

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds could only give a thumbs up and shout six, six, six.

But Song Shuhang's luck is not very six.

The consequence of the group crossing the tribulation is that it was originally just a three-to-four heavenly tribulation, but because of the group crossing the calamity, now the power has skyrocketed to seven and eight!

The realm of three and four is ushered in the heavenly tribulation of seven and eight of the mighty energy.

You say this is not dead?

Three Jin Four against the Heavenly Tribulation of Seven Jin Eight, no matter how you look at it, there is only one way to die!

"Song Shuhang's luck is also too bad, how can he encounter the Heavenly Tribulation of Seven Jinba?"

"Even if it is a group to cross the calamity, then the power of this thunder tribulation cannot skyrocket to such an outrageous degree, right?"

There is no hope of success at all, and there is no doubt that you will die!"

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms looked at Song Shuhang in the heavenly curtain, and the thick clouds of calamity that condensed above Song Shuhang's head and were ready to attack.

At this moment, they all looked solemn, frowned deeply, looked at the sky screen picture, and gasped.

"Daoist, I have a feeling that Song Shuhang may be going to be cold this time. "

"It's possible, it's very likely, that Song Shuhang is really going to be cold. "

"He's going to cool this one." "

"If Song Shuhang can survive this, it will be outrageous. "

"What a terrifying existence the Heavenly Tribulation is, the power is 587 pairs, the power is strong, enough to annihilate and smash everything. "

"Of course, the Dao is fifty, the Tianyan is forty or nine, and the Dao of Heaven will still leave a glimmer of life for the robbers. "

"But then this is for the Heavenly Tribulation of the same realm, people in the three and four realms, to face the Heavenly Tribulation of the Seven Jins and Eight, no matter how evil they are, no matter how outrageous they are, they will definitely die!"

"The power of the Heavenly Tribulation is terrifying, and every time it is upgraded by one level, the power skyrockets several times!"

"The difference in power between the Heavenly Tribulation of the Three Jins and the Eight Heavenly Tribulations of the Three Jins and the Eight Heavenly Tribulations is a thousand times greater?"

"Song Shuhang will definitely die in the face of such a heavenly calamity!"

"It's a pity, this hanging is more likely to be hanging than this one." "

"Unless there is a powerful move to protect Song Shuhang, Song Shuhang is really dead now. "

"It's not easy to survive this Heavenly Tribulation. "

"What? What do you say? You say Song Shuhang will die? Dude, what are you kidding? If Song Shuhang will die, I'll unload my scales!"

"Who is Song Shuhang, but the hanging ratio, how outrageous is the hanging ratio, buddy, you still don't know?"

"Even if we're all cold, it's okay for people to hang up. "

"Hanging comparison is such a demon, it is not at all comparable to us. "

"Don't worry, although it is really a little terrifying to let that Song Shuhang face the Heavenly Tribulation of Seven Jinba, Song Shuhang will definitely be fine. "

"After all, the person is hangbi, he will not die (cjdb), will the hangbi die?"

"Take 10,000 steps back and say, even if he really dies, then don't worry, he has a resurrection weapon." "

"If you don't use the resurrection magic weapon, then it will be wasted, anyway, this kid Song Shuhang can't save such a thing as the resurrection magic weapon." "

"In the inventory, Song Shuhang has died many times, died so many times, but still alive, people are hanging, unlimited resurrection, although the resurrection magic weapon this kind of thing can not be kept in his hands, but he is not lacking. "

"Since you can be resurrected, what are you afraid of?"

"Isn't it the Heavenly Tribulation of Seven Jinba, it's over, if you can successfully cross the calamity, you will definitely be able to leave a name in history." "

"Even if it fails, it's nothing to be sorry for, it's a big deal to spend a resurrection weapon to regenerate." "

"What's so entangled in this. "

While the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were discussing, the thunder snake on the sky dome swam away, the electric light was stirring, and the terrifying thunder could fall at any time!

Song Shuhang faced the Seven Jin and Eight Heavenly Tribulations with the realm of three jin and four!

Everyone held their breath and looked at the sky screen quietly, wanting to see what commotion Song Shuhang had and whether he could successfully survive the thunder calamity.

In the sky curtain, Song Shuhang did not panic in the face of the thunder calamity.

