In the heavens and realms, there are endless creatures, and the cultivators who have no calculation are countless.

At this moment, they were all shocked by the way of dreams.

There is no other reason, this way of dreams is too enchanting and perverted.

Any living being, mainly dreaming, may steal everything, even the avenue of knowledge and cultivation, because it is difficult to escape the enemy.

Such a method is really amazing.

"Although this plug-in is only a way to dream, using dreams to experience the life of others, but if you have bad intentions, this is really the best way to do evil. "

"Through this method, you can steal other people's avenues, other people's cultivation results, and take everything for yourself. "

"Such a means is really too amazing, too terrifying, such a means, should not be tolerated by the Heavenly Dao!"

"Just imagine, the avenue that you have worked hard to cultivate for countless years, because of a dream, it fell into the hands of others and was mastered by others, who can accept such a thing?"

"This method is really terrifying, and the more you are in the highest plane, the more powerful the place, the more incomprehensible it is. "

"Because in this kind of place, there are too many strong people, and it is too easy to be invaded by the way of dreaming." "

"Imagine, if you are really invaded by the way of dreaming, who can resist?

"The magnificent avenue once fell into the hands of others. "

"If you don't want the avenue you have worked so hard to cultivate to be obtained for nothing, then there is only one way, not sleeping, not sleeping, naturally there is no such trouble. "

"Daoist, in fact, there is another way, that is, not to establish cause and effect. "

"But how can man live in the world without establishing a causal connection?"

"There is no such isolated person in this world, even if that old Gou lives longer than Li, isn't there still cause and effect?"

"Alas, too, in this way, there is no solution to this method." "

But above the sky, the picture changed again.

Senior Bai, a well-known boss in the group, finally got out of customs, and Song Shuhang was the person responsible for welcoming Senior Bai.

But to the surprise of everyone in the group, these two sons of luck did not clash, but talked very happily.

Senior Bai is the son of luck, while Song Shuhang is the son of reverse luck.

Everyone in the group thought that they would be hostile to each other, but they did not expect that the two of them were almost wearing the same pair of pants, talking very happily, and the relationship was very good.29

Although Senior Bai is a well-established and famous senior and the son of luck, he is not domineering, but he is very talkative, very amiable, and gets along very well with Song Shuhang.

As for Song Shuhang, he was naturally extremely happy to be able to befriend a big senior like Senior Bai.

Therefore, the relationship between the two of them was very good, and soon developed into a relationship of mentor and friend.

They were very satisfied with each other, and did not have the kind of saber rattling that the group members expected.

This is quite disappointing for many people in the group, and they still want to watch a good show, but there is no good show now.

Soon, the disconnection platform incident ushered in.

The weakness of Song Shuhang's cultivation path was finally exposed.

Although Song Shuhang is gifted with demons, his cultivation progress is also extremely fast, which can be called divine speed.

However, one thing cannot be denied, that is, when he was cultivating, he was too old, his start was too late, and he had already lost his innate true qi.

Innate True Qi is the True Qi that people are born with in the body.

Many Immortal Cultivation Sect families began to cultivate at the age of four or five, just because they didn't want to waste that innate true qi.

Innate True Qi will gradually dissipate over time, as living beings grow up slowly.

The worst will disappear completely when a person is eight years old.

And when Song Shuhang began to cultivate, he was already eighteen years old, and he had been in the evening for ten years.

The so-called innate true qi has long been gone.

And because there is no innate true qi in the body, Song Shuhang later made a choice, that is, to renovate!

What he reformed was the thirty-three beast pioneer weather skills that Senior Bai personally transformed!

And, in the next battle, he replaced Chu Chu against the Void Sword Faction.

His opponent was a second-grade cultivator, and he was only in the first-grade realm at that time.

But even so, he did not admit defeat, but instead resisted the pressure of the other party's second-grade realm and successfully broke through to the second-grade realm!

Song Shuhang broke through in battle, crossed the level of battle, and finally successfully stepped into the second-grade realm, which was really not easy.

When the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they frowned one after another.

"Good guy, this is not a traditional art ability, sure enough, this guy Song Shuhang will also do this." "

"How is it a hanging ratio will skip the level of battle, and there is a breakthrough in battle, it is really more popular than the dead." "

"This is the standard of hanging ratios, if you don't break through and skip the battle, you are embarrassed to say that you are a hanging ratio." "

"Hahaha, don't say it, it seems to be true. "

"I have to say that hanging is really an outrageous species, and you can't call it a person, because it's too outrageous!"

"This face, I feel that it is still inferior to Yang Qi on the Holy King's throne, although they are all weak and strong, but Song Shuhang is a one-on-one forehead, and Yang Qi is more than one enemy, and he is still fighting across several realms, one by one!"

