I have to say that Song Shuhang's operation is really outrageous, it is simply brain-opening, and it is really unexpected to be able to develop a bug like the Yuanshen Retreat Method.

This also made the creatures of the ten thousand worlds more and more curious, what outrageous commotion he would have next, and the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were looking forward to it.

"No, how to inventory to the back, these hangings are more outrageous than one, one is more bizarre than another." "

"That is, none of these comparisons are normal?"

"Aren't they hanging comparisons, shouldn't they be unmatched luck, powerful in wisdom, how can they be so outrageous?"

"These hanging ratios, starting from Xu Que, are more strange than the other, and one is more wrong than the other. "

"Daoist, take a look, are there any normal comparisons among these hanging ratios?"

"Xu Que is a pretend criminal, Li Changshou's guy is outrageous, as for Li Qiye, he is an old monster. "

"Now this Song Shuhang is even more of a fun person, one is more outrageous than the other, which of them is a normal hanging comparison?"

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds complained one after another: "That is, why are these hanging ratios so outrageous now, one is more outrageous than the other, something is wrong, quite wrong." "

"They can also be hanging in this way?"

"What kind of joke, it's better to let me be a hanger, at least my brain is much more normal than theirs." "

"That is, where do so many strange things come from, they are all hanging comparisons, it is simply outrageous. "

"No, where did these hanging ratios come from, why is there no normal person?"

"Song Shuhang, this kid is also a college student, how can this commotion operate one after another. "

"The old sow wears a bra, one after the other. "

At the same time, in the sky, the picture continues to change.

Song Shuhang is still refining the resurrection magic weapon, and the method he chose is actually refining the weapon with his body.

Refining the instrument with the body is to use one's body as the material of the refining tool, so as to sacrifice all kinds of "one, four, seven" extraordinary weapons.

Of course, the price of this is life.

But Song Shuhang still did it, because what he wanted to refine was the resurrection magic weapon-the Continuation Talisman!

However, after refining his own resurrection weapon, he fell into a strange cycle, as if he had been cursed.

Once you get a brand new resurrection weapon, within a month, you will inevitably die again, and consume the resurrection weapon that you have obtained with great difficulty.

This is Song Shuhang's luck, extremely sad.

And, the most outrageous thing is that he dies very differently every time.

Almost all of Song Shuhang's methods of death can be published in a book.

This kid's luck is really outrageous!

He died a lot, and over time, Song Shuhang also awakened an outrageous ability, that is, he could sense the resurrection magic weapon on other cultivators.

Because he had died too many times, he was extremely sensitive to the breath of the resurrection weapon.

Therefore, he can keenly perceive the breath of all resurrection weapons.

And seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned at first, and then they were all stunned.

Die once a month?

Good guys, what is this operation?

Song Shuhang's luck is really a metaphysics, it is simply ridiculously bad!

Going out with others can't get treasures, and you can always find trouble for yourself.

When you get a resurrection spell, you will quickly consume it every time.

Dying once a month is also outrageous.

Upgrading one level a month, dying once a month, Song Shuhang, this kid, is really outrageous, how outrageous.

"Nima, this kid is really outrageous. "

"Every time he gets a new resurrection weapon, he consumes it, and I don't know if his luck is good or bad. "

"If not, he can always get a new resurrection weapon; if it is, he will die after obtaining the resurrection weapon." "

"Also, this kid's luck is really impossible to say. "

"However, this world is really outrageous, as long as there is a resurrection weapon, it can be resurrected without limit, without limiting the situation, nor the number of times, which is too outrageous. "

The way of life and death yin and yang, looking at the countless planes of the heavens and realms is the most magical, but in this blue star Kyushu world, it can be resurrected without limit, how is this not shocking.

"Look, this is the real hanging ratio, people even have a fixed time of death, he can even predict his own death, this is what ordinary people can do?"

"Outrageous, outrageous!"

"This inventory is really more and more interesting, although this Song Shuhang seemed to be just an ordinary college student at first, but now the more he looks at it, the more interesting he is, he is definitely not ordinary." "

"Is this a curse, and if it's true, it's so interesting." "

"Every time that great resurrection magic weapon, it will definitely die within a month, is this a resurrection magic weapon or a talisman?"

"Who would have thought that there was actually such a physique, what kind of monster Song Shuhang is, I can see it, he is definitely not the son of luck, he is the son of bad luck!"

