"Huh, anyway, Song Shuhang has finally embarked on the road of cultivation, and we can be regarded as watching him grow up. "

Countless cultivators and living beings in the heavens and realms all sighed with some emotion, who would have thought that Song Shuhang, who obviously did not believe in the matter of cultivation the most, would successfully become a cultivator and embark on the road of cultivation.

"Although Song Shuhang, this kid is very hard-mouthed, and has never acknowledged the existence of the True Cultivation World, resulting in Pingbai experiencing many ups and downs, but in the end, he still managed to step into the True Cultivation World, which can be regarded as a hard work. "

"Finally, this kid believed in the True Cultivation Realm, and successfully began to cultivate, and Song Shuhang's path of cultivation began"

"If I want to say, this kid Song Shuhang is really tired, I have never seen the same as him, I don't believe in the existence of the True Cultivation Realm at all, and then I still experienced so many coincidences before I finally believed in the existence of the True Cultivation Realm, and began to practice. "

"But I have to say that Song Shuhang's luck is really okay, if all this really no one arranges, just everything develops naturally, then there are endless beings in these heavens and realms, and no one can compare with him in luck." "

"Song Shuhang has finally begun to cultivate, to be honest, I have some expectations of what Song Shuhang's cultivation path will be like, it must be interesting. "

As a hangbi, the road of cultivation must be smooth sailing, he must have opened up all the way, soared up, and finally became an existence standing at the top of this plane. "

"You have to have confidence in the hanging ratio, the hanging ratio that has appeared in the inventory, one by one is outrageous, and since Song Shuhang is one of them, he is destined to become a famous powerhouse in this ten thousand worlds in the future, the Megatron side!"

"There is no doubt that Song Shuhang will definitely be able to become an existence standing at the top of the plane in the future, but I don't know if he can achieve the transcendent realm above that heavenly path. "

"That's truly powerful, unparalleled presence. "


"Well, no, there are still people asking why? Have you not seen the previous inventory?"

"Don't ask, ask because he's hanging bi!"

Endless creatures stared directly at the heavenly curtain, expecting a new picture to emerge in the heavenly curtain, so that they could take a good look at Song Shuhang's cultivation path.

Becoming a Truth Cultivator is just the first step.

Moreover, in the end, in fact, the current Song Shuhang is not a real cultivator, he just stepped into the door of cultivation with one foot.

If you want to truly become a true cultivator, you must at least build a foundation.

After successfully taking quenching body fluid, Song Shuhang has begun to yearn for a life of cultivation.

He even began to think about the scene of his sword flying.

If you can become a swordsman, you will be able to fly with your sword, fight the sword to the end of the world, and kill the unjust things in the world with the sword in your hand.

Even, he thought of the scene of his own sword opening the gate of heaven.

Wow, how spectacular, how unimaginable!

But the ideal is plump, the reality is skinny.

As if he was not born with this piece of material, he did not have any talent at all in sight, and he could even say that talent is negative!

To be honest, although Song Shuhang had successfully refined and taken the Quenching Body Fluid, he had not fully entered the path of cultivation.

Because he is still missing the most important step - the 100-day foundation.

After building the foundation, you can be regarded as a true cultivator.

But the 100-day foundation building is difficult for Song Shuhang!

Because he is already an adult college student, his age is the rising sun of the first birth for ordinary people, full of vitality and vitality.

But for Xiu Zhen, it was already too late.

Those who really want to cultivate the truth, those who cultivate the true sect and the generation of the true cultivation family, they have begun to quench the foundation and enter the road of cultivation since they were four or five years old.

Compared to them, Song Shuhang is too late.

Therefore, everyone in the chat group did not have much expectations for Song Shuhang's path of cultivation.

Because they also knew that with Song Shuhang's age and talent, it was difficult to achieve success.

It's a pity.

Song Shuhang had no talent for kendo, so he wanted to switch to Confucianism.


Naturally, because he is also a student, he thinks that he can also have a relationship with Confucianism.

Moreover, with the relationship of Confucius, the most holy teacher, he may be able to achieve success in Confucian practice.

However, the Confucian powers also said that although your idea is good, Xiaoyou, it is only inseparable from Confucianism.

Neither Kendo nor Confucianism worked, and Song Shuhang broke the sand in both of them.

But even so, Song Shuhang's road to opening and hanging could not be stopped.

Although there are many bumps in the road of cultivation, don't forget Song Shuhang's identity!

He is hanging by!

Even though there are many ups and downs, as a hanging ratio, his luck is naturally against the sky.

Since embarking on the road of cultivation, with this special talent and physique, as well as profound luck, he has continued to grow along the way, and his cultivation has increased rapidly!

