The endless beings of the heavens and realms were all marveling at Song Shuhang's luck at this moment.

"I'm Nima, this is really great luck, is this good luck or bad luck?"

"Being able to encounter the eleventh Heavenly Tribulation, the probability of one in a billion, seems to be indeed a very small probability. "

"However, the eleventh Heavenly Tribulation is so rare, or is it a Heavenly Tribulation, is this good or bad?"

"This is naturally a good thing, the eleventh Heavenly Tribulation is so rare, being able to bump into this Heavenly Tribulation is a proof of talent!"

"Only a true demon can attract this eleventh Heavenly Tribulation. "

"This is not a cabbage, the one in a billion chance actually appeared!"

"Song Shuhang, this kid is really not an ordinary person, his luck is really terrifying!"

"I said, since it is a hanging ratio and a son of luck, how can it be worse?"

"Look, didn't Song Shuhang trigger the eleventh Heavenly Tribulation and create the history of the Kyushu True Cultivation Realm. "

"No, I still don't believe that Song Shuhang will have such good luck to be able to trigger the Eleventh Heavenly Tribulation with a probability of only one in a billion. "

"This kid is his most unlucky thing to explore and hunt for treasure with others, how can he attract such a rare heavenly calamity. "

"Song Shuhang's success in cooking medicine with an induction cooker and a hot pot for the first time may indeed be explained by good luck, but this eleventh heavenly calamity, the probability of one in a billion can be touched by a brat, it's not simple!"

"This must be the reason why he is a hangbi, and it really goes against the sky!"

"Nima, this kid really deserves to be a hanging ratio, completely unreasonable, the heavenly tribulation with a probability of one in a billion can be met, and it is terrifying." "

Meanwhile, Blue Star, Kyushu World.

Huangshan Zhenjun looked at the picture in the sky screen, his eyes were full of disbelief, even he did not expect that a person he casually pulled into the group had such a talent, and he was so against the sky!

"Song Shuhang, is it really so against the sky?!"

He has been watching the inventory from beginning to end, and Song Shuhang in the inventory shows all kinds of magic.

That can be called the terrifying luck of the son of luck, the magical promotion speed of January Yipin, and all kinds of peculiarities.

"It's a hanging ratio. "

Of course, what makes him feel most amazing is that Song Shuhang actually became a good friend with Bai?

Senior Bai is an extremely special existence in their chat group.

The realm is a seven-rank Venerable, powerful, in addition, he has an incomparably handsome appearance, regardless of gender, regardless of race, everyone will be captivated by the charm of the white senior, and even, those who are not firm in their minds will show dementia.

The people in the group are afraid of losing people, and although they all respect Senior Bai, they stay away from it whenever Senior Bai goes out.

They did not dare to get close to Senior Bai for fear of losing themselves.

But Song Shuhang was not affected by Bai Senpai, and he was still how it should be.

The transformation naturally surprised Huangshan Zhenjun.

Moreover, now, it is just a two-to-three heavenly tribulation, which actually attracted the legendary eleventh heavenly tribulation, a probability of one in a billion!

Is this still human?

The corner of Huangshan Zhenjun's mouth twitched, looking at the picture in the sky, and was silent for a while.

A person who he pulled by mistake is actually so demonized, or hang up the comparison?!

Outrageous, outrageous!

I don't know whether to say that Song Shuhang's luck is outrageous, or the identity of the hanging ratio is outrageous.

All in all, outrageous is right.

Huangshan Zhenjun never thought that his small mistake would lead to so many stories.

The phone keeps vibrating, and at this moment, the chat group has exploded, and all kinds of messages have already brushed the screen.

The group members talked a lot, and at this moment they seemed to be showing their hand speed, and one message after another instantly brushed the screen, and then they were topped.

Everyone in the chat group looked shocked, and the messages sent out could also be seen to have a strong sense of shock.

"I, Nima, what kind of demon is this?!"

Mad Dao Three Waves: "The probability of one in a billion can trigger the eleventh heavenly tribulation, I didn't expect to let Xiaoyou trigger it." Song Xiaoyou, please hug your thighs!"

Beihe Sanren: "There is a saying, what kind of perversion is this, do you want to be so outrageous, people are more popular than dead." "

"But Shuhang, can you take me with you when you go treasure hunting in the future?"

After Beihe Sanren's words, he also added a smiley face.

Just kidding, there is meat to eat with Song Shuhang, which he saw with his own eyes in the inventory.

As long as you go treasure hunting with Song Shuhang, then you will definitely gain something in the end, and you don't have to worry about getting into trouble, because the trouble is going to find Song Shuhang.

Su Shi A Qi: "Shhh-Song Shuhang?! I really dare not think that he is just an ordinary college student now, and as a hangbi, he is really terrifying." "

Even the pharmacist slowly sent out two words: "Powerful." "

Yurouzi: "Senior Song, can I hold your thigh in the future?"

Bronze Trigram Immortal Master: "Plus one, I want to hold it too." "

Su Clan Sixteen: "Huangshan Zhenjun, you are really bloody in this wave, who wouldn't want such a Daoist?"

"Don't force it. "

When he saw these words, Huangshan Zhenjun's face that was still smiling instantly collapsed.

The green tendons on his forehead jumped, and three black lines slowly slid down.


Taoist couples can't get by with this stubble, right?

The creatures of the heavens and realms are talking about it, and the picture is constantly changing.

Time flies, and the time in the sky screen is a month later.

After January, Song Shuhang made the final promotion steadily.

Say one product in January, that is, one product in January, absolutely put you on the list without delay.

Song Shuhang four and three, ready to meet his own heavenly calamity. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

This time, however, there was a little surprise.

He was not the only one who crossed the robbery, but under various accidents, Song Shuhang accidentally formed a group with the lord of the Qisheng Mansion, Tianyazi, Chang Yuanzi, Lao Suo, and the puppet of Xuanfeng Valley to cross the robbery.

And because they were forming a group to cross the calamity, and the lord of the Qisheng Mansion, Tianyazi and others were all seniors whose strength far exceeded Song Shuhang.

Therefore, this time the Heavenly Tribulation really changed (Zhao Qian's) different, it was not an ordinary Heavenly Tribulation!

Every time Song Shuhang crossed the calamity, the heavenly calamity was extraordinary.

When he was two and three, he attracted the eleventh Heavenly Tribulation with only a one-in-billion.

And this time, his Heavenly Tribulation also mutated.

It is obviously a Heavenly Tribulation of Three Jins and Four, but because of the formation of a group to cross the Tribulation, the Heavenly Tribulation power has skyrocketed because of this, and it has come to the level of Seven Jins and Eight!

The Seventh Rank Venerable successfully advanced to the Eighth Rank Xuan Sheng, and there were only five in the ages!

From this, it is enough to see the horror of the power of these seven and eight heavenly tribulations!

And seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned, and they were immediately confused.

Good fellow, haven't heard of it, this is really unheard.

Are they lonely and unheard, how can they still form a group through the robbery?

The countless creatures in the heavens and realms were all confused, staring at the picture of the sky screen curiously and confused.

Crossing this thing, can you still form a group?

This Nima is a bit outrageous.

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