The induction cooker can control the size of the fire at will, making the matter of refining medicine more convenient and fast, no longer distracted, always pay attention to the flame and adjust it, which is where modern technology is stronger than traditional alchemy technology.

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms did not expect that the induction cooker could actually be used like this, and using the induction cooker to refine pills had such advantages.

And when they found this advantage, they couldn't help but sigh with envy: "This world is really magical, and there is such a treasure as an induction cooker." "

"It's amazing, although this world is strange, but I have to say that their technology really opened my eyes, this induction cooker is obviously a necessary good product for refining medicine, it is really easy to use." "

"I have a feeling that if you use this induction cooker to refine medicine, you can control the size of the flame at will, perhaps the probability of refining medicine into pills in the future will be greatly increased, because the possibility of the flame and the frying furnace will also be attenuated." "

"Shhh-so, is it really possible that this kid Song Shuhang can refine successfully?"

A creature nodded: "Not bad, although Song Shuhang is a little white in refining medicine, the induction cooker has greatly reduced the threshold and difficulty of refining medicine." "

"Maybe, it can really make Song Shuhang hit by mistake and successfully refine it into a pill." "


Someone gasped, only felt that his scalp was numb, and his heart was in a trance: "Song Shuhang, can you refine it into a pill?"

"Isn't it?!"

Because Song Shuhang is a medicine refining Xiaobai, this is his first time refining medicine, and his refining method is also a mess, it is simply nonsense.

Therefore, many creatures in the heavens and realms did not care, and at first they all thought that Song Shuhang would not succeed.

However, the magic of the induction cooker made their hearts shake.

What if, really let this kid become a kid?

"No, is that old alchemist really going to disclose his pill formula?"

"Making Danfang public is equivalent to completely ruining your career, and you can't mess around anymore." "

At this moment, an old voice sounded.

"Hmph, don't worry about the old man. "

"The old man doesn't believe that Song Shuhang can succeed. "

"Cooking medicine in a pot is simply a mess, if this can be done, then what is the use of spending half my life studying the method of refining medicine?"

"Moreover, refining medicine is not only the palm 29 can be successful by holding the size of the flame, the timing of adding medicinal materials, the environment of the furnace, etc. are indispensable, Song Shuhang came in recklessly, and began refining medicine, it definitely can't be done." "

"Makes sense. "

"However, he is a hanging comparison, this kind of luck-based work he must be full of luck, maybe he can succeed." "

For a time, the creatures of the heavens and realms were even more curious, and they all stared intently at the picture on the sky screen, without blinking their eyes.

They were really too curious, could Song Shuhang succeed in refining medicine?

This hanging ratio, in the end, can you rely on your luck behind you, go all the way through all the difficulties and setbacks, and successfully refine the quenching body fluid by boiling medicine.

At present, this question has become a common question in the hearts of countless living beings.

In the sky, Song Shuhang was still cooking medicine.

Because this was his first time cooking medicine, Song Shuhang was naturally strictly in control.

Although the conditions were a little more difficult, Song Shuhang still did his best to meticulously refine the quenching body fluids.

Add water when it's time to add water, and put medicinal herbs when it's time to put them.

Song Shuhang strictly controls everything, for fear of failure.

With the passage of time, the medicinal liquid in the hot pot also changed at this time, but it was different from what Danfang described.

Although it was different from Danfang's description, Song Shuhang did not care.

Because, after all, his own way and technique of refining pills are different, and there are some different places, naturally it is normal, do not panic.

Immediately afterwards, he put in the forty-first herbs according to the pill.

In an instant, at the moment when the forty-first medicinal herbs were put in, the hot pot pot had a sudden change.

An extremely fishy stench came out.

Immediately afterwards, half a pot of medicinal liquid was instantly evaporated.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms naturally had some regrets.

"In the end, it was a failure. "

"The half pot of medicinal liquid is gone all of a sudden, it seems that Song Shuhang lost this time." "

"Alas, after all, it is the first time to refine medicine, and it is normal to fail. "

"Moreover, this kid is still taking an extraordinary path of refining medicines, not to mention that he is a little white, and he has not mastered the refining techniques at all. "

"Let's just say that his tools for refining medicine, induction cooker and hot pot pot, are mainly a joke. "

"With such a tool, it would be hell to be able to refine it. "

"It's a pity, although the first time to refine medicine, there is a great possibility of failure, but I still can't help but regret those medicinal materials. "

"Those are extremely rare and valuable treasures, but unfortunately they are gone." "

"Really, I thought that Song Shuhang could really succeed, it seems that I am too superstitious to hang the aura. "

"Unfortunately, this Song Shuhang's hanging halo did not take effect. "

"It seems that that old alchemist has saved his career, if he really announces his own pill, he will not have to refine medicine for the rest of his life. "

"It's a pity that the Dan Fang of that Daoist friend is gone. "

"Song Shuhang, don't argue!"

