The creatures of the heavens and realms do not believe that this series of coincidences is just a simple coincidence, in their opinion, one or two coincidences may still be justified, but this series of coincidences must be calculated by someone.

Therefore, they were all full of curiosity about the development of the situation after that, and countless creatures in the heavens and realms were almost looking forward to seeing what would happen later.

Can Song Shuhang realize that in this world, there are really things beyond his comprehension, and there are really immortal cultivators in this world.

Or in other words, he still insisted on going his own way and refused to believe in the matter of cultivating immortals, and it was through other coincidences that he finally learned about cultivating immortals.

If Song Shuhang could see it, if he saw those two spirit ghosts with his own eyes, he might not have any doubts about the matter of cultivating immortals.

But unfortunately, he is only a mortal now, and he can't see the two spirit ghosts dancing with their teeth and claws rushing towards him.

The education that Song Shuhang had received for so many years made him not believe in the existence of the True Cultivation Realm.

So even after experiencing so much, even if he may really have doubts in his heart, now Song Shuhang still can't believe that there is really such a thing as cultivating immortals.

The creatures of the heavens and realms couldn't help but become anxious: "When will Song Shuhang realize that this plane can really cultivate?"

"He doesn't start practicing when he's old, and he can't get on the right track. "

"It's been so long since this inventory, Song Shuhang is still just a mortal, and he hasn't started cultivating yet. "

"Don't talk about cultivation, he still hasn't believed in the existence of the True Cultivation Realm, you said how outrageous this step is." "

"No, Song Shuhang, Song Shuhang, why are you so smelly and hard. "

The creatures of the heavens and realms are helpless to him, this kid is really oily and saltless, speechless.

Now, the creatures of the heavens and realms have a consensus, that is, behind all this, there must be a black hand behind the scenes.

The man behind the scenes pushed everything and created such a series of coincidences.

Its purpose is likely to make Song Shuhang realize the existence of the True Cultivation Realm and successfully push him into the True Cultivation Realm.

The question is, who is behind all this?

Who is so eager to let Song Shuhang step into the realm of cultivation and start cultivating?

Could it be the Heavenly Dao of this dimension?

Still is...... That so-called "Taoist couple" Huangshan Zhenjun?

"Lying groove, you said that the mastermind behind the scenes that drives everything should not be Li Qiye. "

"Li Qiye is familiar with doing this kind of thing, and the tens of millions of years of the emperor's hegemony are not promoted by him. "

"Li Qiye used to be the big black hand behind the Emperor's hegemonic plane, maybe this Kyushu plane, he is also the behind-the-scenes promoter?"

"Lie down, brother, you brain circuit, yes!"

"This Taoist friend's thinking is really strange, but it is a talent. "

"Hahaha, Li Qiye is okay, they are not even in the same plane, how can they be behind the scenes." "

And Li Qiye nodded: "Ah, yes, yes, it's all me, everything is me." "

In the hegemony of the emperor, he was indeed the black hand behind the scenes, promoting the rise and end of the great world, pushing one emperor after another to the front of the stage, shocking all eternity.

But can't you just pour all the dirty water on his head because of this?

Who this Song Shuhang is, he doesn't know at all.

Even he and Song Shuhang are not in the same plane at all, why should he calculate Song Shuhang?

It's outrageous!

Yes, yes, you are the smartest.

At the same time, in the sky, the picture changes again.

Song Shuhang inadvertently pulled out the poisonous dragon grass, opened the formation, and protected himself.

This scene, in the eyes of the creatures of the heavens and realms, is naturally not a big deal, but it is just a coincidence.

And Song Shuhang himself actually didn't realize that something was wrong, because he really didn't find anything, just pulled out a poisonous dragon grass.

However, falling in the eyes of Yurouzi, it is not!

His casual hand directly stunned Yurouzi.

Unexpectedly, she didn't find such a hidden array of eyes, but she didn't escape the eyes of Senior Song at all!

Senior Song's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he could see at a glance that the poisonous dragon grass was unusual, pulled out the poisonous dragon grass, and successfully opened the big array!

Sure enough, Senior Song is not an ordinary person!

Yurouzi looked at Song Shuhang with adoration, and even decided in her heart that Song Shuhang must be a hidden boss.

Don't look at him now, just an ordinary student, his speech and behavior are ordinary people.

But she decided in her heart that this was Senior Song training himself in Red Dust.

Senior Song, must be a big guy senior who can't touch the edge!

Just a small test of the cow knife completely shocked her.

Senior Song, unfathomable!

"Hahaha, brothers, look at Yurouzi's eyes, like the eyes of the great god like you?"

