When I heard the inventor say that the reward was about to be given, for a while, countless creatures in the heavens and realms suddenly became interested, and every word you said was talking about what kind of reward Song Shuhang might be able to get.

After all, there are already so many inventory people's rewards in front of them, in fact, it is probably not difficult to guess about Song Shuhang's rewards, it must be very rich, and it is very likely that Song Shuhang should be exempted from the skill of hard cultivation, and ascend to heaven in one step to achieve transcendent existence and so on.

Although there was already a prediction in his heart, when the mystery had not yet been truly revealed, countless creatures in the heavens and realms were still extremely looking forward to it, talking about it, all looking forward to the final reward.

Of course, although this reward is likely to be able to spare Song Shuhang's penance and allow him to ascend to heaven in one step and achieve transcendent existence.

But in fact, in the inventory, they can also see that although Song Shuhang can indeed become a transcendent being, it obviously has nothing to do with his penance.

The reason why Song Shuhang was able to ascend to the sky in one step and achieve transcendence was largely because of his identity as a hangbi, and his talent was really enchanting, and his luck was even richer.

Therefore, it took only one product in one month to complete the process that others may not be able to complete in a lifetime.

In the final analysis, the reason why Song Shuhang has achieved so much is actually more on himself.

Of course, a year does not make a difference.

In just one year, even if it is erased and let Song Shuhang stand detached, there is nothing to be shocked about.

Because Song Shuhang, this kid has been detached for a year, he has already stunned everyone.

In contrast, if he can get a reward and stand detached, it is better to accept it.

At the same time, perfect plane.

Ara looked at the picture on the sky screen, and his eyes were also shocked at the moment.

"In one year, achieve detachment?"

Even if he is the son of Heaven's destiny, he is the Immortal Emperor, he is the invincible Barren Heavenly Emperor, the synonym of invincibility, but at this moment he is also in a trance and full of horror.

What is enough for just one year?

He came step by step from the original micro end realm, and finally achieved the current realm, he walked for millions of years!

This is the realm today, the Desolate Heaven Emperor who overlooks the heavens and is extremely powerful!

But Song Shuhang only took one year to become a transcendent existence in the Kyushu world from a mortal, is there any heavenly reason?

"Do you want to be so outrageous, what kind of anti-heaven is this?"

Even he, the first person in all ages, was not so devilish, and even he was eclipsed in front of Song Shuhang, and he couldn't compare at all!

At this moment, Arashi's face was also full of shock.

"I didn't expect that among the heavens and realms, there were still such creatures?"

"Looking at the heavens and realms, there are still people like this?"

Ara also opened his eyes well, he had never seen such a creature before, and this was a real insight.

From ordinary people to detachment, it turns out that it can be achieved in a year.

If it weren't for the inventor, if it wasn't Song Shuhang, he wouldn't dare to think about it.

Song Shuhang was detached for a year, and he thought it was already outrageous.

But he seems to be able to get an inventory reward at the moment, isn't that becoming a Buddha on the ground and instantly detached?


"An existence beyond the Heavenly Dao, this is to be accomplished in his face?"

For a time, the Barren Heavenly Emperor was interested.

To be honest, for the transcendent realm above this Heavenly Dao, the Barren Heavenly Emperor was also full of interest.

He really wanted to see how this realm that was beyond the Heavenly Dao, more powerful than the Heavenly Dao, and even more noble in the ranks.

Unexpectedly, one day, he would be able to see such an existence.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor's eyes showed a hint of excitement.

If he can feel something in the transcendent being, it is the best for him.

In this way, he may be able to understand the road ahead, successfully step out of the Immortal Emperor realm, and achieve an existence above the Immortal Emperor.

In this way, the chance of quelling the dark turmoil and cutting off all this strangeness and ominousness is a little greater.

To be honest, the Desolate Heavenly Emperor can not care about other things, but to quell the dark turmoil and kill these ominous and strange, he must go all out.

In any case, leave a clean world for future generations.

