At the same time, the picture on the canopy changed again.

After the Xuan Devil spoke, Song Shuhang's strength made a great improvement, and the progress was rapid, and he was soon at the peak of the fifth rank.

The Five Jin Six Heavenly Tribulation arrived as scheduled.

And Song Shuhang wants to make a big deal this time.

Five Jin Six Heavenly Tribulation, he still wanted to form a group with others to cross the Tribulation.

It just so happened that there were other people in the group who were ready to cross the robbery, so Song Shuhang began to act.

Relying on the encirclement authority in the group, Song Shuhang successfully persuaded the Copper Trigram Immortal Master and others to form a group with him to cross the robbery.

The people who participated in this group crossing were Tonggua Immortal Master, Tian Tian Deputy Island Lord, Guhu Guan Zhenjun and others.

And in this catastrophe, because of the intervention of Miwa Rouko, they successfully crossed the calamity.

Song Shuhang once again appeared in front of the people, and condensed another holy seal-tyrannosaurus!

Song Shuhang, this kid, once again got a lot of chance!

The creatures watching the inventory in the heavens and realms couldn't sit still.

"I'm Nima, is this kid's luck so perverted?"

"Is this how extraordinary it is?"

"No, what's going on, how can his cultivation speed be so fast, I don't understand!"

"By what?"

"Just because he's hanging bi?"

"My mentality is broken, what kind of luck is this kid, this is not dead?"

"It's addictive to forming a group, right, and it's not a matter of self-destruction? "

"The most outrageous thing is that this kid can't die by his own main action, so angry, really angry to death!"

"I'm leaning, I'm really going to be angry!"

"No, this kid died like this, not only did he not die, but his cultivation has improved?"

"Seriously, I can't accept it, I can't accept a little. "

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms looked at this scene, and they hated the roots of their teeth.

They are careful that there will be flying troubles, but Song Shuhang, this kid who formed a group to cross the robbery, was purely looking for his own death, and he was actually safe.

Even if he was safe and sound, his cultivation had been improved because of this.

It's really more human than people, people off!

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms were extremely envious.

At the same time, the picture in the sky changed again.

Because of Senior Bai, Song Shuhang went to the beast world.

In the beast world, because of various coincidences and events, Song Shuhang accepted the Demon Emperor's retaliatory transmission.

The Demon Emperor originally wanted to support Song Shuhang and let him explode and die.

However, beyond the Demon Emperor's expectations, it also surprised everyone.

Song Shuhang is actually fine!

He did not die because he absorbed the huge power of the Demon Emperor, but was blessed with misfortune, and with the help of everyone, he absorbed the huge energy of the Demon Emperor, and with this cultivation, he once again soared like a rocket, directly reaching the peak of the sixth rank in one breath!

Song Shuhang had just passed the Heavenly Tribulation of Five Jins and Six Not long ago, and now he was already a sixth-grade peak existence.

There are only four words to describe it: horror!

This luck is really terrifying, terrifying!

What a Song Shuhang, worthy of hanging comparison!

Because his cultivation had already reached the peak of the sixth rank, the Heavenly Tribulation naturally came soon.

It's time to cross the plague again.

Countless beings in the heavens and realms held their breath one after another, staring at the figure on the heavenly curtain with burning eyes.

It's about to cross the robbery again, I don't know what kind of commotion this kid Song Shuhang will do this time.

Every time Song Shuhang crossed the calamity, he would make a little flower, and the creatures of the heavens and realms were quite interested in this, and they all wanted to see what interesting operations this hanging ratio had.

This time, Song Shuhang successfully returned to the primeval period with Baima and Su's sixteenth party through the power of time of Baima.

This time, in the primeval period, they formed a group to cross the robbery.

Obviously, the group crossed the robbery, and this time the momentum of the robbery was not small.

After this tribulation, his cultivation once again successfully advanced and became a seventh-rank Venerable existence!

According to the custom, Song Shuhang successfully condensed a holy seal again this time, and appeared in front of people!

This time, the holy seal he condensed was-Overlord!

Seeing this scene, countless creatures in the heavens and realms gritted their teeth, and countless creatures gasped because of this, their faces were full of shock, and their faces were full of disbelief.

No one could have imagined that Song Shuhang's cultivation promotion speed could be outrageous to this extent, and it was simply a demon.

This cultivation is to increase the speed, which can be called against the sky!

Even, not only can it be called against the sky, it is simply too Nima against the sky!

This is the real promotion like drinking water, easy, simple, cultivation is improved because of this, six, six, six!"

"It's worthy of Song Shuhang, you kid, there really is your kid!"

