Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

When Han Li saw this scene, he was also confused at the moment, to be honest, he really had never seen such a situation.

"Successfully crossed the robbery, but failed to advance?"

Han Li's brows furrowed tightly, rubbing his chin, and he fell into deep thought.

"What's the situation?"

This Heavenly Dao, supreme, can it actually collapse?

When crossing the calamity, you can collapse the Heavenly Dao, there is one thing to say, this Song Shuhang has something!

Although it has long been known that the Kyushu world is not ordinary, there are strong people in this plane who can transcend the heavenly path.

It has long been known that Song Shuhang's hanging ratio is extremely outrageous, and it is the most outrageous hanging ratio so far.

But even so, Han Li did not expect that Song Shuhang Du Tribulation would actually appear in such a situation.

He actually collapsed the Heavenly Dao directly?

This is not something that ordinary people can do casually!

Not to mention ordinary people, it is even more difficult to collapse the Heavenly Dao.

But Song Shuhang, actually did it?

How did he do it?

It is obviously an ordinary Tongdu robbery, and it can actually make such a big movement, it is really worthy of you, Song Shuhang!

However, whether Song Shuhang's luck is good or bad.

The heavenly calamity has been carried over, the thunder has been slashed, everything has been passed, and the result has not been promoted, what is the situation?

I feel that there are really 190 things in this hanging ratio, which is really different.

Han Li stared thoughtfully at the sky screen, and his heart was secretly rejoicing.

Fortunately, he is not in Blue Star, and that plane is too outrageous.

Such a plane, simply not too outrageous, there is a transcendent step, overlooking the existence of the heavenly path.

There is actually such a hanging ratio against the sky as Song Shuhang.

Fortunately, he didn't compare himself with Song Shuhang in the same plane, otherwise he would really suffer heavily.

At the same time, Han was also confused.

Why are these hanging ratios that appear in the inventory more and more outrageous and wrong?

He always felt that none of these hanging ratios were normal now.

That's right, these hanging ratios, one is more outrageous than the other, one is more wrong than the other, and one is more abnormal than the other.

To be fair, Han Li felt that he and his previous relationship were still normal.

The plug-in is just a grandfather, his own life, treasures, or exercises and the like.

And the operations of these hanging ratios are also very normal operations of the children of luck, and there is nothing particularly outrageous.

However, these hanging ratios after him, there is really a calculation of one, and how outrageous it is.

These hanging ratios are not only outrageous in appearance, but even their operations and luck are outrageous to unimaginable levels.

There is simply no one normal.

Especially the further back, the more abnormal these hanging ratios become.

For example, the old monster Li Qiye, the brazen forcing Wang Xu Que, and the outrageous Li Changshou who can reverse the saint and even the Heavenly Dao, and this Song Shuhang in front of him.

These are outrageous ratios.

"What's going on with these hanging ratios, how can they be so outrageous?"

Although Han Li himself is a hanging ratio, but now the operation of these hanging ratios, he really can't understand.

These hanging ratios are really outrageous one by one, simply outrageous, too against the sky.

At the same time, the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were also sighing.

"Song Shuhang is so special, the entire Blue Star, the entire Kyushu plane, it is estimated that he is such a person who is stuck at the peak of the seventh rank and successfully crossed the calamity, but he can't successfully advance, right?"

"Could it be that this is a test for him, and he still needs to break through again to successfully step into the Eighth Grade Xuan Saint Realm?"

"It's worthy of hanging compared to Song Shuhang, this luck, this operation, it's really outrageous that there are no words." "

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds are marveling at the uniqueness of Song Shuhang, and at the same time, they are also curious in their hearts about what kind of outrageous events Song Shuhang will experience next.

They can see that Song Shuhang, this kid, is a hard worker, and he can always make a whole work. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

By Song Shuhang's side, there is no need to worry about what to do.

Song Shuhang can successfully get involved in various incidents every time, just wait and see.

The picture in the sky screen changed again, and Song Shuhang was really involved in a big event again.

That is, the Great Plan of the Infinity Demon Sect.

The white seniors have a doppelgänger and are called the white seniors two by the group members, which is used to separate from the real white seniors.

In the event of the Great Plan of the Wuji Demon Sect, Song Shuhang was given a heavy responsibility by Bai Senpai Two, and was given the authority to dominate the Nine Ghosts, becoming the acting Nine Ghosts Master, and becoming the supreme lord of the entire Nine Ghosts Domain.

And it was with his identity as the acting Nine Ghost Lord that Song Shuhang thwarted the conspiracy and successfully destroyed the Great Plan of the Wuji Demon Sect.

Subsequently, he crossed the tribulation again in the three zones of the Demon Sea World.

And in this second Seven Jinba Heavenly Tribulation, he was already pregnant and took his daughter Ling Xiao in his belly to cross the tribulation together.

And successfully survived the Heavenly Tribulation, condensing another holy seal - tyranny!

Only then can Song Shuhang truly set foot in the Eighth Grade Xuan Saint Realm and become a true Saint Realm powerhouse.

And when crossing the calamity, Song Shuhang discovered a strange knowledge point - that is, he found that the pregnant man would increase the power of the heavenly tribulation!

After discovering this strange knowledge point, Song Shuhang successfully tribulated, and also successfully comprehended the "Law of Huabei" and "Law of Life and Death" from the Demon Sea World!

I really didn't expect that I could still see these two words when I looked at the inventory, what does this mean, is this urging me to hurry up and return the flowers?"

"I have to say that Song Shuhang is really outrageous, and the second time he crossed the Tribulation, he really successfully survived the Heavenly Tribulation and became a true Xuan Sheng. "

"However, in such a desperate situation, he was actually able to kill the encirclement, successfully cross the calamity, become an eight-rank Xuan Saint, and also destroyed the plan of the Wuji Demon Sect, and really has a hand, which is worthy of hanging comparison!"


"Song Shuhang is crossing the robbery with the daughter in his belly?

"No, Song Shuhang, this kid is really addicted to forming a group, right, and he is forming a group to cross the robbery?

"Don't even let go of your own daughter, beast, you Song Shuhang!"

"No, fellow Daoists, haven't you realized something very outrageous?"

"Song Shuhang, this kid, actually has a daughter?!"

"Why does he actually have a daughter?!"


"Su Clan A Sixteen, or Yu Rouzi, or the Seven Oriental Fairies?

"Daoist friend, you erbi, didn't you see, that child is in his belly!"

"It's Song Shuhang who is pregnant!"


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