"It's bad, Yurouzi has begun to dissipate, and she has really become the little fan sister of this guy Song Shuhang. "

"Yurouzi really thought that Song Shuhang was some hidden senior, and now he has completely fallen under Song Shuhang's flower pants. "

"I have some expectations of what would happen if Yurouzi knew Song Shuhang's true identity. "

"Ding – your little fan sister has arrived. "

"It is estimated that Song Shuhang himself is ignorant, invisibly, he has become a big guy, the key is that he still doesn't know anything hahaha, you can say it's outrageous." "

"Outrageous, as outrageous as it gets. "

At the same time, in the picture of the sky screen, Yurouzi decisively shot and seriously injured the two spirit ghosts, and then took out the soul sealing ice beads, and used the soul sealing ice beads to subdue the two spirit ghosts and conclude a contract.

In Song Shuhang's perspective, the two cyan light masses that danced around Yurouzi on the grave before were sucked into two ice beads.

This face is super mysterious!

Seeing this scene, Song Shuhang's eyes straightened, he was really dumbfounded.

No, what is this?

What is that cyan light mass, and what is that blue ice bead?

All this is a little beyond Song Shuhang's understanding, making Song Shuhang really a little confused.

Is this a science fiction movie?

Song Shuhang's face was full of strangeness.

At this moment, the worldview he has built up over the years has really collapsed by more than half - perhaps, and in this world, there are really ghosts?

And as for this rouzi in front of him, although she is a delicate beauty on the outside, but she can subdue two ghosts, she must not be an ordinary child, is it ... Taoist?!

Thinking like this, while thinking, Yurouzi thanked him: "Thank you Senior Song, if it weren't for Senior Song this time, I wouldn't have been able to accept these two spirit ghosts so smoothly." "

Song Shuhang laughed dryly, but did not speak.

It's not that he's cold, it's that he doesn't know what to say at all.

These things that are beyond his worldview are unimaginable to him.

At this moment, his world view has just collapsed by more than half, and he is still in a state of confusion, and he doesn't know what he wants to say.

"Senior, this time I was able to suppress these two spirit demons, senior, you have done a great job. "

"In this way, this spirit ghost will be given to you, although you may not be able to use it, but future generations and disciples may be able to use it." "

Yurouzi actually wanted to give one of the middle-rank spirit ghosts to Song Shuhang.

Of course, Song Shuhang is afraid, he just believed that there may really be ghosts in this world.

Yurouko is about to give herself a spirit ghost that has been sealed.

Ordinary people, who are not afraid of ghosts?

Song Shuhanghun is full of rejection!

This is not a gift or a small animal, this is a spirit ghost!

Who dares to accept this?

Song Shuhang was full of fear, and his face was terrified.

One thing is to say, he is just an ordinary person, and he is not a match for these spirits and ghosts at all.

What should he do if the spirit ghost here runs out and devours his essence blood?

He is an ordinary person who is afraid that he will be sucked dry by this ghost!

However, although he refused, he couldn't resist Yurouzi's enthusiasm, and had to give him the spirit ghost, and Song Shuhang had no choice, so he could only bite the bullet and accept the spirit ghost.

And he has always been confused from the beginning to the end, from beginning to end.

Exploring the cemetery at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, I even found that there are very likely ghosts in this world.

Until now, I have also obtained a ghost.

On this night, so many incredible things, outrageous things that Song Shuhang would not have believed before happened to him.

Song Shuhang was already a little confused.

The worldview he has built up over the years has also collapsed by more than half.

What is this?

At the same time, the creatures of the heavens and realms are excited, and you talk about everything.

"Look, let me just say, as a hangbi, luck is rich, this opportunity must be indispensable. "

"Song Shuhang just followed Yurouzi to the cemetery, and he obtained a spirit ghost. "

"Spirits and ghosts can assist in cultivation, so that the path of cultivation can be doubled with half the effort. "

"Isn't this just a cultivation hanger?"

"Look, let me just say, hanging is always incomprehensible, people who have not yet practiced, they have already obtained the opportunity to help practice. "

"Sure enough, people are more angry than people!"

"This is indeed Song Shuhang's chance, although he can't use it now, but sooner or later, he will step into the realm of cultivation. "

"By then, he'll definitely be able to use it." "

"In the future, on the road of cultivation, this spirit ghost's help to him is very small. "

"Gee, Song Shuhang's luck, it's really nobody. "

"One by one, coincidences are intertwined, until he obtains this spirit ghost, each ring has a coincidence existence, and it is precisely because of this that he can finally obtain this spirit ghost. "

"I have to say that this luck is really amazing, worthy of the hanging ratio. "

"It's not so much luck as the man behind the scenes who secretly manipulated and arranged all this well." "

In the sky, the picture changes again.

In the blink of an eye, the night passed.