"Ah, no, Daoist, you actually set your sights on people's Danfang, your heart is really dark enough. "

"Unexpectedly, even Song Shuhang, who is a hanging ratio and has a hanging ratio halo in his body, has not succeeded, it seems that refining medicine is really not simple, it is really not an easy task. "

"Like Song Shuhang, if you refine a pass, even if it is a hanging comparison, it will fail, but it's a pity. "


Kyushu World, inside the university dormitory.

Song Shuhang saw that half a pot of medicinal liquid suddenly evaporated in the sky curtain, and his face was speechless.

"I lean, what is the situation?"

And when he saw the discussion of countless creatures in the heavens and realms, the whole person was not good.

"No, what the hell are these guys thinking?"

"It was my first time refining medicine, and before that, I hadn't even heard of refining medicine. "

"There is no alchemy stove, and nothing else, just use an induction cooker and a hot pot, I am brave enough, it is already good if I am not blown up." "

"These people actually want me to succeed, the first time refining medicine without a fryer can be considered a success, okay?"

"How do these people think that they can blame me?"

"It's abominable. "

Song Shuhang's face was speechless.

At the same time, the world.

Xiao Yan stared at the remaining medicinal liquid in the sky screen, his expression solemn, and his brows slightly wrinkled.

His full attention was already attracted by the remaining liquid.


This pot of medicinal liquid, has not completely failed, there is still a turnaround!

Xiao Yan was an alchemist, an alchemist with enough talent and extremely strong alchemy strength.

He naturally saw at a glance that Song Shuhang's pot of medicinal liquid was not simple.

Although half of the pot was evaporated, he could see that this pot of medicinal liquid was not a complete failure, and there was still a chance to turn around.

That medicinal liquid is still trying to fuse with new medicinal materials.

If it can be achieved, it will be able to turn defeat into victory, successfully stabilize the medicinal liquid that has evaporated for half a pot, and maybe successfully refine that quenched body fluid.

However, such an operation requires precise vision, sophisticated techniques, and rich experience.

If it weren't for a veteran alchemy grandmaster, it would be difficult to discover the vitality of that moment and turn it over.

If Xiao Yan came with him, there might still be a possibility of success.

But Song Shuhang...

It's not that Xiao Yan doesn't believe Song Shuhang, but after all, Song Shuhang is refining medicine for the first time, and his experience in refining medicine is zero, and it is difficult for him to seize this fleeting opportunity.

Song Shuhang should not be able to seize this opportunity.


Xiao Yan shook his head and sighed helplessly.

Although it may seem like a failure, it is definitely an opportunity.

As long as you can seize this opportunity, you will be able to succeed in refining medicine.

But unfortunately, Song Shuhang couldn't seize this opportunity.

It's a pity, it's obviously about to succeed.

However, this is also very good, if you accumulate experience, refine a few more times, and when you have more experience, you may really succeed.

The first time to refine medicine, it is already very good to be able to reach this step.

In this way, Song Shuhang's refining qualification is also quite outstanding.

All the heavenly beings were talking about it, all around the medicinal liquid in Song Shuhang's hot pot, and I don't know if it can be done.

In the picture, Song Shuhang looked at this scene, naturally helpless.

But what to do, he didn't know, because there was no such situation in Danfang.

So, gritting his teeth, Song Shuhang definitely did something amazing.

You can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Although he was about to fail, Song Shuhang did not give up, but directly put all the remaining medicinal materials into the hot pot.

What if it can be done? (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Now, it's a gamble on luck.

The technology of refining medicines, the timing of the furnace, everything has become unimportant.

Now, just look at luck.

As long as he is lucky, he still has the possibility of success.

The medicinal herbs were sent into the pot, and at this moment, in the hot pot pot, a violent and powerful wave of qi suddenly set off, and the lid of the pot was lifted all of a sudden!

The lid of the pot falls to the ground with a crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards, thick smoke came out of the hot pot, accompanied by a fishy and unpleasant stench.

Song Shuhang's face changed, his face was a little ugly, obviously he didn't expect such a change.

"Nima, bioweapon?"

Three down five divided by two, he you did not have any hesitation, ran directly to the window, opened the window for ventilation.

That's a lot better.

Song Shuhang himself was stunned, he was obviously refining medicine, how could he give birth to a weapon, what was going on?

Seeing this scene, countless creatures in the heavens and realms laughed again.

"Good fellow, it's worthy of you, Song Shuhang. "

"You kid really has a hand in his whole life. "

"I can smell this smell through the sky. "

"Good, good, Resident Evil, if you can't refine medicine, you will complete biochemical weapons, and the main one will not be wasted!"

