All the sentient beings in the heavens and realms without exception, all stared at the picture on the sky screen with a confused and stunned face, and at this moment they were already stunned, staring at the sky in disbelief, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

"I lost Lei Loumu, how can I still have such a perverted skill?"

"Pregnancy staring, it's really waiting for who is pregnant, is it so outrageous?"

The sentient beings of the heavens and realms had never heard of such an outrageous skill before, and with just one glance, the person who was seen would immediately become pregnant.

Is this really not the gynecological holy hand that specializes in infertility?

"Lying groove, this is also too outrageous, staring at who is pregnant, this is not just a magical method, this is a rule, a law of cause and effect!"

"Whoever is pregnant, no matter what status, no matter what status, no matter what strength, as long as you are seen, you will definitely get pregnant. "

"This is beyond the scope of magic and magical powers, and it is indeed good to call a sentence of law cause and effect. "

"This magical power is also too terrifying, ignoring everything, if you get pregnant, you have to get pregnant, it's really outrageous!" 29 Just imagine, a mighty and powerful person with unparalleled power and respected status was glanced at by Song Shuhang, and became pregnant on the spot, how embarrassing it was. "

"Pregnant gaze, there is a saying, this skill is really curious, it belongs to the absolute child." "

"Both men and women will be recruited, so doesn't it mean that in the future there will really be a miracle of men getting pregnant and having children in the Kyushu world?"

"Hahahaha, it's good, I can only say that it is worthy of hanging comparison, even the skills are so unusual, it has to be you, Song Shuhang!"

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms were shocked by Song Shuhang's strange skills, and at this moment, they all opened their mouths and talked about it.

"What kind of strange skill is this, it can make people pregnant at a glance, can it still work? "

"If Song Shuhang uses this magical power to make others pregnant, then can it be said that it is Song Shuhang's cub?"

"Hey-good, good, it's all Song Shuhang's own flesh and blood, Song Shuhang never imagined in his life that he actually had such a day." "

"What kind of strange skill is this, if it is used to treat infertility, it is a good method." "

"This Kyushu world is also too amazing, not only the existence of the transcendent realm, but also this strange power?"

"Six six six, it's really outrageous, I'm stupid. "

"Is this Kyushu world still so outrageous?"

"Song Shuhang's luck is really good, from the beginning of the induction cooker refining medicine to now all kinds of outrageous powers, it can only be said that it is worthy of the comparison. "

"Hahaha, sure enough, the operation of refining medicine in the induction cooker can be done, let alone other operations. "

"It's also said that there was that lock blood hanging before, and Song Shuhang relied on the lock blood hanging to resist the heavenly calamity and did not die. "

"Now there is another pregnancy hang, the hanging ratio is really outrageous, so many hangs, all kinds of everything. "

"Song Shuhang's wave has made the drug dealers numb." "

"After this battle, the monk's special contraceptive pill will definitely become popular in the Kyushu world, sweeping the entire Kyushu world, and making countless living beings fall for it. "

"The drug dealer's mouth is going to be crooked, so don't you want to share the share?"

"That is, if nothing else, this wave of operations alone is enough for him to make a lot of money." "

"What a Song Shuhang, you really know how to live." "

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan was also stunned at the moment, staring at the sky for a long time, and then held out a word.

"Pregnant staring? Lying groove, is it so outrageous?"

It's really that this technique is too perverted, it is simply incomprehensible, and it makes people pregnant at a glance, and there is no way to deal with it at all.

Of course, the most outrageous thing is not only pregnancy, but also pregnancy pain, childbirth pain, and all the pain that occurs throughout the pregnancy process.

This is not just a big belly, but really going through the entire pregnancy process, and all the pain of pregnancy and childbirth will also suffer.

This magical power is not just a false insult, but really lethal.

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li, the Venerable Gou Dao, instantly felt his scalp numb, gasped, and looked at the sky curtain in shock, secretly rejoicing in his heart.

Fortunately, fortunately, it is not in the same plane as Song Shuhang, otherwise I may really lose the adult!

This hanging ratio is really outrageous.

What is this all plug-in, pregnancy gaze?

Who is glaring at who is pregnant?

Don't be so outrageous, buddy.

Han Li's scalp was numb, and it was a little difficult to breathe, but these plug-ins of Song Shuhang were too explosive.

Although the blood lock hanging is outrageous, it is still in the category of normal external hanging. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

This pregnancy hanging is really 280 points against the sky.

The name is strange, and the effect is really against the sky.

Glaring at anyone who will get pregnant, such a plug-in has never been heard of, so Song Shuhang such an outrageous hanging ratio can have it.

Han Li's brows frowned slightly, he thought in his heart, and gasped.

After some thought, he suddenly found that these plugins of Song Shuhang were regarded as unsolvable, simply BUG, almost a rule-level existence!

Don't say anything else, just say that the pregnancy hangs.

As long as you look at it, you will get pregnant, whether male or female, old or young, at a glance, you will definitely get pregnant.

This effect is too perverted, nothing can be resisted, as long as you are stared at, you will definitely get pregnant.

This is the rule effect!

Ordinary magical powers simply cannot resist such rules!

It's so outrageous that it's inexplicable!

Of course, if there is a solution, the contraceptive pill will not sell so quickly, it can be called hot.

"This is too outrageous!"

Han Li himself felt extremely outrageous, and he felt outrageous for every hanging, let alone others.

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