At the same time, in the sky curtain, a figure appeared, it was none other than ordinary college student Song Shuhang!

Song Shuhang looked confused at the moment, not knowing what was going to happen.

However, at this moment, a thick and magnificent golden light suddenly fell from above the heavenly dome, tearing open the endless time and space, and fell all over the place, falling all over and falling on Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang's breath soared directly from mortals.

First product, second product, third product... Until detachment!

Song Shuhang instantly detached!

In an instant, the law of immeasurable terror instantly gushed out, shaking the entire Kyushu world and sweeping between heaven and earth.

The sky shook, Kyushu shook!

The entire plane fell into a huge shock because of this.

Even the Heavenly Dao, under this terrifying aura, was trembling and trembling!

Because this is a magnificent breath that transcends the Heavenly Dao, even the Heavenly Dao, in front of this breath, it is only the part of bowing down!

The supreme existence of the transcendent rank is really terrifying!

The Heavenly Dao is trembling, a whole plane of creatures, who can not be afraid?

It's amazing to exist.

Song Shuhang only felt that his body was filled with unparalleled power like sea water, as if the tide was rippling, wanton and mighty!

Endless power burst out from every part of his limbs, muscles and muscles.

In his gestures, it is law and order, infinite rules fall 720, the way rhymes are infinite, mysterious, and obscure.

Song Shuhang only felt unprecedented strength and majesty.

He had never been so powerful, he only felt that when his mind moved now, the entire Blue Star would be destroyed by him.

This is the power of the existence of detachment, even if it is the Dao of Heaven, in the face of detachment, it is not worth mentioning.

Everything, fighting is just an ant.

And after Song Shuhang detached, the spiritual energy of the whole world seemed to be rich, as if the spiritual energy was revived, and the wave of spiritual energy was richly rolled, sweeping in all directions and spreading.

The whole world has become light because of this.

The existence of detachment is unparalleled, mysterious, incomparable, unimaginable!

Song Shuhang himself was a little confused at the moment, scratching the back of his head, and didn't know what to do for a while.

He also just learned that the world he was in was actually able to cultivate.

Before he could get excited, he directly turned into a transcendent existence from an ordinary college student in a second, extremely powerful!

Good fellow, even the novel does not dare to write like this!

Although it is a little outrageous, Song Shuhang can indeed feel that he is really much stronger than before. (cjdg)

His body was filled with an incomparably magnificent power that even he couldn't believe.

And Song Shuhang had an intuition that if he unreservedly poured out this magnificent power, the whole world might collapse because of this!

No! Not maybe, but definitely!

With his current mighty power, if he is not controlled, it is enough to annihilate the entire Kyushu!

After detachment, Song Shuhang seemed to feel something, and looked straight up at the deep and lofty sky.

He stared straight at the sky curtain, as if he wanted to see through the sky curtain and see through the sky curtain the inventory hidden behind the sky curtain.

However, even if he is now detached, when looking at the inventory, the inventor is still unfathomable and unimaginable.


Song Shuhang gasped himself, his eyes full of shock.

What an inventor, is it really so terrifying?

He is now detached, and he still can't see through this inventor.

The inventor is really not ordinary.

What kind of existence this inventor is, what a great horror, even if he is now detached, he can't see through it at all.

Even if it is beyond the Heavenly Dao, is it difficult to reach the realm of the inventor?

The horror in Song Shuhang's eyes was already incomparable.


At the same time that Song Shuhang was detached, the Kyushu No. 1 Xiuzhen chat group had already turned over at this moment.

The entire Kyushu world was shaken, they were creatures in the Kyushu world, and they were also members of the chat group, and they were naturally sending messages madly in the chat group at this moment.



"I thought that one year of detachment was outrageous enough, but I didn't expect that this kid Song Shuhang had a whole flower job and stood detached!"

Everyone was numb at the moment.

"No, Song Shuhang is detached?"

"Causes discomfort and is recommended to be removed. "

"I obeyed, what kind of demon is this, just came into contact with cultivation and directly detached?

"I admit, there is one thing to say, I must admit that Song Shuhang is indeed difficult to go against the sky, but isn't he even more against the sky now?"

"It seems that although the plug-in is against the sky, the real anti-heavenly plug-in is still the inventor. "

"The inventor is the most bullish!"

Mad Dao Three Waves: "Inventor, look at me, look at me." "

"My Mad Dao Three Waves also has the qualifications to be inventoried. "

"My crazy sword three waves practice for so many years is also a smooth wind, it must also be a hanging ratio, the inventor, you forgot me, hurry up and take stock of me." "

At this moment, where Senior Bai was, he had just finished the retreat, and when he came out, he sensed the terrifying power. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Immediately afterwards, he looked up at the sky and looked at the scene on the sky screen, and Senior Bai was also stunned.

Song Shuhang?

A year of detachment?

There are still such people in this world?

It seems that this son is really a demon.

Even he had to sigh that this Song Shuhang was really against the sky.

I didn't expect that there was such an outrageous anti-heavenly demon in this Kyushu world, which was really eye-opening.

Senior Bai was shocked by Song Shuhang at this moment.

Such a person against the sky is really rare.

As if he had thought of something, Senior Bai's eyes suddenly lit up, and his gaze burned towards the figure in the sky curtain.

Almost instantly, the endless beings of the heavens and realms sensed the majestic momentum of the mighty shore, and even through the heavenly curtain, they could sense the immeasurable rhyme of the mighty shore that could be called vast and indescribable!

"Is Song Shuhang really detached?"

"He's really detached?!"

"Good fellow, this is not a year of detachment, but a second of detachment. "

"Sure enough, inventory is the most anti-heavenly plug-in, outrageous!"

"Demon, really against the sky, worthy of being a guy who uses an induction cooker to refine medicine. "

"Against the sky, it's simply against the sky!"

"Good, good, I don't accept anyone, just serve Song Shuhang!"

"Song Shuhang, this guy is really too top. "

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms were all staring at the young figure on the sky screen in shock at this moment.

One second achieved detachment, and since then, he has been at ease, overlooking countless living beings, and even the heavenly path has been crushed.

In the discussion of the creatures of the heavens and realms, the picture slowly dissipated.

Li Xiaoyao's voice suddenly sounded, spreading throughout the heavens.

【The reward has been distributed, let's start asking questions!】

In an instant, the ten thousand worlds boiled.

The chance of hanging up the comparison has passed, and their chance has finally come!.

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