"Song Shuhang succeeded!"

In addition to being shocked, the creatures of the heavens and realms finally began to get excited.

What they had been waiting for for so long finally happened!

By mistake, Song Shuhang finally succeeded in refining the quenching body fluid, and finally successfully stepped into the realm of cultivation.

Song Shuhang, this kid, can be regarded as embarking on the road of cultivation, and this inventory is finally on the right track, it's not easy!

The countless creatures of the heavens and realms obviously thought of Song Shuhang's appearance in the past inventory, and did not believe in the existence of the True Cultivation Realm at all.

Now, he has finally become a member of the True Cultivation World.

God knows how many twists and turns there have been in this, and even coincidences are again and again.

But fortunately, in the end, Song Shuhang still successfully stepped into the world of cultivation.

Now, this inventory is finally worth seeing.

"Great, now that Song Shuhang has successfully refined the quenching body fluid, and personally took the quenching body fluid, he should always believe it, right?"

"Song Shuhang is finally going to embark on the road of cultivating truth, and this kid can finally become a cultivator. "

"Huh, I suddenly thought of something, just bet that Song Shuhang will definitely not be able to refine the successful alchemist, it's time for you to disclose your Danfang, don't pay the bill." "

"That is, we are all still waiting to fish a few Danfang for nothing." "

Someone brought up the old story again, which stimulated the old alchemist to spit out blood in his mouth, and his face was earthy.

Shrimp and pig heart, what a shrimp pig heart!

"He refined his own quenching body fluid, now he should always believe that what the group said is true, Song Shuhang, this hard-mouthed boy, can finally believe in the existence of the True Cultivation Realm." "

"This poor child, who has lived in vain as an ordinary person for twenty years, and one day his worldview will be subverted, which is really miserable. "

"Yes, after being an ordinary person for twenty years, I suddenly found that this world can cultivate immortals, and there are really immortals who can fly to the sky and move mountains and fill the sea. "

Fortunately, Song Shuhang was still lucky, although he had experienced a lot, he finally managed to step into the realm of cultivation and could see this magnificent scenery. "

"Yes, compared to more ordinary people, Song Shuhang is lucky enough. "

"I only care about wondering if Song Shuhang will be embarrassed. "

He never believed in the existence of the True Cultivation Realm, thinking that the group was all sick in the middle two, and Fairy Zi'a himself became the second middle school sick. "

At the same time, the creatures of the heavens and realms laughed while staring at the picture of the heavenly curtain with burning eyes.

They also want to know what Song Shuhang will experience in the future, and what coincidences will occur.

Song Shuhang has come this way, there are too many coincidences 823, so many that people don't believe that these are just coincidences.

Now that Song Shuhang has successfully set foot in the realm of cultivation, I don't know if there will be so many coincidences in the future.

Because, in the initial speculation of the creatures of the heavens and realms, that coincidence was deliberately done by someone, and it was the black hand behind the scenes who was arranging, wanting to guide Song Shuhang to the realm of cultivation.

Now, Song Shuhang has believed in the existence of the True Cultivation World, and he has also initially set foot in the True Cultivation World, and I don't know if there will be these coincidences in the future.

At the same time, after swallowing the black quenched body fluid, Song Shuhang in Tianmu only felt full of energy and nowhere to vent, and his whole body was full of strength.

He decisively rushed to the playground and began to run circles like crazy, trying his best to squeeze his physical strength, but he didn't feel tired at all, without a trace of fatigue.

Now he is simply a Super Saiyan.

At this point, Song Shuhang's three views have been completely subverted.

This quenched body fluid, it's true!

A quenching body fluid that subverts Song Shuhang's three views.

Because quenched body fluid is not just quenched body fluid, quenched body fluid is real, then what about the rest?

There were so many things mentioned in the chat group, all about cultivating immortals, and at first he scoffed and didn't care.

Now it seems that it is all true!

Song Shuhang's firm world view has completely collapsed!

At this moment, he was finally convinced that the members of the chat group were not the severe secondary two diseases he thought, they were all cultivators!

Previously, Song Shuhang still firmly said that they were all middle school second diseases, and thought of staying away from them, and even reporting the chat group and the members in the group, but now, the slap is shocking.

Song Shuhang was slapped in the face, but his heart was extremely excited.

Because of his chance, he joined the chat group of the cultivators, and also saw a different scenery.

Cultivation Realm...

Perhaps, you are about to usher in a new life.

Song Shuhang slowly exhaled a turbid breath, trying his best to suppress the excitement in his heart.

From now on, he may also be able to become a big cultivator?

Chao Wen said, Death at night, but it's okay!

After a short period of thought, Song Shuhang finally made a decision and typed out the first message he sent after joining the group chat for more than ten days.

[Book Mountain is under pressure: Hello seniors. 】

"It's coming!"

