The face of the living creature was instantly distorted, puzzled, and looked confused and puzzled.

"Song Shuhang... Isn't he a man?"

Is it so outrageous, is he looking at himself in the mirror with a pregnant gaze?"

"No, you~ are too outrageous. "

"Can a man get pregnant? "

"I lost Lei Loumu, Song Shuhang is actually pregnant?

"Men can also get pregnant, and it is worth it to see it once in this life." "

"What the Taoist friend above said is really reasonable, maybe it was really done by Song Shuhang with his pregnant gaze, and his brain really did such a thing." "

"Hahaha, Taoist friend, you look at people really accurately, don't hide it, I also have such considerations, I always feel that this matter was done by Song Shuhang himself." "

"His brain is so outrageous, no matter what he does, it is normal and reasonable." "

"Hey—fellow Daoists, I have a bold conjecture, can you remember a person?"


"The Daoist destined for Song Shuhang-Huangshan Zhenjun!"

"You say, is it possible that Huangshan Zhenjun did this?"

"Daoyou, you mean, this child is the child of Song Shuhang and Huangshan Zhenjun?!"

"That's right!"


"No, Song Shuhang actually suffered?"

"Ah? Don't be ridiculous, your focus is still so strange!"

"However, in the end, who is this child, is it Huangshan Zhenjun?"

"Fellow Daoists, has your taste always been so heavy?"

"Hmm... Senior Bai is not impossible. "

"Hahaha, after this Song Shuhang's innocence is really gone, no matter how you explain it, it can't be explained. "

"Now everyone is curious, who is Song Shuhang's child, it is estimated that they don't have the heart to look at the inventory." "

The picture in the canopy continues to change.

In the third gamble with the three-eyed boy, Song Shuhang accidentally obtained the world authority controlled by the ancient gods, and successfully fused the "Giant Small World" and the "Heavenly Emperor World".

At this time, Song Shuhang once again appeared in front of the heavens and realms.

Not only that, but he even condensed a realm seal and became a true master of the first realm!

That boundary seal is exactly - "hegemony"!

In just a few months, Song Shuhang had already gone from being an ordinary college student to an eight-pin Xuansheng, a senior on the road of cultivation.

Now he has become the master of the first realm, which is unimaginable!

Such a change, if it is tens of millions of years, is normal.

But Song Shuhang went from nothing to this point in just a few months!

In a few months, it has crossed thousands of years of ordinary beings, and it may not even be able to reach the realm!

Song Shuhang is really outrageous!

It can only be said that it is worthy of hanging comparison!

After becoming a realm master, maintaining the good tradition of one product in January, Song Shuhang's cultivation is still climbing.

At the suggestion of the spotted dragon two, Song Shuhang beheaded three corpses and reached the realm of the Ninth Rank Tribulation Immortal!

At this point, practicing the Nine Realms, Song Shuhang has successfully become a robbery immortal!

Almost on top of this world!

And after the Ninth Rank Tribulation Immortal, it has already touched the existence of the Immortal Life, even the Heavenly Dao, and even the Transcendent Rank after the Heavenly Dao.

Song Shuhang and Senior Bai survived the Thousand Days Tribulation together, and even in order to be able to successfully complete the Tribulation before the Spring Break, they also used all the magical powers that could accelerate the passage of time.

In the end, they still managed to survive the Thousand Days Tribulation, and through the Heavenly Tribulation Quenching, Song Shuhang finally succeeded in ascending to the realm of the weak immortal.

Although he is a weak immortal, he is also an immortal, but he is not as outrageous and powerful as a real immortal.

After seeing this scene, countless creatures in the heavens and realms opened their mouths wide, their faces were shocked, and their faces were full of disbelief staring at the picture on the sky screen.

"A good Song Shuhang, it's really against the sky!"

"This is hanging bi, do you want to be so outrageous?"

"I served, what kind of hanging ratio is this, this Nima is too much, too outrageous!"

The endless beings of the heavens and realms were all staring at the figure of the immortal on the heavenly screen with an incredulous expression at this moment.

There is no doubt that that figure is naturally Song Shuhang.