"Song Shuhang, this son, still has talent, although refining medicine is not good, but disgusting people, but have a hand!"

"Hahaha, Taoist friends said well, but I don't know, Daoist friends, are you praising people or hurting people. "

Immediately afterwards, the scene in the hot pot pot appeared in the sky screen.

In the hot pot, there was only a pitch-black thing, and I didn't know what it was.

"What is this? Pitch black, excuse me?"

"No wonder there is such a foul smell, it turns out that Song Shuhang has refined a piece of defense, is it like this?"

"I have a question, you guys said that Song Shuhang succeeded or failed. "

"Hiss—it's hard to say. "

"Well? It's hard to say? Do you need to ask?"

"Come on, this Taoist friend, let me ask you, look at this black thing, do you think this thing may be quenched body fluids?"

"Let's just say it, if this thing is given to you, do you dare to use it?"

"Nima definitely wouldn't dare. "

"That's not it, it's definitely a failure." "

"What Song Shuhang wanted to refine was quenching body fluid, but in the end, he refined such a black thing, I don't know what it is, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a success, right?"

"What the Taoist friend said makes sense, it seems that this is a failure. "

"Alas, by the way, I suddenly remembered that there was not a Daoist friend who succeeded in replicating this pill before. "

"That Daoist, where are you now, are you looking at the inventory, can you let us see the quenching body fluid you have refined. "

"If you compare the two, don't you know whether he has achieved it or not." "

"What the Taoist friend said is extremely reasonable!"

"Oh fun, Song Shuhang, this kid, is it really okay, he actually made this thing?"

"What is this, the alchemy version of Lao Ba?"

"??? old eight? Hahaha, I really can't hold back. "

"To be able to compare with Lao Ba, Song Shuhang, this is your blessing." "

"Looking at Song Shuhang's reaction, this thing is definitely not a good thing, fortunately, everyone is in class now, and no one pays attention." "

"Otherwise, 327, it is estimated that some people will think that he is cooking." "

"Hahaha, shrimp pig heart. "

For a time, countless creatures in the heavens and realms were talking about it, all laughing at Song Shuhang's operation.

At this moment, the mortal plane, Han Li could only sigh helplessly when he saw this scene.

"It really failed. "

Although he is also hanging up and cherishing Song Shuhang, what Song Shuhang did this time is really outrageous.

That black thing can't be a quenched body fluid that has been successfully refined.

He simply couldn't tell the Heavens and Realms that Song Shuhang had succeeded in his conscience.

Judging from Han Li's own experience in refining medicine for so many years, he really hasn't seen any pharmacist with a pitch-black thing.

Moreover, there is a pungent stench.

If this happens, there is basically only one possibility, and that is failure.

Obviously, now lying quietly in the hot pot, that black thing that I don't know what it is, is a failure.

"It's a pity that the first refining failed in the first time. "

Han Li couldn't help but feel sorry for Song Shuhang, "It's a pity that such a good elixir." "

"However, after the first failure, it can be regarded as experience, although some medicinal materials have been wasted, but it is not insignificant. "

"If you can really accumulate experience, then the medicinal herbs are also worth it." "

"Maybe it will be successful next time." "

Han Li did not expect Song Shuhang to succeed once.

After all, refining medicine was successful once, and even in his plane, he was a well-deserved genius in refining medicine.

Don't look at Song Shuhang, there are pills, and medicinal materials, but after all, he is a pure alchemy Xiaobai, a pure novice, and he can't be a new kind.

Moreover, none of his tools for refining medicine were even the same, and the environment was still so rudimentary.

Even, his alchemy furnace was actually just a hot pot.

If this can also be successful, how many alchemists' confidence will have to be undermined.

Failure is not terrible, as long as you learn lessons, gain experience, and start anew.

Maybe it will be successful next time?

Who can say this.

After all, Song Shuhang is a hanging ratio, as long as he has experience, under the protection of the halo of hanging ratio, maybe it can really be done.

At the same time, in the sky.

Song Shuhang looked at the thin layer of black, transparent and gelatinous sesame paste at the bottom of the pot, a little confused.

Especially this sesame paste still emits a foul smell.

Did you succeed or fail?

Even Song Shuhang himself couldn't say for sure.

But suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly turned out the notebook that recorded Danfang, and then opened the notebook and compared it.

"The medicinal liquid is paste, the color is black, the state is transparent, and the taste is flushed..."

Song Shuhang compared the notebook and the layer of black sesame paste at the bottom of his pot word by word.

Then, he looked up with a happy face: "This is the state of the simplified version of the finished product described by the pharmacist!"

"I... It's done?!"

In an instant, countless creatures in the heavens and realms were stunned.

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