He successfully survived the Seven Jin and Eight Heavenly Tribulations by relying on the Pingtianguan in the hands of the "big guy who sells everything" and stepped into the realm of the fourth grade.

At the same time, because what he crossed was the reason for the eight-pin Xuan Saint Tribulation, after he successfully crossed the tribulation, it was not the mysteries of the ordinary fourth-grade innate martial emperor realm, but the mysteries of the eight-pin Xuan Saint Realm!

Manifest saints before people, fame heaven!

This should have been a mysterious ability that could only be achieved if one successfully survived the Seven Jin and Eight Heavenly Tribulations and stepped into the Eight-Rank Xuan Saint Realm.

But because of the special reason of Song Shuhangdu Tribulation, although he only has the realm of four grades, he has also successfully achieved a saint in front of people and is famous all over the world!

I don't know, I thought he was the sixth Xuan Saint in this thousand years.

Although he is not a serious Xuan Sheng, he is the first parallel Xuan Saint in the year of lack of money.

There is the mysteries of the Xuan Saint Realm, but it does not have the strength of the Xuan Saint Realm.

Song Shuhang not only appeared saintly in front of people and shocked the world, in addition, he also condensed a holy seal - tyrant Song!

Condensing the Holy Seal, this is also something that only the existence of the Xuan Saint Realm can do.

But Song Shuhang, the parallel goods Xuansheng, still came true.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were shocked.

"I'll go, what kind of treasure is that, it's actually so powerful?"

"That is the Heavenly Tribulation of Seven Jinba Eight, it was actually saved like this, that treasure, it can actually resist the Heavenly Tribulation, this power is really barbaric. "

"The Heavenly Tribulation of Seven Jinba is not mixed with any moisture, and it can be successfully carried here, and this treasure is really not annoying." "

"I'll go, don't be too outrageous. "

"Why is this so outrageous, more and more outrageous. "

"Hmm... A treasure can actually resist the Heavenly Tribulation of Seven Jinba and keep Song Shuhang's hanging ratio, then how outrageous is the owner of this treasure. "

"It seems that the big guy who sells everything is definitely not ordinary, and the identity of this one is not simple." "

"That's right, it seems that this Kyushu world is definitely not as simple as we see. "

"It's not... Fellow Taoists, isn't Song Shuhang three and four Jin, how can he be a saint?

Someone looked confused.

Previously, when taking stock of Li Changshou, they all knew the horror of the Saint Realm.

The saint is the supreme being under the heavenly path, controlling the flood and wilderness, ruling the supreme plane, unparalleled in power, omnipotent!

The mighty power of the saint shocks eternity, and a single thought can even destroy heaven and earth!

Under the saints, all are ants!

In this realm, there are thousands of causes and effects added to one, which is not an ordinary horror.

And if you want to step into this realm, it is not simple, it is extremely difficult!

Talent alone is not enough, and talent does not necessarily lead to sanctification.

Even a demon with terrifying talent and amazing talent, who cultivates wholeheartedly, may not be able to become holy.

If you want to be holy, you need to go against the heavens!

In the world of the Flood Desolation, how many amazing people have not been able to become holy.

Song Shuhang actually became? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

How old is he?


"Song Shuhang is less than twenty, this is sanctification? "

"This kid is really a demon against the sky, and he is really not ordinary. "

"Parallel Xuan Sheng?"

Someone frowned, "Did you notice this? What does that mean? Do saints still have crotch pullers?"

"Parallel goods Xuansheng, obviously it means very rubbish. "

"Daoist friends didn't forget Zhun Ti, he was killed by the juniors under the Holy Realm, isn't Zhun Ti a parallel goods saint? "

"Huh? Makes sense. "

At the same time, the world is desolate.

Li Changshou is now completely numb, even if it is him, he has to admit that Song Shuhang's son is indeed a demon.

How long has it been?

How many months?

Is this sanctified?

What kind of world is this Jiuzhou world, and what kind of demon is this kid Song Shuhang?

How is it so outrageous!

Even he doesn't know how many years and calculations he has gone through to reach such a point.

This Song Shuhang actually became holy in just a few months?


Then he had to take a good look, is the saint of this Kyushu world the same as the saint in the flood waste?

The same saints, whether there is a difference between high and low, strong and weak.

Li Changshou's gaze fell straight on the sky screen.

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