At the same time, the mortal plane.

Han Li was also stunned at the moment, and his scalp was numb, staring at the unusually young figure in the sky screen in disbelief, and sighed softly.

"Who understands..."

In one year, from an ordinary mortal, he became a supreme transcendent being.

What kind of demon is this Nima, how can it be so outrageous?

It actually took him only one year to achieve the detachment of countless powerful and mighty beings in the entire Kyushu world, pursuing hundreds of thousands of years.

Really detached?

And it's really a January product?

Break through cultivation once a month, until finally, the water will become a transcendent existence.

This kid really made a stable promotion to the point.

Han Li looked at the figure of Song Shuhang on the sky screen, and he didn't know why, and suddenly gritted his teeth.

This hanging ratio is also too good!

What is a year enough for?

What is enough for a month?

In a month, I changed to someone else, maybe still standing still, and the cultivation did not move.

But for Song Shuhang, one month is the time for him to break through to the point of cultivation.

And one year is enough for him to transform from an ordinary person into a detached existence.

Others are step by step, steady and steady, step by step to break through the realm, and finally seek the opportunity to break through and become the supreme being.

By that time, Song Shuhang's lack of this kid was equivalent to directly opening and hanging all the way in just one or 29 years, jumping directly from ordinary people to more than a dozen levels, and directly becoming a transcendent existence.

He went all the way, all the way against the sky, against the sky to the point of unimaginable!

Compared with Song Shuhang, they are simply tattered, they can't be compared at all, and they are eclipsed in an instant, and they are incomparably inferior.

To be honest, any normal hanging ratio is actually not comparable to Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang's son, although it is also a hanging ratio, must be the most demon and outrageous one in the hanging ratio.

The other hanging ratios seemed too normal and ordinary in front of Song Shuhang.

Even the hanging ratios like Xu Que, Li Changshou and Li Qiye looked extremely ordinary and eclipsed in front of Song Shuhang!

"Song Shuhang is really hanging at this time. "

Compared with Song Shuhang, the other hanging ratios instantly became LOW, and they were not worthy of the title of hanging ratios at all.

There is only one Song Shuhang, which can be called hanging ratio.

"Song Shuhang has been detached for a year, looking at these heavens and realms, who can match?"

"Not to mention, he should be the leader of the many comparisons and countless creatures in these heavens and realms. "

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds sighed one after another.

In fact, if Song Shuhang only achieved the transcendent realm, it would not have caused such a big reaction.

But outrageous is outrageous, and it only took him a short year to become a detached existence.

Moreover, from a mortal without the power of a chicken in his hands, an ordinary person who has never come into contact with cultivation, he has transformed into a supreme transcendent existence.

This is what really shocks countless people.

Can a year be so outrageous?

Don't be too devilish.

Who can match this?

At the same time, within the world of Kyushu.

In the chat group, at this moment, this Xiuzhen chat group has already exploded, and the group members have long been shocked to the point of being beyond belief.

What kind of thing? What kind of joke, the new member Shushan is under pressure, and it actually took a year to detach himself?"

"This new member is a hanging ratio, and one year of detachment, in one year, from an ordinary university to a detached existence, I dare not think about it!"

"Is this Nima fake?"

Is it true that this realm is not a rumor, but a real one?"

In the chat group, everyone's mood was agitated at the moment, and they all spoke.

For a while, the messages in the chat group scrolled non-stop.

It's not that they don't believe it, it's that they can't believe it.

Song Shuhang was able to grow from an ordinary to extreme college student who had never been exposed to cultivation to a detached existence in one year.

Is a year a long time?

Definitely not long!

In this chat group, seniors who have practiced for tens of thousands of years abound.

But what realm are they now, how many years have they been cultivating, and how many grades of cultivation are these?

Song Shuhang, that kid can directly detach himself in a month?

Is this Nima the outrageous degree of hanging ratio?

The mad knife three waves were already stupid at this moment, and it took a long time to come to their senses.