"In this way, Yang Qi's record is even more outrageous. "

"However, even so, Song Shuhang is indeed against the sky, defeating the strong with weakness, and cultivating the Dao has such strength in such a short time, which is already very good. "

"Yes, these hanging ratios, are not easy to mess with, each of them is unimaginable, do not know the depth of existence, we can't afford to provoke, see them in the future or be honest." "

"Huh? provoke? Daoist, what are you talking about? Are you crazy?"

"How dare you say such things as provoking hangbi, these hangbi, one is more outrageous than the other, you provoke hangbi, aren't you looking for death?"

"Who dares to provoke Hangbi, this is not looking for death?!"

"People are hanging up, they definitely can't die, but you don't have to." "

"Outrageous, how can this happen, there are actually people who have such thoughts, I doubt whether it is a creature of the heavens and realms, Daoist friend, haven't you seen the inventory?"

"Alas, too!"

"It's unfair! Heaven's way is unfair!"

"Why do you say that there are such creatures in this heaven and earth, they can no longer be called people, they are an independent race, powerful and lucky, which is enviable. "

"The existence of the hanging ratio is simply to destroy the balance, I envy to death!

"Really not convinced!"

"I have to be a hangbi too!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were in an atmosphere for a while, and they all spoke, of course, they were more envious.

Who doesn't want to be a matchless and powerful hanger with good luck?

At the same time, just when the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were envious of the hanging ratio, the picture in the Heavenly Eye changed again.

All kinds of events experienced by Song Shuhang appeared on the heavenly screen, presented one by one, and were known to the heavens and all worlds.

In a walk-behind tractor competition, under the accidental hit, Song Shuhang knew the importance of the road number.

If there is a very good road number, walking in the rivers and lakes in the future, it will definitely be able to shock others and become famous.

It was precisely because of this that Song Shuhang was determined to choose a Dao number for himself.

It just so happens that there are so many seniors in the group, he can completely imitate the seniors and give himself a Dao number.

The road number is equivalent to their second name, walking in the rivers and lakes, few people will say their real name, are called by the road number.

Therefore, this road sign must not be strange or ugly, at least it must be loud when it is said.

Let others think that this person is not simple when they hear it.

At the beginning, Song Shuhang planned to follow the example of the Beihe scattered people and give himself a Dao number of the book sword scattered people.

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that the name is general, and the matter of taking the road number is really cautious, and you must choose a well-sounding and beautiful road number.

After thinking about it, I still feel that this kind of thing, if you only rely on your own strength, it is too small.

After all, the road number is a lifelong issue, and it is a matter of face.

How a person is, how strong his strength is, and what kind of personality he is, he can probably get a glimpse of one or two from the road number.

Such a face-related issue, you must be careful!

Therefore, Song Shuhang asked everyone in the group this time, wanting them to help him choose a Dao number.

After all, everyone in the group has been mixing in the True Cultivation Realm for longer than themselves.

How to take the road number, they must have experience, with their help, they will definitely be able to take a good road number.

Three stinkers are better than Zhuge Liang.

Soon, everyone in the group spoke enthusiastically.

They seemed to be very keen on such things, and seeing that Song Shuhang needed a Dao number, they sent it in the group with a word.

I have to say that these people who have been cultivating the True World for many years are different from Song Shuhang, this little white.

In a short time, a long time gave him many road numbers.

These road numbers are varied, all kinds of things, what kind of everything, the main one is a whole!

At a glance, countless road signs occupy the entire screen.

The screen is full of Dao numbers, which style is available, let Song Shuhang choose by himself.

And Song Shuhang chose to choose and finally reached the final round, there were a total of seven numbers.

To be honest, these seven road numbers are very good, Song Shuhang likes them all, and none of them are willing to give up.

So, he made a decision that no one expected: he wanted to contract all seven numbers!

Overlord Dao Song Yi, Moby Dick Swordsman, Sword Seeker, King Kong Gentleman Dao, Benevolent Cultivator, Wooden Daoist, Book Mountain Resident!

Seven road numbers, all very good!

Exactly seven road numbers, Song Shuhang decided to change one day a week!

And the creatures of the heavens and realms couldn't hold back when they saw this.

"Good fellow, Song Shuhang, this kid is really a talent, seven Dao numbers?!" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!)

"Nima, there are so many Dao numbers, do you use them?"

"These seven numbers, one a day, are used up for exactly a week, right?"

"It has to be you, Song Shuhang!"

"What is this person Song Shuhang, why is he so interesting. "

"Hahaha, to be honest, it should be said or not, Song Shuhang's brain is really not something that ordinary people can come up with. "、

"He uses seven Dao numbers alone!"