At the same time, the world was flooded.

Li Changshou was also dumbfounded at the moment.

Thinking of him Li Changshou, since he crossed into the flood wilderness, he has been cautious and cautious in layout, and he will not be contaminated with cause and effect if he can not be contaminated with cause and effect, try to avoid the world, and concentrate on cultivation.

His cultivation talent is also quite good, and his cultivation speed is very fast.

But even though he had made all the preparations and experienced so many calculations, he finally came to the point where he is now step by step, achieving the existence of the Dao Ancestor level and protecting the order of the Heavenly Dao.

He also spent countless years.

But what about this kid Song Shuhang, he only took a year to achieve detachment!

"One year of detachment, how outrageous is this, how evil is this, how against the sky?"

"This son is really not the person he should be in the world!"

The most outrageous thing is that Song Shuhang had never even touched cultivation before he started cultivating, and he was an ordinary college student.

However, after coming into contact with the True Cultivation Realm, in just one short year, he directly transformed from a mortal without the power of a chicken, an ordinary college student, into a supreme transcendent existence of the entire plane, ruling everything and overlooking thousands of people!

I can't imagine how terrifying this kid is!

If this son was in the Flood Desolation World, then his achievements would be even more unimaginable!

Even Li Changshou gasped, and he couldn't help but be horrified in his heart.

"According to Song Shuhang's fixed cultivation speed of one product in January, even if this kid becomes a saint, it won't take a few months. "

Li Changshou frowned, he suddenly thought of something.

In fact, as early as the previous inventory, these countless creatures in the heavens and realms identified one thing.

There will not be so many coincidences, so many coincidences on Song Shuhang's cultivation road, the reason why it can be smooth sailing is because someone is calculating behind his back.

Before, Song Shuhang had become a saint in just a few months, of course, this saint was a Xuan Saint of the Kyushu World, not a Heavenly Dao Saint of the Flood Barren World.

At that time, the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were already shocked beyond belief, and they all wondered who the person behind Song Shuhang was.

But no one expected that in the past few months, it would really be only a few months, and Song Shuhang would no longer be a saint, but a direct detachment!

The speed of this cultivation breakthrough is as outrageous as it is, even if it is the achievement of transcendent existence, it reveals something outrageous and wrong.

It's unbelievable.

"Can normal people really be so devilish?"

If it's someone else, maybe it's a little confused, and forget it.

But who is Li Changshou, Li Changshou is an old Goubi, a few existences in the heavens and realms who almost stand at the peak of Gou Dao.

His heart was dirty, so Li Changshou couldn't help but wonder if the reason why Song Shuhang was able to achieve a transcendent existence so quickly had anything to do with the black hand behind the scenes.

Thinking so, Li Changshou's brows furrowed tightly.

It's unbelievable.

"What is the purpose of the black hand behind the scenes, to personally push Song Shuhang to the realm of transcendent existence, and there will be no more plans?"

"It shouldn't be. Li Changshou frowned.

"For no reason, why did the black hand behind the scenes want to make Song Shuhang achieve detachment?"

"Generally speaking, calculations are in need of interests, but the unknown behind-the-scenes gangster Song Shuhang has achieved detachment, and it seems that it is not beneficial to him. "

"What is the situation?"

Suddenly, Li Changshou thought of a possibility, and his eyes instantly lit up.

You said, is there a possibility that the black hand behind the scenes is actually Song Shuhang himself.

"All this is Song Shuhang's scheme. "

"Is it his calculation in the future?"

If that's the case, then it all makes sense.

Why did the black hand behind the scenes spare no effort to help Song Shuhang get close to the True Cultivation Realm and help him detach himself.

"Why doesn't the man behind the scenes ask for anything in return?"

Because the biggest return has actually been achieved!


Li Changshou gasped, his eyes a little shocked.

If this is the case, it is really the same as what he guessed, then this Song Shuhang is a little terrifying!

A good Song Shuhang, it's really terrifying! .

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