"If the inventory is not wrong, today next year, the pressure of Book Mountain will already be a detached existence?"

"Big guy, this is! Pure big guy!"

The crazy knife three waves and two eyes shine.

"Big guy, are you still here?"

I want to hold your thighs, big guy, when you are developed in the future, don't forget me." "

"Big guy, big guy, please bring ah big guy!" (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not only the Mad Dao Three Waves, but even the Copper Trigram Immortal Master, as well as the scattered people of Beihe, were also frantically sending news at this moment.

"Shuhang, you said that we are also a member of a chat group, and you can get rid of us and help." "

"For the sake of us being good friends in the future, can you take me with you?"

"The big guy begs to bring it. "

"Do you still lack any leg pendants, I can do it!"

"I really want to hug Song Shuhang's thigh, woo-woo." "

"Brothers, I'm numb, I don't care, I'll go and hug my thighs first. "

In the chat group, the message keeps flashing.

And at this moment, in the Huangshan True Monarch's home, this group master was also stunned.

He held his mobile phone in his hand, and the messages kept scrolling through the screen, but his mind was not on the phone at all.

Because he is now stunned, commonly known as stunned.

The current Huangshan Zhenjun is really stunned.

He couldn't have imagined that someone could achieve the transcendent realm in just one year!

A year of detachment?

Don't you want to be so outrageous!

A year ago, Song Shuhang was just an ordinary college student, and a year later he was a detached existence?

This is the strange thing about that induction cooker refining medicine?

I didn't expect this strange thing to be so against the sky and so strange!

Isn't this even more against the sky than Bai Senpai?

Coming back to his senses, Huangshan Zhenjun gasped, his face complicated.

"What a hanging, what a son of luck." "

This Song Shuhang is worthy of hanging comparison, and it is really different.

At this moment, Huangshan Zhenjun's scalp was numb.

I always feel that Song Shuhang's hanging ratio is also a little too outrageous.

He is not without reading the inventory, to be honest, every inventory he actually does not fall.

However, this inventory is too outrageous, and I always feel that the previous hanging ratio is not as against the sky as Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang, this kid, is outrageous.

And that's outrageous1

The person he pulled the wrong person casually is actually the hanging ratio of this world, and in the future, he will become the supreme existence of the Kyushu world, pinching 560 horses, who dares to believe it?

However, he actually really is!

"In my previous life, I did good deeds and accumulated virtue, otherwise, how could I form a good relationship with such an existence by such a coincidence?"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were also shocked by the outrageous nature of this guy Song Shuhang, and they couldn't come back to their senses for a long time, and their faces were full of shock.

Because it's outrageous.

There is a saying, Song Shuhang's achievements are too enchanting and outrageous, and people can't believe it at all.

One year to achieve detachment, what kind of anti-heaven ratio is this, who can do it in the heavens and all worlds?

Just as the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were discussing and sighing, Li Xiaoyao's magnificent voice sounded again.

[The tenth place is compared to Song Shuhang after the inventory is over, and the reward is distributed. ] 】

"Well, no, what's the situation, is there actually a reward?"

In an instant, someone's fist hardened.

"Such an outrageous hanging ratio, there is actually a reward, I am hard, of course it is a fist. "

"Envy is dead!"

"It's good to be a hangbi, not only to be able to step on the top, but also to be able to get system rewards, how cool it is. "

"Huh? Isn't it, you also want to reward Song Shuhang?"

Someone wailed: "It's not fair, how can this kid get a reward!"

"It's not fair, my mentality is broken!"

"Song Shuhang is detached for a year, and he doesn't need a reward at all, okay?"

"He has been detached for a year, it makes no difference whether he gives a reward or not, what reward does this kind of hanging ratio have, why not give it to me?"

Everyone would have thought that Song Shuhang, who was already against the sky, would definitely be even more against the sky when he received a rich reward.

Maybe it will be like those hanging ratios in the previous inventory, one step beyond the ?!。

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