
"What does that mean?"

"No, this thing can still be reversed?"

The sudden reversal really flashed to the waist of countless creatures in the heavens and realms, "I really didn't expect that there could be a reversal like this? "

Originally, everyone thought that Song Shuhang must have failed, but Song Shuhang said so, he succeeded?

It turns out that this black and swarthy, I don't know what it is, is the successful version of that quenched body fluid?

Is this thing quenching body fluids?

The creatures of the heavens and realms had never seen the true face of the quenched body fluid, so at this moment, they were naturally confused, and their faces were full of disbelief.

"No, quenching body fluid is medicine, it is a liquid, just by listening to the name, you must at least be a liquid, and you should have the appearance of a medicine." "

"But you see, this black paint is black, I don't know what kind of black paste it is, is this thing really medicine?"

"What international joke is Kai Nima?"

"Fellow Daoists of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, have you seen this thing?"

"Is this really medicine?"

The corners of the mouths of countless creatures in the heavens and realms twitched, staring at the pitch-black thing in disbelief.

If this thing is also medicine, it is too bizarre.

Wouldn't really eat the dead, would it?

Although this thing looks quite strange, it has to be said that this thing is the same as the description of the founder of the medicine master.

Presumably, is it really quenched body fluid?

"I'm Nima, isn't it, actually let this kid do it again?"

"Is this really quenching fluid?

"Song Shuhang, this becomes, refining the quenching body fluid?"

"Isn't this a joke?"

"I originally doubted Song Shuhang's refining technique, but now if Song Shuhang succeeds, then I will doubt the availability of this medicinal liquid. "

"No, this thing can't be toxic. "

On the canopy, countless creatures opened their mouths one after another, their faces full of disbelief.

"I don't believe it, this thing is really poisonous!"

"Is this thing really harmful, after all, this black appearance does not look like some kind of quenching elixir, but like it is highly toxic." "

"If this is not going to hurt people, is it?"

"Shhh—think about it, it's terrifying, fellow Taoists. "

"It's okay, don't be in a hurry, let's see if this thing has any medicinal effects." "

Moreover, Song Shuhang said that he had refined it, and he judged it according to the appearance of the thing, which was similar to what the medicine master described. "

"But no one has tried the drug, so I don't know if it was successful." "

"Wait, let him try the effect, or you will know." "

"Moreover, in this way, you will know whether this thing is poisonous or not, whether it is a real quenched body fluid." "

"Dear Taoists, don't worry, please watch patiently. "

Everyone nodded, thinking that what they said made sense.

At the same time, the big world.

As a well-informed alchemy master who had refined countless pills in his life, Xiao Yan was also confused at this moment looking at the dark thing at the bottom of the hot pot pot and fell into deep thought.

He was thinking, what the hell is this thing?

Is this black thing really quenched body fluids?

Xiao Yan was stunned, and carefully recalled all the quenched body fluids he had seen after so many years of practice from the Douqi Continent to the Great World.

It doesn't seem like that!

Is this thing also medicine?

Xiao Yan was stunned, his face was full of incredulity and disbelief.

He has never seen such an outrageous thing in so many years, and now he has really been eye-opening.

What is this?

This thing is also called quenching body fluid?

Xiao Yan recalled the geocentric quenching body milk he had seen before, the brilliance, the color, but there was really nothing to say, at a glance, he knew that the thing must be a treasure and had extraordinary value.

Compared with Song Shuhang's black thing, it is simply one in the sky and one under the bottom.

This thing refined by Song Shuhang is really quenching body fluid?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but send out soul torture.

"Does this thing really work? Who dares to use it?"

"Song Shuhang, Song Shuhang, you kid really knows how to live. "

Xiao Yan sighed.

At the same time, the world is desolate.

Li Changshou was also stunned at the moment, staring at the picture on the sky screen in disbelief, stunned for a long time.

"No, really?"

"Did you really let Song Shuhang make up your boy?"

"No, Song Shuhang, you used the induction cooker to refine the quenching liquid?"

"Shhh-this kid's talent is really terrifying, and his luck is even more terrifying!"

Li Changshou has never seen such an outrageous guy, this thing is simply not a person!

Is this really fake, quenched body fluids really look like this ghost?

Looking at the pitch-black black sesame paste at the bottom of the pot, Li Changshou was still a little unbelievable.

It stands to reason that such an elixir as quenching body fluids should not be like this.

He looked at the pitch-black thing, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought, could it really be said that Song Shuhang was refined, and it was indeed so.

Although all this is fine, but is it still wrong?

The real problem could it be the pharmacist's pill?

Otherwise, why would you refine such a strange thing?

