grass was actually the eye of the formation, the key to the large array, and only by pulling out that poisonous dragon grass could the large array be opened.

What she overlooked was recognized by her predecessors and could be seen at a glance.

Is this the gap between her and her predecessors?

And when the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they were all silent.

Now, there is really nothing to say.

What kind of luck is Song Shuhang, casually pulling out a plant, can release two spirit ghosts that have been suppressed by the seal for so long, it is really a peerless son.

Can this Nima still be a coincidence?

This is definitely no coincidence!

Such a small probability of waiting for things, but let Song Shuhang meet.

That's a coincidence!

And behind this coincidence, there must be a calculation of one ring and one ring!

Behind this, there must be an unknown behind-the-scenes hand driving everything.

Isn't this Nima a proper protagonist aura?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, there can never be such a coincidence in this world, and such coincidences are still happening one after another, so it is even more impossible." "

"There is only one explanation for all this, that is, behind this coincidence, someone must be calculating everything, and all this has long been calculated by the existence of the great shore, which is why it is such a coincidence." "

"All this happened not by coincidence, but by a situation that has already been laid out. "

"But who will be able to lay out this and do all this?"

"What kind of existence is so boring, will calculate all this, is there any secret in Song Shuhang?"

"With such great power, being able to calculate all this, making everything interlocked, such an existence, I can only think of one!"


The creatures of the heavens and realms spoke almost in unison,

"Heavenly Dao!"

"Only Heavenly Dao has such an ability to do all this!"

Could it be that all this is actually arranged by Heaven's Dao, which is why there is such a coincidence?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"It's really a bit outrageous, this brain hole is too big." "

"If it's really Heavenly Dao, why would Heavenly Dao do this, is it just for fun?

"Family, who understands, people are in Blue Star, and Heaven's Dao has arranged for me to cultivate immortals!"

"Hahaha, the Taoist friends above, don't be too ridiculous. "

"There is an old saying that says nothing more than three. But right now, this coincidence has happened more than three times, right?"

"All this will never be so simple!"

"I believe, one is the layout of the mighty son!" (read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Speaking of power, I have a guess. "

"Well, Taoist friends might as well say it and listen. "

"Do you Daoists remember that Daoist friend of Song Shuhang, the group leader of the chat group, Huangshan Zhenjun?"

"Huangshan Zhenjun is also a powerful cultivator master, his ability is enough to arrange all this, maybe it was arranged by Huangshan Zhenjun?"

"What, Huangshan Zhenjun?!"

"Hahaha, it's not too ridiculous, is this a Daoist couple?"


"Go a single six, or buddy, your brain hole is big enough!"

Huangshan Zhenjun: I hereby sue you for slander!

The creatures of the heavens and realms were immediately happy.

It has to be this group of people, it's really interesting, and the speech is better than the other, and the inventory is really the most interesting thing in the world.

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li looked at everything that happened on the sky screen, and his face was also full of disbelief.

"How is that possible?"

"There is no such thing!"

"It is absolutely impossible to be so coincidental!"

"How could it be so coincidental?"

Song Shuhang pulled out the poisonous dragon grass, and it just so happened that the poisonous dragon grass was the formation eye, and the chance of this was too small.

But all this happened!

It can only be said that this is too much of a coincidence!

Is it really that coincidental?

He didn't believe it.

Han Li frowned, he was used to conspiracy theories.

Is this the ability to hang comparisons, if so, it can indeed be explained.

But Han Li wanted to be cautious, and he still had a conspiracy theory idea.

That is, in fact, there is a black hand behind all this.

And the reason why there are so many coincidences is naturally because everything has been arranged by the masterminds behind the scenes.

Song Shuhang has been completely arranged by the black hands behind the scenes!

From the beginning to the present, every step of his way is under the control of the masterminds behind the scenes.


If you think so, it's really scary to think about!

Indeed, from the beginning to now, everything has coincided so outrageously that even if there is no mastermind behind it, no one may believe it. "

Han Li muttered, frowning in thought.

All things are so outrageously coincidental!

By mistake, he was pulled into the chat group where the cultivator was, and Huangshan Zhenjun did not kick him because of the ridiculous trigram.

Immediately after, it was this rouzi, who was supposed to go directly to J City to find the Luoxin neighborhood and the Ghost Lantern Temple.

But he accidentally bumped into the city where Song Shuhang was located, and in that city, there was actually a Luoxin block!

Moreover, she also happened to run into Song Shuhang!

And Song Shuhang actually came to this place with her, and also happened to meet Song Shuhang's roommate, and learned the location of the Ghost Lantern Temple from his roommate's grandfather.

And when he, an ordinary person, was attacked by spirit ghosts, he could actually pull out the poisonous dragon grass to protect himself.

All this, it's just amazing.

Everything is a coincidence, but many coincidences are intertwined, and they are so tightly knitted.

This makes people wonder what these coincidences are all about!

It's definitely not a simple coincidence!"

"If it's a coincidence, it can't be so delicate, this is obviously the appearance of someone carefully arranged!"

"It's just, really think we're fools? "

At the same time, the world is desolate.

Li Changshou saw the appearance of countless creatures in the heavens and realms, and his face was full of helplessness.

"The speculations of these creatures may indeed have some truth. "

"But they forgot that this Song Shuhang is a hanging comparison." "

"Hanging comparison is the most unreasonable. "

Li Changshou looked up at the sky and opened his mouth faintly, as a member of the hanging ratio, he was naturally qualified to say this.

Hanging comparisons are always unreasonable.

These creatures are still too fuss after all, although it is indeed a little outrageous, but just think about the identity of Song Shuhang.

It is much more reasonable that all this happened to him.

No matter what happens or what is done, it is actually a normal operation.

Just like no one believed that he could overturn the saint and the heavenly path.

But now, isn't he still re-establishing the flood order?

However, there were some coincidences, and even he felt that some were too many coincidences.

But he couldn't explain it, and could only barely explain it with the identity title of hangbi.

You can only button the title first.

As for why all this happened, even Li Changshou, a Dao ancestor-level existence, did not know.

However, being compared to identity can explain everything beyond imagination in most posthumous situations.

Those things, hanging ratios can do it.

At the same time, at the same time.

Cover the sky.

Ye Fan looked at the sky curtain thoughtfully.

Is it very likely that someone arranged it?

The reason why Song Shuhang experienced all this is probably because someone is calculating behind his back?

He thought of himself, the reason why he was pulled here by the Nine Dragons coffin, in fact, was also arranged!

The person who arranged him was naturally the ruthless emperor!

The ruthless man arranged for the Nine Dragons to pull him to the Forbidden Land of the Desolate Ancient and let him set foot in cultivation.

And the poor little girl Xiao Yan that he picked up later, in fact, it was just the Dao fruit of the ruthless emperor.

All of this is the ruthless emperor manipulating this behind the scenes.

If he hadn't looked at the inventory, it is estimated that he still didn't know what was going on.

Speaking of which, Zhennima is the same disease.

But fortunately, the ruthless emperor did not have bad intentions for him.

At the same moment, Kyushu World.

The squirrel Han Bagui watched everything that happened in the sky, and his scalp was numb at the moment.

All this is really a coincidence!

This is definitely not a simple coincidence, and there must be a reason for all this

Why does he always feel like someone is teasing him?

Could it be that there is really a so-called Heavenly Dao, everything has already been arranged in the underworld, and everything is predestined?

Now it seems that these things that happened in the future cannot be explained by common sense, which is really too coincidental.

Novels dare not write like that.

He was a little curious, what would happen after this?

And what is the reason for all this?.

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