One product in January!

It is not a month to achieve the realm of one product, but every month, break through the realm of one product!

Cultivation for the growth rate, seen as riding a rocket, is simply the legendary destiny of the person, how outrageous, how outrageous!

And those bigwigs in the chat group were even more heartbroken when they saw his outrageous talent.

This kid's cultivation talent is really outrageous and enchanting!

Even they couldn't help but feel a huge shock in their hearts!

In this world, there are actually people whose cultivation talents can be outrageous to such a realm?

What an eye-opener!

They had been cultivators for many years, close to their life's energy, and spent countless efforts to reach their current realm.

As a result, the pressure of Book Mountain is great, Song Shuhang, you kid can reach the realm that I have worked so hard to cultivate for so many years in just a few months?!

Moreover, just a few months ago, you kid was just a mortal?!

Who dares to believe this Nima when he says it!

The big guys in the chat group were completely pierced by Song Shuhang.

The chat group was originally a plug-in for Song Shuhang, but since then, it has been completely reduced to a platform for Song Shuhang to pretend.

Every time he made a breakthrough in cultivation, or encountered some adventure, he would send a message in the group.

And those big guys in this group were numbed by Song Shuhang's magic.

After so many years, I have never seen such an outrageous demon, is this really a person?

I can't believe it, I can't believe it!

At the same time, the creatures of the heavens and realms all looked at Song Shuhang with a confused expression.


"I pinch the horse... What the hell?"

"Is that okay?"

"The cultivation path of hanging the ratio, one product in January, stable promotion?"

"Good, good, good, started, started, finally started. "

"Plug-in battle!"

"Cultivation, you don't need to cultivate at all, what is cultivation, one product in January, no matter what realm it is, no matter how high the cultivation is, it only takes one month to break through." "

"This Nima is outrageous!"

"Good fellow, one product in January, invincible in the world after one year, right?"

"What about your boy raising a number here?"

Not to mention that those big guys in the Kyushu World Chat Group are countless big guys in the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, and they have never seen such an outrageous little guy.

This whole thing is really outrageous!

Breaking through the realm of one product in a month, the realm that others can break through for tens or hundreds of years, and even takes a lifetime to break through, was broken through by this kid Song Shuhang in a month, who can bear this?

At the same time, in the heavenly curtain, as Song Shuhang's practice deepened, his understanding of many members in the chat group became more and more in-depth.

After discovering the outrageous growth rate of Song Shuhang's kid, the bigwigs of the chat group unanimously decided on one thing, that is, Song Shuhang has atmospheric luck!

Only those with atmospheric luck can be so outrageous!

And in the chat group, in addition to a Song Shuhang, there is also a senior, who is also a great power.

This senior is revered as Bai senior, and he is a well-deserved retreat maniac.

I can spend 300 days a year in retreat.

This senior also has atmospheric luck, which is recognized by everyone as unparalleled luck, and his luck is bursting!

Even if this senior is walking on the road, he will be smashed on the head by the treasure that fell from the sky.

When Song Shuhang heard about this physique and luck, he was stunned, and his envy flowed out.

Although Song Shuhang also has atmospheric luck, his atmospheric luck is different.

Others seek benefits and avoid harm for themselves, but Song Shuhang is different. Although he can also seek advantages and avoid harm, every time it is others who receive benefits, and he is always hurt.

The worst every time is the son of Song Shuhang's adventures with atmospheric luck. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It is precisely for this reason that every time they go out to hunt for treasures, or visit some secret place, the people in the chat group like to go with Song Shuhang.

Where to find such a good son of luck, he bears all the bad things, but he leaves all the opportunities to his companions, so moved!

Who doesn't go out to hunt for treasure with Song Shuhang is a brain problem, okay!

It is always Song Shuhang himself who is injured, but it is someone else who benefits, who doesn't want this?

Since then, the people in the chat group have jokingly called Song Shuhang blessed and difficult.

Although Song Shuhang tried his best to get rid of such a stereotype.

But I don't know if the power of luck is too strong, or Song Shuhang's luck is really not good.

But still that sentence, such a son of luck, who doesn't like it?

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned.

"Hahaha, let me ask, is this a child of luck?"

"No, I'm going to die laughing, such a son of luck is too outrageous!"

"This is the son of luck?

"Holding up an umbrella for others, carrying your own injuries, is the realm of the son of luck already so big now? "

"Such a good son of luck, even Honza envies it. "

"How nice it would be to have such a son of luck as a companion?"

"That's right, if there really is such a companion of the son of luck, it will be simply explosive!"

"From now on, the son of dangerous luck will carry it and take the benefits himself, who will not like this?"