And...... In the pharmacist's danfang, the final product is also like this.

Nima, isn't this hell?

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms were talking about it, and they were speechless for this thing that they didn't know what it was.

"Family, who knows, what the hell is this thing, it won't be poisonous, it will really die if you eat it." "

"Hahaha, I don't doubt Song Shuhang now, I doubt the medicine master first. "

"I suspect that there is a big problem with his Danfang, and he made such a Danfang, maybe it is to harm people." "

"How can there be such a dark thing as a good person's quenching body fluid, you say that this thing is highly poisonous, I still believe it, but if you want to say that he is a elixir like quenching body fluid, then I don't believe it!"

"It is!"

"It's not a good thing to look at. "

At the same time, in the sky.

After hesitating for a moment, Song Shuhang finally decided to try it himself.

Although he felt that he had refined it, this pitch-black thing, to be honest, he was also a little stunned in his heart.

After all, he had never touched such a thing before, so let him eat this thing rashly, and he himself was afraid.

Although this pitch-black thing that he refined is the same as what the pharmacist described, looking at this dark thing, it obviously doesn't look like a good thing.

In the end, Song Shuhang still took a deep breath and decided to fight.

"This is quenched body fluid, not poison, this is quenched body fluid, not poison!"

Song Shuhang could only hypnotize himself repeatedly.

If the pharmacist hadn't lied, this would indeed be a quenching fluid.

But looking at this pitch-black thing, if you want to eat it, you still have to build up your mind.

Finally, Song Shuhang gritted his teeth and put his hand on the phone.

If something really happens, he can call for help as soon as possible and be rescued.

Immediately, Song Shuhang no longer hesitated, and directly swallowed the pitch-black thing into his stomach!

When the pitch-black black sesame paste first entered the mouth, a faint medicinal fragrance permeated.

At the same time, his throat began to itch.

Moreover, there is an indescribable discomfort.


Song Shuhang's heart was cold, the secret road was not good, look at this, his own pills!

This thing is poisonous!

I was about to dial the phone, when suddenly the painful feeling dissipated as if the tide was receding.

At the same time, a heat that made him want to moan uncontrollably came from his belly.

Immediately afterwards, there was terrifying energy, which spread in Song Shuhang's body, stirring and wandering wantonly.

Medicinal power, burst out!

The warm heat spread out from his lower abdomen to his limbs. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

And in every meridian of Song Shuhang's flesh and blood, there is a terrifying power that is breeding and spreading.

An unprecedented feeling of strength instantly filled Song Shuhang's whole body.

At this moment, Song Shuhang only felt that he had unprecedented power, and in this moment, he became extremely capable of fighting!

Apparently, this is the credit of quenching body fluids!

Quench body fluids, it worked!

Song Shuhang's face finally showed joy, "It's done!"

It was not in vain that he risked his life to try it, and fortunately it did!

Tasting a breath of turbid breath, Song Shuhang looked excited.

When countless creatures in the heavens and realms saw this scene, they were all shocked and foul mouthed.

"I'm Nima, that's okay?"

"No, this is it, this Nima is also too outrageous!"

"I really let you kid refine it!"

"This kid is really not afraid of death, that pitch-black thing, I don't know what it is, I don't know if it is poisonous, so I swallowed it directly." But fortunately, he was blessed with a great life, not only was he fine, but he also succeeded by luck. "

"Song Shuhang's luck is really outrageous, and when everyone is not optimistic, he really let him use such a simple tool to refine such a panacea as quenching body fluids. "

"Song Shuhang, Song Shuhang, it seems that countless creatures in our heavens and realms underestimated you in the past. "

"You boy, it's really outrageous. "

The gazes of countless creatures in the heavens and realms fell on Song Shuhang, all with envy in their eyes.

A Xiaobai who didn't move anything, the first time he refined pills, actually made him succeed.

To be honest, no one will believe this.

But Song Shuhang is a success, and how outrageous it is.

"That thing can actually be eaten raw, and I'm not afraid to poison myself!"

"I understand now that it's not for nothing that this kid Song Shuhang can succeed, and his desperate energy is rare." "

"Did you really let this kid use an induction cooker to refine the quenching liquid?"

"Good, good, really good life. "

"Lying groove, I served, Song Shuhang, this kid is specially open, right?"

People are originally hanging ratios, from head to toe, from beginning to end, all the time. "

"Good, good, worthy of you, worthy of hanging comparison." "

"So many coincidences, happening to the same person, is simply outrageous. "

"I have never seen such a situation in my life, there is a problem, there must be a problem!"

"Induction cooker alchemy, how big is the brain hole of people who can think of this!"