Seeing that Song Shuhang finally believed in the existence of the True Cultivation Realm, and plucked up the courage to start speaking in the chat group, countless creatures in the heavens and realms were excited, and this was the first time that Song Shuhang found it in the chat group.

This is a momentous momentous moment of historic significance that must not be missed.

Therefore, for a time, in the ten thousand worlds, countless creatures raised their heads and stared at the sky screen with burning eyes, extremely serious.

"Melon seed drink mineral water, melon seed drink mineral water..."

"I thanked all the flowers I waited for, but it didn't waste me waiting for so long, Song Shuhang, this kid still managed to step into the realm of cultivation, and began to talk in the group. "

"The feature film has begun, and now the interesting thing is finally here. "

"Hahaha, I didn't expect ah, Song Shuhang eventually became his most annoying appearance, he said that the people in the group are all middle two diseases, but he didn't expect that he would also become a middle two disease one day." "

"Congratulations to Song Daoyou, successfully stepping into the realm of cultivation, and in the future, he will spread his wings like a kunpeng, fly 90,000 li high, and soar above the heavenly dome!"

"Alas, I don't know about deterrence, there is always a feeling that my own dog has finally grown up." "

"Oh, that brother above, why do you still take advantage of others?

"Song Shuhang has finally stepped into the realm of cultivation, then the future inventory will also be on the right track. "

"To be honest, I'm really curious to know what abilities this chat group has and in what ways it can help Song Shuhang in order to become the plug-in of Song Shuhang's hanging ratio. "

At the same time, the sky is also rolling.

Beihe Sanshan and Yurouzi were chatting, and suddenly there was a news that Shushan was under pressure, which made both of them stunned for a moment.

Book Mountain is stressful?

Wasn't it an ordinary person who accidentally pulled into the group by Huangshan Zhenjun by mistake?

The Beihe scattered people were a little puzzled, he thought that this person had already withdrawn from the group.

After all, so many Tianshushan pressures have not spoken, and if normal ordinary people see their chat content, they will definitely feel that they are all neurotic, and then withdraw from the group.

After Shushan was under pressure, after sending a message in the group, it instantly attracted everyone's reply.

Yurouzi also asked curiously, "Shushan is under pressure?

Song Shuhang explained his identity and why he entered this chat group.

"So that's the case, Senior Song, your number is only one digit different from mine, no wonder you will be pulled in by mistake. "

Although he has understood Song Shuhang's identity, Yurouzi seems to be unable to change this title for a while.

Beihe Sanren: "Little friend, since you took the initiative to send messages in the group, and also called us seniors, you must have seen something from Yurouzi." "

Beihe Sanren also deliberately sent a smile at the end of the message.

Shushan was under pressure: "Indeed, when I was in the Ghost Lantern Temple, I felt that Yurouzi seemed to be different from ordinary people. However, what made me believe all this was that I successfully refined the quenching body fluid. "

"Huh? You refined the quenching fluid?"

Beihe Sanren was stunned, looking a little unbelievable.

Yu Rouzi was also surprised: "Senior Song, my medicinal materials should arrive around noon today, right?

"I don't know if I succeeded or failed, but I did get five scoops of quenching fluids, and after taking them, my vision, strength, physical strength and endurance were all strengthened. "

Beihe Sanren: "If this is the case, you must have succeeded, at most, the quality is poor, and it is harmless." "

The first time the alchemy was successful, this luck is really against the sky!

The people of Beihe are envious.

"By the way, little friend, how many furnaces have you refined, how many times have you succeeded?"

Song (bdag) Shuhang answered honestly: "There should only be one furnace, after all, I only have one induction cooker." "

Beihe Sanren's legs were weak, and he was hit with an arrow in his knee: "One furnace?

Beihe scattered people were stunned, he thought that when he first started cultivating, he was a scattered person, and everything could only rely on himself.

He almost ruined his family in order to refine the quenching body fluid!

As a result, people succeeded in one time ?!

"Little friend, what stove do you use?" (read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Is it a new model of Dan furnace?"

If it is a new model of Dan furnace, maybe it can really be successful at one time.

"No, it's an ordinary household No. 12 induction cooker, the kind produced by Megatron. "

"Oh yes, and the hot pot pot that our dormitory uses to cook hot pot. "

"Induction cooker?hot pot?!"

Beihe Sanren only felt that his blood pressure was soaring and he was about to rush out of his head.

"I lean!"

"I lean!"

"I lean!"

Underneath was a neat formation, and the group members were all stunned, and even burst into foul language.

What kind of joke is it that quenched body fluids are refined with hot pot pots and induction cookers?!

Even the pharmacist, who kept diving, was shocked.

"Little friend, tell me?"

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, I'll just say, sure enough, this reaction is the same as I was at the time, no, who can believe this?"