After subduing the two spirit ghosts, Yurouzi's purpose was naturally achieved, and it was time to part ways with Song Shuhang.

Before the two separated, Yurouzi specially insisted that Song Shuhang's delivery address be came.

"Senior, we people on Spirit Butterfly Island value our promises the most, and please senior, don't let me break my word. "

It turned out that Yurouzi was still thinking about the two boxes of medicinal herbs.

Although the spirit ghost had been given to Song Shuhang by him, Yurouzi still felt that it was not enough, after all, those two boxes of medicinal herbs were things she had promised to do a long time ago.

Song Shuhang didn't feel anything, so he gave his address to Yurouzi.

After this, the two separated.

At the same time, in the chat group, Beihe Sanren, who had not been online for a long time, finally bubbled up again.

Beihe Sanren: "How is it, Yurouzi, have you found the Ghost Lantern Temple?"

Yurouzi: "Although there were some twists and turns, I found the wrong place at the beginning and went to the Luoxin neighborhood in Gangnam District. But in the end, fortunately, after some twists and turns, I still found it. Not only found the Ghost Lantern Temple, but also met a very powerful Song senior in the group, with extraordinary strength. "

"The gains from this trip are really not small. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Beihe Sanren: "Senior Song?"

"There is also a senior Song in our group, Yurouzi, do you know what the senior's Dao number is?"

Yurouzi: "The senior did not tell me the Dao number, but only told me his lay name: Song Shuhang." "

"Song Shuhang?"

The North River scattered people scratched their heads.

This name is somewhat familiar, why does it always feel as if you have seen it somewhere?

After parting with Yurouzi, Song Shuhang returned to school and continued his life as a waste college student.

College life is good, but it is also a bit boring.

At the time of class, it was summer, the weather was hot, and there was no air conditioning in the classroom, only fans whistling the wind.

But this is naturally not enough for students in a slow classroom.

The weather was extremely hot, and the students were so hot that they only felt dizzy.

Even the teacher is weak.

However, only one person is an exception.

That was Song Shuhang, in this hot summer, only he was cool and unaffected.

This scorching hot climate did not affect Song Shuhang at all.

Not only that, his mind is also exceptionally clear in this hot and dim summer day, and he can remember what the teacher said in one time.

Having taken so many classes since he was a child, this is the first time that Song Shuhang feels that the matter of attending classes is so simple.

Not only that, but he can concentrate on two things, listening to the lecture while thinking about something.

Moreover, these two pieces are not delayed.

Simply amazing!

And all this is because of that bead.

The Yurouzi gave it to him, and the soul-sealing ice bead that was said to have sealed the spirit ghost was hanging around his neck at the moment.

All the magical power comes from that bead.

When the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they all spoke.

"Look, this is a hanging!"

"Now this hanging is just the first hint, if he really starts cultivating in the future, this hanging may be able to show its greatest power. "

"Song Shuhang's road of pretense really began. "

"I estimate that even if Song Shuhang doesn't believe in those legends of the True Cultivation Realm now, he can't help but waver at this moment. "

After all, the mystery of all this is what really happened to him personally. "

"Since he brought that bead, his brain has improved, and on this hot summer day, he does not feel the heat, and even cools his body. "

"He even needs to memorize English words once, isn't this just opening and hanging?"

Speaking of this, the creatures of the heavens and realms finally became excited: "Could it be that this time is going to begin?"

"Is it really about to begin, Song Shuhang's road of cultivation, his road of pretending, is it going to start now?"

"Hahaha, the exciting road to the rise of the hanging ratio is finally about to begin!"

"After waiting so long, it was not in vain. "

"Shock, Song Shuhang's path of cultivation begins with a spirit ghost!"

"Don't say it, if it weren't for the bead that Yurouzi gave to Song Shuhang that sealed the spirit ghost, I'm afraid he would still be half-convinced by now. "

"If nothing else, as far as Song Shuhang's path of cultivation, this spirit ghost can be regarded as a great help. "

"Finally the most exciting time?"

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan also looked excited: "It's coming!"

"This kid may finally successfully step into the threshold of the True Cultivation Realm!"

"It seems that Yurouzi is really Song Shuhang's guide!"

"Not only spirits and ghosts, but also medicinal herbs!"

"Yurouzi will also mail two boxes of medicinal herbs to Song Shuhang. "

Xiao Yan touched his chin and thought, refining medicine is not simple.

Even if Song Shuhang mastered the Danfang, there were medicinal herbs.

But refining medicine also requires medicine, and Song Shuhang is a mortal, and he can't master the fire.

If he wanted to refine medicine, he had to step into the threshold of cultivation.

It seems that the future development should be interesting.

Not only Xiao Yan, but also the creatures of the heavens and realms were full of interest in this.

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