"I've never seen such an unlucky little guy. "

"You will die within a month, this is simply the golden rule." "

"Bull batches, monsters, outrageous talent..."

The creatures of the heavens and realms laughed when they looked at the picture on the sky.

Song Shuhang's physique is too special and outrageous.

It is clear that you can get the resurrection magic weapon, but after obtaining the resurrection magic weapon, it will definitely die in a short time.

Hard-won magic weapons will be used.

Going out with people to hunt for treasure is also his most unlucky.

This luck, I can't say, it's almost home.

Song Shuhang, this kid, is really a serious comparison?

"How do I feel that Song Shuhang is a little far from hanging ratio?"

"It stands to reason that hanging should not be such bad luck." "

"Huh? He's not hanging the bi yet?"

"Just say that, if he hadn't been a hangbi, he would have been completely cool." "

"Didn't you find it, even if Song Shuhang is so unlucky, he can still obtain the resurrection magic weapon, can be resurrected, and it is still an infinite resurrection. If he hadn't hung up on Bill and so on, he would have been completely cold. "

Someone immediately refuted.

When many creatures heard this, it seemed that this was really the truth.

And the person who asked the question was numb.

"It seems to be true, so what is the situation of this Song Shuhang?"

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms all looked at the heavenly screen in confusion.

Song Shuhang's situation is too rare.

At the same time, in the sky curtain, Senior Bai is about to go out.

Under the plan of many members of the chat masses, Song Shuhang was pitted by them and became the receptionist of Bai Senpai's departure.

Senior Bai is the son of luck, and his luck is so good that he explodes.

And Song Shuhang is also the son of luck, and his companions will be lucky enough to explode because of his existence.

And Senior Bai and Song Shuhang are walking together, it is estimated that the effect will definitely explode, so look forward to it!

After Li Tiansu's death, through the ring, Song Shuhang established cause and effect with him, and on this basis, Song Shuhang successfully awakened the talent of dreaming.

Needless to say, although the luck of this kid Song Shuhang is not great, his talent is really outrageous.

This talent for dreaming is to be able to rely on the cause and effect of others to experience the lives of others in the form of dreams.

Start with cause and effect, rely on dreams, and experience the experience of others.

This is Song Shuhang's dream power.

I have to say, it's really interesting.

Moreover, the main thing about this dream god is a full openness.

That is, the lives of others that they experience, whatever they may be, will experience.

Even the hidden secrets that others have hidden cannot be concealed, and they will all be clearly exposed in front of them.

Everything that others experience will be exposed to the sun.

And the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned when they saw such magical powers.

This Song Shuhang awakened Shentong is really getting more and more outrageous!"

"No, this is not a magical power, this is hanging!"

"That's right, it's so outrageous, how can it be a magical power, it must be hanging!"

"What is this Nima, how can it be so outrageous, to be able to experience someone else's life in a dream. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"This hanging, it's amazing. "

"Isn't this person who was Sims having no privacy at all?"

"Even the privacy he wants to hide will be exposed to everyone's gaze." "

"This ability is also too awesome. "

"There is simply no room for privacy. "

"Everything you have experienced in your life can be known, from childhood to adulthood, all the details will be vividly presented in the dream. "

"Even at what age the bedwetting is, there is nowhere to hide. "

"Shhh—this ability is really outrageous. "

"Fellow Taoists, I suddenly have a very perverted idea. "

"Dame, Dame, don't be astringent. "

At the same time, someone's eyes lit up: "If you say so, even if it is something in cultivation, it is difficult to hide?"

"That's right, even the cultivation method will be everywhere!"

Suddenly, many people became short of breath.

If this can get the big guy's cultivation idea, then it is not taking off in place?

"If we can really meet a bull critic and get a glimpse of his cultivation method, then we can directly take off and become a generation of powerhouses!"

"If this ability falls on you and me, it is the foundation for you and me to change our lives against the heavens!"

"This is definitely an opportunity to change your life against the sky!"

Many creatures in the heavens and realms were excited at this moment.

"It's a pity that I think too much, this magical power is Song Shuhang's, not ours." "

"Song Shuhang is already talented against the sky, and if he obtains such a plug-in, wouldn't it be like a fish in water and a tiger with wings?"

"Could it be that the speed at which he ascended one level in January is going to become faster again, and that he is promoted to one level in half a month?

"Lying groove! There really is such a hanging!"

"Such plug-ins, really against the sky, how outrageous and outrageous!"