"That's a trumpet!"

"The Dao number is equivalent to a person's name in the cultivation world, one or two is quite normal, Song Shuhang has ten in this moment, it should be said that it is a bit outrageous. "

"But this kid still has a lot of ideas, change it every day, today is still the sword Song Yi, tomorrow will be the beluga swordsman." "

"Six six six, this operation is really amazing!"

"Hahaha, Song Shuhang's strength may not be good, but this commotion operation is really many, one set after another, flow approval. "

"These seven signs... Fellow Taoists, let me tell you the truth, do you really think these seven Dao signs are very good?"

"Why don't I feel good, very ordinary?" "

"Plus one! That's right! I feel that way too!"

"To be honest, there is one thing to say, in my opinion, these seven road numbers, one is more LOW than one, none of them are good road numbers. "

"It's good that the book sword scattered people, why don't you use the Dao name of the book sword scattered people?"

"Daoyou, have you ever thought of a possibility, that is, Song Shuhang does not use a sword, although he really wants to be a sword immortal, but the strength he really does not allow ah. "

"Song Shuhang, this kid, really doesn't have this luck. "

"He doesn't have the talent to become a sword immortal, hahahaha!"

"Pierced the heart of Lao Tie, it has to be you, a word to break the facts. "

"Song, although we are hanging comparisons, we still have to pay attention to the image, this day to change a number, it is not a matter of people!"

"Change a road number every day, that name Song Shuhang still depends on the sky, it's really amazing." "

"What kind of brain does this have to be able to accept all this, Song Shuhang is not an ordinary person, this is a wolf!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms immediately laughed, all of them were laughing at Song Shuhang's seven Dao numbers.

"Seven Dao numbers, adding up to not one Dao number is good, Song Shu 987 Hang is estimated to be depressed to death." "

However, since he chose these seven numbers, it means that he is still optimistic about these seven numbers. "

"It's just miserable. "

"I thought that I would work together, but finally thought of seven good road numbers, but found that these seven road numbers, one by one, are not good. "

"I have to say that Song Shuhang's operation is really not good. "

The Dao Horn incident made the creatures of all the heavens and realms laugh at Song Shuhang.

This kid is really interesting.

At the same time, the picture on the sky screen changes.

After the Bishui Pavilion incident, the spirit turtle in Song Shuhang's body was borrowed by Liuli Shusheng.

Of course, Liuli Shusheng is not an unreasonable person, borrowing Song Shuhang's spirit ghost, and also giving Song Shuhang a chance.

He transmitted the exercises remotely and helped Song Shuhang break through to the realm of the Battle Heavenly King after the Third Grade.

And breakthrough requires crossing the calamity, and under normal circumstances, surviving the thunder calamity can successfully consolidate the realm.

But who is Song Shuhang, he is the son of bad luck, and his crossing is naturally unusual.

Sure enough, in fact, among the three-pin Heavenly Tribulation that was not too dangerous, there was actually the eleventh Heavenly Tribulation!

The probability of this eleventh Heavenly Tribulation coming is said to be only one in a billion!

However, Song Shuhang was so lucky that he successfully attracted the eleventh Heavenly Tribulation.

When the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they were all numb.

Doesn't it mean that there are only ten Heavenly Tribulations?"

"Where did this eleventh Heavenly Tribulation come from?"

"What's going on with this thing?"

A group of creatures looked at the sky in confusion, their faces full of confusion: "No one said that there is another thunder calamity?"

"What is it? Hidden Easter eggs?"

A creature from the Kyushu world spoke: "In fact, when the realm of the third grade after heaven breaks through, there is indeed the eleventh heavenly tribulation. "

"It's just that this eleventh Heavenly Tribulation is a legendary existence, and the probability of this Heavenly Tribulation appearing is extremely low, only one in a billion!"

"One in a billion?!"

"The probability of this eleventh Heavenly Tribulation coming is only one in a billion?"

"The result just fell in the thunder calamity of this guy Song Shuhang?"

"Shhhhh "

The creatures of the heavens and realms naturally knew what the probability of one in a billion meant.

This means that it is almost impossible to exist, there are only how many cultivators and how many third-grade realms exist in the entire Kyushu world.

The probability of one in a billion is so slim that it is almost impossible to see, and as a result, this can also make Song Shuhang encounter?

This just doesn't act, does it?

Another coincidence?

Good fellow, can this heavenly calamity also die by coincidence?

Without a doubt, the stone hammered!

Behind all this, there will inevitably be a big guy to push! ,

The creatures of the heavens and realms reached a consensus in an instant.

If there is no behind-the-scenes promotion from the big guys, they will eat!

As for who it will be?

"Heavenly Dao?"

"Or some other powerful being?"

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