"It's only been a few months, this guy Song Shuhang, this guy has become an immortal?

"Are these comparisons so outrageous now?"

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds were amazed.

For this Song Shuhang, it is even impossible to describe it as against the sky.

This is not against the sky, this is a complete monster!

Ordinary beings need tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years to cultivate desperately to achieve, and even a hopeless realm is still far away.

Song Shuhang only took a few months to become it!

In just a few months, he went from being a college student to an immortal.

Such a metamorphosis is too amazing to be true!

"This Nima, is it so outrageous, is this the extraordinary of hanging comparison?"

Some creatures spoke softly, their voices trembling, and their tones were full of envy. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Yes, Song Shuhang's luck, who can not envy it?

After the resurrection of the Heavenly Emperor, Song Shuhang dreamed of the Daozi through the sword of the Heavenly Emperor's years, and his way to dreams finally reached the highlight moment.

He dreamed that when Daozi became the enthronement of the 8.5 Heavenly Dao, he successfully came into contact with the core mysteries of the Heavenly Dao, comprehended the "way of death and growth", and reached the realm of the immortal!

At this point, Song Shuhang has become a true immortal!

The Immortal Robber immediately competed for the Mandate of Heaven and made himself a Heavenly Dao.

The immortal is a realm that has not attained the Mandate of Heaven and become the Heavenly Dao, dormant and cultivated wholeheartedly.

Every immortal is an unimaginably terrifying existence.

Today's Song Shuhang is such an existence.

After that, Song Shuhang and the three-eyed senior, the spotted dragon, the white senior, the Daozi, and the lark worked together to build an external golden pill system with the eyes of the saint as the core.

Moreover, this brand new external Jindan system is extremely powerful, and even directly kills the Heavenly Tribulation.

With this, Song Shuhang successfully realized the second way of immortality, "the way of language and writing", and condensed two holy seals - "Bagu" and "Hegemony"!

After collecting the information of the second to eighth heavenly Dao immortals, Song Shuhang's whole body completed sub-immortality.

In this state, Song Shuhang is the eighth king of iron, no one can kill the existence, no one can break the defense!

Even if it is Heavenly Dao, it can't kill it!

With this, Song Shuhang successfully became the strongest under the Heavenly Dao.

And as Song Shuhang's strength became stronger and stronger, he gradually understood the truth of this world.

The essence of this world was finally slowly revealed in front of him.

It turns out that the Dao of Heaven is not static.

For these endless years, the Heavenly Dao has been changing.

There are many powerful beings, after cultivating the Ninth Rank Tribulation Immortal, they compete for the Mandate of Heaven, and the heroes rise together, and finally they successfully obtain the Mandate of Heaven and become the Dao of Heaven.

And after the Heavenly Dao people are tired of being the Heavenly Dao, they will try to get themselves out.

After they get out, the Heavenly Dao has no master, and it will attract new competition about becoming the Heavenly Dao.

After so many years, a total of eight Heavenly Dao have appeared.

And among these eight Heavenly Dao, there is a wolf hidden.

That is the fourth heavenly way, the big black ball behind the scenes!

Although the Fourth Heavenly Dao was once a Heavenly Dao, it was not a good thing, he had cursed the Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon Race, spread the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms Destruction Virus, and wanted to prove his transcendent way by destroying the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms!

In the end, Senior Bai and Song Shuhang joined forces to repel the Fourth Heavenly Dao and preached together to become the Ninth Heavenly Dao.

After that, the crisis of extinction ushered in, and Song Song Shuhang and Bai Senpai needed one person to detach themselves.

Song Shuhang asked him to replace Senior Bai, so that Senior Bai could fulfill his greatest wish and transcend this life.

And he will replace Senior Bai and rule the heavens and realms.

But Senior Bai chose to give up the opportunity for detachment and let Song Shuhang detach himself, and he stayed in these heavens and realms like his predecessor, the Seventh Heavenly Dao.

In the end, Song Shuhang successfully detached!

Song Shuhang, eighteen cultivators, nineteen transcendence!

Unheard of!.

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