"Everyone can dream. "

"If everyone in the Kyushu world can dream and get the Dao of others from their dreams, wouldn't that take off?"

No wonder there is such a transcendent existence in this world, it turns out that there is such an outrageous magical power..."

"In this way, it may make sense!"

In the heavens and realms, there are creatures who excitedly spoke.

Today, he finally understood the reason why Blue Star had a transcendent realm.

This method of dreaming can explain everything very well.

The method of dreaming can experience other people's lives through dreams, and then master other people's paths, as well as cultivation experience, and so on.

Even some top-notch and powerful existences will be tricked.

And if, through such a method, many top-level existing avenues were obtained, and all the avenues of the most powerful small group of people were gathered in their own bodies, how terrifying would it be, and how terrifying would it be?

The avenue of dozens of people gathered in one is simply unimaginable.

A supreme being piled up with dozens of people, transcending heaven and earth, overlooking billions of living beings.

If this is the case, the existence of transcendence can really appear!

"This Kyushu world is really terrifying!"

"Song Shuhang has mastered such a terrifying magical power, should he really be able to stand at the top of the heavens and realms with this magical power in the future?"

"This guy is really outrageous. "

"The avenue of dozens of people is gathered in one, and it is as terrifying as it is. "

"No wonder this world can have a transcendent order, so to speak, it is normal. "

At the same time, in the big world, Xiao Yan was dumbfounded.

"Good fellow, is the hanging ratio in this world so outrageous?"

"What does it mean that you can actually be reborn in the path of life, or someone else's life path?"

"Go someone else's way and leave others with nowhere to go?"

"What kind of comparison are these, how can this Song Shuhang be so outrageous, it's simply amazing!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms complained one after another.

"I thought that Song Shuhang was an ordinary college student who accidentally entered the Xiuzhen chat group. "

"Now it seems that this kid is really playing pig and eating tiger." "

"That's right, this kid is so awesome. "

"This hanging comparison is simply unreasonable, this ability to dream is more bullish than rebirth." "

"Just like a big guy said before, if Song Shuhang can meet a big guy and establish cause and effect with him, he can soar into the sky?!"


"Guys, what have you overlooked, this dream divine power is not unique to Song Shuhang, looking at the entire blue star, the entire Kyushu world, this is an open secret, many people have mastered the dream divine power. "

"If only one person has such a magical power, this magical power is naturally a powerful killing move, but if many people have this magical power, then this magical power is an open secret, but it is not something to fear." "

"That's right, there must be a means of prevention for such means, and there is no need to worry too much, worry too much." "

"No matter what world this method is placed in, it is definitely the most powerful and outrageous method. "

"Even if it is a top-notch plane like the Flood Barren Plane and the Perfect Plane, this is the same!"

"Yes, the perfect plane and the flood plane are the supreme planes, among which the strong are like clouds, and they can't count, but it is the best place for this magical method to play. "

1.8 "Because you can casually establish a causal union with a strong person, and use the way of dreaming to obtain the cultivation success of others." "

"The more such a strong environment is like clouds, the better the way to dream, and that's exactly it!"

"If you say so, then this method will be truly like a fish in water when it reaches the flood and desolation plane and the perfect plane, and it will become an unsolvable existence. "

"No matter what kind of anti-heaven exercises, moves, or everything else, there will be no stars, no reservations, no secrets. "

"Even if it is Li Changshou's balanced avenue, it is difficult to avoid the reproduction of the way to dream. "


"The whole world, everyone will have no secrets, and if this way of dreaming enters these supreme planes, there is no doubt that it will be a disaster. "

At the same time, the world was flooded.

Li Changshou looked at the picture in the sky screen, looking at all this fixedly, his eyes were intent, but his face was full of surprise.

"Good fellow, and such a perverted, such an outrageous method?"

This is useless even if you want to get up, as long as there is a causal connection, you can't avoid it at all!


"This is a dream, it's simply an invasion of Genshin?"

"Shhhh "

"As long as you have a dream, you will be invaded, which is really not good." "

"You can't wait for that guy to die before you can sleep." "

"It's really outrageous, this thing is so outrageous. "

"There is simply no way to prevent it. "

Even though he was already a Dao Ancestor-level existence now, he was helpless, it was too incomprehensible.

Song Shuhang, this kid, this is open?

What a shameless one!

Before it was a product in January, with the plug-in of this way to dream, it must not be a product in three days?

"This is the real demon!"

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