"I didn't expect that there was such a physique in the world, this Song Shuhang is really a talent!"

"No, it's not a talent, it's a wizard!

"Such an outrageous son of luck, such an outrageous physique, to be honest, it is also the first time I have seen it. "

"Hahaha, don't be too outrageous, hurry up and bring one to me, so that I can explore supremely hahaha." "

"Good, good, it has to be you, Daoyou." "

"But to be honest, Song Shuhang's physique is indeed very rare, and it is indeed very attractive. "

"If they can, who doesn't want their teammate to be Song Shuhang, who can let themselves get the treasure without any worries. "

"We misunderstood you Song Shuhang, I didn't expect you to be so great, willing to burn yourself in order to achieve others." "

"Such an outrageous hanging ratio, is this really the son of luck, not the son of bad luck?"

"It's true, this Song Shuhang really has his own aura of difficulty, and can lead other people's disasters to himself and make others safe." "

"What kind of selfless dedication is this?"

"I love it, it's much better than the previous hanging. "

"The previous comparisons were all to swallow the benefits alone, but like Song Shuhang, it is rare to carry all the troubles by himself and let his friends get benefits." "

"Daoist friend said well, who in the heavens and realms doesn't want a Song Shuhang as a friend?"

"Ten years of repairing the same boat ferry, a hundred years of repairing Song Shuhang. "

"Senior Bai, the man of atmospheric luck, the son of luck?"

"It seems that this senior Bai is not an ordinary person, compared to Song Shuhang, this senior Bai is more like a son of luck, he is the hangbi, right?"

"The son of luck is not an ordinary person, who knows who he is. But one thing is certain, he must be unusual!"

"Senior Bai is definitely a big guy, it must be extraordinary!"

"That's for sure, a few who have atmospheric luck are easy to match. "

"This is definitely a big guy. "

"Bridge bean sack, think about it, this senior Bai is a big man in the True Cultivation Realm, and he is also the son of luck. "

"Maybe he is the real guide of Song Shuhang." "

"After all, Yurouzi's strength is still not enough, only this Bai senior can become Song Shuhang's leader. "

"Well, if you say so, it is also possible, after all, Senior Bai is far superior to Yurouzi in terms of strength and identity. "

"Such a senior Bai is naturally qualified to become Song Shuhang's guide. "

"It's just, will this senior Bai take Song Shuhang to practice?"

If Senior Bai is willing to guide Song Shuhang on the path of cultivation, it is naturally the best, but would such a powerful son of luck be willing to help Song Shuhang?

At the same time, in the sky screen picture, Song Shuhang has continuous opportunities and has won the attention of everyone in the group, and his strength has improved rapidly, and his progress has been rapid.

Soon, he learned a Yuanshen out-of-body exercise, and also created an exercise on his own, named "Song's Retreat Method".

When the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they were all surprised.

"Good fellow, is Song Shuhang already so devilish, he can actually create his own exercises?"

"Create your own retreat exercises, is it so against the sky?"

"I want to see how outrageous this kid Song Shuhang is. "

"Such a method against the sky, I am really curious. "

"Let me see what this practice is against the heavens. "

"Song Shuhang can create his own exercises, I have to take a good look, how did this kid do it?"

I saw that in the sky curtain, Song Shuhang's retreat method was exactly one side of the retreat and the other side of the water group.

Because of the existence of the Yuan God, he can use it for two purposes, while retreating.

This exercise can not only be called the Song Family Retreat Method, but also the Background Cultivation Method.

And the creatures of the heavens and realms who saw such a scene were speechless.

"Good, good, good, live!"

"Well, you are a Song Shuhang, it has to be you. "

"I'm Nima, this is also called retreat? You tell Honza what kind of retreat is this?"

"Made, it's useless to thank me for looking forward to it so much!"

"Flesh retreat, eternal God to chat, this is called retreat?"

"This is also called a retreat?"


"Daoists, I really suspect that this kid Song Shuhang is insulting my intelligence, but I have no evidence!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were broken by Song Shuhang's commotion, and they were naturally furious.

"Outrageous, outrageous!"

"Abominable Song Shuhang!"

At the same time, the sky is shading.

When Ye Fan saw this scene, he laughed directly.

"Hahaha is a good Song Shuhang, it's really interesting, this is a funny comparison, this kid is really a talent." "

"Instead of calling it the Retreat Method, it is better to call it the Yuanshen Water Group Method. "


Ye Fanmo clenched his chin: "This kid's talent is indeed enchanting, one product in January, what is this concept?"

"If he continues to move here, in a year and a half, this kid will be able to reach the so-called transcendent realm?"

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