"Your cultivation improvement speed is too fast, I am a little unbelievable, is this a hanging ratio?"

"No, it's really not acting at all, is it, even if the cultivation speed is so fast, you have this opportunity directly in the face?!"

"Is it really not acting at all?"

Sure enough, the gap between people is bigger than that between people and dogs. "

I don't believe it!"

"I don't believe it, is this kind of luck something that a person can have? It must be fake! Yes, fake!

"I'm numb, I'm almost finished jealous!"

"Why does this kid Song Shuhang have such rich luck, it's really outrageous!"

"No, is there something serious about this kid Song Shuhang, and he can't survive the robbery by himself?

"No, you think this is a tour, sign up for a group? I've heard of group tours, I haven't heard of books about group crossing, Genima is outrageous." "

"This is not the most outrageous, the most outrageous thing is that this kid actually traveled back in time and space to cross the robbery, do you dare to think?"

"It has to be you, Song Shuhang, or you can play, you can actually think of going back to the past to cross the calamity, who came up with it?"

All the creatures of the ten thousand worlds looked at the picture of the sky screen.

Song Shuhang, this guy is simply a miracle boy, he really created too many opportunities.

Really don't practice too much!

"I originally thought that Song Shuhang only started cultivating when he was twenty years old, and the children of other immortal cultivation families began to cultivate at the age of four or five, he was more than ten years behind, and he definitely couldn't catch up with others, but I didn't expect that this kid really created miracles. "

"That is, those geniuses of the cultivation family have been left far behind him. "

"No, it's only been a short time, Song Shuhang is already a senior of the seventh grade?"

"Pinch the horse, if this is said, who dares to believe it!"

At that time, everyone in the chat group thought that Song Shuhang's cultivation must be difficult, and he was slapped in the face now. "

"I have to say that Song Shuhang really deserves to be a hanging ratio, it seems that he really can't underestimate the hanging ratio, otherwise I don't know when he will give you a surprise!"

"One product in January, in just a few months, you have become a seventh-grade Venerable, Song Shuhang, it turns out that you are not joking!"

"My old swan, what kind of demon is this, take him quickly!"

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms have experienced.

Soon, the picture on the sky screen changed again, and another month flew by.

Song Shuhang once again ushered in the Heavenly Tribulation!

That's right, this time, he is going to be seven to eight!

He wants to be promoted from the realm of the Seventh Rank Venerable to the Eighth Rank Xuan Sheng!

It has become one of the few Xuansheng Realm existences in a thousand years.

Song Shuhang's hanging ratio is naturally easy to deal with in the face of the Heavenly Tribulation, even if it is a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, it is simply impossible to help Song Shuhang, a demon.

However, just in the middle of the tribulation, the Heavenly Dao collapsed!

This caused Song Shuhang's cultivation to fail to be promoted smoothly and break through to the Eighth Grade Xuan Saint Realm.

The creatures of all the worlds were stunned.

"No? What does this mean? Can the Heavenly Dao still collapse?"

"What's going on, how can you cross a tribulation decently, and the Heavenly Dao collapses? "

"Good fellow, can it be said that even the Heavenly Dao can't stand the demon of this kid Song Shuhang?"

"No, can there still be such an operation? Serve Liao, brothers, I really serve Liao!"

"This should be regarded as Song Shuhang's successful crossing of the calamity, but the Heavenly Dao collapsed and failed to advance?" "Hahaha, it must be that Song Shuhang's kid is too lucky, even the Heavenly Dao can't stand it, so add a little blockage to him." "

"No, this is simply even more outrageous than Li Changshou's half-immortal realm!"

"It's really the first time I've seen a situation where Du Tribulation has successfully improved his cultivation, and the Heavenly Dao has even collapsed because of this. "

All sentient beings in the world are seeing each other for the first time, so they are naturally amazed.

At the same time, the world is desolate.

Li Changshou also looked helpless when he saw that he was affected by the pond fish.

The terrier of his own half-immortal can not be passed.

What happened to the half-immortals?

Half-immortals are also immortals!

Annoyed with fire!

However, he was also quite surprised by Song Shuhang's experience.

It is also right to say that Song Shuhang succeeded, after all, he survived the heavenly calamity; it is not bad to say that he did not succeed, because his realm has not improved after all.

However, although the realm has not improved, Song Shuhang has condensed the holy seal - hegemony!

So did he succeed or fail?

Schrödinger's success?

This state is really strange!

Li Changshou can naturally see that the current Song Shuhang is not the eighth grade, but he is also an invincible existence among the seven products, and when he encounters the eighth grade Xuan Sheng, he also has the power of a battle.

"This is really outrageous. "。

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