"Induction cooker, hot pot pot, this is the standard configuration of shabu hot pot, can actually be used for refining pills one day?

"It has to be you, Song Hangbi!"

"Unexpectedly, the induction cooker actually has such a wonderful use, good life, reward!"

"The induction cooker can be used not only to scald the hot pot, but also to refine pills, right, well, I will buy the induction cooker and the hot pot pot, the same style as Song Shuhang, I don't believe I can't do it!"

"Buddy upstairs, stop dreaming, who do you think you are?

"Alas, too. "

"I'm strange, using an induction cooker to refine pills, how did he do it, and really let him finish it, you said this is outrageous, right?" "

In an instant, countless creatures in the heavens and realms, especially alchemists and alchemists, suddenly felt cautious in their hearts when they saw Song Shuhang's success.

At this moment, they have developed a strong interest in the modern technology product induction cooker.

"Good, good, this thing can actually be used to refine pills, and it's so simple, now I can be regarded as an eye-opener." "

"Let the old man see how to use this induction cooker." "

"To be honest, this seat has a hunch that if this seat can get the divine object of the induction cooker, the success rate of alchemy in the future may increase a lot. "

"At all costs, the entire alchemy furnace should come back!"

Those alchemists and alchemists in the heavens and realms had almost fallen into madness for an induction cooker.

If they can really get an induction cooker, their success rate in refining pills may really increase!

Because the induction hob can control the temperature as much as you want!

"Where is this world, is there a coordinate?

"With this, Mom no longer has to worry that I won't be able to refine pills. "

"With the induction cooker, let the induction cooker adjust the amount of firepower, I can put all my spirit in the alchemy furnace, maybe I can reduce the possibility of the frying furnace!"

Buy an induction cooker at all costs!"

"Heavy gold reward for the coordinates of the blue star plane where Song Shuhang is located, if you know, you can find me!"

"This can also be refined? Isn't it, I'm numb!"

"It can only be said that the hanging ratio is worthy of the hanging ratio. "

"Outrageous, needless to say, it must be his identity to play a role, otherwise it would not be so outrageous!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were all extremely shocked at the moment when they found out that Song Shuhang had actually succeeded in refining medicine.

That kind of child's play-like refining process can really successfully refine a panacea like quenching body fluid?

Long insight!

It can only be said that hanging comparison is worthy of hanging comparison.

"Sure enough, it has to be a hanging comparison, it can't be compared, it can't be compared at all!"

"This luck really spits out a world that is unparalleled, right? "

"It's impossible to refine it with another person!"

"That's right, the heavens and realms are also Song Shuhang. "

"This kid is really an evil sect, there are so many coincidences that happened to him, I dare not think (Hao Nuo Zhao), and not only that. "

"He can actually practice quenching body fluids, and he still uses this method that is close to child's play, which is really unmatched." "

"Served, can't be compared, can't be compared at all, how can this Nima be compared?"

Special plane, divine realm.

When Xu Que saw this scene, he was speechless.

"No, that's okay?"

At this moment, Xu Que only felt that Song Shuhang's luck was even more outrageous than his own.

None of his luck was outrageous to this extent.

Of course, Xu Que was also sure that he couldn't do such an outrageous thing.

There is no alchemy stove on the hot pot pot, this operation is really perfect! The hot pot pot and the induction stove have actually become alchemy companions.

If he encountered this situation, then he would definitely go to purchase the alchemy furnace without saying a word.

But this Song Shuhang directly did the opposite, even if there was no alchemy furnace, he did not buy it at all, but directly took local materials, and began refining pills with hot pot pots and induction cookers.

It can only be said that Yigao people are bold.

Song Shuhang is really a newborn calf, not afraid of tigers, really brave.

Isn't it, really made him a be?

Did he really finish?

The creatures of the heavens and realms all stared at the picture of the heavenly dome in disbelief, their faces full of surprise.

"No, you can't accept a little, you can't accept it at all. "

"This kid is simply against the sky, using the hot pot as an alchemy furnace, the only one in the heavens and all worlds." "

At the same time, Xiao Yan of the Great World was also shocked and unbelievable when he saw this picture.

"No, I can't accept a little, I can't accept the slightest. "

"This kid is really damned, what the hell is Zhu?"

This kid's induction cooker alchemy is really done!

Song Shuhang's luck is also too good.

Then he thought about it.

That quenched body fluid does not need to control the fire anyway, nor does it need fighting qi or the like, it can be refined and acceptable.

However, even so, Song Shuhang's talent is outrageous enough.

Could it be said that Song Shuhang was really an alchemy wizard?

Thinking like this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but grit his teeth.

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