"That is, the first time to refine medicine, using a hot pot pot and an induction cooker to refine the quenching body fluid, isn't this Nima the same as saying the Book of Heaven?"

"If it were you, would you believe it?"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed a word of this!"

"Now that Beihe scattered people are estimated to doubt life hahaha, or that sentence, people are more angry than people!"

"I can only say that Song Shuhang is really a cow approval, it is worthy of hanging comparison, a bit of the kind of I opened, you guys have a casual taste." "

"Good life!"

"It seems that those big guys in the chat group are similar to us, and they were all shocked by Song Shuhang. "

"Also, who is not shocked by this." "

"Song Shuhang, this kid, can really live. "

"I estimate that those people in the chat group will not be able to sleep, and when they wake up in the middle of the night, the more their minds are full of Song Shuhang's refining medicine. "

In the sky curtain, Song Shuhang's words naturally caused an uproar in the chat group, and one of the group members began to bubble up in shock.

After all, Song Shuhang's situation is really too enchanting.

Their refining of quenched body fluids now may not be 100% successful, and Song Shuhang succeeded in refining medicine for the first time with a hot pot pot and an alchemy furnace.

Of course, this is outrageous, and everyone is numb!

And the pharmacist also discussed with Song Shuhang, and finally mastered all of Song Shuhang's alchemy steps.

And the group members were even more stunned when they heard it.

Induction cooker, hot pot, quenching liquid, one furnace success?

Can such an unrelated thing be done?

It's outrageous!

And after learning that Song Shuhang actually added water to the hot pots, everyone was stunned, it turned out that it could still be operated like this?

After the exchange between the pharmacist and Song Shuhang, he couldn't wait to go offline and try it.

And others have also begun to try Song Shuhang's methods, which is really outrageous!

At the same time, the Beihe Sanren also replaced Huangshan Zhenjun and began to welcome Song Shuhang into the group and officially stepped into the realm of cultivation.

Of course, the reason why Beihe scattered people and not Huangshan Zhenjun was because the big demon dog of Huangshan Zhenjun's family had another temper.

There is no way, so it can only be done by the Beihe Sanren.

On June 4th, Song Shuhang officially stepped into the world of cultivation!

"Okay, yes, yes, I finally successfully stepped into the realm of cultivation!"

"Song Shuhang's life has finally opened a new chapter, and I am looking forward to the next development!"

"Song Shuhang is a hanging ratio, his luck is against the sky, since he stepped into the realm of cultivation, then from now on it must be the story of him soaring into the sky, making a blockbuster, and even finally standing at the top of the plane!"

"Great, it's not in vain, we watched Song Shuhang step by step to get to this point, he has finally begun to practice now, and it can be regarded as living up to our expectations." "

"Alas, I don't know why, there is always a feeling that a child has grown up. "

"This kid finally got on the road, but he didn't expect that it would be such a dramatic scene. "

"Next, we can really see the cultivation world of this world. "

"To be honest, I'm really curious, as a place rich in hanging comparisons, this blue star will be different from other planes. "

"In modern society, I am also a little curious about how monks cultivate. "

"The possessor Heavenly Dao, and the Blue Star Cultivation Realm that transcends the realm above the Heavenly Dao, are really desirable. "

The beings of the heavens and realms were actually very interested in the Blue Star Cultivation Realm.

Because of the Blue Star True Cultivation Realm, there is a realm called detachment.

Beyond the Heavenly Dao!

The Heavenly Dao is supreme, but there is a realm that can transcend it, which naturally makes people curious and expectant.

The so-called transcendent realm has already whetted their appetites, and the creatures of the ten thousand worlds will not be willing to see the birth and strength of the transcendent existence.

They just want to see how outrageous and powerful this so-called transcendent existence is!

At the same time, perfect plane.

Ara watched Song Shuhang in the sky curtain successfully step into the realm of cultivation, and also laughed.

"After so many coincidences, Song Shuhang has finally entered the realm of cultivation. "

To be honest, he also wanted to see Song Shuhang's future practice, because he also expected and wanted to know what kind of detachment this world was.

For yourself, there is no value and significance for reference.

Of course, in addition, he also wanted to know who was calculating all this and who was promoting the development of all this behind Song Shuhang, if there was really someone.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor has a bold idea - will the so-called behind-the-scenes be the future Song Shuhang?

The Barren Heavenly Emperor recalled that when the Exotic Gate was held, Ye Fan came across the long river of time and space, gave him a drop of blood, made him extremely sublimated, and had the ability to fight with the fallen king An Lan.

Later, he learned that the blood actually came from the future him.

That blood is the future self.

Therefore, the Barren Heavenly Emperor would have some doubts about this.

Could it be that Song Shuhang's affairs are driven by his future body?

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